Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Chalk Creek Kennels
Chalk Creek Kennels Timothy and Donielle Young who has been slandering my husband and his business when really people should know who they are. morris
26th of Apr, 2011 by User110147
Timothy and Donielle Young It was today that I realized what type if people you truly are. You feel that you are the victim when in all honesty you deserve everything you get. I have never in my entire life met two people like you that are constantly looking for trouble and a way to sue or slander another individual to try to make yourself look better. I also now know why you guys have no friends and had to move from state to state for the safety of you and your families lives, because you say that someone
sexually harassed you. I now doubt everything you ever said because I honestly believe you are evil individuals
and I will do everything I can to get the word out about exactly what you guys are really all about. You sat here at
my home and tried to tell me how to raise my child and how to make my marriage work and you cant even get a control of your own and I think the local police in your area there in Morris Chapel would vouch for that. What type of mother would allow their children to drink and smoke before they are even of legal age to do either and you told myself and Paul that you even allowed one of them to go and purchase Marijuana for your husband which is completely unacceptable. Then you sit and talk about your husband like a dog and advised us that he was a convicted felon and he is not even supposed
to be in the same house with firearms that you tried to trade my husband for training. Then you get mad at my
husband because he wouldnt take him hunting, let me ask you this Donielle, did you want my husband to take him without a hunting license and us take a risk of getting in trouble, I dont think so. I wouldnt want to do business with someone like this unless they are as sick in the head as you guys. I havent liked any of you from day one, other than Adrienne and I really feel she is a super kid but needs to be out of the situation she is in. The kids have mentioned to us on numerous occasions they cant wait to get out of your home and honestly think they will be better off. I feel sorry for A. You went online and bashed us before we ever had an opportunity to make a decision on what to do or how to help just because your dogs were in our care when the incident occurred. If you have not learned yet in your years of being in this world, you dont get anywhere demanding and acting the way you did. For all the responses to you saying you dont know why
we would be threatened, it is not that we were by any means but our lawyer advised us to let the issue die and you just went on and on running your big mouth about things that were untrue. I knew from the day we received the voicemail on our phone from Timothy Young stating that if the issue was not resolved then he thought he would have a
problem with our training, but you never did and were always pleased, until this issue. If you remember when you signed the contract, it stated that we never claimed to be better than any other trainer. Your Dogs were NEVER in filth and I bathed them every time that mine got bathed which was often. As for your mention of worms coming out of
your dogs behind, I dont for one second believe that crap because when you didnt bring worming meds. down we paid for them and give it to the dogs when we gave them to our own dogs. I wished that we had recorded the day that you kicked your dog as hard as you could and Paul told you not to do that again, and it was weird because we had just ask
you when the dogs were brought to us if anyone had ever abused the dogs because they were very timid, so maybe I know why now. You took and twisted the truth about the dogs getting out, Hell that could happen to anyone when a storm come through and blows a fence down, there is nothing anyone could do not even you.
Then you stated my husband was in the bed every time you guys dropped in, at the end. One time he had worked till three AM and you knew he had a side job that he had to do once a week. Then the second time we had been up all night
because my first cousin had been killed in a car accident, and that was much more important than your girls. They were still fed and were in a very clean environment. Anyone else would have understood but people who are evil, as you two wouldnt care. To add to that he told you in the summer he was up to train very early due to the heat, it is to stressful on the dogs and since when is a business owner to be dictated on what time of day the training is to be done as long as the job is being done. This was winter that you showed up here. You know as well as I do that Paul worked hard with your animals and you were very thankful and pleased till things didnt go your way. Those dogs were further along than the six
months that you claim Chris Akin, or whom ever evaluated. Where did you find the money to do all that because you told us you guys were broke and about to lose you home? I think I would have paid my mortgage first. Donielle you
dont even own a Kennel and you stated in you complaint that we didnt, we never claimed to have a kennel like your business name states and since when did a chicken coupe become a place to board but then again that maybe where you
are keeping your dogs now because I remember Tug having mites. You were all good with us until Timothy came
home and cracked the whip on you. I do remember you calling us for help a few days after you drove across country to
see you husband but couldnt pay us and you both were drunk and he had been hitting you and then locked you and Tug out of the hotel after he had smeared blood all over the walls and after your calling us, the local police came and
put you up in a hotel because you had no money or anything and had us to call one of you children to see if a neighbor could get you some money to get home. Your Website is a complete copy of other websites out there on the web and I think that is called plagiarism and we never had our website up and launched, accept when the girl that is
doing our site had it open doing something with it. You want to also make reference about Paul having a Silver lab,
Sister you got it all wrong, we may live in the same house but that is my dog and other than training it that is all the dealings he has with that color. So you can get with your little friends that want to bad mouth him about that and
let them know that it is mine and I am not looking to become a puppy mill like you guys to make money. It is a
complete shame everything had to end like it has, because you thought he was the best thing since slice bread and you made mention several times you enjoyed coming to our home but then again I think it was to drink and vent about you
husband and daughter that you cant get control of. And all along you are just as bad as you made him out to be.
Although you dont like us now and are doing everything to bash my husband and Cypress Creek Labradors, there are many people who think the world of us and know that we are good honest people and were around you a time or two
and they knew right away you are nuts.
You stated in your false fraud report that Paul obviously couldnt handle more than your two dogs at a time, well just to fill you in, we had many dogs in and out of training while your girls were in our care and those people are VERY PLEASED. This is just part of the reason we didnt tell you all about our business, just like the website and the business cards, because right after you found out about our business cards, Tim got on you about getting you guys some made and for what service I dont know and you also knew all along we had been working on our website for over a year
getting everything ready because we didnt want ours to look like yours were you have taken stuff from everyone elses page and you wanted to play dumb and call us saying Why didnt you tell me you had a website, I never knew we had
to check in and let you know every time we did something then again you could have been drunk and just dont remember us telling you. Can you count how many times we allowed you to stay in our home out of the goodness of our heart so
you wouldnt take the chance of getting a DUI?
We did greatly appreciate the $100 dollars you and Timothy Young donated for the Day of Memories and the signed hats by Bill Dance that I wished we could call and thank him for but we will do as requested and not tell where they came from. I know everything happens for a reason and I Truly feel we had to experience this terrible experience with you guys so that we can stop the rest of the world from having to deal with evil, nasty people like you guys. I feel sorry for your local fire dept because who would have ever guessed that you would have hurt your knee while on the job with the fire dept and Tug. Guess what folks another business that fell in your trap. Then there is the law suit with your house that you claim is falling apart because someone falsely sold you a home that was not to your standards I guess so that was another opportunity to sue them. Donielle and Timothy Young of Chalk Creek Kennels, do you see a pattern here because everyone else does? We do not have to bad mouth you as you responded to one of our clients in their response to your nasty one about us.
Everything I have stated is a Fact about you guys because you are the one that told not just my husband but me as well unless you were lying which you have been known to do. Your business will never prosper because God does not allow
people like you all to continue to treat people this way. I hope God will have mercy on your evil souls. Oh yeah the grammar that you thought was incorrect on the part of our website that you were able to see IS CORRECT!!! We had several
English majors and professors proof before it ever went to the lady to post, so again sorry your not always right!!! As for me being a sore loser at the trails in South Alabama, yes I was and it wasnt because I lost but I know the quality and the potential of MY DOGS and being that Paul is the one that trains them and he didnt want it to be a conflict of interest when my dogs blowed yours away but guess what, I ran them and I messed up so dont feel all proud because your dogs are not really all that and will never be. If you have never watched the Diary of mad Black women, you should because she is a lot
like me. She is very caring and would do anything for anyone but when you keep on and keep on it will backfire. You
`cannot go around in life bad mouthing people and posting it all over the Internet. You may have heard the old
saying; People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. As old as you are you should know you can say things about your own family and thats one thing but when other people do it is not a good thing and I am SICK OF YOU AND YOUR
HUSBAND BAD MOUTHING MY HUSBAND AND HIS BUSINESS!!!! Get a life and find something else to do with your time instead of lying about my family!!! Please dont make me go in detail online about you guys. I expect for this bashing to
come to a halt!!! Because I can tell you, if Paul ever had the thought of giving in to you and giving you the only thing you are out for which is a pedigree with full registration and nothing else regardless of what you say, IT IS NOT HAPPENING. Thank you and God Bless! I will continue to make myself pray for you. It is amazing the information you can find online about someones past so please dont make me go there. I have had all I am going to take from you. I will be attaching a letter that was mailed and signed by you for the world to see how you really felt. I had hoped you would be a big girl and let things die but I guess not. I am a very good mother and having a loving home, which is more than you can say for your yourself and never needed you to tell me how to raise my child or have a happy marriage. We teach our child to do good to
everyone as we have been to you, and then get treated like this but I guess IT IS WHAT IT IS and life goes on. Sincerely The Dunstans or you could say Brandie Dunstan the wife of the man you continue to bash!!!
5048 days ago by Mamajob
Paul Dunstan and his wife Brandie Dunstan of Cypress Creek Labradors are posing as legitimate dog handlers, trainers & breeders of "Champion" Labrador Retrievers. Not only has Paul Dunstan never trained or handled a Champion Labrador Retriever, he has never bred a Champion Labrador Retriever. Don't trust your animal with someone who has no legitimate references and who hasn't been in this business for a decent amount of time. There are plenty of legitimate trainers and breeders who have been in the business for decades and they deserve your business because they have WORKED hard to establish their reputation.

Don't ever trust someone who walks around field trials holding the pedigree of a dog (that they don't even own) and trying to sell pups! If it looks probably is! What man, in his mid-forties, starts a new career in a field that it takes YEARS to gain a strong reputation?
What kind of "business" has a website that isn't accessible to the public? I thought the idea of a website was to attract people and "show your stuff" to the outside world. What is it exactly that you are trying to hide Paul Dunstan?

If you are looking to have your retriever trained, there are plenty of legitimate trainers out there that have open websites and plenty of references that go back decades. Don't trust your animal to someone who has NO HISTORY in this business. I think that people that actually have field trial knowledge and hunting knowledge would know better because after talking with Paul Dunstan for 5 minutes, any person with this background will know that he has NO CLUE what he is talking about.

Paul Dunstan is a run of the mill con artist and this is his latest gimick. Take a look at his legal record and you will see a sad trail of bad credit and being in contempt of court for not paying his child support. Don't go looking to sue Paul Dunstan because he has NO assets in his name! He's smart like that! He likes to "work" in positions where he doesn't have to report his that he doesn't have to pay his child support. I think this speaks a lot about his character, or lack there of. What father, no matter how much you "hate" your ex-wife, no matter how she "did you wrong", what father doesn't support his child? I will tell you this...a real father would go to work at McDonald's and have his wages garnished. Because a real father supports his child, no matter what.

His young wife Brandie is the breadwinner in this family and I truly feel sorry for her because she has gotten herself mixed up with a professional manipulator and con artist who has problems with aggression and tells so many lies that he can't remember them all. Watch out Brandie! He's ruined your credit and once you get sick of his controlling, bi-polar, aggressive self, you won't get a penny! If I were you, I would haul it back to my mama and cut my losses now! Save yourself and your child. He's not worth it! Do you really want your child to grow up with Paul David as a role model? You are such a hard worker! I can tell you really want to make something of yourself! Don't you ever just look at your situation and think, "what am I doing here?", "why am I the one working so hard?" I feel for you!

These people do not deserve your business. They don't have a history and they don't have legitimate references. Take your dog and your money to someone who has been training and breeding for a LONG TIME! Breeding and selling dogs with one reputable bloodline does not make you a "Champion" breeder and it doesn't make you a "Champion" trainer. I would be more careful with my advertising if I were you...

If I have to call every breeder and trainer in the country to warn them of you, I will. But, I don't think I will have to do that...I think this little "business" will fall apart, just like all of your many careers. Seriously! How many careers can one man have! What man starts over in his mid forties and says, "I think I'll start training and breeding hunting dogs!" Someone who is a con artist. Somone that is a very smooth talker and can make anyone believe anything...except me! He never knew I was onto him the whole time.

In conclusion, I'll say that I believe in Karma. Whatever you put out in world, you get back...10 fold. I would be careful Paul David Dunstan, very careful.

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