Wachovia - Wells |
Wachovia - Wells Fargo Wachovia / Wells Fargo 100.000.00 CD Information Lost ore stolen by Bank today approximately $300.000,00 Miami , Florida |
8th of Mar, 2011 by User394904 |
100.000,00 CD Information Lost by Wachovia / Wells Fargo today Approximate $300.000,00 In February 2010 Dr Silver owner and sole singer for L. Inter. had news that Wachovia was being bought out by another bank he attempted to get in touch with Wachovia several times phoning in to the bank and to no avail cold not get them to respond to his CD information. only to find out his banker was no longer with the bank and left with no one to respond for her. I meat with the bank Manager on May 26th Store Manager for the Day, at Wachovia 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Same branch where the Account was originally opened in 1994. They found a Checking account which was purged from the system several years back. She did initiate a Search to try to find out what hade happened to the account. Every Tuesday following this meeting I have bin contacting the bank in this regard. After several weeks Branch Manager assumed responsibility for the search and until July 15 replying to Dr.Silver directly with a e-mail stating he hade run out all search options. I proceeded to contact everyone within the bank that had more responsibility than a branch manager vivolo past it on to - Dan which past this on to - Catherin Which past this on to Cathryn which assumed the Search for this and From July to October 6 She was researching this and to no avail came up with any information Satisfactory do Dr. Silver Sole owner and signer on the account. Issue date October 03, 1994 Dr. Silver wants from the bank a current statement and the maturity date on his CD. If they cannot provide this Via Mail for them to contact him via mail arrange for him to come in to the Bank to Id. himself, so he may proceed to re invest his funds as he sees fit. At no time within the past was Dr Silver informed his account needed to be reactivated ore that it would go dormant he was told only that it was Automatically renewed every 3 moths indefinitely! As to O.C.C. Whachovia claims this was chatted to the State and no logger have any records of it. The state Florida claims $ was not past on to them. Edgar |
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