Charming Brides Pathetic Customer Support and Discrimination Disease, South Clearfield, Utah |
29th of Oct, 2011 by User339878 |
Here is what one person on the site no1reviews said about this site and here is what they have to say A. From: TheTruthSpeaks Topic: Charming Brides: The Low (NonGold) Standard of This Site! "I too am a member of this site and have dealt with other sites as well. I decided to check out this site because of the harsh dealings with other sites especially with its customer service and with their harsh expenses! I can tell you that I am no fan after my dealings with them. For me customer service that some who are as I would like to call them the "Charming Brides Idolizers" who claim are "professional" is absolutely NOT! Case in point: Upon registration one gets an email message that can give one the ability to contact the admin on the site. Well I did do so about a particular issue and up till this time there has been no response from these so-called "professionals" None! Absolutely Zero! For me the so-called "high standard" is really a low standard and shows they have failed at being at the "high standard" mark that they themselves may claim to be!" Note: One should also note about this site that users have a tendency to become spammers and produce spam advertising in the disguise of "alternative viewpoints" in "favor" of the site so that wrongs like this can be overlooked. Such should be received, accepted or even tolerated. Here is also another opinion about the site from the same no1reviews site B. From: Patrick Topic: The Uncharming side of Charming Brides "There is also discrimination against the local Russian/Ukrainian man since the site will not allow the local Russian/Ukrainian man to become a member of the site thus promoting the idea of inferiority with local Russian/Ukrainian men. The site's owner refuses to allow men of her own country and homeland to be on the site believing that foreign men are better! Yeah right like if all foreign men are saints or will remain as "saints" forever in a relationship! Such demonstrates the uncharming ways of this so-called "charming" site and I know this from personal contact with the site's regulators that this is so!" Finally also to be noted is that complaints have also involved discrimination that occurs against nonwhite men in terms of the lack in advertisement displays of nonwhite men on the site. It is a spinoff activity that comes out of the discrimination found against local men from the country where the owner is from. When confronted about this activity only stubbornness from the owner and administration results demonstrating their desire to continue on with such practices! They should never be excused for these practices that they have at all. |
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