Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Coloholics Spam, Harassment, Internet
14th of May, 2011 by User684870
I can back up the previous reports on It spams numerous other role playing sites, starting up accounts and sending private messages to all its users. If you reply and call them on their practices, you get numerous replies which are insulting and belittling. You are also threatened and mocked, claiming you can do nothing to stop what they do. If you do go to the site, you can go nowhere outside of the registration page, meaning you cannot see anything about what the site is about unless you give them your email address and name. Ironic since it is called Coloholics Anonymous. Don't listen to the lies of its founder. Do your own research... If you enter coloholics in google, it finishes your entry by adding the word "spam". The first link is the following, detailing some of the practices coloholics does. I was harassed on mythweavers. Avoid this site. There are many others out there.
4804 days ago by Shannakinomoto
I have been role playing for about 12 years or so now. I have surfed the web over those 12 years and have found a lot of interesting and lame roleplaying sites. I have hosted my own site (twice mind you) and have not been able to make or find a place to call my roleplaying home.

I eventually found gaia. I was on gaia when they first started. I thought I had finally found my place. After 5 years, my own rping guild and surfing the forums later, I was still unhappy with the results. I couldn't find a good rp, or have one that stayed long enough to enjoy to make it good. Not only that, but all the items you could get started to be pay for only. It isn't fake currency anymore. They wanted you to shell out your own hard earned money for items. That's just not right in my opinion.

Then I received a pm. It simply told me exectly what I had been thinking. "It seems like you are having troubles finding rps. You should try this site out." Not spam, nothing harassing, just simple and to the point. Naturally, I am aware of scams and the like, but after some simple google searches, I found out that it was legit. So I went and signed up. I wanted more options for rping and now i have too many.

I am an active member on the site for a year now. I have no desire to look anywhere else. This is my roleplaying home now. Sure I run a site that has some role playing involved, but coloholics is much better organized and so that is where I spend my time. I tell my site members about colo. I tell them to go there, it's much better then my own site. Sure, you may think that's poor publicity for my own site, but I'm not hurting from it. It's not hurting anyone.

But on to the main reason for writing something here. This website is meant for scams. Websites that have scammed people. Colo does nothing to scam anyone. Sure they ask for donations, but do you know how much it really costs to host a server? Lots of money. But that is why it is called donations. You are donating to keep the site running. If you enjoy the site (like me and about 10, 000 other members do), you are willing to part with some money to keep it a nice place for other people to come and find and call their roleplaying home just like me.

I'm not trying to disrespect gaia or anything, it's a nice place to meet people, however, it just wasn't the place I would want people to rp at. Give colo a shot. It's not like it is going to bite you.
4804 days ago by TheOwnLeeWon
I can't count the amount of Anonymous people coming to the chatbox of Coloholics, complaining that they have been spammed with our link and call us idiots, spammers and bastard, without giving me, and my fellow Coloholics members a chance to explain the situation (that we have been the victims of some elaborate scheme to make us look bad), but have simply been ignored. These people are of course upset, I would be upset if someone repeatedly spammed me with some site I don't want to be a part of, but I would at least ask about the situation before calling this site's members arseholes and insult them.

There have been some cases where these anonymous people have listened and apologised for their behaviour, and some have even joined the site afterwards, discovering that we are, in fact, not evil scheming spamming bastards, but relatively nice people with a large RPG community which we all love to be a part of, but often these people who have been spammed (which is of course very unfortunate, but not our fault) come to insult us, our community, our intentions, our mothers and inform us that they will report us.

Also, I dare to claim that these links with messages and apologies, supposedly from N3VO and TFE (the leaders and founders of Coloholics), are fake. It is incredibly easy to pretend to be someone else on the internet, and the most compelling argument to my conclusion is that there has been no spamming from their side at all, so there would be absolutely no reason to apologise for anything.

I realise that others have pointed this out before, but I shall repeat: The reason you need to make a user before your can gain access to the site, it because there has been a couple of incidents with spam bots gaining access too easily and ruining the peaceful RPG the actual members have been doing. This 'make a user to gain access' strategy has worked out well, as the problem has been virtually defeated, and furthermore, it prevents people who won't make an effort to even take a look at the site, from joining and never coming back.

I realise that other have also pointed this out before, but I shall repeat: Coloholics is a Non-Profit site. We do not take your money, you do not need to give us money if you don't want to, the donating system is there because it costs money to run such a large site, especially with all the space and features we like to use to make the RPG experience as good as it can possibly be. I have personally donated money to the site, not much I'll admit, I don't have much to spare, but I do it because I enjoy being there, and I would like it to stay active. No one is forcing anyone to join or donate.

I find it ridiculous that so many people offer google results as an argument, because really, Google isn't filled with crap, and every result you get there is true. True, you will find results which say that Coloholics Anonymous is a site full of trolls and spammer, and some may even call it a scam, but I can guarantee you (although you probably won't care much for my opinion), that Coloholics Anonymous is a fully functioning Non-Profit Roleplaying Community. I have never felt as welcome on a site as I do on this one, and I have been to quite a few sites.

Someone mentioned that the Forum Chat Box is filled with trolls. Perhaps it is, or perhaps you just don't know that we are indeed a big family where playful banter (and the occasional trolling) is accepted as a way of simply having fun, while not RPing. Don't base your oppinion on our site just because someone in the Chatbox said something to you, make a fake E-Mail and check the site out if you don't want to give up your real E-Mail, but please, check out our site, and have a look before you spread lies like this.

Coloholics is not a scam, and I dare you to make an account and have a look. We have MANY functioning role plays, we have hundreds and thousands of posts and a good 500-1000 active members who post regularly.

I feel personally attacked when seeing that my favourite and most frequently used site is being insulted like this. I become angry when reading this, but you don't see me coming here, calling you idiots and telling you to fuck off, now do you? Because I am a rational person, from a site I love, and wish to protect the integrity of.

/end long-winded-insulted-Coloholics-member-rant.
4804 days ago by Kai1068
First off, coloholics an text-based, online role playing site and they're just there to give people something to do online and it certainly is alot they have. Now, i can see why some people are hating on that site because they couldn't adjust to the size of it and just failed. This site is completely free, it just asks for donations, let me repeat that, donations which, for the vocabulary-impaired means it asks for optional money from it's members; in simpler terms for the really stupid person who called coloholics a scam because you msut be really stupid, it means you don't have to donate if you don't want to. Now, if they said it was free and then made you pay, that'd be a scam but there is nothing scummy at all about this site. Sure, some people like to have a little bit more fun and be really dirty and say some truly odd things but i'll say that if this site is a scam because of that, then 4chan is a major scam.
4804 days ago by Sariye
Okay so, to set the record straight. Coloholics is NOT a scam. You don't have to pay money or sign up for other things to join. It is a non-profit RP site and absolutely amazing. I have been with them for almost 2 years now and I enjoy every minute of it. Colholics is NOT spam and Google adds it only for those other websites for HELLO the website is Coloholics Anonymous, not JUST Coloholics. I have not heard any complaints of bullying or belittling or anything of that sorts from members, in fact, they are quite nice AND as part of the Mentor program, we are here to HELP members, new and old. Those who go on sites like Gaia are just advertising I'm sure everyone does it and compared to most RP sites I have explored, Coloholics has been the best and most organized. The only thing they have truly asked, is for donations to keep the server alive. You know what though, don't judge a book by its covers and don't listen to the slander, hell you don't even have to listen to this BUT at least go try it out before you says something! Also I run my own RPs on this site and those that get referred to Coloholics and join, i never hear complaints from. SO tell me WHAT exactly is so bad about Coloholics? I have seen nothing wrong since I joined and became a part of the system that runs it. I have great respect for Coloholics. So shut the hell up, get off your ass, and actually CHECK out instead of listening to these piss ants who either run another site, got banned because they were idiots, etc.

Those of you who say it's the same person posting well you know what HERE go to my webpage on Coloholics I'm not afraid to show you that this is MY post no one elses.
4803 days ago by The Resoneur
I honestly find the accusations against Coloholics both ridiculous and amateur. They are pitifully juvenile and really need to not only be ignored by anyone who has the misfortune of reading them, but should be burned from the minds of those unlucky enough to waste their time on them. Coloholics is not, I will repeat for those in the crowd who are hard of hearing or just plain ignorant, IS NOT a scam in anyway shape or form. If you have an issue because you feel some of the members were mean to you or hurt your feelings, I am sorry. I am one of the "Mama" member who try very hard to make everyone feel welcome, but if you come to us with an attitude of looking for a fight or a mental capacity of a 3 year old, then there is nothing that can be done to stop the teasing, it is a natural human response to stupidity. As for the allegations that we ask for money or personal information to "spam" or steal from you, that just plain false, in fact its a lie. In my real life I work for a major banking institution, so I deal with scams everyday. Do you really think that I would not know if a scam was before me? Do you really think and intelligent, like most of our members, person would not know if someone was stealing their money or information? Come now I know there are a lot of dumb people in the world, but we can't all be on one site can we? Those who have something negative to say about Coloholics, are simple what we like to call "Haters" who have nothing better to do than slander the competition, which is actually a serious offense in some circles of the world. Please those among you who read this and are smart, decent, role-play loving people, do not believe the Haters. If you have any issues please feel free to check us out. You don't have to have an account to post in our CB. You don't have to have any account to look around the site. You just have to have a brain and free thought from these nasty, small minded, negative, backstabbing idiots who really need a life and a hobby instead of making up false and insane accusation that they have no way of backing up. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you on Coloholics!
4803 days ago by The Resoneur
I honestly find the accusations against Coloholics both ridiculous and amateur. They are pitifully juvenile and really need to not only be ignored by anyone who has the misfortune of reading them, but should be burned from the minds of those unlucky enough to waste their time on them. Coloholics is not, I will repeat for those in the crowd who are hard of hearing or just plain ignorant, IS NOT a scam in anyway shape or form. If you have an issue because you feel some of the members were mean to you or hurt your feelings, I am sorry. I am one of the "Mama" member who try very hard to make everyone feel welcome, but if you come to us with an attitude of looking for a fight or a mental capacity of a 3 year old, then there is nothing that can be done to stop the teasing, it is a natural human response to stupidity. As for the allegations that we ask for money or personal information to "spam" or steal from you, that just plain false, in fact its a lie. In my real life I work for a major banking institution, so I deal with scams everyday. Do you really think that I would not know if a scam was before me? Do you really think and intelligent, like most of our members, person would not know if someone was stealing their money or information? Come now I know there are a lot of dumb people in the world, but we can't all be on one site can we? Those who have something negative to say about Coloholics, are simple what we like to call "Haters" who have nothing better to do than slander the competition, which is actually a serious offense in some circles of the world. Please those among you who read this and are smart, decent, role-play loving people, do not believe the Haters. If you have any issues please feel free to check us out. You don't have to have an account to post in our CB. You don't have to have any account to look around the site. You just have to have a brain and free thought from these nasty, small minded, negative, backstabbing idiots who really need a life and a hobby instead of making up false and insane accusation that they have no way of backing up. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you on Coloholics!
4803 days ago by Shannakinomoto
I have been role playing for about 12 years or so now. I have surfed the web over those 12 years and have found a lot of interesting and lame roleplaying sites. I have hosted my own site (twice mind you) and have not been able to make or find a place to call my roleplaying home.

I eventually found gaia. I was on gaia when they first started. I thought I had finally found my place. After 5 years, my own rping guild and surfing the forums later, I was still unhappy with the results. I couldn't find a good rp, or have one that stayed long enough to enjoy to make it good. Not only that, but all the items you could get started to be pay for only. It isn't fake currency anymore. They wanted you to shell out your own hard earned money for items. That's just not right in my opinion.

Then I received a pm. It simply told me exectly what I had been thinking. "It seems like you are having troubles finding rps. You should try this site out." Not spam, nothing harassing, just simple and to the point. Naturally, I am aware of scams and the like, but after some simple google searches, I found out that it was legit. So I went and signed up. I wanted more options for rping and now i have too many.

I am an active member on the site for a year now. I have no desire to look anywhere else. This is my roleplaying home now. Sure I run a site that has some role playing involved, but coloholics is much better organized and so that is where I spend my time. I tell my site members about colo. I tell them to go there, it's much better then my own site. Sure, you may think that's poor publicity for my own site, but I'm not hurting from it. It's not hurting anyone.

But on to the main reason for writing something here. This website is meant for scams. Websites that have scammed people. Colo does nothing to scam anyone. Sure they ask for donations, but do you know how much it really costs to host a server? Lots of money. But that is why it is called donations. You are donating to keep the site running. If you enjoy the site (like me and about 10, 000 other members do), you are willing to part with some money to keep it a nice place for other people to come and find and call their roleplaying home just like me.

I'm not trying to disrespect gaia or anything, it's a nice place to meet people, however, it just wasn't the place I would want people to rp at. Give colo a shot. It's not like it is going to bite you.
4803 days ago by Shannakinomoto
I have been role playing for about 12 years or so now. I have surfed the web over those 12 years and have found a lot of interesting and lame roleplaying sites. I have hosted my own site (twice mind you) and have not been able to make or find a place to call my roleplaying home.

I eventually found gaia. I was on gaia when they first started. I thought I had finally found my place. After 5 years, my own rping guild and surfing the forums later, I was still unhappy with the results. I couldn't find a good rp, or have one that stayed long enough to enjoy to make it good. Not only that, but all the items you could get started to be pay for only. It isn't fake currency anymore. They wanted you to shell out your own hard earned money for items. That's just not right in my opinion.

Then I received a pm. It simply told me exectly what I had been thinking. "It seems like you are having troubles finding rps. You should try this site out." Not spam, nothing harassing, just simple and to the point. Naturally, I am aware of scams and the like, but after some simple google searches, I found out that it was legit. So I went and signed up. I wanted more options for rping and now i have too many.

I am an active member on the site for a year now. I have no desire to look anywhere else. This is my roleplaying home now. Sure I run a site that has some role playing involved, but coloholics is much better organized and so that is where I spend my time. I tell my site members about colo. I tell them to go there, it's much better then my own site. Sure, you may think that's poor publicity for my own site, but I'm not hurting from it. It's not hurting anyone.

But on to the main reason for writing something here. This website is meant for scams. Websites that have scammed people. Colo does nothing to scam anyone. Sure they ask for donations, but do you know how much it really costs to host a server? Lots of money. But that is why it is called donations. You are donating to keep the site running. If you enjoy the site (like me and about 10, 000 other members do), you are willing to part with some money to keep it a nice place for other people to come and find and call their roleplaying home just like me.

I'm not trying to disrespect gaia or anything, it's a nice place to meet people, however, it just wasn't the place I would want people to rp at. Give colo a shot. It's not like it is going to bite you.
4801 days ago by Delanies
Excellent site, I've been a user for many years. I wouldn't believe the b.s. you read about it. Just common slander from the usual random creeps. They get banned for breaking common forum rules and then take out their frustration by going around spreading rumors and badmouthing.
4801 days ago by Daaad123
Kinda convenient, that this appears a few days before the site is hacked...
4775 days ago by Anonymous
I find it interesting that a majority of the Coloholics supporters are basing their argument on how much Gaia sucks, when Gaia was not mentioned in the first post, nor is it relevant to the discussion.
4689 days ago by LaFae
I joined the website not long ago and when I tried to get my account deleted they changed the information on my page, saying I loved their website and it was the best and blocked me from editing my own details. Also I was informed by the "site owner" that since didn't like the website I didn't like roleplaying. This site is a disgrace to roleplayers.
4310 days ago by Amullonde
Every complaint leveraged against Coloholics is 100% true even one year later. The naysayers have been told to say it was a disgruntled ex-member whenever anyone brings it up. As you can see, they've even spammed these comments.

But, it's even worse than mere spam- it was recently proven conclusively that, although Coloholics is currently asking ~$600 in donations a month to maintain server costs, their web host only offers packages costing $300 or less. Where is the rest of the money going? Would anyone care to guess?

I'm quite certain that this qualifies as a scam. Nobody likes you, Coloholics. Please drop dead under the weight of your own retardery soon.
4224 days ago by TunaFish
Well yes, in the mind of the delusional child there are only absolutes. Coloholics is the Great Satan and therefore anyone who could possibly show up to defend Coloholics can merely be labeled as a "spammer", if someone supporting Coloholics posts here it's called "spamming", there couldn't possibly be people who disagree with your opinions and point of view. How could there be.
It's funny you say that WITH NO SENSE OF IRONY directly after accusing Coloholics members of being pre-programmed to dismiss dissent with a "disgruntled ex-member" label.

And all you did is link to an RPG-D thread full of people with. I talked to the tech expert there the FREAKING TECHNICAL MODERATOR, Ghan, who also posted in that circlejerk of hate and he said and I quote (there's no point in screenshotting because you'd just call me a spammer who edited a picture, whatever, ask him yourself if he thinks Coloholics is scamming its members):
"As to the thread going on here, I don't really think the Admin is scamming people and pocketing the money. I just think he's misguided about how much the server needs to cost. "
That's from the one upstanding guy in the thread who had no bias or reason to make up bullshit about Coloholics, he expressed qualms with the site potentially not being as technically efficient as it should be and gave some tips on how it could be improved, but he categorically affirmed that he absolutely did not believe there was any scamming or frauding going on. He's actually worked with the technical admin there before (and isn't just someone ranting about people who they've never really interacted with or heard some one-sided martyr's story about) and sees him as a good person overall even if he disagrees regarding server options. That's from the horse's mouth, the rest of the posters are people already disgruntled with Coloholics or with something to benefit from lying to Coloholics members under the guise of "helping them".
She made that thread earnestly looking for answers and you just gave her your bullshit venom propaganda. But hey, your own technical admin disagreed with you lunatics when I contacted him because I wanted to hear from a truly unbiased voice whether or not he truly thought there was scamming going on in his professional opinion.
He said no, kthxbai.

But nevermind me, I'm just a "spammer" "spamming". Use your labels so you don't have to acknowledge the fact that there are people that totally disagree with you, just dehumanize them.
4224 days ago by Colo
For those interested, there has always been a large amount of slander and haters of Coloholics. It's only normal that people who don't like the community have gone to extreme measures in spreading such lies and bullocks. The information gathered by the users on rpg-directory is not only false however it's humorous to assume that they know what kind of hosting Coloholics has, let alone if the configuration we have is necessary or how much it really costs. With a little research, even with your poor skills, you'll be able to figure out that we are hosted in a very powerful data center in Montreal, Quebec and that the company that we are hosted with is amazing, for both price and service. These accusations are based on lies which are started by the very members that want us shutdown. Calling us scammers, telling us nobody likes us, and thinking you know better than we about our community is really why we have this attitude towards all of you. You think for one minute we'd take you seriously after accusing us instead of finding out the truth, let alone doing it on other websites and not even inquiring us about any of this? There is nothing for us to hide and its pretty obvious you have nothing better to do then try to slander us because we offended you by being ourselves. Thanks for your showing your true colors.
4218 days ago by Youarenotalone1
I've been a member of Coloholics for about six months now. At first I was skeptical of the whole server cost and donation issue which kept me from donating. Though as the months went on I realized how massive and advanced this site is. Sure you can find servers cheap and hosting cheaper, but Colo is top of the line. The sheer amount of posts and graphics, and even simple things is just perfect. They offer the best site with the biggest amount of members in the field of role playing communities. When they say they are non profit I believe it whole heartedly. So I donated and glad to say I did, because if the site went down it would be a great loss to the internet and role playing community.

So the liable and slanderous comments that people have been making in my opinion is just straight up trolling. People are jealous of what they can't have and sometimes go to lengths to discredit others. Just like girls in high school when they squabble for control of popularity.

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