Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Aston Lloyd
Took all my money (£80,000) along with 600 hard working investors cash - (millions lost). What's worse is they're doing it all over again t
11th of Jul, 2012 by I shut my eyes and screamed
Aston Lloyd & Partners International Limited 'ALPIL' is a subsidiary company of Aston Lloyd Holdings. ALPIL went into administration on the 6th July 2010 which resulted in 100's of investors losing millions of pounds. ALPIL is now in liquidation and the City of London Police Economic Crime Department have just appointed a CPS lawyer to take matters forward.

It's a very complex case involving 8 overseas property development sites. It is a clear cut scam which has been confirmed by the liquidators and police in verbal conversations. The individuals responsible for this scam are:

Kulvir Singh Virk (Director and Chief Executive of FSA registered company 'SVS Securities 21 Wilson Street London -
Joseph Edward Upchurch (Director of Insight Group PLC) -
Michael Joseph Lucas (Managing Director of ALPIL when it entered administration).


Tel: 0207 374 8988
Fax: 0207 374 6990
Email: [email protected]

Address: 3 London Wall Buildings, London, EC2M 5SY
4622 days ago by I Shut My Eyes And Screamed
You had your chance Virk! - and it's time to let the world know about the real you!

This is going to be a very slow burner and there will be repercussions for you and several other professional people - arrogance will be your downfall!

You have made a very silly business decision which I'm sure you will regret!

Kulvir Singh VIRK

Director & Chief Executive of:
FSA Regulated Firm ‘SVS Securities PLC’ (04402606)
21 Wilson Street

T: 020 7638 5600
F: 020 7638 5601
[email protected]

SVS Securities (Kulvir Singh Virk) currently employs the following staff:

Mr Heeran Anil Singh
Mr Benjamin Keith George Tadd
Mr Alan Peter Thomas
Mr Kulvir Virk
Mr Peter Anthony Ward
Mr Robert James Wiegold
Mr Robert Alan Williams
Mr Alexander Christian Brearley
Mr Gareth John Burchell
Mr Ian James Callaway
Mr David Cowley
Mr Jonathan Ellis Critchley
Mr Thomas Luke Curran
Mr Cameron Piers Dickie
Mr Peter Ira Fenichel
Mr Simon Anthony Fox
Mr Ian Ashley Griffiths
Mr Ross Hayden
Mr Alexander Nicholas Benjamin Mattey
Mr Gabor Nagy
Mr Kyriacos Nicola
Mr Andrew David Matthew Paine
Mr Daron Steven Pike
Mr Philip Redvers Pooley
Miss Patricia Reay
Mr William James Russell
Mr Stacy El-Akad Said Saber

Kulvir Singh VIRK Personal FSA Number - KXV01033

SVS Securities FSA Number – 220929

SVS Securities is a member of the London Stock Exchange

Mr Virk controlled functions:

Controlled functions Firm name Start date

CF1 Director - SVS Securities Plc 09/04/2003

CF28 Systems and controls - SVS Securities Plc 28/02/2008

CF3 Chief Executive - SVS Securities Plc 09/04/2003

CF30 Customer - SVS Securities Plc 01/11/2007

New blog arriving for each of your employees very soon!
4622 days ago by Joe Calzaghe


Latest Address:


Country/State of Residence:

Date of Birth: 10/11/1965


DIRECTOR Appointed: 27/03/2002
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 04402606

Company Name: SVS SECURITIES PLC (Active)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 22/12/2004
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05299590

Company Name: SVS (NOMINEES) LIMITED (Active)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 18/02/2009
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 06822496


DIRECTOR Appointed: 31/01/2011
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 07509987


DIRECTOR Appointed: 20/05/2011
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 07641980

Company Name: SVS CARBON LTD (Active)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 12/09/2011
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 07770330

Company Name: SVS METALS LTD (Active)

SECRETARY Appointed: 05/12/2001
Resigned: 30/04/2008
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04333022


SECRETARY Appointed: 17/12/2004
Resigned: 31/12/2009
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 04402606

Company Name: SVS SECURITIES PLC (Active)

SECRETARY Appointed: 01/08/2007
Resigned: 30/01/2008

Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05299590

Company Name: SVS (NOMINEES) LIMITED (Active)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 05/12/2001
Resigned: 08/12/2008
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04333022


SECRETARY Appointed: 20/02/2008
Dissolved: 02/12/2009
Company Number: 06509696

Company Name: SVS CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITE (Dissolved)

SECRETARY Appointed: 23/06/2008
Dissolved: 02/12/2009
Company Number: 06626462

Company Name: SVS CFDS LIMITED (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 06/12/2007
Dissolved: 12/08/2009
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 06446467


DIRECTOR Appointed: 20/02/2008
Dissolved: 02/12/2009
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 06509696


DIRECTOR Appointed: 23/06/2008
Dissolved: 02/12/2009
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 06626462

Company Name: SVS CFDS LIMITED (Dissolved)

SECRETARY Appointed: 25/04/2005
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05434799


DIRECTOR Appointed: 25/04/2005
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05434799


SECRETARY Appointed: 18/12/2001
Resigned: 03/08/2011
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04340125


DIRECTOR Appointed: 18/12/2001
Resigned: 25/03/2008
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04340125


SECRETARY Appointed: 25/01/1999
Resigned: 25/01/1999
Dissolved: 10/07/2001

Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 03700886

Company Name: RL (UK) LTD (Dissolved)

SECRETARY Appointed: 04/02/2000
Resigned: 01/03/2002
Dissolved: 23/11/2004
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 03919915


SECRETARY Appointed: 19/01/2001
Resigned: 01/03/2002
Dissolved: 23/05/2006
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04142878


SECRETARY Appointed: 27/09/2001
Resigned: 31/01/2003
Dissolved: 11/10/2005
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 04295258

Company Name: RMS NEW HOMES LIMITED (Dissolved)

SECRETARY Appointed: 21/03/2002
Resigned: 14/05/2002
Dissolved: 23/11/2004
Occupation: ACOUNTANT
Company Number: 04388146

Company Name: KREDIT PRIVAT (UK) LIMITED (Dissolved)

SECRETARY Appointed: 04/02/2004
Dissolved: 09/08/2005
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05034668


SECRETARY Appointed: 16/06/2005
Resigned: 12/09/2007
Dissolved: 21/04/2010
Company Number: 05482923


SECRETARY Appointed: 11/07/2007
Resigned: 31/01/2008
Dissolved: 21/04/2010
Company Number: 06309581


DIRECTOR Appointed: 12/02/1998
Dissolved: 23/11/1999
Company Number: 03509059

Company Name: ST. JOSEPH ESTATES LTD (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 23/04/1998
Dissolved: 17/05/2005
Company Number: 03456020


DIRECTOR Appointed: 25/01/1999
Resigned: 25/01/1999
Dissolved: 10/07/2001
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 03700886

Company Name: RL (UK) LTD (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 04/02/2000
Resigned: 01/03/2002
Dissolved: 23/11/2004
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 03919915


DIRECTOR Appointed: 10/04/2000
Resigned: 26/07/2002
Dissolved: 28/09/2004
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 03968460

Company Name: CLOCKWORK OFFICE LTD (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 19/01/2001
Resigned: 01/03/2002
Dissolved: 23/05/2006
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 04142878


DIRECTOR Appointed: 27/09/2001
Resigned: 31/01/2003
Dissolved: 11/10/2005
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 04295258

Company Name: RMS NEW HOMES LIMITED (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 21/03/2002
Resigned: 14/05/2002
Dissolved: 23/11/2004
Occupation: ACOUNTANT
Company Number: 04388146

Company Name: KREDIT PRIVAT (UK) LIMITED (Dissolved)

DIRECTOR Appointed: 04/02/2004
Dissolved: 09/08/2005
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05034668


DIRECTOR Appointed: 16/06/2005
Dissolved: 21/04/2010
Occupation: ACCOUNTANT
Company Number: 05482923


DIRECTOR Appointed: 11/07/2007
Resigned: 12/09/2007
Dissolved: 21/04/2010
Occupation: DIRECTOR
Company Number: 06309581

4622 days ago by Joe Calzaghe
Just the tip of the ice-burg!

We have many photos / juicy info to share and we will post a link to our dedicated website soon!
4551 days ago by SCAMMERS1
4551 days ago by SCAMMERS1
Hi Investors,

I ask investors to take action.

Joseph Upchurch & Kulvir Singh Virk are SCAMMERS. Kulvir took investors money and now is doing it again through new projects. Do not invest beware.

FSA needs to take action and close Aston Llyod DOWN and inform investors of SVS Securities plc & to let them know what kulvir has done. The same is for both these crooks...

FSA, FSA, FSA INVESTIGATE ASTON LLYOD. They took investors cash...
4405 days ago by Tom Cahill

218 days ago by Tom Cahill
Hi Martin,

I hope you are well. I would be interested in speaking to you more about this. I dont' think things are as bleak as you portray. A lot of the investors are total losers, who I have very little sympathy for. A lot of them are so stupid they don't really deserve to get their money back.

The homo angle was not something I'd counted on, but I did think that Michael might have taken the directorship from Joe as he would get some sex in prison. I wasn't sure he'd get any anyway, as he's not so blessed in the looks deptartment. I dound his resemblence to Joe Upchurch, but smaller, the weirdest thing.

I think the best thing to do if you want to help is to give me a call or email me.

In the end, the criminals are all going to get it one way or another. Upchurch is back in England, in Peterborough, with his dad, since his wife filed a complaint with the Australian Police for him beating her. She's a confirmed cunt, and may well be lying, and deserved more than a beating, but if he's back here, it's just a matter of time before one of the criminals who've invested pays him a visit.

Note to general public who may or may not have been scammed.

Joe Upchurch is not dangerous, and can be approached by anyone, with little danger to them. He is excellent vigilanti fodder, and won't put up a fight.
Michael Nascimento is another big girl's blouse. He's very overweight and called the Police on an elderly, cancer sufferer, who travelled to his house to confront him. Michael is the world's biggest bullshitter though, and will be happy to give you a dose of lock stock and two smoking barrels down the phone. He doesn't realize that no one really speaks like that. I know you won't believe me, but he thinks that WFC is real fighting. He's a total muppett, and even when he knows you know, he'll still phone you up and shout at you, tell you he's going to do you, and that you're a cunt. He does like that word, and verges on overusing it. He will threaten to sue you as well. But he won't.
Kevin Prior is clever and very big. I'd leave him til later. He's not that scarey, but he's a proper man, who would hit you in the head, and whilst that may be expected, the previous two certainly wouldn't .
Roger--the Dodger--Coleman, of Colemans-ctts Solicitors (75 fully qualified solicitors in his employ), aka Coleman the Rogerer, is another person who ought not be taken too far out of your focus. Roger is wealthy, and pays for Carter-Ruck's Adam Tudor when he's feeling threatened. C-R are very expensive, but fail to action any of their threats, which they will be more than happy to throw about, with not the slightest need for substance.

It is worth noting that C-R aren't actually meant to cover up for ongoing criminal dealings, and bully the public into not mentioning them. I know that's all they do, day in and day out, but it's not actually legal. Doing what they are, when they know Roger's a crimnal, is illegal.

There are other legal companies who are supporting their crimnal dealings, which I am not going to name here, due to pay out reasons.

Nigel Tarrant of Ctts, is another one you might consider. He's well in with all of Aston Lloyd's past exploits, and will eventually be bought to justice, but he's not so good at the contentious part of his game, so if you catch him on the phone, he'll give lots away.
Nimish Patel of RE10 a head wagler, and idiot. He's dropped a serious bollck in sending what looks to have been a hacked email, to his regulators the ACCA, when I made a complaint about him. Defend criminality with criminality - the ACCA appear to think this is OK. Constantly grins and says thinkgs he probably shouldn't say. Maybe the grin's a vitamin deficiency?
Bijal Sha of RE10 - can speak English in a nice voice. So he's better than Nimish in some ways, but he's not really much of a thinking person's con man.
Kulvier Virk (who knew neither of the above prior to him contacting them to put AL into Administration), but that story is subjcet to change. Both are unsophisticated, dishonest chancers.
Adam Stephens (left RE10 before Christmas 2011) is exSFO, so he's not a copper, but a civilian worker. He left RE10 when it all got a bit much. I have recordings of him laughing like a sex offender, and hanging up on me twice as he's very easy to rattle. Probably is a peado. I think you have to be one to get that high up in the Masons to be allowed to work for the SFO, as they're part of the CoL Police.
Finbarr O'Connel is another exRE10er, who's probably left due to having too much sense to stay there, now the criminality has become impossible to repress.
City of London Police Fraud Squad
Tony Dobinson (CoLP) was the first to reveal the hidden hand when he refused to investigate RE10 as one of the people "who used to work for us works there, so it must be OK." and Ctts as "they work in an office." He also said that fraud was "complicated". He's not a bad guy as criminals in the Police go, but he is a criminal, and he's not your friend. There were no biscuits when I went to speak with them. I also note their interest in stupid people to liaze with on behalf of others. They use these as a buffer and for a plausible deniability device. Dishonest idiots who think they're clever, beware.

Any one contact me whenever you want, but don't be wasting time calling if you're a plonker or a group joiner. Group think, dupe think. You need to do something -- aside joining a goup or winging -- or you're never going to get anywhere.

Thank you for reading,
Tom Cahill
[email protected]
skype: t0mcahill
0207 263 21 08

14 hours 39 minutes ago by Tom Cahill

Slightly disappointing uptake on my offer to share info..
Here's an update of sorts (my last post was 217 days ago).

It's becoming clear that the head waglers at RE10, aka Nimish Patel and Bijal Shah, are intent on getting thrown off the de facto Administration-now de facto Liquidation, and presumably the wankers in the "Creditors' Committee" (none of whom are Creditors), along with dodgy accountant Adam Groom (Adviser to the Creditors' Committee), are going to give them the thumbs up to take the money, despite them never having done anything that they were meant to do, and their selling of assets which they had exchanged equitable title on, thus, selling stuff that was not theirs to sell.

Nimish--I'll tell you so long as you don't tell anyone else--Patel told the Committee that he was going to be taking a load of the professional service enabling companies (Colemans-ctts (solicitors) and KBSP Partnership (accountants)) to court by the end of Q1/2013. When people talk in such a way, when they're old enough to know better, they're normally talking nonsense. It's easier to say March. Anyway, he's not going to bother, as it would be detrimental to his future, which is not as rosy as he thinks it is. If he took anyone to court, he'd have to first demand the criminal investigation into himself by the police for the fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, as well as probably perjury or maybe contempt of court for the initial application/notification to the courts to notify of both the Administration and then Liquidation (but I don't know which it would be). KBSP claim that he’s never even said anything other than to approve of their work (in writing), so he’s not even done any of the required pre-action, nay, pre-dispute due diligence, which would be necessary way, way before. The same goes with Ctts. Though this imbecilic tactic of not asking, or not compelling following asking, then thinking that things can sit as though there’s nothing that anyone can do is clearly not acceptable and totally suspicious, it is the only tactic that all of the three companies of “specialist professional advisors” are reliant upon.

Insight Group are being liquidated as I write in South Africa.

All in all, it's been an exercise in imbecility amongst the not-"Investors" who put money into one or other thing/s in the Aston Lloyd Ponzi Scheme. The mythical belief in a corporate veil in between the companies was the first big mistake made, and from what I can understand, there are still some dribblers thinking that the Ukraine land or Jatropa is actually a real, viable commodity, despite this being wrong on a number of parallel, show stopping reasons.

Please allow me to reiterate my advice so far as focusing attention to gain optimal prospects.
1. Kulvier Singh Virk used a walley called Joe Upchurch; who was later replaced by Michael Lucas as the "Director". In this way "Shadow Director", Virk, managed to swerve one portion of responsibility.

2. Secondly, loud mouthed, compulsive lying, narcissistic nancy boys like Michael Nascimento were directly interfaced with, in order to allow Upchurch/Lucas an out, when the sales team blame Virk (who can say he wasn't there, and wasn't even a boss there). Exploitation of the mentally impaired/deranged in a common tactic, which makes any witness statement that they give a non-starter, as they can't remember what they've had for breakfast, as they're lying to themselves, they're so gone mentally.

3. Idiots like Michael Lucas and James Rowlatt are mixed with more clean cut persons such as David Bussey. David’s not stupid, and won’t say anything criminal, so he steers the ship, and whilst slipping up enough to make it clear that he’s aware of what’s happening, he’s far out of the blame picture, due to the turds in punchbowl who float about shitting on themselves constantly.
4. As we move our perspective out a little, we come to the cooperating parties. The dangerous non-white colar only criminals, such as Tolga (Turk in cahoots on the Tuzla Lake project). He’s a danger to the extent that if I managed to get my title deeds to the apartment that I bought, I’d be in serve danger, as the idea that I’d speak to the neighbors and let them know, would be like domino effect, and all of a sudden, it would be clear that he’s been defrauding many people, under the nose of the willing and complicit Milas and Mulga municipalities and their land registries for donkey’s years. It would be a suicidal outcome, and if the house didn’t burn down, anyone visiting would be in big trouble. The cowardly desk jockies of AL and Obelisk who were pulling the strings and so they know that they’ve got one base covered. I suggest that this is the same for the other sites, though possibly in a different context.
5. So far as the enemies that you/I can touch. As with the general theme so far, but most closely associated with the model discussed in (4.). Advice and advisors. We live in a country where specialization is considered a positive thing. The generalist is derided as a chancer: a jack of all trades, master of none, etc.. This may have a familiar ring, but in the context in which we are concerned here, where no one feels “qualified” to ask simple questions, and are intimidated by “experts” when they do, we have more than a marginal problem of right nostril specialists and left nostril specialists, dictating impossible terms, which can never be met.
When someone sets up a company, it’s generally thought that it’s up to that person to decide how they do things and that the buck stops with them if they take a accidental or malevolent step. Referring back to the previous discussion, it is clear that this delineation might easily be confused if the director is not the named on paper director (shadow director).
There is another factor which sits on a par at least, if not, as I would happily wager, well above this, which exists in tandem, and also relinquishes provable/auditable responsibility and liability upon the master mind who is intent on a short to medium term fraud (this can definitely also be applied to all money laundering, and as is the case here, with RE10’s involvement, the criminal selling of non-company assets back into the Ponzi scheme (cite. Tolga in the Tuzla Lake example), enabling the recipient of the asset which they initially sold, retaining it, now developed at a minimal price, thus allowing bribes to be paid to the facilitators.).
The criminally minded—probably inspired by a criminal associate who’s mentored them, or through witnessing the contrived battleship sized gaps in the legislation or the enforcement of certain areas of law—has the advantage of being able to use “experts” to carry out their decision making for them, thus insulating them from blame.
In conjunction with points (1.) to (4.), it’s clear that in a very controlled, in-house fashion, all the bases can be covered. However, when such bodies are contracted, they take on risks, which are not avoidable, especially to those who are accustomed to bullshit when they hear it, and are capable of looking past what’s presented.
Accountants who audit big firms are regulated by their various regulatory bodies. They are also insured. This insurance is called Professional Indemnity Insurance (aka PI insurance). They will provide verification of their insurance being in good order if instructed to. I am not sure whether you or I have a right to know who they are insured with, but they will confirm the notification. The question that I would suggest that you ponder is this: Can an auditor of a Ponzi scheme pass them off as OK without being bent? I think the answer is very clear. They have insurance. Their failures are not too remote from the outcome. Their actions are deceptive at least (tort of deceit), and fraudulent, conspiratorial and counter to the Money Laundering Act in the case that we are looking at. PI insurance is a bottomless pit. The 2009 Companies House Accounts were given a full (accountant’s cock on the block audit by KBSP Partners, Finchley Road, North London,
Please look into what the audit is meant to be concerned with. Then look at what they were saying they could do to improve the appeal to investors if they were chosen to do one.
Though business owners traditionally regard the annual audit and preparation of annual accounts as a cost centre - a necessary evil that adds no value to the business - we strive to transform it into a profit centre.
Besides helping you meet the statutory requirements, we also take the opportunity to conduct a review of your financial and management systems. This can often result in our identifying potential problem areas and recommending opportunities to improve your business performance. We discuss the problems and opportunities with you and help you implement any agreed solutions.
We see the preparation of your annual report as an opportunity to enhance your external image. A well-prepared report can have a considerable positive impact on the perceptions of investors, potential finance sources, customers, prospect, referral sources, and even your own staff - all of which greatly improves your business prospects for the future.”--------o0O
Here I’ll leave the subject of advisors, but this is by no means an exhaustive list of their use. It is also known that they used buyers’ and investors’ money to contract lawyers to give answers to closed questions, wich no one was allowed to see on numerous occasions. Similar nerr-do-wells were also present at the “Creditor’s Meeting” in 2010. They were complemented by plants in the audience who pretended to be representing creditors or investors, but none of them wanted to share details. Furthermore, they only ever spoke in support of RE10, even asking questions which implied that their irregular suggestions for the future of our assets were totally regular by citing imaginary past and parallel insolvency procedures.
Not to get off the subject and not to give them any credence as none of them have an IQ above seventy, none of whom are Creditors and none of whom have any formal qualification or experience, or any common sense. They are incapable to act. They are incapable to even ensure simple actions happen and are recorded in writing with a time-scale and minutes. But, the de facto Creditors’ Committee are another barrage balloon. They are being set up as hate figures. They are so totally devoid of any sense that they have neglected to consult the literature on their role, so they appear to be acquiescing to RE10’s criminal suggestions. They -- despite being told -- will not read and enforce their rights and will not lead the agenda as they were allegedly mandated to, via the alleged vote, which’s count, never happened, so has never been disclosed. All of them are determined to stay in position, like retarded dogs in the manger. The most sadly comical of them is Berny, who’s so dim of whit that he thinks that Bijal said that he met Virk at an insolvency procedure, when he watched and listened to him say that he’d met him at a social function. Bijal contradicted himself, so Berny jumped on the chance to reinfource the rewriting of history. Bijal has put his latest version of his criminal deception in writing (which Dave has), and he made the former statement in front of over two-hundred people in the de facto “Creditors’ Meeting”. Hopefully some of you have better memories than Berny.
For the record. It is the job of the Committee to set the date of meetings, TURN UP TO MEETINGS!!!, set the agenda, check that the things they set to be done from last time have been done, report to the other Creditors, etc., etc.. Not sign a confidentiality agreement and keep everything quiet cos the head waglers and bent ex-Serios Fruad Office fraudster Adam Stephens told them it was the rules. Not never set any meeting and let RE10 go without them for months. Not decide not to go to meetings repeatedly. Not let the head waglers set the agenda. Not let Nimish shout over them and bang his fist on the table when they say something he doesn’t like, and cower like todlers. Not let bent, proven incompetent, Adam Groom (accountant and fellow dupe) co opt them into the belief that Dave Price is an idiot for suggesting that they insist on attaining records from Ctts and KBSP and compel them via the courts, which happened at one of the first meetings. Adam Groom’s a liar and an idiot. He sued AL when they were still trading. His lawyer raped him so badly with fees that he told him not to ask for them, despite getting a win in court. He did this as he’d be told they were massively inflated, so his behavior would have lead to him not managing to keep all of the GBP30-35k which he took him for. So Adam found the fraud on the Companies House Accounts. He had the evidence and demanded his money. He didn’t get any joy so he started a court case. He agreed to have some fantasy, non-existent non-houses as a settlement. So, despite knowing they were criminals, and that it was all fraud, he decided to take on more risks rather than the money. Not all I’m afraid. He also got another overly big lumbering mate of his to come with him to scare our good friend Joe Upchurch. Joe was shaking very badly, and couldn’t come and meet them in the car park. It has yet to be discovered why Joe didn’t take them up on this gracious initiation, but he was not bothered enough not to get so totally hammered that he was a vibrating mess throughout the interchange which Adam did score. Don’t intimidate people you’re taking to court until after all that’s over. He’s been advising the Committee, but now he’s pulled out.
Very, very, very disappointingly, a lot of people were in agreement that it would be a good idea to agree for the bullshit, non-existent, never planted, irrelevant due to not existing Ukrainian wheat bullshit ought to dodge the evil reach of the FSA’s long arm, by moving jurisdiction into the unregulated Frankfurt am Main dodgy stock market. Again, I doubt there will be any evidence of the votes, but I know of more than one person who supported this, “…as it’s the only option.”, so I can’t say they’ve even had to fabricate that vote -- which is incredible. Of course, nothing can justify this level of stupidity, so anyone who’s let this happen or supported it, doesn’t deserve anyone’s help and definitely didn’t deserve any money that they put into it in the first place.
That does however demonstrate the problems which are manufactured to dodge liability. If things are in different jurisdictions, people get very confused and scared that they seem to forget that fraud’s illegal everywhere and so doing it cross-jurisdiction, is actually only a con to trick idiots and the tax man. This is another part of the plausible deniability matrix which is greatly exploited by the AL Ponzi Scheme.
The veil of incorporation is another concept which has been greatly successful in confusing the mass of dupes. AL is a Ponzi scheme. Every part of the company traded using money from other parts, so it was not a load of separate companies, but a big fraud. Any transfer of monies meant for one thing to another part of the company is money laundering. Any bogus insolvency procedures, which allowed some parts to trade and for money to move is also money laundering. Selling vested (held in trust(?)) assets is a straight forward criminal act. It’s stealing from the dupe and it’s fraud to the person who buys it. Obviously not if the recipient is also a criminal who was in from the ground floor. The concept is invalid in this instance, but due to the amount of ignoramuses involved and the conspiracy’s use of the insolvency practitioners in their frauds, who’ve got a vested (pardon the pun) interest in promoting it’s applicability, then we must consider it and remember that it is going to be used against us at every opportunity.
From day one, I kept hearing nonsense about how someone should be doing stuff about these things to stop them. Correct. You are meant to. In fact you are legally obliged to as a subject of the Crown, and have been for over one thousand years. It is that simple.
Regulators are there to fob off inquiry and conspire to avert the negative speculation of the population, allowing the initiated to steal and cheat with impunity. That is why every few years the government changes their names, and they start all over again. This has always been this way. Civil servants have no interest in anything other than avoiding work and lasting until their pension matures. Private regulators are private trade unions who are funded by their members, to do the same.
The City of London Police is the most heavily Masonic institution in policing. The Serious Fraud Office is a similarly establishment supporter of the status quo. The police have been in receipt of a report, written by me since before the de facto “Creditors’ Meeting”. They have done everything possible to avoid doing any investigation, questioning or arresting anyone. The evidence was there from month one. They tried to not accept the report and resorted to blatent lying and outright refusing to consider that RE10, Colemans-ctts or KBSP were possible suspects.
Notable quotes from Detective Tony—trust me I’m a policeman—Dobinson “I’m not going to investigate them because… they work in an office …one of them used to work for us [Adam Stephens (laughs like a sex offender, as per recording and left RE10 prior to Christmas 2010)] …fraud’s complicated.”
There’s another common misconception which needs to be put straight. The Insolvency Service do not oversee insolvencies. They neither appointed, approved, or have any power to investigate, remove, or in any way help to impede RE10’s machinations. RE10 were not appointed by the court. All that’s happened is that they’ve told the court they’re doing the Administration. It’s presumed that they’re not going to act in an outwardly criminal way as they have. It is of course relevant that they opted to put an insolvent company, with no realizable assets, and which had nothing which it could sell into Administration. Clearly this was a criminal deception to enable money laundering and the protraction and their continuation with the frauds of the Ponzi Scheme. It was clearly not viable to not include the Ukraine Land, and Jatropa Fairy Dust in the same procedure, which was another clear contrived abuse.
It is worth considering this point further. Liquidation would be obviously preferable, but that would not have included the bought assets of the Buyers, so it would be very minimal in scope and the status of the part built developments would be largely to leave them as they were, only to transfer legal title, where it was obligatory.
Of course, it is inconceivable that Obelisk were not also pulled in, as they had been given fees in excess of that which they were contracted and were taking more than could possibly allow for the developments to be finished in many cases. They were clearly part of the same organization as well.
Criminality in the Ponzi scheme meant that even liquidation would be totally off the cards. RE10 have not only participated in an totally criminally conceived deception, which they’ve had to have perjured/contempt of courted themselves from day one, but they’ve then lied to the imbeciles in the Creditors’ Committee and told them to keep quiet whilst simultaneously setting them up for the blame of electing them on behalf of everyone, for the Liquidation, which ought to have been a totally separate matter.
No matter that they didn’t do any of what they’d promised in the Administration.

14 hours 0 minutes ago by Tom Cahill
email: [email protected]
skype: t0mcahill
(zero in "t0m")

Notice of the recent update has been made to:
KBSP Partners
The head waglers at RE10
Detective Tony--trust me I'm a policeman--Dobinson, CoL Police
Adam Groom
Big Bad--I haven't seen my penis since the first time Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was out--Nascimento
(via Linked in
Kulvier--not going to catch me as I've surrounded myself with greedy retards who'll take the blame and have PI insurance to cover the entire liability of the Ponzi scheme--Singh Virk
13 hours 41 minutes ago by Tom Cahill

(taken from the online form for svs securities)
Dear Kulvier,
I thought I'd copy you in so that you can see my update on Scam Informer.
I mention you, but don't worry it's mainly complimentary.
Good work lining up all of those dupes to take the fall for you.
Note also, Michael Nascimento, aside from being a fat, insidious poof, also has been offering to give witness statements against you. He's left one with a dodgy lawyer called Richard Slade. It's never been signed. Don't worry, he's not a credible witness.
I've been making some good progress since my house in Turkey got sold by those fine young head waglers you managed to get working for you. They've made a few massive errors, such as admitting to have known you socially at the de facto Creditors' Meeting, then denying it in writing, changing it from a social function to an insolvency procedure, but they're sticking to their guns, and trying to get booted off according to plan.
I think they'll turn on you as soon as I issue the summons in the Magistrate's Court, to commence the up and coming private prosecution, but you're almost definitely in the clear. You didn't sell my flat which was meant to be vested.
Good luck on your next endevour,
Tom Cahill
3779 days ago by Duediligence

Mr Virk has just set up another firm as of Mar 2014:


Another Scam waiting to happen?

I wonder

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