Best Buy |
best buy best buy needs to fall off the face of the earth Internet |
18th of Aug, 2011 by User793822 |
I wrote to Best Buy today about my terrible experience with them, not the first time something has been bad, and promised to post about them everywhere I could find, so here it is: Why you have lost my business: First, my son applied for a best buy credit card online. The card had not arrived but when we called the store (twice, to double check) they said they could look up his card number and he could make his purchases at that time. This was a lie. He wasted multiple hours and $20 of gas. I also called the store manager, left a message but he never called me back. The card never arrived, and the trip for which I needed a car stereo is tomorrow. We have been checking the mail, since it said it would be one or two weeks, and it has been three weeks. We called, and they said the card had just now been mailed out. So, I needed to buy the stereo myself. I called the store to make sure it was in stock and they had time to install it today. I went online and found the correct item and installation. I called to make sure the order would be available to be installed right away. The person told me to place the order over the phone with him, and it would be available immediately. My son once again wasted multiple hours and $20 in gas to drive to the Melbourne FL store, only to be told that the order was 'processing' and would not be available for up to 72 hours. That delay was never mentioned to me before I placed the order. I called your 800 number and was connected to a remarkably rude woman who told me there was nothing that could be done by anyone and I was stuck, and if I wanted to be irritated with her I needed to call someone else. I cancelled the order. I then called the store, where my son was still waiting, to see if there was a way to work through the issue and complete the purchase and installation today. The person told me that if I were in the store it would be no problem but since I was not there it was impossible. I expressed my frustration and conveyed that this was not the first, nor second, nor even tenth time something had been screwed up by best buy. The person said she was sorry but nothing could be done. I asked if she would prefer to try to work something out or if she would prefer for your company to lose my business entirely. She did not choose the first option. You have lost my business, utterly and permanently. I am beyond angry, and I will be most happy to find every single customer alert board and blog, and post about my experiences with your excrescence of a company.
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