Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Divine Getaways
Divine Getaways scam, traveling sales men trying to sell bogus, expensive, discount package , Internet
17th of May, 2011 by User569108
This company sent me a "free" 7 night cruise and 2 airline tickets offer if I attended a presentation. Sounded simple. They said all I had to do was pay the taxes and port fees. It sounded to good to be true! Well it was. I went to their seminar in the Embassy Suites Hotel in Santa Ana. It was a good presentation. For a little over $5,000 you got the capability to have the costs of vacation packages at wholesale prices. They gave many examples of what it would cost through Expedia and other websites vs. going through Divine Getaway. The packages were half the cost of what you could get otherwise. It sounded great! Problem was that when you sat down to close the deal with their aggressive sales person, you couldn't think about it and sign up later. I really wish I brought my laptop with me so I could research it before I purchased it. I went ahead and purchased it because it was a great offer. You could get this deal for life and you could sign up 4 family members to use it as well. I made sure however that I could cancel later. They did have a 3 day cancellation policy. The stupid thing was that you couldn't actually see this product or use it until 7 days later. Smart of them! I'm sure most people don't cancel until they receive their online account after 7 days, which is past their cancellation period. If they were so legit, wouldn't you think they would want you to have full access before the cancellation period to see if it really was a good thing for you and your family?? Only a scammer would do it this way! That night after paying $5,200 they handed me my vouchers to get my "free" cruise and airline tickets. I read in small print that you had to pay additional fees just to activate it. I read online that night that people sent in their money but yet never got their trip. They lost over $200 in fees. I never sent mine in. It was all a scam. I also learned that Divine Getaways is a new company (only about 15 days old per their manager) and that the same people keep closing one company and opening up another under a different name. Some who paid all of that money was not able to use the product because of them closing their doors along with other problems. After reading all of the reviews, immediately I sent my cancellation letter and binder via UPS so I would have proof of the cancellation. After they received my package, they had the nerve to still charge my card in the full amount. I sent them e-mails as well as called them. I left messages. Nobody called me back. I had to go through my credit card company to file a dispute. Luckily I have all of my documentation so Divine Getaways will never be able to argue with them and validate the charge. I did finally get a response back from a manager. He was verbally abusive and very unprofessional. I printed them all out in case of needing them for future reference with my credit card company. If you get this postcard in the mail, throw it away!!! It is all a scam. I am sure some people were not as stupid as me to fall for it in the first place without being able to research it before spending that type of money. But I'm sure there are a some people out there who didn't read that small print about the 3 day cancellation and waited for their account to activate after 7 days to try it. If there weren't, they wouldn't keep spending all this money on the hotel banquet rooms and having employees do these presentations throughout the U.S. Divine Getaways will soon close I'm sure and once again they will open up under a new name. I wish the government could step in to really see who has gotten cheated and close them down for good!!
5034 days ago by John Oakley
On the other side of the story, My wife and I went to one of there presentations in Scottsdale. They fully disclosed all the fees, they gave us a user I.D. and password to be able to check out there web site during the three day cooling off peroid.The sales agents and sales manager were very polite and it works just like they said it would.
5032 days ago by Haneyman
The author is accurate. We went to the presentation recently and signed up. After thoroughly researching multiple vacation options we realize this place is a scam, all their prices were the same as Expedia. Beware!!
5030 days ago by MSO
Scam artists for sure...mis-leading in Sacramento, CA. Do not even attend this presentation. This is a scam for sure. You can't access their website for days after they have your money. What they tell they can't deliver. You can get just as good deals on any travel website.

5025 days ago by Taken
We just fall into the same trap. Do anybody know where to send the binder back to. I can't the address to sent it back to. Please write back with an return address to Divine Getaway. Thanks, JT
5024 days ago by Hickox5050
divine getaways - cancellation return address Divine Getaways, 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100,
Reston, VA 20191 - hope that helps anyone needing to cancel - make sure you use certified or some form of receipt of package method to ensure that "DE" doesn't say 'never got' -
5024 days ago by Hickox5050
ps to last post - per Agreement page 2 4. $50 dollar 'restocking' fee and a $100 fee for no return of the impressive 3 ring binder - the" Network Material" ( binder) must go back too or you are dinged for addtl $100.00 - so send that back too with a tracking number to confirm receipt by 'DE'..
5022 days ago by HardSell
We attended a Divine Getaway presentation on June 4, 2011 in San Rafael at the Embassy Suites. I noticed that when we were filling out the forms before our presentation were very unprofessional! The forms did not have a company logo and literally looked as though they were photocopied. The presentation was about the same as the other comments posted on this website. However, the person giving the presentation come across as a scum bag! When the presentation ended, we got the "scum bag" assigned to us to try and get us to purchase this ridiculous travel discount package. He asked us what we thought and we replied that it was quite an investment & we were not in a place to make this type of purchase. He got up without saying a word and left! So unprofessional! He did not even say " ok - thanks for taking the time to come out". He simply walked away from us & out the door! We left immediately afterwards and did not even bother getting our 'free' gift. And its a good thing after reading all the complaints and problems with cancellations! Please do not waste your time going to these presentations and also tell anyone who might consider attending to save their gas & time!
5022 days ago by EJH
The original post is 100% accurate. We attended the presentation at the Embassy suites in Santa Ana. Everything, I repeat everything, was unprofessional. There were enough clues that should have sent us running immediately but we decided to keep an open mind since we were already there. However, after the meeting was over we were POSITIVE that it was a scam. We excused ourselves (to go to the restroom) and did a quick iPhone internet search and our suspicions were confirmed. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. DO NOT WASTE THE TIME EVEN ATTENDING.
FYI, to those of you that are concerned about the “restocking fee” in the agreement, ignore it or fight it (through your credit card company). If you are successful in cancelling the agreement during the 3 day period, it CANCELS the ENTIRE contract; the clause calling for the “restocking fee” is not valid since you are not bound by ANY contract (since it was cancelled). Just send the binder back and tell them to go …..…
Also, keep in mind that the 3day period is three “business days” not three “calendar days”. This is required in California for these types of transactions regardless of the any deceiving contract language. However, do everything in your power to do it immediately so there is no possible way your cancellation can be challenged. Get return receipts AND confirmed delivery from UPSP, UPS or FEDEX.

5020 days ago by *SCAMMED*
BEWARE DIVINE GETAWAYS IS A PART OF A MAJOR SCAM!!! It was this same outfit who hosted a one hour presentation that my husband and I attended about spending X amount of dollars a travel package. After declining to three different approaches from three different sales people, because the price was too high, we were handed a sheet of paper for a 3 day luxury accommodations and 1 free airfare, 50.00 in dining bucks and 50.00 in gasoline. On the back are the instructions on the process to "activate" this "free getaway" - On May 22, 2011 I completed the form, sent in my 70.00 activation fee PLUS a 15.00 5-day rush dollar amount - I've still yet to received anything in the mail. I've called my bank and "Eagles Choice" did cash my check. I've emailed [email protected] and they told me "we just answer the phone and do paper work, you need to email [email protected] they can help you" So I did and still NOTHING. Mind you - I have a June 10, 2011 (today) deadline for travel arrangements (that's why I added the 5-day rush fee) - Well it all ties back to this Divine Getaways. This company is going to "claim" they have nothing to do with the information on the free voucher... then why are they handing out "scam" if they're reputation could be in jeopardy? Don't you think with plenty enough complaints and I’ve read quite a bit, including mine(the internet is riddled with scam complaints from THIS so called outfit, Eagles Choice and Celebrity Productions. Check out - or just type in the word scam and anyone of these three outfits) - hell, just type in the phone number from both Eagles Choice and Celebrity Productions and see what you come up with 888-873-8854 - I no longer can use the voucher I'm sure I'll never get. But dangit, they stole 85.00 and I want it back.!!!
5020 days ago by *SCAMMED*
@ User569108 - Thanks for your story, Thankfully you got your money back. What are the chances of me getting my 85.00 back! Don't hold my breath? - - The Gov. needs to seriously crack down on this fraud ... stupid people like me need to wake up too!!!
5020 days ago by *SCAMMED*
@ John Oakley - funny haha. Dude, we know you're "one of them" so get on out of here!!!
5018 days ago by Lexus53
My husband and I attended a presentation just yesterday, June 10, 2011. We did NOT buy the VIP-Platinum Membership that was presented, It appears to be a scam. We received the "free" gifts, however, there are so many fees involved for the cruise and airline tickets. There is "no expiration or deadline date" on the cards to send monies & redeem the gifts issued. The 8 day cruise require $49 per person activation fee and a check or money order for $98. Then taxes, service charges, fuel surcharges etc, at time to purchase vacation can range from $179 to $259 per person possible more. For future reference, always "google" customer reviews for and the name of the business. You can find information about the business and what consumers have stated and experienced concerning a product or service.
For informative Customer reviews about Divine Getaways go to the following websites:

Hope this information is very helpful
5018 days ago by Lexus53
My husband and I attended a presentation just yesterday, June 10, 2011. We did NOT buy the VIP-Platinum Membership that was presented, It appears to be a scam. We received the "free" gifts, however, there are so many fees involved for the cruise and airline tickets. There is "no expiration or deadline date" on the cards to send monies & redeem the gifts issued. The 8 day cruise require $49 per person activation fee and a check or money order for $98. Then taxes, service charges, fuel surcharges etc, at time to purchase vacation can range from $179 to $259 per person possible more. For future reference, always "google" customer reviews for and the name of the business. You can find information about the business and what consumers have stated and experienced concerning a product or service.
For informative Customer reviews about Divine Getaways go to the following websites:

Hope this information is very helpful
4994 days ago by Ladyygee
I have had the same problem and I told my husband to cancel but he said it was too late...I have been trying to book a vacation and find it not to be helpful at all nothing different than you could find online. What do you suggest that I do?
4971 days ago by Joe21
Even the FREE CRUISE/ FREE HOTEL STAY/ FREE AIRFARE is a damn scam!! This entire thing is a scam and if I ever see the guy who did the presentation im goign to BEAT HIS ASS...We attended..after saying no to their ridiculous bs travel package we were offered a Free 7 Night Cruise, Free Hotel, and Free buy one get one free airfare...We had to send EAGLES CHOICE 100.00 in order to active 100.oo sent...we get the Vouchers. TO ACTIVATE teh cruise voucher u call this number who claims they are NOT affiliated with Eagles choice they just do the cruise admin. They want 55.00 PER PERSON in order to activate it...then she told me we get an email in which we have to respond and give the cruise lines 100.00 in order to THEN see what cruises were available and that would be credited towards our Port charges. Oh...those port charges on a 7day cruise...280.00 Per person!! so lets add this up so far...560+110+100= 770.00...or 385 per person for a 7 day cruise which was supposed to be FREE! oh and u must wait 90 that cruise will be taken in hurricane season...u can get a cruise cheaper than that..not to mention it was supposed to be FREE...what is free about 385.00 ???
4960 days ago by Brianne
Divine Getaways is now going under the name Packaged Vacations. My husband and I attended the presentation last Saturday, August 6, 2011 in Memphis. Luckily we did not buy the package as it was too expensive and the financing they offered was 17.9%. Forget that! We left with a Perfect Select Rewards brochure which supposedly allows us to choose a "free" vacation. We are supposed to mail it in with $299 per person for port charges, tax, etc. so I got online to research the company before sending in a check. I couldn't find anything at all about any company called "Packaged Vacations" which seemed suspicious. Then I noticed on the back of the Rewards Certificate Brochure, the sponsor name is listed as Divine Getaways. I googled that and found this page. I'm glad I looked it up before sending in a check or I would have been duped like so many others!
4953 days ago by Thannya7
They now posted an ad. in craigslist looking for administrative assistant, I was looking for a part time job so I've submited my resume and they got back to me right a way. They said they interviewing people in Marriott Courtyard Rye. in 631 Midlan Ave. Rye NY 10580. PLEASE BEWARE DO GO THERE. When they posted the add, they never mentioned the name of the company so I had to research and I've found out that the email came from a company named Divine Getaway and when I started to read the comments above, I was so scared.
4952 days ago by Anonymous
Eagles Choice, Divine Getaways and Fun Time Vacations, plus more, are all they same sister companies. They are SCAMMING people out of their money, and have the same numbers. They take our money and we never get our "free" cruises or airfares. WE NEED TO CONTACT THE BBB to file complaints on these people. One day these people will hopefully be stopped . . . let's do our part to help them get caught! Heres the number so you can check out 888-873-8854.
4952 days ago by Anonymous
You're right, Brianne! I think "Packaged Vacations" is with Divine Getaways. This must be the new name since so many people are catching on to their other names = Divine Getaways / Eagles Choice / Fun Time Vacations / and now Packaged Vacations. Check out their website - it's brand new and similar to Eagles Choice. you can tell it's fake!! Pass this along so others are aware that these are SCAMS!!!
4900 days ago by Marshall Krupp
On August 5, 2011, I filed formal complaints with the Attorney Generals of the States of California, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia and the U.S. Postal Service Investigations-Fraud unit against Divine Getaways, Reservations Services International, Celebrity Productions LLC, Passport To Travel, Fun Time Vacations, Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises and Carnival Cruise Corporation.

The formal investigation were sought to identify what appears to be a joint conspiracy and fraud perpetrated by these entities with regards to the business practices of conducting vacation membership clubs and which appear to be a scam. I alleged that each of these entities played a specific role in the perpetration of the scam which has resulted in tens of thousands of purchasers paying tens of millions of dollars for services and products which these entities after signing agreements have failed to fulfill. I sought an investigation for the purpose of having the States take specific actions resulting in injunctions against these entities from conducting such business practices and to further pursue legal complaints against these entities as individuals and companies, as applicable.

In March 2011, I received a complimentary promotion card sent to me in a mass mailing through the U.S. Mail in Southern California. It invited me to a promotion presentation of Divine Getaways, a vacation membership club business. Apparently, they had set up a permanent office in one of the local hotel banquet rooms and were using a private drop-off post office box as the business address.

The promotional card provided that the entities sending the card were Carnival Cruise Corporation and US Airways. It provided that a “Complimentary 8-Day/7-Night Cruise for 2 with an outside cabin, leaving from any major port in the U.S.” had been awarded to me as a complimentary gift by simply calling a toll free telephone number and attending a presentation whether or not I purchased the vacation membership club package. The card also indicated “This is not a timeshare or land sale offer”. The promotional card had the official logo of Carnival Cruise Corporation and US Airways imprinted on it and a picture of a Carnival ship.

I returned a telephone call and was advised that this required me to participate in a 90-minute presentation conducted by Divine Getaways. Before attended the presentation, I investigated as to whether or not this company was a reputable vacation membership club business and travel seller authorized to transaction business in the State of California. I contacted the State of California Office of the Attorney General and was advised that Divine Getaways was registered with the State (Registration #2104377) and that the registration expired March 14, 2012.

I recently called the 800 number on the promotional card and was advised that the same program had relocated from its original location and was now being offered under the name “Package Vacation” at a different hotel.

On March 16, 2011, I attended the 90-minute presentation. During the presentation it was represented that Divine Getaways was the legal representative and affiliated with Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Carnival Cruise Corporation, and Reservation Services International. The vacation membership club was offered at a one-time $8, 995.00 membership fee and an annual fee of $149.00, and contained certain terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions. Based on the presentation, representations and negotiations of the terms and conditions, I purchased the membership package for $2, 995.00 and paid the first year’s annual fee of $149.00. After signing all of the documents, I was provided with the “certificate” that would allow me to receive the complimentary and “free” cruise.

In order to receive the free cruise, I was required to mail in a “cruise certification card” to Celebrity Productions LLC in Woodbridge Virginia with a fee of $98.00 payable to Celebrity Productions LLC as the “Vacation Activation” fee. The certificate provided “Upon receipt a reservation forms would be provided within 15-days. The certificate also stated “When you receive your reservation form, you will be responsible to pay your taxes, all services charges, fuel charges, additional security fees due to 911, which will range from $179 to 259 per person, depending on the destination”. The signed certificate and $98.00 was mailed on March 19, 2011 to Celebrity Production LLC. The certificate indicated that the cruise would be on a major cruise line such as Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Norwegian Cruises.

In addition, a second certificate for two round trip airfares was sent to Celebrity Production LLC with a required fee of $70.00. This certificate also had a provision that stated “When you travel you will be responsible to pay your taxes, all service charges, fuel surcharges, additional security and surcharges due to 911 which may range between $50.00 to $65.00 per person”.

I then received from another company, Fun Time Vacation located in Clarksburg Maryland, a "vacation voucher” card which set forth the “Cruise Vacation Details”. In addition, to the card stating the details of the vacations and cruises, it had the logos of Carnival Cruise Corporation, Royal Caribbean, Caribbean Cruise Line and Discover Cruise Lines printed on the card. It was represented that Fun Time Vacation was a legal arm of these companies. Further, the card indicated that in order to register for the free cruise, the vacation voucher had to be registered and that “Travelers are responsible for $29.00 registration fee, government taxes, and cruise fees starting at $59.00 and up depending on length of the vacation. A small fuel charge may apply during peak season”. It also stated "There is a $50.00 per person processing fee require by Carnival/Royal Caribbean cruises only”. Finally, the voucher stated “Celebrity Productions LLC (stamped on the voucher) is not responsible for the fulfillment of these reservations. Fulfillment is the sole responsibility of Fun Time Vacation”.

In order to receive the reservation, on March 13, 2011 a credit card charge of $58.00 and on March 19, 2011 a credit card charge of $100 was processed by Fun Time Vacation in order to receive the reservation.

On or about April 22, 2011, I received a U.S. Mail certified envelop that contained the “Registration Validation Form” as a brochure from Passport To Travel located in Tamp, Florida, now a third company in the process as I was trying to secure the free trip. It provided that the Registration Validation Form be completed and mailed to Passport To Travel with a fee of $75.00 as the “cruise deposit”, and that the participating sponsor was Fun Time Vacation. The Registration Validation Form was issued on April 26, 2011.

At this point, it appeared that in addition to Divine Getaways receiving the initial vacation membership club fees, that three separate and distinct companies, Celebrity Productions LLC, Fun Time Vacations, and Passport To Travel had intervened and had sought and received fees for the processing of three different documents to simply get to the point of being able to make a reservation. I had already spent $326.00 ($98.00 to Celebrity Productions, $70.00 to Celebrity Productions, $100.00 to Fun Tim Vacation and $58.00 to Fun Time Vacation). I chose to pay no further fees to Passport To Travel. After considerable chaos, emails going back and forth, and the threat of litigation, I requested refunds of the prior amounts. On April 13, 2011, I received a refund from Fun Time Vacations in the amount of $58.00. On April 22, 2011, I revived a refund from Fun Time Vacation in the amount of $100.00. On May 13, 2011, I received a refund from Celebrity Productions LLC in the amount of $98.00 and then $70.00. I never received a refund from Divine Getaways or any of the services which were provided for in the Vacation Club Membership I purchased.

Throughout this ordeal that began in March 2011, a Ms. Leslie Lenel, Director of Administration for Divine Getaways had consistently represented in emails and telephone calls that she would resolve this matter and arrange for the cruise reservation. She failed to follow through on any of her commitments.

I now understand that there is a parent entity by the name of Global Holidays, Inc. also involved. Additionally, I have determined that there are other entities involved in this matter including LifeSource Foundation, Inc. and God's Luv International Ministries Church. I have also determined that the lead person involved in the religious and vacation club membership entities is a Pastor Pierre Bennett. Pastor Bennett is the President and founder of LifeSource Foundation, Inc. and is the creator of God’s Luv International Ministry, both of which are non-profit religious institutions that are promoted to be philanthropic and faith based.

In addition to Pastor Pierre Bennett being affiliated with all of these entities, it is shown on the LifeSource Foundation website that Ms. Leslie Lenel is a member of the Board of Directors of LifeSource Foundation, Inc. and the direct contact person for Pastor Bennett and these entities as the Administrative Director of Divine Getaways and the other travel companies. In addition, her husband is a member of the Advisory Board of LifeSource Foundation, Inc.

There are tens of thousands of individuals in States throughout the nation which are victims of the vacation club membership scheme that is being implemented by Pastor Bennett and Ms. Lenel through either LifeSource Foundation, Inc., God’s Luv International Ministry, Global Holidays, Inc. and the various other affiliated entities.

Other companies related to Pastor Bennett include Paradise Escapes, Inc. also doing business as Divine Getaways, Packaged Vacations and Fantasy Vacations, and Package Vacations, LLC, and Global Holidays, Inc. As it becomes publically known what the schemes are that are being offered by these entities, they relocate to other geographic locations to re-establish business activity using the same tactics. They most often establish temporary business offices in hotel conference rooms to conduct their activities and implement their schemes. They avoid establishing permanent business locations where they are conducting their business.

In Johnson County, Olathe, Kansas, the District Attorney in August 2011 filed a temporary restraining order against the vacation companies Paradise Escapes, Inc., also doing business under the names Divine Getaways, Packaged Vacations and Fantasy Vacations. Similar actions are being initiated in other states, while some states have not pursued this due to not having received adequate complaints to date to begin an investigation and not having conducted the required investigations.

I have confirmed that Pastor Bennett is the founder and president of Global Holidays, Inc., a travel and marketing company which is stated to be based in Vienna, Virginia. Global Holidays, Inc. is a corporation formed in the State of Virginia (SCC ID: 06418552) July 22, 2005. Their address is 12020 Sunrise Valley Road, Suite 100, Reston, Virginia 20191.

I have also confirmed that Pastor Bennett is the President and Executive Director of LifeSource Foundation, Inc. which is stated to be based in the State of Virginia (SCC ID: 06310353) and formed February 4, 2005. In addition, God's Luv International Ministries, Inc. was formed by Pastor Bennett in the State of Virginia (SCC ID: 07312200) on December 15, 2010. The principal address of these entities is 2427 Cabots Point Land, Reston, Virginia 20191.

The website for LifeSource Foundation indicates that their contact information is LifeSource Foundation, Inc., 12138 Central Avenue 664, Mitchellville, MD 20721, 703-956-5066, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

The website for God's Luv International Ministries Church indicates that their contact information is Lake Anne Village Center, 1609-A Washington Plaza N., Reston, Virginia 20190, 703-395-1430 [email protected]

Ms. Lenel’s and Divine Getaways contact information is Divine Getaways, 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100, Reston, Virginia 20191, 703-476-2286 (office), [email protected]

On October 3, 2011 I filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service to seek appropriate steps related to these entities seeking civil and criminal remedies.

The actions of these entities are clear evidence that these entities appear to have conspired and conducted fraud resulting in direct damages to me and other.

As one reviews the Internet, it appears that this scam is being conducted all over the United States and that there are hundreds, if not thousands of people that are being misled and taken advantage of. They are continuing to conduct business in California and in the States of Florida, Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. without any enforcement of State and Federal laws, rules and regulations. Their conduct is continuing the perpetration of fraudulent business practices on others, thereby causing damages in the tens of millions of dollars.

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