AT&T |
AT&T AT&T Bellsouth Overcharging Internet |
9th of Nov, 2010 by User515005 |
I have been an Bellsouth / AT&T customer for over 20 years, and haven't had many problems with them until two month's ago when I decided to take there $49.95/mo. DSL and phone service package. Before taking this offer I only had basic phone service with area calling which was about $32 -$36 per month. After taking this offer my next bill was $135, I called about there overcharging and they told me the next bill would have credit's for the overcharge, I went ahead and told them to change my srvice back to basic with area calling like I had with the $14.95 DSL added. Next month bill $85. I am now going to quit using AT&T because of there lying and missleading billing practice. I'll probably never get my money back from there overcharge from the first month, but until they can prove to me why they have overcharged me for both months in a row they will not get another dime from me. I'm sure this will not be the last time they rip people off and this report and my droping there service probably want help them change there practices, but just letting people know what rip -off scum this company is seems to help my feeling a little.
Had same issue's; responded to add of $19.95 a month DSL service, first bill came charging $37 and change, called many apologies with a promise of it being fixed.
Long story short after 12 months of letter writing with certified letters and return receipts adding up to over a $100, being put in collections by AT&T, sending them copies of their own advertisement with the advertised price of $19.95 I filed complaints with Fl State Attorney who reffered me to Dept. of Agriculture Consumer Affairs, FCC, and Better Buisness Bureau, AT&T made a lame apology took my issue out of collections and creditted me all the false charges.
Dont sit back and take it from this worthless company, please notify and file a formal complaint with the BBB, FCC, and your state consumer advocacy department.
Unfortunately AT&T hides behind arbitration and therefore the ambulance chaser attorney cannot file a class action for these missleading practices that AT&T engages in.
Good luck and I hope this is of use to those defrauded by AT&T |
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