Anthony Brooklier, a self proclaimed most respectable attorney... So, here are some of the highlight |
5th of Aug, 2010 by User524361 |
Anthony Brooklier, a self proclaimed most respectable attorney... So, here are some of the highlights; makes client appointments and doesn't show-up. He tells you that he needs to see in his office to review your case or evidence, documents, etc. or prepare for Court and to schedule atleast 3-4 hours, but when he finally does show up (which is rare) the total time spent 15-20 minutes. When your case is heard in Court; he is not prepared and makes little effort to defend you. You will definately spend time in jail going with this Attorney (even if your innocent). In Federal Court your required to appear for a PSR "Pre-sentence Report" Interview with a Probation Officer. Your Attorney May Appear but it is not required. I specifically asked for my Attorney "Anthony Brooklier" to be with me. He doesn't show-up but sends a legal assistant. My PSR is written so negative by the officer that by itself I am assured to receive a maximum sentence. I present concrete evidence that the officer LIED and MANIPULATED INTERVIEWS on an official document presented to the Federal Court under oath. I wrote a 24 page documet citing opposition defenses and evidence; Brooklier refuses to challenge the report and states "Well, we don't want to upset the Judge by holding a hearing on each opposition item". He also refused to report the officer and demand an official investigation. More highlights... I'm presented with an settlement offer written by the U.S. Attorney assigned to my case; the offer makes representations that are known absolute lies, false and/or misrepresented statements and claims that the Government has no evidence, but I'm suppose to sign the offer under oath essentially stating the statements, claims, representations, etc. contained in the offer are true and factual. I tell my Attorney (Anthony Brooklier) I REFUSE to sign the document, it contains false and misrepresented statements; I have a heated discussion because he is strongly urging me to sign the agreement to the point of showing tears and claiming to be concerned for my family if I don't sign the document. A great show, putting me under duress, refusing to discuss why I should sign a document containing false statements that he knows for a fact are false and so does the U.S. Attorney. Brooklier claiming this is the best deal he could get and pleading with my to sign the document and not to go to trail... The pressure continued as he stated over and over I was looking at 5 years in custody if I didn't sign the agreement and 6-9 months, maybe home detention if I sign the agreement... I signed under protest and extreme duress; stating what kind of an Attorney strongly recommends you sign a document under oath that is riddled with false statements... Even More highlights... I show up to Court on a Bail Revocation Hearing; a Government claim that while on Bail I violated the rules and commited another similar offense. The Government presents an FBI 302 "Record of Interview" a witness claiming that a telephone call occured between us and that I made a representation that violated the law. Now I have Police witnesses in two cities and other witnesses that were present at the time of the alleged offense that prove I never had contact and phone records that ensure my innocense. But this Attorney refuses to investigate my evidence, makes no evidence inquirey, makes no defense argument whatsoever and I go immediately to Jail. I attempt to reach Mr. Brooklier before my sentencing; nearly two weeks, my wife, my family, friends; All calls were ignored. A legal assistant shows up at the Jail two days before sentencing and dispite my demands to know why there was no investigation or defense and why my all calls were ignored. I'm told "I don't know, I'll ask and get back to you or your family". "Don't worry about it, it was only 10 days and it won't affect sentencing". The legal assistant then takes notes for a few minutes and leaves. On the day of sentencing both my Attorney and the legal assistant show up at the Jail and talk with me for 10 minutes. Not prepared for any defense, not prepared for any challange, refusing to discuss why all calls were ignored, refusing to address anything related to the bail revocation hearing dispite my demands, but reaffirming that the matter will not affect sentencing. NOT ONLY WERE THEY WRONG... NEGLIGENT AND INEFFECTIVE. I Receive a sentence of 15 months in custody... Not so much as one (1) line of a challange or defense from Anthony Brooklier... But, he reminds me the case was a 200,000.00 dollar case, my fee agreement was for 25,000.00. After sentencing, about 30 days into my custody term I begin having serious medical problems which are being ignored by the Prison. Everyone in my family starts calling Brooklier and his Partner Donald Marks. All calls are ignored accept when my family is deceptive and calls as someone else then the calls are taken. Brooklier makes a quick discovery that the callers are my family and makes promises to call back, but never does... This continues for nearly two (2) months then Brooklier shows up at the Prison because he is required to get my signature on a document by Court Order. He sees that I am in a serious condition and am no longer able to walk and my body is failing; he states that he is going to immediately go to Court and get a Court Order to get me Medical Care. He disappears and does nothing... For nearly 9 months I suffer with no medical care and when I finally receive care they discover I have Cancer and it has matastized from my testical into my stomach, back and near my heart. My entire family continued to call daily for the entire 8 plus months; Brooklier did nothing. The Prison did nothing, the Prison staff berated me and torchered me... My sentence was 15 months in custody... Now heres an interesting fact; Six (6) qualified and respected Appeals Attorneys Reviewed my Case and each stated Brooklier did me no favors, he was negligent, ineffective and clearly did the least amount of work possible. What's worse is that he basically took away any of your rights to defend yourself in the future and made no effort to protect you. Unfortunately, if you attempted to file a compliant with the California Bar they would most likey rule that Brooklier has alot of latitude in handling his cases and simply made wrong or poor tactical decisions, but did nothing unlawful or illegal. It has been highly recommended that I pursue a Habeas Corpus case against Anthony Brooklier for a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. In the event that my Appeal is unsuccessful I intend to do just that. WARNING.... IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU DON'T HIRE ANTHONY BROOKLIER.
So true. I had the same exact experience with Anthony Brooklier. A total HACK! I'm surprised he hasn't been disbarred.If two of us have the same experience, there must be many, many more. You should have said - rather than don't hire him - simply - run as fast as you can. |
So true. Anthony Brooklier is more than just a bad attorney, he's a complete HACK!! I had the same experience with him. I have the feeling there are a lot more of us but have been silent out of embarrassment. Truth is he is a total incompetent. And to reiterate, if you use Anthony Brooklier, you will more than likely lose your case and go to jail. Also to touch paraphrase - not only don't hire him, run as fast as you can. |
So true. Anthony Brooklier is more than just a bad attorney, he's a complete HACK!! I had the same experience with him. I have the feeling there are a lot more of us but have been silent out of embarrassment. Truth is he is a total incompetent. And to reiterate, if you use Anthony Brooklier, you will more than likely lose your case and go to jail. Also to touch paraphrase - not only don't hire him, run as fast as you can. |
So true. Anthony Brooklier is more than just a bad attorney, he's a complete HACK!! I had the same experience with him. I have the feeling there are a lot more of us but have been silent out of embarrassment. Truth is he is a total incompetent. And to reiterate, if you use Anthony Brooklier, you will more than likely lose your case and go to jail. Also to touch paraphrase - not only don't hire him, run as fast as you can. |
You all got it right. The worst!! And comes to court looking like a slob, all disheveled, unkempt, dandruff strewn all over his suit. A total incompetent lowlife. |
Three words - Liar. Liar. Liar. |
Anthony Brooklier = Crook Lier (liar) |
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