The Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners is made up of professional counselors who, in allegiance to a McCarthy Style Executive Director, discriminate against licensees every day. Examples include investigations aimed to portray licensees as "impaired" and "unprofessional" or even "dangerous"for things such as failing to document each and every consultation-though we consult often and on a continuing basis as part of the process of avoiding projection or transference; making a widespread error in interpreting a particular statute or law, or admitting to feeling stressed once in a while. Although these professionals are supposed to be models of objectivity, they further investigate in a manner designed to get and distort information to build a case against us, ignoring any facts which may hinder their investigation, and far embellishing any information they can use to velify licensees. Were we to treat our clients in this manner, we would lost licensure by doing the severe harm they cause us. Despite having been molested, raped, beaten, and publically humiliated on several occasions by the board, I am more mentally healthy than most people I know. I grieve and move on, I cope, and I am determined to succeed in my personal and professional life no matter what hostility or discrimination comes my way. But, the Board will never know me as the strong, moral, ethical, compassionate, and Effective therapist that I am. They are too egotistical to admit they were wrong to condemn me. They are too fearful and hateful to see that people like me-survivors can do more good than any of them would ever be capable of doing. Talking to more than 200 others whom have been placed on Debra Riunado (aka McCarthy (Communist Hunter), Damsforth (witch trial judge), Hitler (Antisemite lists), I believe that we must take a stand. In just my experience, the devastation and anguish I have suffered because of Ms. Riunado has harmed not only me, but my clients, children, family, friends, and colleagues. Many of my colleagues and I now do our work in fear because of her, and she has turned our profession into one we must practice rigidly and defensively rather than effectively and proactively. |