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Digital Media Partners
Digital Media Partners, Inc./ Brook C. Smith Brook C. Smith Fraud Company, DID NOT PAY ANY EMPLOYEES, LIED to new Partnership HPN Global/Investors , B
9th of May, 2011 by User345696
Digital Media Partners, Inc. / Brook C. Smith is a scam company and artist. He never paid any of his employee's for any work that was completed. He has a new partnership with HPN Global located Scottsdale, Arizona. He has scammed several investors in the process. His business is not registered and is in bad standing with Better Business Bureau and owes back taxes. Do not trust this business or this man.Digital Media Partners, Inc. & Brook C. Smith is currenly under investation as fraud and is currenly being sued.Digital Media Partners, Inc. former employee's want justice served.
4855 days ago by Doubtful4areason
Interesting. I just looked up the company on BBB website and got nothing good or bad back. Are you sure your just not on a bashing rage?
4855 days ago by Doubtful4areason
And after researching the supposed lawsuit I found one but it was against Digital Media Services, a completely different company. You are literally the only person on the WORLD WIDE WEB that has anything bad to say about Brook or his company. Good luck with that...
4852 days ago by Suzeq
I wonder if this Is this the same Brook Smith that screwed us...years ago. He is not to be trusted. We never did get our money back. Be cautious people. Only God knows and he will receive his punishment with the others that were involved on judgement day!
4813 days ago by Scammedbyascammer
yes it is the same brook smith...doubtfulforareason...he is a scam artist and did not pay anyone..i lost my place because i didn't not receive a paycheck and he is being sued at the moment
4536 days ago by Johnnylaw
This guy is a complete bullshit artist. Beware!!!
4468 days ago by Lasvegaslawprofessionals
The only one that wins in his game is him. Several complaints are under investigation.
4424 days ago by MONEYTALKS
4305 days ago by Unknown101
Yes It is true Brook C Smith is a scam artist. He hired me and things were good at first and then oneday I took my check to the bank and they truned me away. He has several Labor disputes againxt him in Las Vegas NV for not paying his employees and then he turns around and fires them saying that they stole things from him. I worked very close to him while being his assistant and as a result of him not paying me me and my childern were evicted from our home. He tried to blame it on ADP patroll company and in the end he just picked up and disappeared not paying any of his payroll. To this day he still owes me over $3000 in payroll. He is not to be tursted in anyway and if you do come across him be very careful. And for anyone who thinks Im just bashing him I have documents and paperwork to back ip all my claims.
4300 days ago by Doubtful 2
Wow, this is startling. I know a Brook Smith and thought the world of him. He is very smart and personable. This could be the same Brook Smith that borrowed $1000 from me and claimed he never got paid from his vendors and could not pay me and made a host of excuses and sob stories about it and eventually just ignored the situation. He never paid me back. My encounter with him is I met him on a dating site a couple of years ago and he said he was widowed for years and no children. He flew me out to LV and we kept in touch but it started quickly taking a turn for the worse with him saying how people were doing him wrong, how much debt he was in, how his employees were turning on him. I was feeling bad for him and started believing his stories until the stories he started telling me did not make sense and when I finally realized that he scammed me out of $1000. Later I found out that he is on several dating sites and may be scamming women all over from Florida, to Arizona, to California, to Ohio to Chicago. It is very sad and wrong what he is doing but it is good that there is a site where people can spread the word to beware of people who purposely go around misusing other people. I agree that if you come across him be very careful as he is smart, and charismatic and cunning.
4282 days ago by Unknown102
Doubtful 2 yes it is the same person. The labor commission is currently looking for him as we speak he now owes me $8000 dollars and is running and hiding from the law suits. He is a lier and a scam artist. Doubtful4areason you can believe his les if you want to but the BBB wont touch his company because of the standing Labor disputes with the Las vegas Labor Commission who is currently looking for him for lost wages in the amount of $8000 and I have the documention to back up all of my claims and he even tried to blame it on his old payroll company ADP payroll who dropped him as a client and even Chase Bank dropped his business account for to many bad check against the account. I HAVE THE PROOF. ANY ONE OUT THERE WANTING TO SUE HIM WITH ME PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE CONTACT INFO (EMAIL ADDRESS) AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU SO WE CAN BRING THIS MAN DOWN AND PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!
4236 days ago by Doubtful 2
Yes, it definitely is the same person. Every now and then he will text or call me and I ignore his contacts. Last time I spoke to him was last May. He was in Orlando Florida claiming he had an office there and was doing well with business. Now that I know he is a total creep I will run for the hills to stay away from him. "UNKNOWN", I recall him mentioning about two assistants, one who worked for him for a short time. This was about a year or so ago and I cannot recall the name but the other assistant I recall the name Lisa. In both cases his stories did not make sense about why they quit. From this site I can imagine what truly went down. Good luck to all in getting restitution and thank God or whatever Higher Power you believe in that he is out of your life!
4110 days ago by Nikd
I am one of the employees who has not gotten paid and other dealings with this man were unresolved. Ive continuously tried contacting and leaving messages with no response. my email is [email protected] for responses or questions thanks
3645 days ago by Annie619
We are a small church that willingly, through our faith in God, paid his company over $1, 200 to attend a conference. His company then canceled the conference only 2 days before. We received a note from him and was told our reimbursement was coming. Lo and behold it is now over 4 months later and no sign of any reimbursement. But the sad part is we were told by his accounting department that the check was mailed on July 8th. Wow the mail is slow! Now his wife, Gloria, told us in August that they were going to reimburse the monies owed to the church. But yet again, no check was ever mailed. Now Gloria is angry at us for fighting back with her social media! I have posted on their Facebook page, have sent e-mails to those who are supposedly scheduled for their new conference in Orlando on October 28th. But when questioned about the return of our money, I was compared to Satan himself by these "Christian" people. All we asked for was our reimbursement from them. How is that the work of Satan?
3332 days ago by Brianatkinson
In February, 2015, Brook C. Smith signed (using a font instead of his legal signature) a contract to hire me as a speaker at four of the Vision of Twelve, Going Digital for His Kingdom conferences. He rescheduled the May, 2015 conference, and said that a rescheduling fee was in the mail. He lied. The date for the rescheduled conference in August, 2015 came near, and there was no word about travel, and I hadn’t received the deposit check yet. He told me that the check was on the way, and he was working on the travel, and then he went silent.

He quit responding to emails, and didn’t return phone calls. The conference date came and went, and still nothing. According to one of the other speakers, he explained my absence, saying that there were "extenuating circumstances." An email, supposedly from his accountant arrived explaining that checks were being mailed. He lied.

I sent him and Vision of Twelve LLC a certified letter, but it came back unopened as the business address has been vacated without a forwarding address.

Stay as far away from Brook C. Smith as you can. His wife Gloria Smith is clearly in on it with him as well.
3324 days ago by Heyarkay
I have had a similar experience with Brook with a non-profit I used to work for. He promised us lots of donations and exposure at his conferences. I always assumed his flakiness was a mixture of obliviousness and ineptitude, but it seems there's something more sinister and pathological going on. I would highly suggest avoiding this guy completely. Too bad. He seemed so nice on the phone.

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