AREVENCA REFINERY ( THE GHOST REFINERY) SALES MANAGER: OCTAVIO RAFAEL ALICANDRO BriceГ±o.Venezuelan citizen They pretent to have oil from Arevenca ref |
18th of Jan, 2013 by User710123 |
SALES MANAGER :OCTAVIO ALICANDRO AREVENCA REFINERY( Octavio rafael alicandro briceno) Mr. Octavio alicandro claims that he has oil product that comes from Arevenca refinery or anywhere else in the world which is not true,Do not do business with this gentleman is a scam octavio alicandro is nothing but full of lies he pretends he is millianar but he has nothing he has only debts , he survived by scamming people with his sweet talk he takes everyone in the grind he promises and promises but it's all lies,He acts like he knows everyone and that he has good contacts all over the world He's just a person in between,whenever he does business he always does like he is the owner of the product or the vessel (ship),previously he was a contractor in venezuela but by his lies and trickery He is sent to court in venezuela ,he is known as a show men only blarney Octavio is just a normal person he is like a broker in petroil, he is no important person what he likes to pretends to be. octavio his family is not rich they live just on margarita island venezuela decent people Octavio's very good at what he does He knows exactly how to trick the people in to his lies He believes in his lies this guy is a born professional crook that's why francisco put him in Arevenca. , he seeks suckers and tries to sell non-existent oil the people who do business with him, believe in him and his lies and that one day they will become rich they believe in a dream that will never come true certainly not with Arevenca (Octavio alicandro) because it's all lies He's just a big scammer with sweet talk and he is very sure of himself and his lies the whole thing is a transparent scam and a waste of time and money.He is known as a big crook,if you do a deep research on this gentleman then you'll see for yourself, Hey Arevenca, don't be shy | Setty's notebooksettysoutham.wordpress.com/.../hey-a... - Traducir esta pГЎginaCompartir24/09/2011 – Very unlikely. PDVSA says in its recent court filing (linked from the other post) that PDVSA has never had any relationship with Arevenca Sentencia nє RC.00741 de Tribunal Supremo de Justicia - Sala de ...jurisprudencia.vlex.com.ve/.../ram-mota-zarate-construcci...Compartir11/12/2009 – ... Juan RamГіn Rafael Mota Zarate contra Proyectos y Construcciones Albric, ... por su presidente ciudadano Octavio Rafael Alicandro BriceГ±o, ... Puerto Rico asphalt company sues Arevenca, Madasi, Miguel ...settysoutham.wordpress.com/.../puert... - Traducir esta pГЎginaCompartir11/09/2012 – identification number:8679541 passport number 027777440. Octavio rafael alicandro briceno: Born: Venezuela ,search it and you'll see ... RC.00741-111209-2009-09-476.htmlwww.tsj.gov.ve/.../RC.00741-111209-2009-09-476.htmlCompartir11/12/2009 – ... representada por su presidente ciudadano Octavio Rafael Alicandro BriceГ±o, y patrocinada judicialmente por las abogadas en ejercicio de [PDF] Case 1:11-cv-04296-DLC ECF CASEsettysoutham.files.wordpress.com/.../p... - Traducir esta pГЎginaCompartirFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rГЎpida Absence of a Relationship between PDVSA and AREVENCA, S.A.. 4.1 Based on my knowledge, within the corporate structure of PDVSA, there is no subsidiary ... this is the truth
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