AZ Electronics Wholesale |
AZ Electronics Wholesale, LLC Class Action Suit Phoenix, Arizona |
1st of Jul, 2011 by User956845 |
Contact us at , if you have had a negative experience with this individual or related businesses. Several reports have been filed against this individual for fraudulent checks written as well as failure to provide services promised in contract. We are looking for all businesses or individuals interested action against these offenses. Contact information will be forwarded solely to the appropriate authority(ies) for them to contact you about your interests in these matters. Note: DO NOT PROVIDE DETAILS ABOUT YOUR INTERACTION TO ANYONE OTHER THAN A LAWYER OR LEGAL AUTHORITY, CONCERNING THESE MATTERS (ask for credentials or proof, before providing information). Information of a personal nature should be provided only to legal authorities, not individuals. All e-mails will remain confidential and all contact information will be used solely for contact in relation to legal action. No promises are made toward which action will be made or how events will proceed and we make no guarantees toward any outcome; however, we will attempt to collect information toward taking action against this individual and these businesses. Once the appropriate authority is notified (be it a specific lawyer, District Attorney's Office, etc.), they will change and have sole access to this e-mail address (not the author of this posting). |
I Purchased a computer from AZ Electronics wholesale with windows 7. After a couple weeks Windows wanted my registration code. I used the one provided to my by AZ Electronics wholesale and it said it was already in use. Attempted to get the correct code several times over a several months and they never resolved the issue eventually telling me to go purchase a code on my own. Now I have a computer without the registered operating system I paid for. My name is Luke and my email address is [email protected] |
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