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Anastocio Galvan Jr. Stocio, Coach or Cuz Lied and stole a computer form us and used it to file false complaints against us! San Antonio, Texas
30th of Jun, 2012 by User568176
I would like to let everyone know that this guy is not to be trusted with any of your personal documents or high tech computers or I-pods or anything in that nature. He has attacked me in so many ways with a computer he took from us or should I say stole from us!

This guy is my uncle Anastacio Galvan Jr. and he came to visit me and my family and he took my fathers computer without asking us if he could. Days before his visit our cat knocked it down and crushed the outside of the case but at the time I had it off and disconnected from all source of electricity so nothing went bad in it but I was waiting for my fathers tech that takes care of his computers to show up and replace the case.

My father retains a company to fix and upgrade all of his computers he needs to be built or repaired and upgraded and we did not need him to take it or fix it but he still took it. He told me he had a case just like it and he could have it done and bring it back within days, but I knew we did not need it done before my father would even notice. He already knew it fell down and got cratered the case.

He took it and did this when he loaded up his vehicle to go back home. My father was at the doctors and I went to pick up a vehicle when he took it. When my father got back he noticed it was missing and asked my sister and myself where did we place it at and we all said that we thought that he told our uncle he could take it and fix it because that is what he told my sister when he placed it into his vehicle when he left. I knew he was lying but my sister wasn’t there when I told him to leave it.

See my father’s computers are built not purchase from a store because the ones from the store are not big enough to hold all of his programs. See he was in the automotive industry and the programs he needs are way too big for a store bought computer so he has them built and some of them cost as much as thirty five hundred dollars and some are as low as fifteen hundred and he took it without asking my father to fix it so that is where we say that he stole it.

What make that bad is that my father just had it built and since he pays a company to fix and repair his computers my uncle had no right in taking. My father paid fifteen hundred dollars for that one. At the time my father and I was restoring my uncles 1990 Chevy truck and I thought since he was my fathers brother and since my father and I was doing this restore for just the parts we did not have in stock. When my father called him to see why he took it my uncle told him, that I said he can because we were not charging for the parts we had in stock. He said he had one at his house just like it and that he was going to do it for free since my father and I were not charging him for any labor and just for parts that we did not have in stock.

Well my father and I have a fleet of Chevy trucks from 1988 to 1999 and my uncles truck was a 1990 Chevy and since my father always keeps parts in stock for those trucks and since it was the same style of truck and within those years that the truck was produce in it was so easy to restore it but there was parts that my uncle removed that was needed to operate his truck safely and those were parts that we did not have but my father gave him parts that was needed to fix his truck. We did not have those parts but since my father was giving him those other parts for free my uncle knew that he would have to pay for the parts we did not have.

Which my uncle knew and understood that he was going to be responsible in buying those parts if we did not have them in stock.

As we were fixing his truck he became a little frustrated because he wanted it done a lot faster and like everyone that sees the car shows on cable where it shows that is can be done within seven days. I had to talk to him several times and told my uncle that this is not a TV show and if we had the sponsors like they had and is we had the money they have this restore would have been done a lot faster than he wanted it to be done! But he knew that he needed to pay for parts that we did not have, and my uncle never gave us not one red cent to purchase those parts. He also knew my father was sick and I was so angry with him because he knew it and he was acting like the way he was acting. I asked him several times about my father’s computer. See my father needed it and he was had his tech install his personal information in it and his programs and he needed it to use on other jobs that was pending.

See my father worked on his truck at his house where we can do it ourselves, and let our employees work on paying jobs at our shop, and when we worked on his truck we worked on my fathers building at the same time work that is behind his house that way we can work on our own fleet of truck without getting in the way of our employees could work on their vehicles that they were doing.

I have tried to work on our own fleet of trucks at the shop and we always got in their way so my father has been fixing our vehicles at his house where we have about the same amount of tools there as we do at our shop. So we thought that we can work on his to keep from getting into everybody’s way at the shop. I had some of our employees come out as well but without the parts that was needed the restore came to a halt and my father asked him several times for the funds that was needed to purchase the parts and he kept telling him to buy them and he would pay him back. Well my father trusted him and my father used his own money that was for his house payment to purchase those parts after waiting to long for him to send us the money to buy those parts.

I still asked him for my father’s computer and he will always change the subject each and every time I would ask him. What I was thinking was not what my father was thinking what I saw he was doing and there was more going on that he was showing to take him just like my grandmother did to him back in the 1990’s. I saw it and I deiced to just cut it short and just finish fixing his truck for my father. What we did to it and the work that was done to it and then let my father take it back to him, my uncle told my father he was going through some hard times and he needed another vehicle for my aunt because the vehicle she had was breaking down all of the time.

Well my father never saw what I saw and he felt sorry for him because he lives two hundred miles away and wasn’t able to fix it for her. I tried to tell my father but he loved his brother and he told my uncle if he if can be any help to him and his wife just let him know. Well my father was able to get his grandson that summer and he wanted to take him to see where he grew up at, and he wanted to take my mother too for her vacation as well so they decided to go to his home town which was where my uncle lives and he asked them to stay with them way before we started to restore my uncle truck.

So they took his offer and went down there and when they got there it was a surprise to them to see that he had a lot of vehicles in his driveway, but my father never said anything to him. I knew when he called us and told me but my father does not think that my uncle was going to scam him so I just went along and tried to keep a straight face that way they would have a good time but my uncle had my father work on all of those vehicles he had in his drive way. My father did spend some time with his grandson and my mother but every day he had something for my father do.

My father finally asked him for his computer and that is when he said it was stolen that someone stole it out of his storage room. Now when my father told me that I started to think why was it at the storage room instead at his house where he fixing them. It has already been several months and he still haven’t fixed it or he haven’t sent us any money to purchase the parts for his truck but I just told father to give us the police report that way my father can file it with the insurance company to make a claim that way he could get a another one built for him. Well he never gave my father a police report and he never showed my father how they broke into it. He did take my father over to his storage room and as they pulled in. My father notice that there were cameras everywhere and he told my father they did not work.

My father started to notice that my uncle’s stories were not making any since so he knew that there is something in the mist because they were working because my father went back the next day to see if they worked. See he asked who ever was working there at that time to see how much was their units and if they had security and they showed him how many cameras and the video and where he saw my uncles unit on the monitor. So right then my father knew they had footage on his storage room and what my uncle told him was nothing but lies.

My Father left that place and my brothers house the next day angry but I never said anything to him but my father went home to finish my uncle’s truck but about two weeks later he called my father told him that my aunt vehicle just went down again and he wanted my father to find him a vehicle like the one he went over there with. He told my father that he wanted he one he used when he went over to see them on my mother vacation but my aunt could not drive a standard transmission so he told him to catch the bus over here and he would loan him that vehicle until he can find him one that way she can drive his car and he can drive my SUV.

Well my uncle was here the next morning and he took it. Two weeks later my father friend found a vehicle that was stolen from us. Well it did not belong to us but we fixed it and they never paid us for it they paid us with a check and we were so busy we never had a chance to deposit it into our bank but when we did the following week that checked bounced so they stole it without paying us in full so my father had it reposes for the amount that was owed to us.

My father had his friend that owns a repossession company to repose it and return it to us and I stored it at my shop waiting for the owners or lean holders to come and get it to pay my father in full. Well the owner came but he came with an altitude and he just got arrested because he came with a bat in hand and the lean holder refused to pay for something they did not ask for. The way the law is written it doesn’t matter who brings it in if they brought it in for repairs they have to pay for it or the owner or lean holders have to pay for it within ten days of completion of the work that was done to it.

All of the paper work was filed and the day was coming for them to recover it and my father knew it was going to be ours within thirty days since the owner was still in jail and the lean holder said they were not coming after it. So my father called my uncle and told him and he did not wait at all he jumped on the first bus and came down to get it. My father never told him to come he just came and he left my little SUV at his house.

He called me from the bus station telling me to tell my father to come get him so I went and as we were coming back to my house he kept asking me questions about this vehicle. I told him I did not know anything but I think he still needed to wait the thirty days and then submit the paper work in to the DMV and have them reissue a title to me or to whomever purchase the vehicle. I could not let say he could or not buy it until that time limit ran out. He said he needed it because he was walking. I looked at him and said where my SUV, and he said that his son was using it and I said why my father loaned it to you not him and he said like he was my big brother. He said what I do with what I have at my house is his business and none of my business. I saw he was starting to act like he did when he would fight with my father when they were younger. I never saw them but the stories we heard from my father’s aunt’s and uncle’s they told us that my father was treated very bad so I never said anything again about that but he continued to wine about that vehicle so my father finally checked if he could let him buy it before the time limit was up.

He called the DMV to check and they said that he could not but since he knew no one was coming after it that he can get a thirty day tag from the state to let my uncle drive it until the day came to where my father can sale it to him. So I felled out the 130-U form to transfer it into his name but he said he was going to place it into my uncle wife’s name and he signed it well I took a copy of his driver license and then my father placed insurance on it and got the thirty day tag and I let him take it home thinking he was going to send my SUV back which he never did.

The day came to where we can file and transfer but when my father saw 130-u form he noticed that he signed his name to the VTR-265 form that is needed to file that lean and he needed to have my uncle’s wife signed it which he she never did he signed it for her. He came over and started a big deal about it and again he never brought my SUV back. He came and left as fast as he came and said some things to my father about his truck as well and they were not nice words but again what I say are not heard so I just took it like I always did.

My father transferred the title and my uncle never sent my father the money like he said he would. My father got mad at me. So I went right back to work on my uncle’s truck that way I can finish his truck, but I did not fix what was needed to be fix due to the fact he never sent my father the funds that was needed to finish his truck.

Well that is where my uncle started to act crazy and how it came to be. I called him and told him that my father was on his way to pickup my SUV and to take him his truck and he needed to pay my father when he got there for both of the vehicles like he said he would in the beginning when he came and dropped off his 1990 Chevy picked up and that SUV he purchase from my father. The deal was that my father will sale my uncle that SUV and he would have to start sending us money in the amount of $150.00 every two weeks and when we were done with his truck he would pay us in full for both of those vehicles. Which he never did!

Well my father went over to pick up my SUV then he talked to my uncle and he did not have the money he owed us so my father had to make a decision to either leave them or just bring them back and make his brother pay it in full like we do when our customers do when they have no money to pay us well my father did not want to do that to his own brother so he decided to leave them and hope that he would pay us. Well I had to pick up my father and my mother because my SUV never made it back my uncle burned out the clutch and broke my gears in that standard transmission. I went over there and had to pay for the fuel going and coming back I did pickup my SUV that my father loaned my uncle, and it was wrecked and dirty inside and out and at the time I did not know he broke the gears I knew he burnt out the clutch but why did he wreck it. He laughed when I called him up and asked him what happen and he told me crap happens. He did not have the money like he told my father he would have to pay us just like he told us he would. I told him you haven’t paid us on time and not even the amount we agreed that he would pay us.

He was supposed to send my father two payments at one hundred fifty dollars every two weeks to make it three hundred dollars per month and it was only one hundred and fifty dollars every month he never sent my father the full amount at any time. He never even paid for the transferred fees to place it into my aunt’s name.

Well my father had to think of something. He was two hundred miles away, and he had three vehicles sitting there in front of him and there was only had two drivers so he needed to see what he needed to do in getting them home. My father is a great guy he let my uncle keep them no money to pay for them which I thought it was a bad ideal because my father had to use his money for his house payment to finish his truck and to take it to him. I would of taken it regardless of the money situation. My father had to use his house payments and there were three vehicles and no way to transport them to Houston which was two hundred miles away.

My father decided to let him keep them as long as he makes payment on time and in full which he never did. He scammed my father from the very beginning. He never had to walk. He never planned to pay us! He planned to take my fathers money and run just like he always did with everybody he ever had some work done for him!

I thought since he was my fathers brother he would at less grew up and stopped his bully ways his thieving ways and the way he scams people.

We were taught not to steal or lie about anything. My father hated that way of life. I hated to think that my fathers family would take advantage of my father and scam him like the way my grandmother did to him in the 1990’s I was born April 1 before my grandmother stole my fathers life long dreams he saved up a lot of money to give us a good life and she stole it. I was still in diapers when she did so I really don’t know much it was but my brother and sister told me and I seen the way my father’s family treats him.

So I changed the way I felt about my uncle and his sisters and my grandmother. My father showed me to have morals and ethics, but as I saw the way my uncle treated my father after my father helped him out and he is treating us like we are a peace of dog crap. I never wanted my father to feel bad but my uncles has been doing this for a very long time and too see this the life my father worked so hard to keep us away from us. I never did anything to my uncle for him to treat us like this but my father has regretted helping my uncle to see the way he is acting like right now I much rather see him out of my family’s life. Well it went on for months back and forth! My uncle called my father names that sounded like my uncle was a kid then he started to make threaten remarks to my father after my father told my uncle if he did not pay us he was going to file it in court which he did and that is when my uncle started his threats. He said he was going to make my father’s life a living hell which he did! My uncle filed complaints to all of the state government offices and to the BBB and to the police here and over there where he lives at when my father filed that law suit.

Well what my uncle did was not right he did owe my father he knew what my father was doing he knew that all he had to do is pay for parts we did not have! He got his truck repaired for $1933.07 and my father gave him $13640.28. but only charged him for $1933.07.

My uncle filed here on this web site; it is report number 739076 which he tried and losing. He even trying to attack my father’s customers and the children that my father has helped and he even attacked the ones that he already helped in the pass.

And that is why I am saying this!

My father computer never was stolen my uncle is using it to show he paid my father in full my uncle went into it and pulled a form out of it to write himself a bill of sale showing he paid my father was paid in full. Well the funny thing about that bill of sale was never finished my father never got to finish that form. He was still working on it before the cat knocked it down. Let me explain that.

My father had an accident and was not able to work so I took it out of his office and was going to install by his bed that way he can write checks and order parts from his bed room and that is when the cat knocked it down. The form wasn’t done and the funny thing is when he felled it out my uncle never changed the phone numbers that my father placed on the line where a phone number would be at. It had 713-555-5555 and his phone number started with 210-316-18XX and his address was not even posted on it and the amount was wrong he even placed his wife’s name on it and it was in the wrong place and my father’s address was wrong the phone numbers was wrong where our address would be and he just did not do it to prove to everyone he did pay us in full he did it because he called the DMV, the OCCC and the BBB to make complaints on my father and he sent that bill of sale to them to show them what he was claiming that my father was scamming him and the public.

When that did not work because those agencies came out to investigate my father, and they saw that the bill of sale that my uncle sent to them was forged and that is what and how they were able to see that he filed a false report about my fathers company.

They all saw the same file and they all saw where my father gave him free parts and labor in the amount of $13640.28 and he lied about that as well. He never told them that he was my father’s older brother he never told them about the computer he stole from my father and how he deceived my father.

In the way he purchase that 2001 Nissan pathfinder and where he never paid us the full amount and on time for any time and how much he owed my father and where he only paid six months of it and that is when my father saw all of those vehicles my uncle had on his drive way and that is when my uncle stopped paying my father for the 2001 Nissan Pathfinder.

My uncle wrote on many web sites lying to everyone that would listen to him. He lied to the courts and they haven’t even seen the inside of one yet. My father filed the claim back on July 1, 2011 and we are still waiting for a court date to see the Judge when my father saw this complaint and he wrote a rebuttal on it and my uncle took it to the next extreme. He filed his complaint to this web site on June 10, 2011 twenty one days before my father file this case in court.

My father’s customer found it and told my father about that report that my uncle wrote and my father wrote a rebuttal about it and my uncle just could not leave it alone he had to be the last man standing he had to have the last word in. He had to put my father down he had to belittle my father to show everyone that his claims were and are true and make my father look like a liar and a thief. Well he failed badly and he will always fail in everything he does if he keeps on cheating and lying his way around and throughout his life.

My uncle has lied to everyone and he is still lying to this day but that is the way he was brought up and that is the way he was raised and he raising his kids too do the same, and I hope his kids would see the things I saw, and be is the right state of mind to change their ways before they do what he is doing. Look at the way he has attacked my father and my family and my father is his little brother could you imagine what he would do to you.

He said the same thing about me but my father posted the proof and my father has shown to everyone what he did and why he did it for. On that rebuttal he filed on this web site report number 739076, but what make my uncles to be false he never posted anything up to prove his allegations. He never showed his proof, and he never proven his case. He never showed why he accused my father and placed these allegations up on this web site it is over 200 reports long that has been posted and most of them were my father’s and all he was showing was the proof and he explained away my uncles false allegations. But my uncle never did and he never will post or place anything like that unless he wants to show everyone his IQ or the level of education by making up more of his lies but he thinks my father is dumb well I say let him because my father will use it all against him in the court of law.

So if you see or hear his name or the name that is affiliated with him or Identifies him please check it out and make sure you know who you are talking or dealing with because if he gets your privet information he will use it to gain profit and wreck your life like he is trying to do to my father as well as me.

See I took over the company back on my birthday because my father is very sick he has something in his chest and he can’t or won’t go to the doctors if my uncle continues his attacks he feels that he needs to protect us so he refuses to take the test until they go to court and he also wants to defend his grandmother even after she has been dead for a long time now, but my uncle has open up a can of worms that my father placed behind him and went after the memories of his grandmother and my fathers life.

Now if you ask me I never like going over to her house but my father loved her so I went but he always had my brother and I cut, clean, and take care of her house we went over in the summers every other weekend to do that but he loved his grandmother like I loved mine and when I look the way he took care of my grandmother I can see what and how he felt like about his grandmother.

His name is Anastacio Galvan Jr. aka Stocio, aka Coach. He is about Five foot eight weighs between 365 to 400 pounds maybe a little more he has light back and white hair dark skin and he lives in San Antonio Texas and he claims to work on computers but only know how to work on Windows XP he can build them but he never build them to your spics. He will tell you he has it in it and the truth of the matter he only puts in what he thinks you need that way you would have to keep calling him in to upgrade your computer until you find either find out or you just give up on him but by that time it would be too late.

So keep a look out for this guy and anyone that says that they can work on computers that have no work history to back them up.

He claims to travel all over the place so he might be in your town / city trying to scam the people that do not know him He was last seen in South Houston three weeks ago but he been known to travel to Oklahoma, New Mexico, and even to Florida and he might be over there since Debbie went through there and there might a lot of people that will need their computers looked at. We have family over there and he will have a place to stay until he is caught or his scam will be discovered.

Here is a photo when he came over and he was playing with my grandson and this was before he stole my computer. That way if you see him you will at least know what he looks like and what he is going to try to do you!

Good luck and be very careful with this man! He is not to be trusted at all! Read the report number 739076 it is long and sometimes dumb but only because he brings up stuff that has nothing to do with the case he filed!

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