Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Credit Mastery Challenge
Credit Mastery Challenge Lang Smith NEVER DELIVERED !! NEVER GOT REFUND, Internet
11th of May, 2011 by User914123
I paid Lang Smith $2,000 to repair my credit before I found out it was illegal to request money upfront for credit repair. He told me it would take 30 calendar days before my negative credit was removed and replaced with 3 primary tradelines, I paid Lang Smith via Paypal to Debt Solutions LLC. 30 calendar days later he said that the company he was going through required more clients in order to process the credit repair, he told me this 30 DAYS AFTER THE FACT. He asked that I stick with him and try his CPN program and he wouldn't charge me another dime upfront but a backend fee upon funding, he stated this would take 45 calendar days. He provided a CPN number in 3 days and 45 days later which was suppose to include several tradelines...The tradelines never posted and I requested a refund immediately. He agreed to refund me in 5 business days and to confirm via email and never did so after several emails, phone calls and text messages he never answered me again until now. He said it would take another 30 days to pay me because he doesn't wanna throw his "Books" off. He claims to make OVER SIX FIGURES A MONTH but can't pay me because of tax purposes....He's full of sh*t. I advise you to don't deal with Lang Smith or else you want excuses and lies, I'm contacting the FBI and my attorney general, even if I don't get my money back, I want this guy o know you can't scam innocent people !!
5050 days ago by Lsmithenterprise
This guy is so full of crap. There's always someone out there that no matter what you do or say they will always complain.

First of all I have a credit restoration and education company. CPN's are not even my business. I explained to this guy that I could get him what he wanted because I was in this industry and I know reputable sources. I also explained to him that they were out of my control.

He said he understood completely.

He borrowed the money to get into this program(offered by others) and I spoke with the very person who lent him the money and the guy was not concerned and even admitted he should have never lent it to this guy.

I have a signed contract from him stating that there were NO REFUNDS for this service because I didn't control it.

I will be happy to show it to anyone who requests it.

According to my source the tradelines missed their reporting date so I called him up and let him know the situation and EVEN THOUGH he signed a contract STATING NO REFUNDS that I would be happy to refund his money but I needed to go through the proper procedures to protect myself.

I explained to him that according to my processors his money should be refunded in 3 - 5 business days ASSUMING there were NO DELAYS. I never promised him that time frame. I explained that it was a normal time frame in MOST cases but not all.

My processor got delayed so I explained to him that his refund would take a little longer but that it would be coming. I also explained to him that credit repair and education was my business so I had no control over the refund and that I would be happy to return his money within the 30 day time frame.

I explained to him that his money would be refunded in 30 days OR LESS. There would be a check cut to him and sent to his address.

I also explained to this guy that according to our contract there are no refunds so I didn't even have to refund his money but because I have a really good reputation in this industry I would be happy to refund his money.

He got pissed off. I later found out this guy had been borrowing money from other people and now they were pushing him pretty hard to get it back.

I later found out HE HIMSELF had already scammed someone else out of $2000. I spoke to this person myself and he's willing to offer up written proof that this guy is nothing but a con artist himself trying to make me look bad because he was robbing peter to pay paul.

He got himself into a huge mess owing other people money and now he's trying to place the blame on me and my company even though I'm under no obligation to refund his money according to the contract.

CPN's are NOT my business. I specialize in credit and I have plenty of solid reputable companies, celebrities, and individuals to back up my service.

It sucks that people always find a way to blame others.

I run a nationwide firm and this guy thinks I can just wire money back to him the same day because he got himself into a mess.

Ask yourself this...If Verizon owes you $400 and you're speaking with them over the phone can you just give them your wiring information and have them wire that money to you right then? NO!

They tell you they will cut a check from corporate and you will get it in 4-6 WEEKS!

I feel sorry for this guy. His name is Elliot Adams and according to my sources He's FAR from innocent. My reputation speaks for itself.
5050 days ago by Lsmithenterprise
Elliot I feel sorry for you man. I have full documentation of all contracts you signed. That alone speaks for itself. I agreed to give you your refund back asap so you could pay back all the people you owe but you chose different.

This Steve Rhodes guy is a joke. His entire blog is based on hearsay. He's never used my credit services. Anyone can sign up on a company list and post the email across the web. For every 1 person you say you have against me I can show you 100 that can prove you wrong based on the results I've done for them.

Bottom stuff works. You can't please everyone in this country as most celebrities figure out really quickly. If anyone actually listens to a word coming out of your mouth then I don't want them as a customer anyway.

I'm here to help people not the other way around. You're 22 year's old and your mad that things didn't work the way you wanted them on YOUR schedule. I'm sorry for that. I offered to break MY OWN contract and refund your money and you got angry.

The fact that you think Steve Rhodes is anyone shows how immature you are. There are over 80 MILLION people that need credit help and education in this country alone. Your lies are only doing me a favor. All you're doing is weeding out the information seekers or the ones that don't want to be helped because I promise you that REAL people that want HELP end up coming to me for one reason:


The people that do business with me know I'm real. Anyone else doesn't matter.

FYI...slandering a company's good name with lies IS however illegal.

Expect a lawsuit to land on your step really soon. My attorney's are drawing up the paperwork now.

Good luck!
4991 days ago by ChristineL
Hello Google Searchers,

I too paid Lang Smith for his services and he did not deliver the results he

He also promised me a refund and he warned me if I were to complain online
that I could kiss that refund good bye.

Guess what, the refund will never be delivered because Lang simply doesn't have
the money otherwise, he would have paid Elliott by now, he would have refunded
my money and the other 12 people he states he owes a refund.

How can a person who owns the title to a three story home and generates
multiple six figures a year not have a few thousand dollars available to make
things right with the people who gave him money when he didn't deliver on his

Lang will, in his most "honest and sincere" voice, reassure you that these complaints
against him are "misunderstandings." He even told me that Elliot was the scammer
so I have no idea what he is going to tell you about me but rest assured he will have
some justification for you to disregard this post.

Don't be fooled. I put my money and my trust in Lang Smith.

I have lived to regret it...

I just wanted to comment on this thread to let everyone know
that this is a serious post to be considered if you are considering
handing your money over to Lang Smith.

I don't have much time now but I will be back her tomorrow
starting my own thread against Lang and all of his companies
individually and I recommend Elliot do the same.

I have also contacted my attorney to send Lang a demand letter
and as soon as that letter is completed, I will post it here.

I have also purchased the domain name:


I am going to write a case study of my situation with Lang and update it on a
monthly basis as to whether or not I have received my promised refund...

I am not holding my breath.

The case study will detail my trials and tribulations and the many delays and
mis-direction tactics that Lang used on me to keep me pacified and unquestioning
of whether or not his "systems" were working for me.

Rest assured, if Lang is promising you another thirty days while the banks do
this or that, or if he is promising you another 60 days and he can get you even
more funding or if he is promising you another 45 days while the credit bureaus
"update their records" then he is using the same stall tactics that he used on me
and others.

LangSmithCreditRepairScam will be on the first page of Google within the next
30 to 90 days and anyone who is doing their due diligence on Lang Smith will have
access to the truth.

I will only tell my truth as my grandmother always told me, "There are no victims, only
volunteers" so I have to own my responsibility in being taken in by this too-good-to-be-true

This is not about revenge. This is about me taking my power back and empowering others
to make a better decision than I did when I took my 2 little girls out of preschool to pay Lang
$2, 500.00 for his services.

I made that decision because I believed in Lang and I thought I was doing the best thing
for my family.

I was wrong.

I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake that I made. If you decide to do business
with Lang after I reveal the complete truth to you then you can only hold yourself accountable
for the results you receive by putting your trust in the untrustworthy Lang Smith.

Til tomorrow,
4991 days ago by ChristineL
Hello again,

That domain name is:

...and the website should be up by Friday.

4980 days ago by Souljagirl06
o wow this guy sounds like i no of him like he did some work for my hubby and I!But never gave us our mom back or did anything on our credit!but the name he gave was differnt!
4964 days ago by Lsmithenterprise

Listen, Now a days anyone can get on the net and complain about you so there's nothing I can do about that.

Hell, walmart has complaints online all day, that doesn't mean they are a total scam.

For every 1 person that's upset about my company I have 100 more that say different. I welcome anyone who wants to challenge that.

I pride myself in explaining all the details up front and getting signed applications to prove it.

I have a signed application by Christine that say very clearly NO REFUNDS!

Why do I put that in my application?

Because the banking industry is unpredictable as we all have seen lately. I explained to her upfront that I can NEVER promise a specific amount of funding once completed but that she will have a CPN number that she can use for privacy reason only which is what my application states that she signed.

I can't fixed stupidity.

People always want to blame others when things don't go their way and that's what this is.

Once we got done with her file and pulled her credit it turned out she had 5 other numbers that were appearing to be social security numbers.

This in itself is FRAUD!

Now, she's wasting her energy going after me on the net instead of putting it into something more productive like providing for herself.

Again, I can't fix stupidity.

Certain things are out of my control. Had I had known from the beginning that she had made 5 attempts to defraud creditors I would not have even taken her as a client.

A CPN is perfect legal as stated on the fbi website:

If I had known she had taken her little girls out of school to pay for the program I would have declined her right then and there because if you can't afford it then it's not for you.

It can be used for privacy purposes only NOT to defraud creditors and I told her all this. She had plenty of chances to come clean and explain her attempts in the past.

I have a copy of her signed contract stating all this if anyone would like to see it.

If you're reading this and you truly believe that I'm in the wrong here then please look to other means of repairing your credit because I'm definitely not a good fit for you.

I help the people who want to be help NOT people who don't.

I've been in business for over 6 years and have a laundry list of references to prove it.

I cannot control banking institutions or the credit bureau's.

What I do have is plenty of excellent history backing my ability to do this work.

All she is doing is preventing the people who really need honest help from getting that help. That's it.

For the record, I no longer endorse CPN's because of the lack of knowledge people have and the lack of instruction they are willing to go through to understand.

In summary, Christine left out huge details in this transaction that were not my fought.


-->Attempted to DEFRAUD creditors on 5 other occasions and I have her report to prove it.
-->Depsite my warnings about CPN's she moved forward
-->Signed the contract that said no refunds AND I explained why.

How is this my fought?

I delivered to her exactly what she paid for.

She paid us to:

Deliver a CPN number with almost 800+ scores which I did.

I never promised specific funding, ever as that is impossible.

So why am I the bad guy here?

That's all I have to say. I will continue to help others as I do everyday. If she wants to wast money she doesn't have so a few people won't use my service every month fine.

That's her business.

I have complete proof of everything I've said here. I will be happy to provide it.

4957 days ago by Anonymous
Well Lang, I have a contract with you that clearly states that I should get a refund and has no waiver clause for your end anywhere in it and I have still not gotten my refund. I've been trying for a year to get it now, and still nothing from you. I thought you were the honest businessman here? So, give me my refund. I'm waiting. Still. But let's pretend for a moment that it's just an oversight. Show us all the proof. You keep saying it on all the posts about you that are negative, but you never produce the proof. Just show us.

As soon as you do, I'll show them all the copy of my contract where it says if I get a judgment against me I will provide that judgment to you and my money will be fully refunded. I can show them all that I sent it to you at least twice, you tried to play it off like it was my wife's judgment, and asked me to send it yet again claiming that I wasn't "following procedure." Bulls**t. You're a liar who has no honor and is certainly not to be trusted with other people's money. Hell, my credit repair that was supposed to take an average of 6 - 9 months to do, is still not finished and it's 2 years later!

Get your stuff straight, hire some assistants, get a real domain email system instead of gmail, and return people's money if you didn't provide the service. Until you do, I'm using the FTC, BBB, Attorney General's Offices in FL, NC, GA and TX, as well as the internet to hamper you in every way I can.

But I'll go away if you actually manned up and refunded the program fees for me and my wife, like you said you would. $3, 500 is such a small amount to pay, especially when the inflation rate is so high... Do the right thing, Lang! If you can.

Jim Douglas.
4820 days ago by User588117
Hello all,

This will be my final post.

Lang Smith refunded the $2, 500.00 in full earlier this month.

I am grateful to be able to place this entire situation behind me and I believe that Lang is on the path to resolving the other issues that he encountered as a result of the program that caused all the problems.

I wish you all well.

4655 days ago by Iftheressmoketheresfire
Hello User588177,

If you are ChristineL, why would you not poast under ChristineL

Smells like Fish!

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