boost moble |
boost moble ripping everon off pekin, Illinois |
10th of Jan, 2011 by User587435 |
Iwent out to radio shack to get cel phone services .
i looked at all the phone companys and phones boost looked like the one whth the best phones and plan so i got the phone i liked and payed for it and went home that was my first mistake paying for it befor i found out it did not work were i live it did not get any bars so i went back to the store and told them it didnt work thay sead it could be the phone and i need a better one but thay didnt have one so i had to drive to peoria and thats 9 or 10 nmiles from my house so i went there and got the blackberry $222.00 and 10.00 dollers for this new plan so i drove home and it didnt work eather so i had to go back to peoria and told them what was going on i was tood that thay would take the phone bace and refund it on to my card but thay couldnt refund my money from the boost moble so i called then from the stores phone i was on the line with 7 to 10 people and thay all sead the same thing we dont give any refunds i keep telling them that i couldnt even use any of the phone thay just wouldnt get any bars at all were i live i was hung up on 5 time and then thay would say i cant hear you and hangup or thay would send me into there imformation line now this is set up to not get you to anyone but to just tell you what thay want you to hear so you must hang up and try to get to some one to help you well you can forget that all of the people have been told that you can never give a refund back under any cercomstances thay just dont cairwhat happened your not getting any refund thay are told to tell you thay will put it on your account but how is that going to help you so you are just out your time and money i am telling everone i know and im allso going to talk to some one at radio shack about selling boost to any one its giveing them a bad name for letting people get riped off if i had a store i would not let my costermers get riped off by this or any outher prepayed phone plan im just out all the time and the money and i got nouthing for it
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