Brandon Wayne Stimson |
Brandon Wayne Stimson SSG Stimson, Stinson, Stimpson Contract Fraud Malicious Actions Antelope, California |
18th of Aug, 2011 by User631524 |
Brandon Stimson is a unsympathetic liar who is very well planned in his actions. He is a less than honorable man in his actions and words. I was married to SSG Stimson for approximately 16 years and divorced supposedly by verbal agreement that was put on court record and written up in total opposition to all pretrial actions and even more modified from record in his favor by his attorney who wrote it. Despite telling his attorney immediately that he had lied to get my verbal agreement she wrote the order to assist him with the fraud actually outright stated on court record. He immediately violated every part of his side of the contract that he had tricked me into. Long and short he maliciously went after me in all manners and is violating mine and my children's constitutional rights intentionally. He has said he would lose everything before he would give me anything as promised. He has stated that he will make sure I am so broke that I can never fix things. I have found out that he lied our whole marriage. He supposedly had affairs, came home with a everlasting effect of such, preplanned our move to prevent a fair outcome to both me and my children in the divorce he desired so he could marry his girlfriend that he was kissing on the internet during our marriage. He is aware of his lies and the harm they cause and doesn't care or have any remorse. He manipulates everyone around him and laughs at the legal system utilizing all of it's short comings. Forgetting most of the fraud in this case the only issue that matters to me now is my contact with our children. SSG Stimson is on court record clearly stating that the children and I would have alternating school holidays together. I have asked several times that the written order be corrected to match what I was promised or at least the court record. Mr. Stimson has refused and even paid to prevent that outcome. I believe Brandon Stimson could correct the issues concerning my rights and the children's very easily but will spend or do anything including causing us great emotional and physical harm. I believe if you deal with Brandon Stimson you should not trust him to honor his word. I believe girl's that he has future encounters with should specifically ask if there is anything they should be told about before intimate contact. I believe Brandon Stimson is fully aware of the laws, his violations of our rights, and the harm he intentionally is causing to both myself and our children. Brandon Stimson's lies are on video and undisputed. I know that Brandon Stimson is aware of parental constitutional rights and yet has no regard towards mine r the children's. I believe the violations are malicious, calculated, and no amount of damages can ever correct the time that can never be replaced between myself and the children. I also believe he deserves to be prosecuted for fraud and damages for the priceless harm he continues to cause. |
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