I am reporting that Dean Graziosi does not have any customer service, and does not follow up complaints! My partner and I have invested aprroximatley $15,000 with Dean's company, as well as another $12,000 with companies related with his programs. On start up we were promised to be hand held through our first deal to completion. This has not happened, all we have access to is an advisory line, which is very good but only advises. An inexperienced investor eventually runs out of questions to ask. We don't have a phone number for customer support, and our emails have been ignored! We are in Canada and have been working with Realtor s as advised. We are at a huge disadvantage not being in the area where we are trying to deal. We have been with the program 11 months, have put hundreds of hours into it, and have nothing to show but a debilitating debt. We were told you can do this with no money, and from anywhere. I say No way! On a positive note, Dean's program flew us to Vegas and accommodated us very nicely. We attended seminars, and were told how great tax liens are, we purchased two for $7,137.78 from an affiliated company called SKW. I put them on my credit card thinking I would have my money back with interest before too long. Once again things did not go as we were told, one house was confiscated by the city of Dayton Ohio and torn down, we have no recourse, the other is a derelict in a very poor neighborhood. We had an agent go by and look at the second property, a multi unit building, he said is was in such bad shape it might be worth $5,000. The lien cost us $4,200, there is no way to get our money out of this as the legal fees alone would be over $5,000! We were also advised to pay for a program to protect ourselves from being sued, this cost us another $4,000 and change. This program would have been a good investment if we had any assets to protect. We have none! My partner and I had great expectations that Dean's program would deliver as promised, and I can't begin to tell you how let down we both feel! I am now at risk of loosing my home as I am in severe debt! |