Chizek Transport |
Stealing money from drivers |
29th of Oct, 2011 by Mattdriver |
Beware drivers, Chizek Transport has a large list of fines/charges against all drivers where money will be subtracted from your paycheck! I am looking directly at their Employee Handbook dated 01/01/2011. This is good reading, but they would fire me if they knew I let this information out. I figure it's worth the chance to share to all. (This is a lengthy list so I might have to post two messages here).
For you new drivers going to orientation, don't do it because one of the fines is that you will have to pay back Chizek for all transportation costs, hotel costs, and any meals to Chizek if you quit before 90 days. Chizek won't tell you this fact until after you are hired.
If a driver uses their Qualcomm in sending a free form message, driver will pay .05 cents per character. So I amusingly told them that’s ok, if you call my cell phone I will charge you $10 per second. (They didn’t like my attitude). LOL.
If a driver doesn’t return every single page of a Bill of Ladfing, $25 dollar fine against the driver.
If the truck “glad hands” break, the driver will pay the cost of replacing/repairing them. ($100).
If you run out of fuel on the road, driver will pay tow truck service charge. ($250). So I asked what happens if a mechanical failure occurred and the fuel gauge wasn’t working? They replied, no excuses, driver pays.
If there is no place to plug in heater block and truck won’t start, driver has to pay service charge from a tow truck in getting truck started.
If the driver needs a $50 advance, they will charge the poor driver $10.
All paychecks are held back 3 long weeks. (Most truck companies pay out weekly).
Overweight fines, driver is fined 3 cents/mile up to one year. Next time this occurs, 5 cents/mile, and the next time 7 cents/mile.
DOT inspection fines, driver is fined 3 cents/mile up to one year. Next time this occurs, 5 cents/mile, and then the next time 7 cents/per mile.
Poor customer service report of any kind, driver is fined 3 cents/mile. Next time 5 cents/mile. Next time, 7 cents/mile.
Cargo claims, driver loses 3 cents/mile. Next time is 5 cents per mile. Next time is 7 cents/mile.
Driver beware, I am reading this from the new Chizek Transport driver handbook. This was the major reason why I was happy to have left them. I feel sorry for the drivers who are still working there. I have to wonder is this is legal. I mean, to forcibly take from a drivers check doesn't seem right.
Chizek Transport does not care for the driver as these fines steal from the driver. The other reports I read is true, Chizek Transport will steal you blind and they intend to continue to do so. I don't know any other truck company that would impose monetary fines against their own drivers. Wow, I am very happy to have gotten away from thsse crooks. This type of payroll deduction is well thought up by the owner who has taken the time to list all of these fines. All drivers are forced into signing that they accept these fines or else they are asked to leave.
Their web page is the following:
New drivers yourself a favor and stay away from these crooks. |
Chizek Transport are the worst crooks in the trucking bisness. They will steal all of their drivers money without a gun, and do it with a big as smile on their face. Jody in pay role is a first class bitch. |
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