CRICKET MOBILE SERVICE Scam Denver, Colorado |
10th of May, 2011 by User142260 |
Two days ago, I purchased a CRICKET phone off of When the phone arrived, I followed the instructions which stated that I needed to enter *228 to activate my new phone. When I tried, I received a message that I could not do it via the *228 method and needed to call customer service. After four unsuccessful tries with customer service (the automated machine did not recognize my phone number, zip code, and b-day), I was finally able to speak with a customer service representative. Once on the line with the customer service representative, I was told that because I was switching my phone number to a new phone, it would take 24 hours to have my phone activated because of some new security system that CRICKET had just implemented. I was told by the customer rep. that within the 24 hour time frame my line would be activated and to expect for the phone to be working by the following morning. After rescheduling an interview for the following morning, I waited. As the following morning approached, my phone was still not activated. I called Cricket immediately, spent another half an hour trying to get the automated machine to recognize my personal information so that I could speak with another customer service rep. After finally reaching one, I was told that my line would be activated within 15 to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, my line was still not activated. I then called Cricket again spoke with another customer service rep. I explained that I was told that my phone would be activated in a half an hours time but to no avail. The customer rep. had no idea what I was talking about and so I demanded to speak with a supervisor. After putting me on hold for 25 minutes, I was put in contact with another customer service rep., not a supervisor. When I spoke with the customer service rep. I again explained my issue and was told that my phone would be activated within 15 -30 minutes. When I told him that I was told the same thing an hour earlier, he scoffed at my complaint and replied with, listen it will be activated! After forty minutes, my phone was still not activated. By 11:50, I had reached the 24 hour mark which was the longest amount of time that it should have taken to activate my line. I called once again to Cricket and spoke with another customer rep. and then demanded to speak with their supervisor. When I spoke with that supervisor. I was told that because Cricket made an error on my account (had nothing to do with a new security system) that it could take up to 48 hours to activate my line. At that point, I blew my lid and demanded answers. I kept getting the same excuse that my ticket was in line to be processed so that my line could be activated and I responded with, what happened to the origional ticket and taking 24 hours to correct? The supervisor had no explanation. I explained that without a phone, it was costing me money because I am an independent contractor. Again, the supervisor did not care. To make matters worse, NOT ONE customer service rep. or supervisor was willing to give me their identification numbers. Explain that one! I still have yet to have my account activated. |
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