Bay County Friend of the court Discrimination, Violation of rights, Not following the law, Slowley destroying my life. Imprisionment Bay City, Michi |
1st of Dec, 2011 by User230603 |
Hello to all those fathers who deal with F.O.C, Bay County,MI. Here is a good story for you. I lost my job in MI, in 2007, My child support was in the arrears $ 1200.00 at the time. I moved to SC, had work lined up didnt pan out, was recieving unemployment from MI, Friend of the court took most of it. I then moved to Fl, where my sister was residing and started looking for work.P.S Lived with my sister to keep a roof over my head. I petitioned the court for a hearing to lower my support due to being unemployed. My sister also filed a motion with the same county to have her support lowered.Didnt know that at the time. Filed motion reguarding support 5-08, sent F.O.C all of the paperwork they requested, I recieved paperwork from F.O.C Responce to motion I filed. She stated ( x wife ) She has no job, unable to work, medical cost's increasing for our son, ect. Dosent believe I live in FL. should have to show proof of residence. A confrence hearing was scheduled, on 8-19-08 The courts recieved a cover letter from an attorney she had hired.( remember no job unable to work) stating they were her attorney for this matter.ON 8-20-08 BAY COUNTY F.O.C RECIEVED A LETTER FROM HER ATTORNEY THAT SHE WAS UNABLE TO MAKE THE MEETING AND IT WOULD HAVE TO BE ADJOURNED FOR A NUMBER OF WEEKS DUE TO THEIR CLIENTS BUSINESS. SHE MANAGES AND OWNES A PARTY STORE AND LABOR DAY IS A BUSY WEEKEND.. Sounds like contempt of court to me. I was also instructed to contact the Judges office to schedule a phone hearing. This is after the friend of the court recomondations for support payments was rejected by my x. I called them left 2 messages and never heard back from them. Never appeared for the hearing couldnt afford to go to MI. The judge neglected the F.O.C recomendations sided with my x and raised my support payments. I have tried this twice sence then to have my support lowered due to finical diffucalties followed the procedures set by friend of the court. Called the Judges office, ect, SAME OUT COME. now I am 24k in the arrears have been extroidated back to MI, jailed for thirty days. Charged with a felony on a delayed sentice ordered to pay $ 10.000.00 back in a year twords the arrears, plus all the other court fees and extradition costs. I once again have filed a motion for the support to be lowered, I pay $ 696.00 for one child and made $ 12,000.00 last year.I also am trying to pay arrears on my 1st child off as ordered by the courts. plus a little extra twords the arrears.also on probation that has its own fees. Now I have to come up with the money to return to MI for a pre hearing conference with F.O.C so my X can decline it and have a hearing scheduled and return to MI then also and keep up with my current support payments, court costs, reimbursement of the arrears & probation fees. I have worked 2 weeks in November and have been off for the last week. Their is no work out their but keep paying. My x is an angel and I am classified as a DEAD BEAT DAD WITH A FELONY. Now try to get a good job in a jobless market. I am soo lost in this matter have no idea what to do. I look for work 3 times a day in classifieds,craigs list,monster,ect, cant afford a attorney or a trip back to MI, They have set me up for failure and in short of a miracle they will have me back in jail . My x stated that was her goal to Dennis Bergavin at F.O.C . Keep me locked up.. PS I havent had contact with my son in 11 years she and F.O.C keep her address confidential, I have requested in writing to the F.O.C to be able to have contact with my son they told me I would have to petition the court and see what happens, My son hasent even seen his grand parents and they have lived less than 20 miles apart for the last 11 years. Seen him in a grocery store until X SEEN THEM THAN HE DISSAPERED. |
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