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CLARKSTONE BENGALS Dave Clark A creepy man who is unstable and in need of medication or a padded room New Braunfels , Texas
21st of Aug, 2011 by User112998
On July 09, 2011 I visited Claskstone Cattery (Dave Clark) in New Baunfels Texas and after 10 minutes I had to leave. I was scared for myself by the belittling and anger of this man. I knocked on the front door and there was no reply so I headed back to the car and a man appears from the open garage. Introduces himself as Dave Clark the Cat Man and greets me by my first name as I had called earlier to ask if I could come by. He asks my last name and I said foolishly just Leslie because we don't know each other. He pressured me very intensely and I gave in and stated my last name. He closed the garage door and walks me thought the small cattery. Im looking for any exit that would be available to me if I needed it because Im feeling trapped. He walked me into an African safari open aired caged room. He asks what I know of breeding. Being honest I told him I used to breed Labs but because I developed an allergy I decided to stop. My bitch passed away after 14 years of a beautiful life and I was devastated by the loss. He began to tell me Bengal breeders are scared of people like me because after a failed attempt at breeding dogs I think Im a qualified breeder and that I have now reinvented myself as a Bengal breeder and more concerned with a bottom line as opposed to the quality of the cat. BUT now if I had a mentor he said and if I was mentored by him I might have a chance. now Dave Clark knows nothing of my past and hes just accused me of being a failed breeder and now I am trying to make a fast buck. I tell him that's not what I'm into and I wasn't a failed breeder and in fact that I was very reputable and used by many Hunting Clubs for the quality of my Labs. Rather than let him offend me any further, I stood up politely and give him my apologies for somehow offending him and thanked him for allowing me to stop by. He is completely outraged with me and grumbling and stomping. Im walking in front of him to the garage where I was fixing to push the button to open the garage door, he jumped in front of me and pushed the button to open the garage. Im shaking Im so scared but I offer my hand and thank him for his time. Regardless I wanted to walk away with a hand shake as opposed to what I got. He waved my hand shake off and now he's yelling at me the truth hurts doesn't it! I kept walking to my vehicle and he yelled at me again I guess you think youre too smart to learn anything new, arent you. Now I have tolerated just about all I could stand from this man screaming at me for no reason. I never said anything bad about him, his cattery or his cats I just sat there and let him talk bad about me. I tell him "I'm not too smart to learn something from some one worth learning from." I was getting into my car and he was still screaming something about a man who's a breeder in Houston. There is something wrong with this man, he had me scared to death he was going to become violent and all I did was thank him for his time, apologized for somehow offending him. How I don't have clue sense I didn't get to talk much. He was so angry he was shaking and breathing hard and I was looking for quick escape routs should I have to dash. Im not easily scared but I was in fear for myself from this man. He is scary, unstable, aggressive and unpredictable. Its not going to take much to push this Dave Clark person over the edge and he IS going to hurt someone. I don't think it's necessary to sling mud or be mean and hateful it's just unproductive and ignorant but this man has no business owning, breeding or trying to socialize any animal when hes obviously so un-socialized and unstable himself. Buyers or lookers beware of this man...he's like a rabid dog and just as unpredictable. Women don't go there with out a man that's for sure!!!
4859 days ago by Derpina
Called the cops on this guy at Best Buy a few days ago. Guy is a nutbag
4798 days ago by BadBengalExperience
I am a very established Bengal breeder. I am a small in-home cattery. I focus on the quality and not the quantity of my Bengals. I have recently retired my queen because she has had 3 litters and I felt it was time to get her fixed. So I am now looking for a new queen to breed. January 19, 2012 I called Dave Clark, the owner of Clarkstone Bengals and it is true that first impressions speak the loudest. This is a family business and ran by my father and I. He proceeded to tell me that I know nothing about breeding Bengals just because I am many years his senior. I told him about the history of my Bengal stud and queen. Clark then tells me that where I purchased them from was a horrible cattery, when in all actuality both of the breeders have won many awards and been featured in TICA. By the way he talks all he cares about is the money. He told me that I had a horrible queen because she had small litters at first, then surprised me with 6 kittens for her final litter! He said you will never make money when you have a queen like that. I said excuse me, and he told me I was being disrespectful! HA, he said I was. The whole time I controlled my temper and attempted to have a nice cordial conversation with him, because I called to do business with him, but he treated the whole conversation like a 'lesson'. This unruly man may be older, but obviously that does not mean anything when it comes to respect and having a business and talking with a potential customer. Yes his kittens are beautiful. But do not fall for this. He is a money hog that is crazy and needs to be in Psychiatric hospital rather than breeding Bengal cats!
4792 days ago by Dave7002
Well, I guess this is the place to put my side of this story...I have a great reputation. I am a fair man with deep seated christian beliefs. I respect easily and after being in the bengal for more than a decade, I do a fine job breeding the best bengal lines available today. I have many very important friends in the bengal world such as the great GENE DUCOTE, HELMI FLICK, BRIGET MCMINN, Our founder JEAN MILLS and many, many more great leaders. Ask those folks about my character. I have helped over 50 cattery's start up their cattery's without any compensation and where I live " YOU SHOW NO RESPECT ...YOU GET NO RESPECT "
It is very important as a breeder to place your bengals with people you trust. From what she did share with me, I did not want my name associated in her cattery. I did not find her an honest woman nor a woman good for the breed. I escorted her out politey and wished her luck.
You know, at 60 I have the experience to spot TROUBLE...and this lady would of been nothing but...FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE LASTING IMPRESSIONS "
THe one thing I remember about Leslie is that she could never look to eye to eye...kind of shifty...I think she was more trying to spy and to copy...After seeing her whine...we no we made the right decision.
Leslie, has just told the world whom she is and now started her own reputation...We will share this experience with my other breeding friends and of coarse...wish her good luck.
4792 days ago by Myleslie
I will defend myself from hateful people like you. You have nothing to file on me or to sue me for because I have not slandered you in any way.
If you continue with this sick game you will be the one to end up in court AGAIN!!

Go to your's ok...remember I have the nasty emails you sent me.
4791 days ago by Regret
If the man's lips are moving, Beware!!!
4790 days ago by Beentheredonethat2
I have had bad experiences with this man too. Just like the other people did. I can join them in saying that this man is nuts. His saying he is a man of God says to me that he thinks like a lot of those who miss use God. I don't doubt he believes in God, but he doesn't know how to pratice it. He is a scary man and he is not good with the public. I am going too see if I can find these people and hope we can join together and form a Dave club of truth. What was written was my experience with him. He will not give back money on his poorly raised cats. You are stuck with them. There are many good breeders out there and that makes him worry. Beward of Dave.
4790 days ago by Myleslie
People you can go here and see what Dave Clark it writing about me:
4789 days ago by BEWAREOFDAVECLARK
I once did business with Dave Clark (aka Doug Clark) and was also treated mistreated and cheated. Since then, many more people have told me about how he has made their lives miserable also. These are facts, not just accusations. Tica Trend, Official Magazine of TICA has him on the Disciplinary List in Aug-Nov, 2008, Dec 2008/Jan 2009, Aug-Sept, 2009, Oct-Nov, 2009, Feb-Mar, 2010, April-May, 2010. There had to be substantiated complaints filed against him for this listing.
On a personal note, he has treated me arrogantly, lied repeatedly, harassed by phone and I consider him a dangerous, unstable person.
4781 days ago by Regret
Dave Clark is really bad news. He will make a contract and then never go by it. He will do everything to keep your money. He will make threats, call you day and night. Call your home, your cell every number he can get and make trouble. He has been taken to court and never pays up. So the people get cheated twice or more. I feel he should be closed down. He is dangerous. Very much so.
4778 days ago by Dave7002
All of these complaints have been made by one person...LESLIE POOL...from AMAZON BENGALS...
what can I say...she's freekin nuts.
I have contacted an attorney and the law to restrain her comments at will and more...
Let me share something with the public...I am a man of my word...I have many friends that are true leaders in this business that will vouch for me...
Every single complaint above is generated from Leslie...I ask you...what would you do ?
4778 days ago by Dave7002
Let me share another detail with all of the public...the one that used the name BEWARE OF DAVE CLARK...yes, my name was on the TICA list...I will be glad to tell you why...all of my friends know why...but, LESLIE POOL from AMAZON BENGALS does she digs and trys to cause trouble...The reason why I was on that list was because of one phone call...and I would like to share all the details if you wish to me at 830-609-4601...It's just more crap from Leslie...
4778 days ago by Dave7002
One more fact...for the past 4 years we have been an " Outstanding TICA CATTERY " the above statement from BEWARE OF DAVE produced by again LESLIE POOL from AMAZON BENGALS. She continually keeps trying just to run my reputation in the ground. When she ends up in front of a judge, then maybe she will realize that her EVIL behavior, will put her name in the record books. Under testimony she will be asked why she has done these hateful comments.
Can you believe that this incident happened in the begining of july of 2011 and this woman is still scorned...
It will take some time and some money but, she will learn and she will pay the do not slander your neighbor. You do not lie about your neighbor and when things do not go your way it's easier just to turn the page and go on.
It is not my style to tell you what I thought she looked like, her short comings or is not my style to make things personal. It's obvious, that she has pried into my life...why ? Trying to dig up half way story's to hurt ...why ?...calling me a liar ? ...why ?
The judge will find out and then we'll see...we will see.
Why ...why would anybody continue a rant 8 months after being escorted out after a very short interview...and then I wouldn't shake her hand. Whaaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaa...WHAAAAAAAAAAAA...
Get over it Leslie Pool ...quit being a fool and cease to slander me or my efforts.
In the end, the only one you have exposaed is yourself...and AMAZON BENGALS...
It will be written in stone that any cattery that I mentor will not by any cat from AMAZON BENGALS or LESLIE POOL...this is nothing new...many older breeders have had to do this with undesirable characters...
Leslie, you will be in front of a judge soon so, be lawyer says he will have you served and there is enough malice from you to take legal action against you .
If there is anybody
out there that will actually read this please give me a call...I'm interested in how many people see this...
4778 days ago by Dave7002
MY best number is 830-609-4601...if anyone has a me. I will fix it ...guaranteed.
It is my belief that I have no other complaints ...but, after ten years in business LESLIE takes her best shot.
She PILE'S it high...not over lost money...a sick cat...a deposit...WHAT ? Not shaking her hand ?
Now we'll see if she EXPOSE'S herself some more...
oh ! I will make a comment...count this lady's cats...boy's and girl's breeding age ...all roaming the home...What a nasty image...boy's spray and females mark...they both discharge equal amounts of liquid...It would be like living in a litter box...she really doesn't have a's a lie. She has a house and she will not invest in living quarters for her bengals...Go visit her and her set can smell her place from the corner of her street...and more...much more...
Leslie like I have told you before...first impressions are lasting show no respect and you will get no respect.
Any breeder or pet buyer that reads this and buys from LESLIE POOL and or AMAZON BENGALS please call me...I will give you $100...then we'll understand the greatness of this site...fair enough...
4778 days ago by Myleslie
Oh Dave...the only posts I have are under myleslie and user112998...these other people...not a clue who they are! But they are brave . I will take tour crap as much as you want to dish out...I would just love to speak with your lawyer and the police will be present. you have now are in control of your rope and you are the one who is causing all this trouble...I made A post about my experience you are the one who is making this so public.
The only harm being done is to yourself. And by the way Doug or Dave you have no idea about my house or my cattery. See your little two bit so called spies can't get into my house or my back yard to see anything I have set up for my precious cats. I spend time with each one of my beloved cats ever day can you say that with all your cages and all your cats and kittens? This is another one for my files from you Dave...the polic by the way are ready for you.
4777 days ago by BWDC
No, all these posts are not by Leslie Pool. I have first hand knowledge of many, many people that have been screwed by Dave Clark. I also know that he lost a court case due to the sale of a dangerous cat. The judge in the case called our Vet for knowledge on what a Bengal temperament was supposed to be like. The Vet advised him that the cat Dave sold was not at all the typical personality of the breed.

Why don't you post the reason, if it was so innocent, the real reason you were on the TICA list. But then again, Dave's reality is not reality.

Once again, I am not Leslie and you have hurt a lot of people that I know that have had dealings with you. You can sling all the mud in the world at other people and that does not change you. You may spout that you are an honorable person, but not all these people are picking on you unfairly.
4768 days ago by Regret
Go ahead and take MS. Pool to court, (which you can't) all of us who know you and have posted; will come to her defence. We will stand in court and tell the truth about you. All MS. Pool has to do is post and we will be there. You bet your rants buddy.

I have checked and your TICA award for Outstanding cattery is a give me, or should I say buy me. It doesn't hold enough water to float a paper boat. TICA is still getting complaints about you. The award you love to brag about did not come from your kind actions, or good breeding... instead it comes from just filling out some paper work and paying a fee. BIG DEAL. Any one who wants to know can call up TICA and ask just like I did.

Your such a joke. You love your empty threats. If you were the nice man you want people to think you are then why are so many people posting about you. I am not MS. Pool. You take your digs at her being a failed dog breeder when your a failed wall paper hanger and you reinvented yourself to kitten mill. You are all nerve. At least she knew about breeding animals. You had to learn that much.

MS. Pool felt scared by the way you acted. She should post what she did. It was only right. You can not get a clue, it had nothing to do with you not shaking her hand. I read that. IT HAS EVERY THING TO DO WITH YOUR ACTIONS. You can talk all you want... but your actions speak the loudest about you.

By reading your posts, you can only insult and insult; over and over again. You can not reason with people, you go on the defence and you turn things into a angry mess. Because you do not honor your advertised guarantee. Your angry actions are you way of getting out of that advertised guarantee. You try and scare people off with your wild actions. Your wild phone calls, even after your told to stop. You tell people you know where they live, work and etc. It works for you, so you keep it up in your posts on this site. Any one who reads your own words will be able to see right through to you real self.

You could see the error of your ways and make amends to those you have hurt and then you might be close to calling your self a Godly man. Till then shut the heck up, we don't care. We have all heard your words before. BIG DEAL!!!
4739 days ago by Dave7002
To REGRET...seems like you have a lot of steam to vent. There would only be one reason why you would like to join ranks with Leslie Pool...I have left my best numbers but, you do not call.
Leslie Pool Has been served by my attorney and we'll get a sworn testimony from her in regards to who is really fueling her efforts.
I have an Idea who it is and in time we'll see.
Regret, sure seems to have a horse in the race...slinging insults after insults...and speaks with an anger.
If you want to know why I was on the list me and stop being a coward...or I'll just consider beoing part of the 2 % of people that arn't happy unless they are unhappy...your evil.
After 10 years in business ...2 complaints...and not that they bought sick cats or got screwed somehow...just whiners...
There was nothing for ms. pool to be scared of unless she was up to no good...she stated later that she wasn't there to buy a cat.
The more I reread the regrets statement I would bet my right arm that I know who this person doubt.
He didn't play well with others and now he knows that I am on to lawyer will be contacting this person also...just looking for a sworn statement from you .
You just said a little to much...
Like I have written before...if you want to know any thing about me call best number is 830-609-4601...Regret POST your number...I dare you...
You hide in the shadows, you have no are dishonest and I will prove this in time.
Be expecting a letter from my attorney ...your busted !
4739 days ago by Dave7002
bwdc...I have never had a court case in regards to a bengal with a bad temperment...never. I also do not need to explain anything to anybody but, I have posted my best number if anybody really cares...
I retired from the wallcovering business and at one time was on the cover of the Houston Business Journal...I wouldn't call that a failure.
I come from a family that bred livestock for 5 generations with honor so, You really don't know what you are talking about.
You seem intent to run my honorable reputation in the ground.
List your number...
play fair...come out of the shadows and identify can't because your either Leslie Pool or just someone that enjoys attention...
You seem to know really nothing that is accurate...everyword dishonest.
And then you use the word kitten mill...have you been here ? I have had some of the best folks from around the world here and I have never heard such a statement.
You got a me and we'll go from there.
One more time, just for you...830-609-4601...
If you do not call me then that will say something about your character.
Why don't you call Leslie and see what my lawyer sent her...
4739 days ago by Dave7002
BWDC...I know who you are and my attorney will be contacting you. We taught you the business and now your returning the us the business.
You have made a few mistakes, making assumptions and being unhonest.
The reason why we seperated from you was because of your abusive nature to your wife and your acoholism. The story's your wife told us with tears in her eyes...
Let's ask your vet how many litters ...complete litters died under your care...Let's ask your vet ...about your breeding program...
I am going to expose you and it will happen...sworn statements will prove that you have been slandering my name for many will take Leslie Pool situation to shine light on the evil one that hides in the shadows. Your the evil one...and the smartest thing I did was to stop mentoring you.
If you need...NEED to respond that is great...POST YOUR NUMBER or GO AWAY...
You wouldn't know stable if it bit you on the nose.
The anger deep inside of you will never rest...I wish you the best and have forgiven every word you have said in mallice.
Looking forward to your phone call soon...

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