Bryan David |
Bryan David Dye Bryan Dye DEADBEAT DAD Dallas, Texas |
18th of Dec, 2010 by User761878 |
BRAYN DAVIDDYE, formerly of Houston and currently residing in Dallas, Texas, currently owes over $5,400 in back child support to his 3 year old child he fathered while living in Honolulu, HI. This does not include the arrears from child's birth to age1 which would put him closer to $7,500 in arrears. Bryan Dye drives a BMW and a Corvette and claims toearn in excess of $100,000 a year- yet only reports $20,000 a year in earnings to the child support enforcement agency and currently pays his childNO SUPPORT. Fortunately, because of federal deadbeat dad laws enacted in 1992, BRYAN DYE will soon be looking at felony charges andjailtime as his arrears continue to accrue. BRYAN DYE should be advised that the Custodial Parent of his child will seek any and all means to collect and have him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. BRYAN DYE should further be advised that in the state of Hawaii where his child resides, child support arrears can be pursued until the child reaches the age of THIRTY!In other words,the Custodial Parentof his child has TWENTY SEVENmore years to pursue justice.BRYAN DYEcan be sureCustodial Parentwill continue to pursue that endeavoruntil the very end. Thanks to federal and state law, BRYAN DYE has nowhere to go now that his passport has been revoked and his license is being frozen. Deadbeat dads such as BRYAN DYE deserve national recognition as Custodial Parents across the county let them know their reprehensible actions will not be tolerated. Deadbeat dads such as BRYAN DYEwill be relentlessly pursued until they accept financial responsibility and fulfill their obligations to their children.
Bryan Dye is now living in Houston, TX. He relocated from Dallas in 2010. He now works for Horizon Italian Tile. I would like to provide information regarding this individual so that he may be prosecuted for back child support. |
He conned me out of a lot of money, too. He is a pathological liar, and needs to be held responsible for his back child support and all the rip offs he's done. |
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