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Delphine G.Lee and Wilbert T. Lee multi pyramid scam
Delphine G. Lee and Wilbert T. Lee LKY multi pyramid scam
13th of Nov, 2011 by bongolanchristian
Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos arrested for bank fraud and scam

This is to warned the public to be careful of Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos of LKY Hotel and resort a big time swindler and scammer. Millions of dollars have been stolen by the use of their fraudulent cards.
Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos is already in police custody and it turned out that the suspect is also wanted by the FBI , NBI and also by the international police for various crime and estafa case.
It is understood that the suspect Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos was arrested while relaxing in a Presidential Suite in one of the lodge in LKY Hotel and Resort.
A bank was recently reported to have lost about U.S One million dollar through Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos credit card scams.
Lodges and tour operators have reportedly become their favoured victims of such criminal activity.
In an interview with the FBI, NBI Detective of the Criminal Investigation Department in Manila said that San Juan city is now being hit by Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos scam syndicate.
He said Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos syndicate uses either Internet or SMS to defraud their victims.
FBI explained that they are investigating a case in which a tour operator in Makati who allegedly lost about One hundred thousand dollar through fraudulent credit cards, adding that the money was apparently transferred to Delphine G. Lee and Wilbert T. Lee account.
He said they had already arrested Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T.Santos who is allegedly linked to the scam syndicate.
4882 days ago by Loidagarcia
LKY group multi pyramid scam
4880 days ago by Augusto Cubias Jr

This information (posted in SCAM INFORMER on 13 November 2001 allegedly by one loida garcia) is a BLATANT LIE and meant merely to malignthe integrity and persons of Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos, and the LKY GROUP as a whole being a legitimate business organization.

WE, in the LKY GROUP, do not know the person of LOIDA GARCIA, or the person who has propelled this lies, or the reason why unscrupulous or disgruntled persons are out to destroy the good names of Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos.

It is entirely false that Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos had stolen credit cards, now or at any time inthe past;

It is entirely false that WIlbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos are swindlers and/or scammers, and never has they been, individually or collectively, a swindler or scammer, now or at any time in the past;

It is likewise untrue that Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, or Ruben T. Santos, individually or collectively, had defrauded anyone, directly or indirecely, now or at any time in the past;

It is not true that WIlbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos are now in police custody, or had been in police custody at any time in the past; In truth, these person are currently holding office at their respective offices;

It is not true that Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and/or Ruben T. Santos were arrested, and likwise untrue that they were arrested while resting at the Presidential Suite of LKY Hotel.

It is also untrue that a bank (no name) has reported to have lost one million dollars through credit card scam allegedly done by Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos.

It is entirely untrue that the FBI or NBI has conducted an investigation, relevant to the alleged credi5t card scam, as against Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos;

It is wholly untrue that WIlbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos are in anyway involved, durectly or indirectly, individually or collectively, in any scam syndicate, now or at any time in the past;

It is entirely untrue that Wilbert T. Lee was arrested due to any scam as depicted in the banner Information of SCAM INFORMER and RIPOFF REPORT;

WE, the LKY GROUP, makes this official statement, in order to belie as false and untrue the comlpaint report posted in SCAM INFORMER and RIPOFF REPORT, and that this official statement is made urgent and prompted due to the fact that there is an urgent need to protect the good reputation and umblemish characters of WIlbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos, before the bar of public opinion and before the public using the web;

The LKY GROUP is bent in pursuing relentlessly criminal and civil actions against the perpetrator of these lies using the web, under the existing lasw on cyber crimes.

It islamentable that the perpetrator is an epitome of cowardice, who is hiding under the cloak of borrowed names, in his desire to inflict injury and damage to the persons of Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos.


Important: should anybody obtain information as to the identity of person/s propelling lies in the web, or the identity of this perpetrator, and as to his whereabouts, you are at liberty to contact Atty. Augusto Yu Cubias, Jr. in his mobile number (+063)0920-931-8284 ot at his email address: [email protected]. The informer shall be kept confidential and shall be rewarded accordingly.

3 hours 51 minutes ago by Augusto Cubias Jr

erratum: the mobile number of Atty. Augusto Yu CUbias, Jr., Legal and Corporate Affairs of LKY Group is +063-920-931-8284.
4880 days ago by Hruser
A Personal Disclaimer:

I am MR. CHRISTIAN ALFRED CARRANZA BONGOLAN, currently working as HR Manager of LKY GROUP. Recently, my name has been unfairly and illegally exploited in the web by some persons of corrupt and deceitful motives. For this reason, I deemed it proper to chastise as highly indecent and dishonest the use of my name without my prior consent.

While my name (written as -christianbongolan) appeared in the website of RIPOFF REPORT dated November 12, 2011 as one who authored and posted a derogatory report dubbed as: “Delphine G. Lee and Wilbert T. Lee, LKY Group, Johnson Legaspi, Delphine G. Lee and Wilbert T. Lee Arrested for credit card fraud, Albay, Nationwide” and docketed by the website as Report #797462, let it be known and be certain to the public that I did not nor have I written, authored, or posted such derogatory report against anybody, lest against Wilbert T. lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos. Some unscrupulous or perhaps disgruntled persons must have unlawfully used or exploited my name without my consent. In using my name and not the true name of the perpetrator of the derogatory report, such perpetrator had simply demonstrated a high degree of cowardice.

Once again, I vehemently deny having authored and posted the most derogatory report against Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee, and Ruben T. Santos, as the report appeared in RIPOFF REPORT under Report # 797462.

Should there be any further inquiry, please be free to contact me through my office number +6324707765. Thank you.
4880 days ago by Augusto Cubias Jr
Dear Readers,

Banner Story/report posted in by user115836 posted on 11 Nov. 2011 is NO DIFFERENT from what appeared in and Hence, another hoax and untrue banner story/report, and a mere propaganda.

On 13 November 2011, a story/report of bank fraud and credit card scam was uploaded in and in maliciously implicated Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos, with the intent to unfairly and unlawfully malign and defame their good names and reputation before the public using the web.

After a careful search, the story/report was found out to have been merely copied in toto from an earlier story/report posted by User408855 in last 12 October 2011 involving one Lourdes Tiu Tan of Cebu City.

We have provided hereunder a sentence-to-sentence comparison of both stories/reports, resulting to show clearly that the perpetrator/author of subject story/report merely replaced the name LOURDES TIU TAN with the names DELPHINE LEE and RUBEN T. SANTOS, and the name KATHRYN DY TIU was simply replaced with the name of DELPHINE G. LEE and WILBERT T. LEE.

Hence, it can be surmised that the uploaded story/report, posted by one Loida Garcia, about bank fraud and credit card scam, implicating Wilbert T. Lee, Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos, on 13 November 2011, is ENTIRELY UNTRUE and MERELY A PROPAGANDA.

The original names and words (posted on 12 October 2011 by User408855) are underlined, and the alterations (posted on 13 November 2011 by loida garcia) are underlined and in italics, for easy references and emphasis.



Lourdes Tiu Tan Lourdes Tiu Tan Lourdes Tiu Tan arrested for bank fraud and scam Cebu, Internet [posted in on 12 Oct. 2011 by User408855]

Delphine G. Lee and Wilbert T. Lee arrested for bank fraud and scam LKY Group Multi pyramid scam [posted in on 13 Nov. 2011 by loidagarcia]


1. Lourdes Tiu Tan arrested for bank fraud and scam.

Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos arrested for bank fraud and scam.

2. This is to warned the public to be careful of Lourdes Tiu Tan a big time swindler
and scammer.

This is to warned the public to be careful of Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos
a big time swindler and scammer.

3. Millions of dollars have been stolen by the use of her fraudulent cards.

Millions of dollars have been stolen by the use of their fraudulent cards.

4. Lourdes Tiu Tan is already in police custody and it turned out that the suspect is
also wanted by the FBI, NBI and also by the international police for various crime
and estafa case.

Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos is already in police custody and it turned
out that the suspect is also wanted by the FBI, NBI and also by the international
police for various crime and estafa case.

5. It is understood that the suspect Lourdes Tiu Tan was arrested while relaxing in a
Presidential Suite in one of the lodges in Cebu City;

It is understood that the suspect Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos was
arrested while relaxing in a Presidential Suite in one of the lodges in LKY Hotel
and Resort.

6. A bank was recently reported to have lost about U.S. One million dollar through
Lourdes Tiu Tan credit card scams.

A bank was recently reported to have lost about U.S. One million dollar through
Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos credit card scams.

7. Lodges and tour operators have reportedly become her favoured victims of such
criminal activity.

Lodges and tour operators have reportedly become her favoured victims of such
criminal activity.

8. In an interview with the FBI, NBI Detective of the Criminal Investigation
Department in Manila said that Cebu city is now being hit by Lourdes Tiu Tan
scam syndicate.

In an interview with the FBI, NBI Detective of the Criminal Investigation
Department in Manila said that San Juan city is now being hit by Delphine G. Lee
and Ruben T. Santos scam syndicate.

9. He said Lourdes Tiu Tan syndicate uses either internet or SMS to defraud their

He said Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos uses either internet or SMS to
defraud their victims.

10. FBI explained that they are investigating a case in which a tour operator in
Makati who allegedly lost about One hundred thousand dollar through fraudulent
credit cards, adding that the money was apparently transferred to Kathryn Dy Tiu

FBI explained that they are investigating a case in which a tour operator in Makati
who allegedly lost about One hundred thousand dollar through fraudulent credit
cards, adding that the money was apparently transferred to Delphine G. Lee and
Wilbert T. Lee account.

11. He said they had already arrested Lourdes Tiu Tan who is allegedly linked to the
scam syndicate.

He said they had already arrested Delphine G. Lee and Ruben T. Santos who is
allegedly linked to the scam syndicate.

Note: as the malicious perpetrator has changed the subject from singular to plural, he/she did not even bother correcting likewise the grammar.
4871 days ago by Augusto Cubias Jr
21 November 2001



Dear Readers,

By now, you must have known, by yourselves or through others, that certain derogatory reports about the claimed involvement of WILBERT T. LEE, DELPHINE G. LEE, and RUBEN T. SANTOS in the alleged pyramid scam, and/or bank credit card fraud, that came out in the web, on November 11-14, 2011, through the following websites:,, and

In summary, the derogatory report stated that DELPHINE G. LEE and RUBEN T. SANTOS were arrested due to their link with bank fraud and scam, having stolen millions of dollars using fraudulent credit cards. As such, the persons are now in police custody. But the report further stated that the FBI and NBI are investigating a case involving a tour operator who lost one hundred thousand dollars occasioned by the alleged scam.

At the first instances, we have strongly belied the report since it is NOT TRUE that DELPHINE G. LEE and RUBEN T. SANTOS were ever involved in any credit card scam or pyramiding or bank fraud. Likewise, it is also NOT TRUE that said persons were arrested, and lest are in police custody. Also, it is NOT TRUE that an investigation is or has ever been conducted by FBI or NBI with respect to the loss of one hundred thousand dollars due to the alleged scam. In sum, any and all the claims in the report are nothing but BLATANT LIES, PREPOSTEROUS, PERCEPTIVELY ABSURD, and ENTIRELY BASELESS.

After a diligent search, we found out that the derogatory report has been PLAGIARIZED and merely COPIED (cut and paste) from an earlier report posted in on October 12, 2011 involving one named LOURDES TIU TAN of Cebu City, under the following links:



In the same way, we have found out that the derogatory report that appeared in (against DELPHINE G. LEE and RUBEN T. SANTOS) was likewise PLAGIARIZED and COPIED (cut and paste) from an earlier report posted on October 10 and 13, 2011, involving one named LOURDES TIU TAN of Cebu City, under the following links:



In a similar fashion, we have found out that the derogatory report posted in was merely lifted in toto from the aforementioned links, by way of substituting the name of LOURDES TIU TAN with that of the names of DELPHINE G. LEE and RUBEN T. SANTOS.

As we have further searched the origin of the derogatory report, we found out that the perpetrator has simply COPIED the report from a news item published by the Philippine Daily Inquirer on July 9, 2008 involving one named SIMOUN S. UNG of the Philippine Veterans Bank, who was accused of bank credit card fraud.

THEREFORE, if the derogatory reports against WILBERT T. LEE, DELPHINE G. LEE, and RUBEN T. SANTOS were just COPIED, REPRODUCED or DUPLICATED from earlier reports of similar import, THEN, these derogatory reports are purely UNFOUNDED, BOGUS, UNTRUE, MISLEADING, and SIMPLY A FABRICATION.

It can be surmised that the derogatory reports are simply meant to destroy and to cast dishonor to the good names and decent reputations of WILBERT T. LEE, DELPHINE G. LEE, and RUBEN T. SANTOS in the cyber and business community, where they have been regarded with utmost integrity and probity.

While it is but lamentable that the true identity of the evil perpetrator is yet unknown, this will not be for long, since the innocent victims have already filed their corresponding complaints before the NBI and CIDG, primarily to determine the true identity of the evil perpetrators, with the end in view of filing criminal charges against them under the existing law on cyber crimes.

As we have challenged the perpetrator to surface and squarely confront us with the veracity of his derogatory report, of which he/she will not, we have earmarked a significant sum as a reward to whosoever can lead us in identifying this perpetrator, so as he/she can be fully accountable for his/her actions. Any interested party may call the undersigned at +63-920-931-8284.

HENCE, we strongly and vehemently DENY as ENTIRELY FALSE the veracity of the derogatory report against WILBERT T. LEE, DELPHINE G. LEE, and RUBEN T. SANTOS that appeared in,, and

Thank you.

Atty. Augusto Yu Cubias, Jr.
Legal and Corporate Affairs

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