Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems JV Malaysia
Conrad Fawcett, Adam Stuart & Graham Donald - bribery, tax evasion, fraud, money laundering
27th of Feb, 2014 by Tom Cahill
I was working for Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems Joint Venture in Malaysia.

The company was illegally withholding payments to the contractors, even to felow Balfour Beatty firms. At the same time they conducted a racist policy, which involved sacking the local labour and taking on UK workers who were getting paid over fourty times as much money to do basic work, known in the industry as 'terminations' which means bolting cables at the junction boxes.

These workers were charged out at £400 per day, and there are 100 of them.

The semi literate boss of the company who employed these semi skilled labourers was taking 25% so that's £100 per day per person, totaling £10,000 per day.

This incredible criminality in a country where the average wage for such a worker is around £10 per day.

Billy big bananas Adam Stuart marches about the office threatening to murder the locals if anything goes missing from the stores, whilst he's obviously taking backhanders from the company who's clearly owned by his mates, who employs the labour.

Graham Donald, an alleged quantity surveyor, takes the biscuit for incredible 'incompetence' if this is indeed what it is, by leaving the scope of works out of the scope of works. So that's hundreds of millions of dollars/pounds worth of engineering, being managed by a total imbecile. Of course, this being said the sarcastic, smirking winger, Conrad Fawcett, minces around the office bullying his captive audience in a totally inappropriate manner. Closet homosexuals are at their most pervasive when they're in positions of authority. This is all the more disgusting as they're meant to be guests in the country.

Make sure these criminals don't get on any more government jobs in Malaysia. They are criminal parasites.
4010 days ago by Tom Cahill
Please also see:

As if by magic, one month to the day later, someone's given me an update and what an update it is. I've redacted their name and any distinguishing parts of their story as I haven't asked their permission to post what follows.

I can't vouch for the person's sincerity, but it certainly sounds like the standard criminal-dunce modus operandi, so I have to admit to being virtually convinced, with my previous experience as a guide.

Please read and let me know what you think:


At fear of repeating myself, this info. was sent to me this morning.


-------------------------------------------START OF EMAIL-------------------------------------------
I read about you with BBAS on Internet as big thing with staff at BB. I worked REDACTED in Malaysia and know lot about NDT. These guys heavy drinkers and bich a lot and think Malaysian deaf and stupid
You know criminal conspiracy but not just steal money from JV and grease from subconractor
You more professional than other. Talking about Bribery Act frighten them. As a Senior QS you know subcontractor variation but not make sense large amount pay for small work. BB do not audit but know it go on
Bribe corrupt Malays through subcontractor using variation Graham [Donald] make and Conrad [Fawcett] sign check. I hear very big bribe paid for BBAS install inferior signals, must be big trail. Money go corrupt Malays government and ringleader and BBAS also make lot
Paul Houston is ringleader and made Country Manager and Director of BBAS. He do what he like the other Directors dont come Malaysia and avoid BBAS office. they incompetent so let do what he want.
REDACTED work with Paul [Houston] and boss John Kirton for long time and he very manipulating and bully staff at BBAS and BBR. He force BBAS staff to give bribes and take some for self. Paul no professional action and hated by many clients and people in construction in Malaysia and very bad for BBR.
Conrad [Fawcett] and Graham [Donald] and others bullied for years but cooperate as not leave Malaysia and think construction business work is monkey work. Big family and Conrad [Fawcett] have dozen kids in International School. They weak and ringleader threaten them. They are what he need, QS to make paper and Project Director to sign document. Paul [Houston] likes fall guy, he treat them like idiot. His name not on paper but frighten when boss come
Conrad [Fawcett] not gay, just pussy used by ringleader and threaten fire many times. both pussies Paul need.
Graham [Donald] not for skill QS. He react Bribery Act he know what happen him in jail.
You not mention REDACTED, REDACTED who is delivery Manager. He has dozen kids in International School that they control. 400k per year International School so much money to loose
Not know Adam [Stuart] but there for money. last job then retire? You say grease from subcontractors, perhaps Paul control him lik this
Ian Hampton also there long time and make design inferior signals as design manager but know it not what government order.
These people in Paul [Houston's] pocket and meet Directors and staff from UK on holiday round Asia like big boss from BBR in UK Peter Andersen, who not listen to staff in Malaysia warn him of Paul [Houston] . Paul [Houston] stick like glue in Malaysia nobody talk privately and give lots of alcohol and prostitute at Beach Club. They not question real staff when REDACTED there we all joke they in alcoholic dream until dumped at airport and bye bye. Reports from KL about BBAS are fantastic but we know what happen when found fake, he blame pussies [Conrad Fawcett & Graham Donald] .
REDACTED [were] told BB ethics policy to protect UK management and and business as usual but with more form to fil so no one call Ethics Helpline it get you fired
REDACTED [are]glad to be away. REDACTED tell BB they try pay REDACTED off and shut up with sign confidentiality agreement
Someone tell MACC and real trouble start from let Paul Houston continue as Malaysia change and criminal investigate very bad for BB in Europe and USA.
REDACTED dont care as left but Malaysia not need british monkey as have Malaysian monkey already.
-------------------------------------------END OF EMAIL-------------------------------------------
[email protected] (my boss, alleged 'Commercial Manager', one of the "pussies (as they're known by local staff)", BBAS (Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems Joint Venture, registered in Malaysia)

[email protected] ('boss' of rail 'upgrade' project, sarcastic, smirking sycophant, and a confirmed "pussy")

[email protected] (below Condad, above Graham in the alleged rankings. Might be a "pussy", but might just be a loud mouthed know nothing, Billy Big Bananas, loud mouthed would-like-to-be-thought-of-as-thug, who loves bullying captive audience little brown people who he can sack for no reason, despite it bveing their country (if you can work that one out, but it seems to be true). Has a very deep voice and likes to hear it reverberate around a vast open plan office, when he threatens to burn the local staff to death in their huts. Typical clapped out British expat material. A confirmed total cunt, by anyone's standards, if it needs to be said. Tried to lecture me about the virtues of working for such a prestigious firm before being cut short and told to "fuck off and stop talking bollox". He said it like he believed it, which might be the saddest thing. Point of scientific interest. I think his testicles may be being used as his brain, and judging from his behaviour, consider it wholly possible that they are larger than the conventional thinking organ, for which he has little use for.

[email protected] (alleged ring leader of the criminal operations on the project in Malaysia. Alleged bully of the "pussies")

[email protected] (a.k.a. AnDROSS McNaughtCRIME, C.E.O. of Balfour Beatty plc. (UK based and registered Holding Company, in over all control of the entire brand, Worldwide), religeous belief in the myth of the 'duck and cover' doctrine. Soon to be an ex C.E.O. if logic prevails.

[email protected] (personnel, BBplc, UK. Admitted to the criminal offense of "Tipping Off" in writing, whilst thinking he was being really clever and formal. Please see attached. A total moron, with no morals, as per the usual for his line of 'work'.)

[email protected] (Balfour Beatty Rail. Malyasia based, but in Kuala Lumpur. Seems to have blocked my emails. Being local staff, she'll just be taking instruction, but gave me no problems.

[email protected] (Local staff, in Butterworth, Bukit Tengha Office/Depot. Can't make any decision or exercise any discrettion or he'll be sacked, not paid and defamed and blackballed / blacklisted, so is helpless to do the right thing. Just the way Balfours like it.)
4010 days ago by Tom Cahill
Please also see:

As if by magic, one month to the day later, someone's given me an update and what an update it is. I've redacted their name and any distinguishing parts of their story as I haven't asked their permission to post what follows.

I can't vouch for the person's sincerity, but it certainly sounds like the standard criminal-dunce modus operandi, so I have to admit to being virtually convinced, with my previous experience as a guide.

Please read and let me know what you think:


At fear of repeating myself, this info. was sent to me this morning.


-------------------------------------------START OF EMAIL-------------------------------------------
I read about you with BBAS on Internet as big thing with staff at BB. I worked REDACTED in Malaysia and know lot about NDT. These guys heavy drinkers and bich a lot and think Malaysian deaf and stupid
You know criminal conspiracy but not just steal money from JV and grease from subconractor
You more professional than other. Talking about Bribery Act frighten them. As a Senior QS you know subcontractor variation but not make sense large amount pay for small work. BB do not audit but know it go on
Bribe corrupt Malays through subcontractor using variation Graham [Donald] make and Conrad [Fawcett] sign check. I hear very big bribe paid for BBAS install inferior signals, must be big trail. Money go corrupt Malays government and ringleader and BBAS also make lot
Paul Houston is ringleader and made Country Manager and Director of BBAS. He do what he like the other Directors dont come Malaysia and avoid BBAS office. they incompetent so let do what he want.
REDACTED work with Paul [Houston] and boss John Kirton for long time and he very manipulating and bully staff at BBAS and BBR. He force BBAS staff to give bribes and take some for self. Paul no professional action and hated by many clients and people in construction in Malaysia and very bad for BBR.
Conrad [Fawcett] and Graham [Donald] and others bullied for years but cooperate as not leave Malaysia and think construction business work is monkey work. Big family and Conrad [Fawcett] have dozen kids in International School. They weak and ringleader threaten them. They are what he need, QS to make paper and Project Director to sign document. Paul [Houston] likes fall guy, he treat them like idiot. His name not on paper but frighten when boss come
Conrad [Fawcett] not gay, just pussy used by ringleader and threaten fire many times. both pussies Paul need.
Graham [Donald] not for skill QS. He react Bribery Act he know what happen him in jail.
You not mention REDACTED, REDACTED who is delivery Manager. He has dozen kids in International School that they control. 400k per year International School so much money to loose
Not know Adam [Stuart] but there for money. last job then retire? You say grease from subcontractors, perhaps Paul control him lik this
Ian Hampton also there long time and make design inferior signals as design manager but know it not what government order.
These people in Paul [Houston's] pocket and meet Directors and staff from UK on holiday round Asia like big boss from BBR in UK Peter Andersen, who not listen to staff in Malaysia warn him of Paul [Houston] . Paul [Houston] stick like glue in Malaysia nobody talk privately and give lots of alcohol and prostitute at Beach Club. They not question real staff when REDACTED there we all joke they in alcoholic dream until dumped at airport and bye bye. Reports from KL about BBAS are fantastic but we know what happen when found fake, he blame pussies [Conrad Fawcett & Graham Donald] .
REDACTED [were] told BB ethics policy to protect UK management and and business as usual but with more form to fil so no one call Ethics Helpline it get you fired
REDACTED [are]glad to be away. REDACTED tell BB they try pay REDACTED off and shut up with sign confidentiality agreement
Someone tell MACC and real trouble start from let Paul Houston continue as Malaysia change and criminal investigate very bad for BB in Europe and USA.
REDACTED dont care as left but Malaysia not need british monkey as have Malaysian monkey already.
-------------------------------------------END OF EMAIL-------------------------------------------
[email protected] (my boss, alleged 'Commercial Manager', one of the "pussies (as they're known by local staff)", BBAS (Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems Joint Venture, registered in Malaysia)

[email protected] ('boss' of rail 'upgrade' project, sarcastic, smirking sycophant, and a confirmed "pussy")

[email protected] (below Condad, above Graham in the alleged rankings. Might be a "pussy", but might just be a loud mouthed know nothing, Billy Big Bananas, loud mouthed would-like-to-be-thought-of-as-thug, who loves bullying captive audience little brown people who he can sack for no reason, despite it bveing their country (if you can work that one out, but it seems to be true). Has a very deep voice and likes to hear it reverberate around a vast open plan office, when he threatens to burn the local staff to death in their huts. Typical clapped out British expat material. A confirmed total cunt, by anyone's standards, if it needs to be said. Tried to lecture me about the virtues of working for such a prestigious firm before being cut short and told to "fuck off and stop talking bollox". He said it like he believed it, which might be the saddest thing. Point of scientific interest. I think his testicles may be being used as his brain, and judging from his behaviour, consider it wholly possible that they are larger than the conventional thinking organ, for which he has little use for.

[email protected] (alleged ring leader of the criminal operations on the project in Malaysia. Alleged bully of the "pussies")

[email protected] (a.k.a. AnDROSS McNaughtCRIME, C.E.O. of Balfour Beatty plc. (UK based and registered Holding Company, in over all control of the entire brand, Worldwide), religeous belief in the myth of the 'duck and cover' doctrine. Soon to be an ex C.E.O. if logic prevails.

[email protected] (personnel, BBplc, UK. Admitted to the criminal offense of "Tipping Off" in writing, whilst thinking he was being really clever and formal. Please see attached. A total moron, with no morals, as per the usual for his line of 'work'.)

[email protected] (Balfour Beatty Rail. Malyasia based, but in Kuala Lumpur. Seems to have blocked my emails. Being local staff, she'll just be taking instruction, but gave me no problems.

[email protected] (Local staff, in Butterworth, Bukit Tengha Office/Depot. Can't make any decision or exercise any discrettion or he'll be sacked, not paid and defamed and blackballed / blacklisted, so is helpless to do the right thing. Just the way Balfours like it.)
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill
29 03 14 - Update

Yesterday morning I went to report the crimes against the government to the police in the jurisdiction which governs the Bukit Tengha Depot, which is where the BBAS office is located.

The day before, I'd copied the C.E.O. of Ansaldo Systems into the links to this article, that he may avoid any negative ramifications of Andrew McNaughton's failure to prevent his staff from stealing money from the company and the shareholders. I also wrote the the share holder relations man, who I promised not to name to give him some time to work out how he was going to have his boss removed, which as you can imagine, may be quite difficult.

Also, I wrote to the dean and the head of Quantity Surveying at Loughborough University regarding the work placements who were being raped by the corruption and were not going to have anything to show after a year of working in a dump known as Butterworth, most notably, no sign off on any professional qualifications.

The police took me to the main station for the area took me to the main station in the area, which's address is as follows:

Ibupejabat Polis Daerah,
Seberang Peraai Tengah,
Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Komersial,
Bukit Mertajam,
2nd Floor

where I spoke to:

Sergeant Selva; &,
Sergeant Sukri

(Both Malaysian. One Indian. The other an ethnic Malay (so far as I could tell). The Indian one seemed to be able to speak English better than the other one.)

I handed them the report that I'd sent Balfour Beatty plc. on 17 02 14 along with some other information which I had printed off in a nearby shop.

I had attended the Immigration Department---accross the road from the first police station, prior to making contact, and this had been quite revealing. They said that from my passport, it was clear that I was not in possession of either a working visa or a work permit, as it's recorded in the person's passport.

There were two aspects to the police report. Whilst I wanted to stress the massive theft of money from the Malaysian Exchequer, I was also aware that lots of the time, whilst bogus, the police will want to know whether I was a victim, as they do in England. I would stress that I am under no illusions that reporting things to the police will ever assist in getting any money from anyone. Also, that, there is a selfish value in contacting them, which is that no one can accuse, surmise, or infer that the creditor who's also reporting crime is in some way blackmailing the criminal, withholding payment party, or, along the same lines, profiting from their criminal activity at the cost of the/other victims of their parasitism.

I cited two pieces of evidence for this.
ONE, was the payment made to me the day after being told to leave, called "Final Payment" which had used a proforma form, with tax boxes to fill, yet they had filled no boxes for tax, which the story they were telling aligned with an obligation for them to collect my income tax and national insurance, and to pay it to the Malay government for me; and,
TWO, was the payment made last month, where they tried to say that there was another full and final payment---also clearly under duress of the most blatant kind---which made a pretence to deduct "tax", where they've clearly taken money and not passed it on to the government, so they've had to steal to keep up their demonstrably untrue story of me actually being employed. Of note, if it was a full and final payment, they'd be able to avoid tax on the basis of it being an ex-gratia payment, but they obviously don't know what one is, so I won't complicate things. But, it must be said, tht they owed me a few hundred more in living expenses which was c.GBP666 according to the terms of all three agreements that they'd got me to sign, which is explained elsewhere.

As I'd feared would definitely happen, the police kept going on about the fact that I was claiming to be owed money, and they said that there has to be a motive to reporting crime. I told them that they were being informed as:
I'd been ripped off and this had made me examine the situation and I wanted to report the crime as I was obliged under the UK's 2010 Bribery Act, with regards criminal financial impropriety on foreign jobs where the lparties have a link to the UK;
that I wanted the criminal parasites to be exposed, have their criminal gains seized, remove their passports and freeze all of the aforementioned so as to prevent them skipping the jurisdiction prior to them being discovered and held; and,
that I didn't want them to be able to get on the further stages of the project, as it went into Thailand.
I explained that if I could prove that I'd been abused and made to leave with nothing in writing as per Malay/international law, without the total money due as per the contract, that I would have a cast iron case, should they be criminally charged.

I explained that they needed to get the necessary documents together that we might see a judge and attain a court order to action the above interim measures, without giving the criminal parasites time to hide documentation or create new records.

I went to print off the documents as they didn't have the faciity as my pen drive apparently had a virus. When I returned, the Malay officer told me that he'd called them and that they'd told him I had a bad attitude and that I'd resigned; which following my denial changed, as he kept phoning them up, and then it turned into I'd 'been resigned by them(?)', which to save face of being fooled, he said was definitely the case, citing an email of a month back; so draw from that what conclusions you might wish.

I was annoyed that the sergeant had tipped the criminals off, but it became clear that the two of them were more concerned that they'd been working since November and that I'd been in Thailand 'on holiday' and that they'd concluded that I intended to xxxx the firm over and return there for more holidays, and that they'd be stuck in Malaysia doing boring police work. It was not poor assesment, based on what they had been privy to at that point, but I still can't agree that their actions were the most sensible or well judged (but I'm not a policeman).

They said that they couldn't get 'my boss' down to the office on yesterday's Friday afternoon, but that they'd have to arrange it for Monday in the morning, any time after 10.00; seeming to imply that 'my boss' was in agreement with this. I don't believe that any of the retrards from Balfour Beatty will be willing to attend, as they know they're retards and that they can only be hung out to dry, but I am in a position where I couldn't really refuse. The premise is that I will be able to come to some 'agreement' with them, but I'm not sure how they think that this will be achieved as none of the mong level staff at Balfour Beatty will be even allowed to pay me off, as they're just puppets and sacrificial plates for the higher up Balfour Beatty staff, who intend to rip the company off as well as the Malysian government.

It will be interesting what will happen. I have decided to attend. I add, that I will be absolutely amazed if anyone from Balfour Beatty turns up, but who can tell when you're dealing with total retards who are in a total flap.

I am going to scan the official Crime Report and post it in a short while as this internet cafe has no working scanner.
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill

Not to confuse this post as an afterthought, I just wanted to give it the prominence which it deserves.

I'll probably be doing some videos soon, and that will get this forum moving at a greater rate of knots. But, until that happens and from now on, I'd be very grateful if you could all feel comfortable posting or privately contacting me and sharing any evidence or suspicions that you have about Balfour Beatty and their terrible, parasitic behaviour in Malaysia. I am well aware that this is a risk as Malaysia's a country where there are corrupt officials in the government who will target people who have an interest in bringing the country into the modern World, and that their lives are in danger, but if you read the above, you will see that I am clearly not one of these people or one of their agents / collaborators.

Obviously the integrity of my reports is of utmost importance, and I can't post any old thing up, unless it's rigorously prefaced as being from a unproven source, but of course, anyone can post things here, and I won't be able to remove them.

BB are well aware of this forum and are equally silent---not feeling it necessary to comment, as there's nothign that they can say to defend themselves(?). I know what I think.

My contcts are:
[email protected]
skype: t0mcahill

Let's put an end to these parasites and see them languishing behind bars in Malaysia for a good long stretch. People like this need to be made an example of.
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill

I would suggest that any evidence that is handed to the police be copied in to me so as to avoid pressuring them into losing or misunderstanding it, which will happen as a result of the huge amounts of money involved. In doing this, you are protecting the police's interests and by depriving them of any chance of being corrupted or---very likely---intimidated, you make their job a lot easier and; which in turn assists the country and the World, to stamp out parasitism.

If the man who contacted me on Thursday 27th is telling the truth about the downgrading of the signals specification, then this is a particularly interesting and significant point, which would be very interesting to hear about. If they did it on this phase, they clearly will try it on any future phases, but of course, we will presumably find that they might have done it on the earlier phases from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. The preparatory work for this would be massive, should this be true.

The crime report details are as follows:

No: BK TENGAH / 003 442 / 14
Date: 28 03 14
Tim: 18.15
Informant: Thomas Cahill
Officer name: Kamarudin Bin Ahmad
Officer ID: R95 322
(he took the report formally, but hesimply typed up my handwritten notes and didn't question me. The other two mentioned in the article above last were the 'dealing' officers.

My contcts are:
[email protected]
skype: t0mcahill
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill

I would suggest that any evidence that is handed to the police be copied in to me so as to avoid pressuring them into losing or misunderstanding it, which will happen as a result of the huge amounts of money involved. In doing this, you are protecting the police's interests and by depriving them of any chance of being corrupted or---very likely---intimidated, you make their job a lot easier and; which in turn assists the country and the World, to stamp out parasitism.

If the man who contacted me on Thursday 27th is telling the truth about the downgrading of the signals specification, then this is a particularly interesting and significant point, which would be very interesting to hear about. If they did it on this phase, they clearly will try it on any future phases, but of course, we will presumably find that they might have done it on the earlier phases from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. The preparatory work for this would be massive, should this be true.

The crime report details are as follows:

No: BK TENGAH / 003 442 / 14
Date: 28 03 14
Tim: 18.15
Informant: Thomas Cahill
Officer name: Kamarudin Bin Ahmad
Officer ID: R95 322
(he took the report formally, but hesimply typed up my handwritten notes and didn't question me. The other two mentioned in the article above last were the 'dealing' officers.

My contcts are:
[email protected]
skype: t0mcahill
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill
Here follows the report which pertains to the aforementioned crime.
No: BK TENGAH / 003 442 / 14
Date: 28 03 14
Time: 18.15

"Pengadu Menyatakan:-
This report is made with a full report which was made and typed up totalling 12 pages.

I was a first hand witness to:

1. No bid contracts being awarded against official protocol;

2. Bribery;

3. Money Laundering; &,

4. Fraud; including,

5. Visa & Work Permit fraud; &,

6. Tax Evasion, including with regards to the tax payable on my behalf by the company. I had no work permit, so could pay no tax. I was tricked and they [BBAS, Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems JV (joint Venture)] removed sums of money under the auspices of being tax when none could be paid as I was not an employee as I had no working visa, so also had no work permit, so could not possibly be eligible for this, thus depriving the Malaysian Exchequer of tax via fraud.

There are other instances which require detailed explanation to understand.

1) My name is Tom (Thomas xxxxxxxxxxx Cahill). I generally reside in the UK, but have worked in other countries. In October 2013, an agent called me, telling me about a quantity [sic Surveying] job in Malaysia. He told me that the money wouldn't be very good, and that it would be an employed [sic basis], but that it was in a holiday [sic beach type resort type] area. His name was [sic Nick Rawlinson] and he works out of Kuala Lumpur.

2) Nick arranged a phone interview with the [sic client], [who] was BBAS (Balfour Beatty Ansaldo Systems JV). Two men spoke to meon the phone. One was Graham Donald and the other was Adam Stuart, Graham's boss. They were keen to get some things organised first.

3) By the time the 22nd of October came, I had sent the back a signed contract which a man called Conrad Fawcett (project director) had countersigned. I here note that this had been the third of three contracts that I had sent back, which was a danger sign. This demonstrated that they were not controlling the movement of important finance specific documentation properly. This also proved that there was no document management policy being adhered to; further, to use an English term, that there was obviously a problem / lack of "corporate governance".

4) I don't have access to the ticket here, but they paid for my flights as per the agreement.
(Exhibit 01)
My first day of work was 25.10.14, which may have been the day I landed.

5) On the first or second day (the first being a half day, due to me only just arriving), I spoke with my boss, Graham. It is necessary for me to explain that my function as a QS would vary dependent on requirements on different jobs. BBAS is part of a massive, multinational group which is based in the UK, called Balfour Beatty plc (Plc = public company -- which meant it had shares).

I asked Graham if we were just using their name or whether we had to report back to them and on which issues.

6) I was concerned about auditability being a QS is responsible for this, so they must know who has to report what to who and which parties' interests come in which priority.

7)I asked Graham about our provision of the 2010 Bribery Act. He told me it was very important, and that they'd been 'on a big course about it'. Naturally, this then lead on to the question of the provision, as per the 'anti-bribery protocol', which is similar to the Health & Safety protocol, which makes it clear how the firm will ensure that there's procedures in place to make any bribery impossible due to rigorous oversight. Graham told me he hadn't done one and looked worried.

8) I became aware that on top of this incredibly suspect behaviour, that Graham had "forgotten" to put the scope of works into the scope of works on two of the four contracts. I was only privy to two of the four, so presumably the other two were missed out as well. Incredibly Graham told me to issue a variation for the two contracts. This would give free reign for an exponential price escalation.

9) The most easy to understand corruption was the sacking of the labour who did the "terminations" (bolting cables to junction boxes), and replacing the local labour with UK staff on GBP400 per day. This when the staff onsite were refusing to pay Balfour Beatty Sweden for money they owed them. There were 100 of these. Their "boss" was getting 25%, so that = 10, 000 pounds per day for nothing.

Salinan Repot Pertama

T. Cahill
4008 days ago by Tom Cahill
The 12 page report mentioned can be found on the following relate link:

I also provided other documents and they will be uploaded soon.
4007 days ago by Tom Cahill
I'm due to go to speak to the police tomorrow--
(as you'll be able to read more about by following the link, and I'm told that 'my boss' is going to be attending. It isn't how I'd envisaged things turning out, and I have to say, I'd be very surprised if whoever they think my boss is turns up. Of course, when dealing with retards, they might go and do something totally out of the ball park, such as turn up and try and say I've done some crime or attempt to gain sympathy and a free pass for their crimes by saying I've got a bad attitude--anything's possible when retards are concerned. I don't mean to tempt fate, but the possibilities of an attempt to intimidate me is also a very real possibility. For those not familiar with the construction industry plonkology (like psychology, but for plonkers, where there's less brains than's needed to psychoanalyse), when someone doesn't go along with their idiocy, which has kept them working at ten percent efficiency on really long days, away from their families for their entire lives, they do have a habit of losing their minds and all semblance of control, due to cognitive dissonance (using cognitive in its most liberal application, of course)--

I'm taking a bit of a chance posting this as they might read it, but on the other hand, they've got a very low level of intellect (largely due to the retardation which comes from being under a lot of stress, which we all get) so they'll be hard pushed to benefit from anything I've said here.
4004 days ago by Tom Cahill
02 04 14

I attended the police station on Monday following the request of Seargeants Selva (Indian) and Sukr (Malay). I arrived at 11.07, as the bus I was advised to take took me to a different police station. I left before 08.00, and had intended to get there at 10.00, when they said they'd be there from.

It turned out that as with the offer of the previous Friday, "my boss" had offered to come down, but just couldn't quite make it. Seargeant Silva told me that they couldn't be botered with me; but they'd come down whent they had a chance. There was a shopping maul accross the road, so I took his number and he told me he'd call me when he heard from them, which he understood to be not too much time later.

I called him a couple of times over the next two hours, but didn't get through. Half an hour later, as I walked back over to tell him I was going to leave, he called and asked if I could wait until 15.30, which of course, I was never going to do, having waited for the remained of Friday, the weekend and the first half of that day, on the promise of meeting some criminal, who I didn't think would have the bottle to turn up, and who could blame them. It's not like they could gain anything from it. I asked him to call me later if he wanted to speak to me.

Please stand by . . .

As predicted, I never thought that anyone would show up, but it seemed as though the police were scared the first time, and this continues to be my feeling, which explains their stupid comments. I think they see this as too big for them to become involved in and they'd rather try and make me leave them alone. It is important to remember that these police aren't in the UK and as such were polite and mainly friendly. They weren't anyone's fools. I did well to get my report in in the form it went in, which I think was largely due to it being a Friday, leaving me free to type the 'corrections' in at the start when the old policeman left me for a couple of minutes. Learning to type properly pays off many times over, I am glad to report.

I headed back accross the sea on the ferry to the Komtar (from Commercial Tower) which was back on the Island of Penang, which houses a lot of government departments in it, following a 50 minute bus drive. I'd been told by some helpful people in the tea shop that this was the best place to go, as there was the industrial regulators or something in there, and that they'd know who to speak to and that I could leave any evidence with them.

This went smoothly, save for the fact that they referred me to the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission). They weren't far away and I arrived at around 17.00. Unlike in the UK, these people see you straight away, and don't hide in their offices playing solitaire, pretending to be busy.

I spoke to Juita Seigaran, who I agreed to send the information which populates this posting to, when I had some time. I travelled out of Malaysia the next day, at 05.00, but had crashed out upon returning to my lodgings. I am unaware of any late night or 24 hour internet cafes in Penang, so I missed the chance, and then the same thing the next day, following a long spell of travelling.

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