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18th of Feb, 2012 by Mambo Odette
Hi everybody,

I am Mambo Odette. Today is a good day. I decided to repent. I want all my clients to forgive me for scamming them. I want all my competitors to forgive me for stalking them and destroying their reputation. I realized that what goes around comes around. I decided to stop this foolishness. Thetoadsbool is a good man.

My children, My clients, Please contact me here:
Now is the time for you to ask for your money back.

I also want to apologize to the amazon buyers who paid me money for items they never got. Please forgive me and remove your negative comments on me.

I am Mambo Odette. Ayibobo.
4770 days ago by Mambo Odette
Forum Members: Beware Fraud and Spam PM Messages THETOADSBOOL WANTS FORGIVENESS
by catherineyronwode » Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:04 pm

Hello, all --

As you know, this forum hosts a private message (PM) service that is invisible to the eyes of the forum administrators, moderators, or any participants other than the senders and the receivers.

It has recently come to my attention that this PM system has been abused by one Virgil Bromaghin to solicit clients for himself. BEWARE.

Posting as a member called "mojojake, " and using the faked email address of slblackthorne, Virgil Bromaghin recently spammed a number of forum members here via the PM system advertising the services of Dr. Corbeaux -- who happens to be himself.

In reviewing the history of public forum posts by mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux, i found quite a few from July and August 2010 in which mojojake was mentioning "a rootworker" whom he knew, offering to PM people "with details" about this worker, offering testimonials of the unnamed "worker" on behalf of his unnamed "sister" who had been helped, etc. The posts were far more subtle than our usual "great spell-caster" spammer, and the use of American English was flawless. I deleted all those posts, but left innocuous posts that contributed to discussions in a general way.

In his PMs, mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux disrespected the root doctors of AIRR (The Association of Indepenndent Readers and Rootworkers) and promoted the services of one "Dr. Corbeaux" (The name Dr. Corbeaux means Dr. Raven or Dr. Crow in French).

But ... guess what? Dr. E. of AIRR did some advanced internet sleuthing and found out that Virgil / mojojake / slblackthorne / Dr. Corbeaux is himself "Dr. Lazarus Corbeaux." In other words, he created a series of fake identities here in order to advertise his fake services by means of our PM system.

Misuse of our forum is an automatic banning offense, and mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux has been banned under his erstwhile user name, email address, and ip location address (Cox Communications, Fort Smith, Arkansas), but he can also be found elsewhere on the internet, under a variety of other fake names, so please, take this as a warning to only work with people you know and trust. The scammer and spammer mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux is not who he claims to be -- and his abuse of our PM system puts him on the same level as those spamming scammers who come here to promote fake pharamceuticals. BEWARE.

We want the Lucky Mojo Forum to be a safe, friendly, useful environment for all honest people. It is against our terms of service for any member to send an unsolicited PM to another member offering services for sale.

If at any time you are solicited for readings or rootwork by PM on this forum, please post all details here so that we can BAN the SCAMMERS.

Thank you, Dr. E., for helping to out this scam!
catherine yronwode
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Posts: 4523
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Location: Forestville, California
4770 days ago by Mambo Odette
Forum Members: Beware Fraud and Spam PM Messages THETOADSBOOL WANTS FORGIVENESS
by catherineyronwode » Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:04 pm

Hello, all --

As you know, this forum hosts a private message (PM) service that is invisible to the eyes of the forum administrators, moderators, or any participants other than the senders and the receivers.

It has recently come to my attention that this PM system has been abused by one Virgil Bromaghin to solicit clients for himself. BEWARE.

Posting as a member called "mojojake, " and using the faked email address of slblackthorne, Virgil Bromaghin recently spammed a number of forum members here via the PM system advertising the services of Dr. Corbeaux -- who happens to be himself.

In reviewing the history of public forum posts by mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux, i found quite a few from July and August 2010 in which mojojake was mentioning "a rootworker" whom he knew, offering to PM people "with details" about this worker, offering testimonials of the unnamed "worker" on behalf of his unnamed "sister" who had been helped, etc. The posts were far more subtle than our usual "great spell-caster" spammer, and the use of American English was flawless. I deleted all those posts, but left innocuous posts that contributed to discussions in a general way.

In his PMs, mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux disrespected the root doctors of AIRR (The Association of Indepenndent Readers and Rootworkers) and promoted the services of one "Dr. Corbeaux" (The name Dr. Corbeaux means Dr. Raven or Dr. Crow in French).

But ... guess what? Dr. E. of AIRR did some advanced internet sleuthing and found out that Virgil / mojojake / slblackthorne / Dr. Corbeaux is himself "Dr. Lazarus Corbeaux." In other words, he created a series of fake identities here in order to advertise his fake services by means of our PM system.

Misuse of our forum is an automatic banning offense, and mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux has been banned under his erstwhile user name, email address, and ip location address (Cox Communications, Fort Smith, Arkansas), but he can also be found elsewhere on the internet, under a variety of other fake names, so please, take this as a warning to only work with people you know and trust. The scammer and spammer mojojake / Virgil Bromaghin / Dr. Corbeaux is not who he claims to be -- and his abuse of our PM system puts him on the same level as those spamming scammers who come here to promote fake pharamceuticals. BEWARE.

We want the Lucky Mojo Forum to be a safe, friendly, useful environment for all honest people. It is against our terms of service for any member to send an unsolicited PM to another member offering services for sale.

If at any time you are solicited for readings or rootwork by PM on this forum, please post all details here so that we can BAN the SCAMMERS.

Thank you, Dr. E., for helping to out this scam!
catherine yronwode
Lucky Mojo Catalogue:
Lucky Mojo Specials via Twitter:

Site Owner

Posts: 4523
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:09 pm
Location: Forestville, California
4765 days ago by Your#1fan
I know Mambo Odette. She has done a lot of work for me. asked her about this and she told me what is going on. Now she may not say anything, but I WILL! Virgil needs a REAL JOB.And STOP HARSASSING WOMEN! Tara Hamdi is facing charges in ABU, DHABI UAE for doing witchcraft and wants to wipe out Mambo Odette before court as they will cut her head off. Tara has contacted every hoodoo voodoo person online and only Virgil is as sick as she is. I hope to read about Tara in the news soon. Tara Hamdi is the one charged with crimes running from the law in UAE. Virgil is using Mambo Odette's name to make FAKE REPORTS. Mambo Odette is in Haiti now and does not have time like Virgil does. VIRGIL GET A JOB!
4765 days ago by Toadwillexposeu

All your contacts know who you are even if you spent all your life writing 1000 fake reports. You are evil. Period.

Give me ONE official source that says Virgil or Tara or Chris are criminals because I ran a criminal database search on them and found nothing on them.

I ran a criminal database search on YOU and found OFFICIAL documents that show that you are charged with child abuse, fraud, use of deadly weapon, and many other charges.

It is YOU who is running away from the US law. This is why you change your name and your address every now and then.

Isn't it funny that every person who deals with you SUDDENLY turns out to be a criminal? Keep lying. You are so sick and evil. Thetoadsbool will expose you. If you get him killed, hundreds of toadsbools will come out and expose your dirty games.


Fake: Mambo Odette, Ms. Odette
Real: Odetta Lwan Washington

She traumatizes her clients by bullying them into silence when they suspect she is a fake. She cyber stalks her former clients until they have no choice but to withdraw any formal complaints they have filed with federal regulatory agencies. Then she STILL continues to stalk them until they beg her to stop. How cruel is this? I cannot imagine and absolutely refuse to believe that the honorable LWA would ever abide by such a person as Odette.

Take the young man's advice on the Youtube channel, Odette, and just STOP. All the evil acts you have perpetrated against your vulnerable clients who trusted you, will be repaid to you in spades. You have been exposed. We will no longer sit back and allow you to harass your victims. The only exception is that our cause is just and your motivation for greed is only surpassed by your base evil desires for unjustified vengeance.

Odette has an extensive criminal record. Allegedly, she jumped bail & has fled the jurisdiction of Palm Beach, Florida where she has criminal charges pending. Allegedly, a warrant has been issued for her arrest. I anticipate the US Marshalls Office will be arresting Odette soon. Below is her criminal record that includes child abuse, aggravated assault with a weapon, and making false 911 calls:

1 Odetta L Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details

Name: Odetta L Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Sex: F
Race: B
Weight: 0

Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009MM007096AXX
Source Name: FL PalmBeach Court Misdemeanor
Offense: 1
Disposition: 365.17
Court Name: FL PalmBeach Court Misdemeanor

Offense Code: FALSE 911 CALLS
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 04/02/2009
Offense Code: FALSE 911 CALLS
Source: PalmBeachFL_mis
2 Odetta L Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details
Name: Odetta L Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Sex: F
Race: B
Weight: 0
Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009CF005435AX
Source Name: FL Palm Beach Courts


Disposition: Not Filed (Case dropped)
Court Name: FL Palm Beach Courts
Offense Code: 827.03
Disposition Date: 05/29/2009
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 04/27/2009
Offense Code: 827.03
Source: PalmBeachFLView
3 Odetta L Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details
Name: Odetta L Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Sex: F
Race: B
Weight: 0
Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009MM007096AX
Source Name: FL Palm Beach Courts

Offense: FALSE 911 CALLS

Disposition: Pre-trial intervention pending
Court Name: FL Palm Beach Courts
Offense Code: 365.171
Disposition Date: 05/07/2009
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 04/02/2009
Offense Code: 365.171
Source: PalmBeachFLView
4 Odetta L Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details
Name: Odetta L Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Sex: F
Race: B
Weight: 0
Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009MM007096AX
Source Name: FL Palm Beach Courts
Offense: NP
Court Name: FL Palm Beach Courts

Offense Code: FALSE 911 CAL

Source State: FL
Offense Date: 04/02/2009

Offense Code: FALSE 911 CAL

Source: PalmBeachFLView
5 Odetta Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details
Name: Odetta Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Race: Black
Weight: 0
State: FL
Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009023004
Source Name: FL Palm Beach Arrest


Court Name: Palmbeach
Charge Category: Arrest
Offense Code: 784.021-2558
Arrest Agency: 34 - BOYNTON BEACH
Source State: FL
Offense Code: 784.021-2558
Source: ARSTpalmbeachfl
6 Odetta Washington 39 FL 07/01/1972 View All
View Details
Result Details
Name: Odetta Washington
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 07/01/1972
Race: Black
Weight: 0
State: FL
Offense Details
Court Record ID: 2009023004
Source Name: FL Palm Beach Arrest


Court Name: Palmbeach
Charge Category: Arrest
Offense Code: 827.03-2984
Arrest Agency: 34 - BOYNTON BEACH
Source State: FL
Offense Code: 827.03-2984
Source: ARSTpalmbeachfl
4762 days ago by Lotamoney
Tara Hamdi, this is why you are alone and will never marry. this is why you go all over the world wide web trying to do a LOVE SPELL n a man who HATES YOUR GUTS. you are sick and have mental issues. I am so glad the USE has tightened security on Muslim terrorist like you.

Virgil, Thetoadsbool. this is why your have no job or clients. You are over weight because our government gives foodstamps to LAZY men like you. GET A JOB.
You both need to find a partner and get a life.
4762 days ago by Virgilwillexposeu
The person 'Lotamoney' who wrote the above comment is MAMBO ODETTE, a criminal wanted by the U.S. COURT.

While Mambo Odette has no evidence on her fake claim that Virgil or Tara are facing charges, we have every evidence that this woman is a criminal and is facing several felony charges in the US including child abuse and use of deadly weapons. Read here:

This above link is the official website of the government of FLORIDA; it shows that Odetta Lwan Washington is a criminal (This doesn't come from a FORUM by an AMATEUR. It is official data).

We want from Odetta Lwan Washington to present official evidence on her claims against Virgil.

She claims to be a voodoo priestess yet she has NO voodoo POWER to remove any of the reports written by her or on her.

So if you are someone who wants kanzo or a spell from Mambo Odette (, you know now that she is fake and cannot do any spell, not even for herself.

And speaking of overweight people: Did you look at yourself in the mirror, Mambo Odette? You weigh over 250 pounds. Your pictures show you have the fattest ass in Haiti. You are such an idiot for comparing yourself to Virgil.

If you were a real voodoo priestess, how come your WEIGHT LOSS spell never worked on you?
4744 days ago by Virgilistrash
Mambo Odette looks SEAXY. Virgil is a fat ass troll. Virgil lives at home Virgil Jr. Get a job Bum. UR TRASH, hA Ha Ha
4355 days ago by Cheney22
My name is cheney from uk. I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is DR.EGOGO he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is [email protected]

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