bruce miller regence |
bruce miller regence capital partners NEVER DO WORK FOR OR INVEST WITH BRUCE MILLER FROM REGENCE CAPITAL beverly hills, California |
26th of Jan, 2011 by |
Bruce Miller operates under the name Regence Capital and do he is as unscrupulous as they come. You will work for him and he will promise to pay you when he makes his "bi8g deal" and then he will stiff you. When you complain he will simply find another able body and he will employ them and so on. Then at the end of the day when and IF HE CLOSES his deal he will pay whom he feels like paying. He rooked investors into Maryland Gardens in Phoenix AZ an apartment building and his due diligence was a SHAM.
He promised washer dryers and never read the contract that he could not put them in because it conflicted with his laundromat contract. He used the investors money to prepay brokers whom he paid illegally as real estate brokers cannot raise capital and get paid as it is an SEC violation. he had his broker from Arizona do the numbers on the deal and he trumped them up until the deal looked fabulous yet no one noticed that these were impossible returns. He makes deals with people behind the other investors backs and it was all documented on the closing statement of the escrow.
He is BAD NEWS> HIS WHOLE DEAL IS FEES. He ripped off other brokers who referred him and he will scam most people who work for him if they complain they aren;t getting paid. He is an evil man and will "punish" those people for complaining. Investors and employees beware. He will cut you out and cut you off in a heart beat. Someone should call his wife and ask her if she knows that he lied that there was another couple that supposedly was co-signer on the loan to Maryland Gardens as Miller put a 750k loan on their house.
Wonder how he pays the mortgage? Does he commingle funds? Does he pay his mortgage first? Why did his property manger receiver 25k back at the close? It certainly wasn;t for due diligence as that was sorely overlooked. Theres more people...much more. He is not a business man he is a con man who wants to collect fees and stick you with a big fat ZERO. His partner dumped him and so should you
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