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Worsham Marine
Worsham Marine - John Worsham Houston TX Breach of Contract - Shoddy work Houston, Texas
25th of Apr, 2011 by User953265
I contracted with Worsham Marine to build a 400' retaining wall. The price of the project was $37,000.00. John Worsham gave me a written guarantee of the workmanship. The project was completed in November, 2010. In January, 2011 (2 months later), the wall started to buckle and collapse. For two months, John Worsham reassured me that he would take care of the problem as soon as he finished a big job he was working on. Around the end of March, John quit taking my calls and would not return calls. Finally in April, I contacted the supplier of the materials, who recommended John Worsham to me. He contacted Worsham, and was told that we "dug the channel deeper", and this was why the wall was failing. Nice excuse, but completely untrue. He also told the supplier that "He was no longer handling this case and he had turned it over to his insurance company." Now, I can be pretty ignorant, but I do know that liability insurance does not cover breach of contract. He has no insurance bonding. So in a nutshell, he implied that he was just going to hope we go away. It's pretty sad, as we are senior citizens, and my husband is disabled. We had saved this money over a long period of time, and contracted for the wall so we could have a better chance of selling this property, to be able to have an emergency fund. Now, with the money gone, and a huge eyesore, I guess we'll never be able to sell it. I truly hope that my experience helps you make an intelligent decision in any marine construction projects where Worsham Marine might play a role. Thank you for reading my sob story.
4791 days ago by Pamcass
Update from BBB as of 9/6/11:

Reason for Rating
BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of No Rating. The reason is as follows:

This business is not currently rated. BBB has recently received one or more serious complaints against this business, and will issue a rating after it has fully evaluated them.
The company did not respond to a request to mediate or arbitrate
While this company is currently an Accredited Business of the Better Business Bureau, the company has not responded to a request for arbitration or mediation brought to its attention by the bureau. Accredited Business’s must respond to requests for arbitration and/or mediation to resolve complaints when requested. The Bureau has notified the company that its status at the BBB will be revoked if it does not respond to the arbitration/mediation request.
4760 days ago by MRB
Worsham marine completed several projects for my company. The work was excellent in all cased, I think this claim is a sham.

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