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30th of Jun, 2011 by 630681

DENVER Colorado 80202
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Phone: 303 866-6400

Following is on the front web page of the Colorado Supreme Court, Attorney Regulation Commission:

Attorneys Must Meet High Professional StandardsBecoming a licensed attorney requires many years of difficult studies and successful completion of a grueling state-administered bar exam. The Colorado Supreme Court has established high standards of ethics for attorneys. The standards are contained in the Court rules and the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct (Volume 12 Colorado Revised Statutes Chapter 20) and the Appendix to Chapters 18-20).The Court has also established procedures regarding the investigation of alleged unethical conduct. The procedures are designed to provide a thorough and objective review of the attorney's conduct, and to resolve the matter in a way that is fair to the complainant and to the attorney.To administer the procedures, the Colorado Supreme Court has appointed an Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel; a nine-member Attorney Regulation Committee, composed of both attorneys and lay persons; and an Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge. (No tax dollars are used to fund the attorney regulation process.)

Ethics and Discipline When attorneys enter the practice of law, they take an oath to uphold the law and to follow the standards of ethics established by the Colorado Supreme Court. An attorney who violates the law and/or those standards is subject to discipline. In cases involving minor misconduct, an attorney may be admonished, censured, or placed in a diversion program. In serious matters, attorneys face suspension of their license to practice law or disbarment.

But what happens when "The fox is watching the hen house?" Below, please find a letter that I just wrote the Colorado Supreme Court about the Attorney Regulation Commission and it's director John Gleason. I think it becomes quite obvious after reading that the above "Mission statement" of Mr. Gleason is nothing more than window dressing covering up a corrupt organization filled with cronyism, deceit and most likely monetary bribes. (See Allison Maynard's investigation into John Gleason which presents the strong probability that Mr. Gleason is accepting bribes via second mortgages on his residence; one of which corresponds with the events in this action.)

Colorado Supreme Court

101 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 800

Denver, CO 80202 CERTIFIED MAIL #03071790000012001333

Justice Michael Bender,

Justice Gregory Hobbs,

Justice Nathan Coates,

Justice Alex Martinez,

Justice Nancy Rice,

Justice Alison Eid

Justice Monica Marquez

Re: Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation / John Gleason:

June 28, 2011

Dear Sirs / Madams:

I am writing this letter as a last resort to the fraud and corruption that has infiltrated the Office of
Attorney Regulation which, according to your home page, you have oversight and control.

A succinct chain of events is best described in an E-mail to Mr. Kevin Hanks and Mr. John Gleason sent on May 16, 2011 concerning William G. Ross:


Mr. Hanks,
First thank you for finally sending me this information (even if it is 17 years late) but this is
not the complaint I filed against William G. Ross.

Following is a little bit of history of the situation with Mr. Ross from my notes:

I purchased a property at 333 Havana Street from First Federal Savings through Fuller and Company in September of 2001. At the last moment; First Federal asked if they could have
the brother in law, William G. Ross of the president of bank, Malcolm Collier, do the closing. I called the president of Fuller, Don Kortz, Esq. and asked him what he thought. He indicated that Mr. Ross was a very competent attorney, worked in the bank, and because it was a simple closing that he believed it would be OK. I went to the bank on South Wadsworth and Alameda and gave Mr. Ross, in addition to the sales price, a cashiers check for $1,600 for the title policy per the title commitment from Stuart Title that indicated that there were no past taxes. I walked out of the closing and thought everything was taken care of. A year later, Don Kortz called me and asked me if I was interested in purchasing the Colorado Mine Company. I indicated I was and put it under contract. The bank approved my loan but insisted that I put up the 333 Havana Property as additional collateral. I said OK and they said they needed a copy of the deed and the title policy. It was then I realized I hadn't received copies and called Fuller who referred me to their escrow department. They indicated that they couldn't find the documents and would look into it and call
me back. The next day they called me back and said that they never received the documentation from William Ross and that I would have to call him to get the information. When I tried to call him, his phone had been disconnected that day. I couldn't get a hold of him and the bank kept telling me they didn't know where he was. At that time I just thought he screwed up the closing and filed a
complaint with the Colorado Supreme Court who then transferred it to the Office of Attorney Regulation. It was then that John Gleason called and informed me that Mr. Ross had been previously suspended from practicing law and they would investigate the case. Over the next two years I would call Mr. Gleason and he assured me that Mr. Ross was still being investigated. Then in 1994, Mr. Gleason called me and indicated that they had suspended Mr. Ross' license for 3 years. I was incensed that they did this without any dialog with me. Stuart Title refused to issue the title policy unless I signed an addendum that I had to pay any past taxes due on the property even though the title commitment indicates that there were no taxes owing. I asked Mr. Gleason about the funds given Mr. Ross for the title commitment and he indicated that I would have to go after him
civilly for those funds and the damage William Ross did in not getting the title policy which was in excess of $400,000. Mr. Gleason ended by indicating that he would send me a copy of the Supreme Court decision in my case. I have had the same mailing address since 1983 and never received it. What you mailed me can't be the decision that Mr. Gleason was talking about because it doesn't
mention my complaint against William G. Ross even though it was being investigated at the exact same time.

I would therefore request that you look into this and let me know what happened to my complaint
and the consequences thereof.

Sincerely dated this May 16, 2011,


Peter Coulter


Attached, please find the complaint and decision of the Supreme Court that the OARC sent me on May 5, 2011. Of empirical note here is the paragraph where John Gleason has told the Court that Mr. Ross did not respond to the complaint[1]. That necessarily means that Mr. Ross never responded to my complaint which was filed at the exact same time, yet Mr. Gleason insists that he did in this E-mail forwarded to me on June 13, 2011:


Hello again Mr. Coulter,

I did get a response from Mr. Gleason. He said the matter in which you are requiring into did have a resolution. Pursuant to the rules of the Colorado Supreme Court, the resolution in this matter is not of public record, and cannot be disclosed to any party other than Mr. Ross himself. All of the material previously provided to you is the only public discipline for Mr. Ross and there is no further information we can provide.

Thank you,

Kevin Hanks
Legal/Trial Assistant
Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel


Mr. Gleason refers to a Supreme Court Rule that provides the resolution in this
matter is not of public record and cannot be disclosed to any party other than Mr. Ross himself.

I have asked Mr. Gleason for a cite of this Supreme Court Rule on 3 separate occasions with no response as follows:


1.) June 17, 2011

???? Mr. Hanks,

What are you talking about? The reason I contacted the OAR was because I never received any
"material". How could there have been a "resolution" when the OAR told the Supreme Court that William G. Ross failed to respond at all to a complaint that was filed at the same time as mine? Is it Mr. Gleason's position now that Mr. Ross failed to respond to one complaint but did respond
to another (mine) that happened contemporaneously?

And you now indicate that Mr. Gleason has stated a rule of the Supreme Court concerning
non-disclosure. I would therefore request a cite of the rule Mr. Gleason is referring to.

Thank you for your time and consideration in these matters.

Regards, /Peter Coulter


2.) June 23, 2011

Mr. Hanks, Mr. Gleason:

I am still waiting for the Office of Attorney Regulation and Mr. Gleason's cite of the Supreme Court
Rule of non-disclosure concerning my complaint of William G. Ross in light of the fact that according to the initial documentation you forwarded me, Mr. Ross never even responded to the OARC. Again, I would ask for either a copy of the resolution or the Supreme Court rule that prohibits the OARC from disclosure to me, the complainant.

Thank you for your time and consideration in these matters.


/Peter Coulter


3.) June 28, 2011

Mr. Hanks / Mr. Gleason:

Peter Coulter here again. I am again writing you to get a cite of the Supreme Court Rule that you are speaking of that leaves me, the victim, completely in the dark as to what your prosecutions were in regards to William G. Ross and his actions toward me. I again would request a response please.

Thank you for your time and consideration in these matters.

Dated this June 27, 2011.

/Peter Coulter


I think that it is quite clear from the documentation and correspondence presented that Mr. Gleason made a deal with Mr. Ross (or his attorneys) and the OARC buried my
Complaint against Mr. Ross which was much more serious than the case presented by Mr. Gleason with more devastating consequences.

It is not an isolated incident in regards to two other Complaints that I have filed with OARC (concerning Magistrate Edward Burns) and the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline (concerning Judge Charles Pratt) concerning the theft and concealment of a jury trial request and fee, counter and cross-claim that these two conspired on in a concerted effort to violate my due process right and commit Treason on the Constitution. The response of these two departments of the Supreme Court was silence. They didnt even have the respect to respond just as Mr. Gleason is doing once again here.

The most ironic thing here is that back in 1997-1998 when the Colorado Supreme Court had a public hearing asking for comments about new rules for the OARC; I was the only lay person amongst 50 lawyers to speak. My concern then, which has come to fruition now, is that Mr. Gleason is the gatekeeper of the OARC and he solely decides which cases make it before the
Court based on a biased and bribed influence that is then kept secret behind closed doors.

In ending, I sadly state that I have no trust in the Supreme Court of Colorado either as you seem to look the other way to these criminal actions of those under your direction. As such, I really feel helpless except to reveal it to the world via indelible web sites so that others with more influence and persuasion may review and make an effort to correct these travesties and the world will be able to view your true agendas and behavior.

Heres hoping a couple of you still have enough conscience to do something about this.

Sincerely dated this 28th day of June, 2011,


Peter Coulter

P.O. Box 3094
Vail, Colorado 81657
E-mail [email protected]

cc: Kevin Hanks Office of Attorney Regulation via. Email [email protected]

John Gleason Office of Attorney Regulation via Email [email protected]


If it is business as usual; I am not expecting any response from the Colorado Supreme Court. Why should I? As I have stated before, the Colorado Judicial Branch operates as a "country club" where you have to go along to get along. I am sure that the corruption is so rampant that even the honest attorneys and judges have a difficult if not impossible effort to stay clean and still survive and put food on the table. But the Colorado Supreme Court and the justices thereof have no excuse. Everyone else takes their examples and direction from them. It is so ironic that in Justice Benders acceptance speech in front of the legislature (as chief justice) he stated that his first order of business would be to visit the various districts and make sure ethics were being followed. I haven't seen it yet; and it is hypocrisy to believe that he can profess ethics around Colorado when his own chambers are in complete denial while the Colorado Supreme Court turns it's head.

I will close this discussion with a quote by one of our founding fathers:

"Nothing destroys the credibility of a government faster than its failure to provide fair and equal justice for its people."

"When one undertakes to administer justice, it must be with an even hand, and by rule; what is done for one must be done for everyone in equal degree." (Thomas Jefferson as quoted in W. Cleon Skousens The Making of America, p 241)
5012 days ago by Kay Sieverding
Mr. Coulter's experience with Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation is similar to mine. I was a victim of conspiracy to deprive rights and First Amendment Retaliation that began in Steamboat Springs Colorado. I owned the property on Princeton and Pahwintah across the street from Kevin Bennett, a convicted drug dealer who was at that time president of the Steamboat Springs City Council. I was forced to give up my rights to access part of my property from Princeton Ave, which adjoined it the entire length, and I was forced to sell Bennett land for $1. The city attorney and Bennett's lawyer Randall Klauzer engaged in a conspiracy with government officials to allow Bennett to violate the zoning by passing off a detached two story two thousand + sq ft building with heating and plumbing as a two car garage and converting a "nonconforming" shed 5 feet from the property line to a guest house. To do that the City allowed Kevin's wife Jane Bennett to sign a police form as if she were a police officer to initiate criminal prosecution against me. I was prosecuted for 6 months without an arraignment, a written statement of probable cause, or anyone's signature except Jane Bennett, the [former?] drug dealer's wife. The prosecutor was married to a real estate speculator and the city helped him get a permit for a new ski area at Stagecoach -- he attempted to sell land for $20 Million that he bought for about 14% with the increase in value linked to the ski area permit. The prosecutor finally dismissed the charges against me but she issued a public statement that I had a victim but a trial was too expensive. Based on the bogus criminal charge, the Bennetts' lawyer got a permanent restraining order on me. There was no statutory authorization at all. The Bennetts' lawyer used the forms for an intimate relationship. The judge ruled that I had "molested" Jane Bennett by complaining about their zoning violations. She stated under oath that there was no offensive touching, that I hadn't followed her about town, and that the last time I had called her before complaining about the zoning violations while standing on the street in the middle of the day was years before. The judge said that if the criminal charges were resolved the restraining order would automatically end but when the criminal charges were dismissed, he refused to end the restraining order despite his statements, which are on the transcript. Jane Bennett then followed me around Steamboat asking for me to be arrested anytime she got near me. She filed a police report stating that she had followed me through WalMart trying to take my photo to prove that she was within 30 feet of me. She stalked me until I sold my house to her lawyer. I complained to OARC about this but they said everything was fine with them.
5012 days ago by Kay Sieverding
I sued the Bennetts' and the City of Steamboat in federal court. My case was assigned to former judge Edward Nottingham. He dismissed my case without writing an opinion. With no finding of fraud on my part, no Rule 11(c)(6) orders, he ordered me to pay Bennetts' lawyers $103K. When I tried to get a hearing on the merits in a different federal court, Nottingham ordered that I should be imprisoned without a criminal charge, without an arraignment, without a bail hearing, without a government prosecutor, and without a trial. This was 5 months. He told me that I could only make a 5 minute presentation and stated that he would not listen. My accusers were not sworn and I was not allowed to cross examine them. OARC said that that was fine and that they would no longer accept complaints from me.

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