Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
W. Allan Jones
W. Allan Jones Check Into Cash AVOID AT ALL COSTS Cleveland, Tennessee
21st of May, 2011 by User304131
All I can say about this company is WOW. Watch out. If you are thinking of obtaining a loan from them, consider this article from the Huffington Post's Gary Rivkin about Check Into Cash owner W. Allan Jones: So when you use your hard-earned money to pay off that payday loan with Check Into Cash, it is all going into a huge pot with other low-income Americans' hard-earned money to pay for: A huge mansion
A climate-controlled garage filled with exotic cars, many of which Mr. Jones can barely squeeze into
Huge donation to an aquatic center
Private jets
Real estate
Horses And as you read the article, notice what a bigot this man is. W. Allan Jones, who makes most of his fortune from poor minorities, also apparently feels that blacks "make a good basketball team." If you are considering working for this company, WALK AWAY NOW. You will be exposed to the following disgusting elements: "Good 'ole boys' network" -- if you aren't overweight, didn't grow up in Cleveland, are not a poorly-disguised hillbilly, or aren't cousins or friends with Steve Scoggins, Lynn DeVault, or Allan Jones you are not part of this network and you never will be. Blatant sexual harassment -- the most offensive behavior coming from W. Allan Jones himself, who makes erratic appearances to the office (always looking like he slept in his clothes) to make irrational demands. While he is in the office, he spends most of his time openly leering at female employees' breasts. One lady I knew kept a sweater in her desk drawer just so she could put it on any time Jones showed up. He is not polite about it, either. His stares last a good 30 seconds. Even when you catch him looking, he will not look away. Oh, and if you want to complain to human resources, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. You will be fired before you get back to your desk. Bullying -- By the time W. Allan Jones would leave Check Into Cash, at least one employee was usually in tears and afraid of losing their job -- which they should have been, because W. Allan Jones will fire someone in five seconds if they so much as make a clerical mistake on the personal crap he will people do. Everyone is scared shitless of him because he is so irrational. Working for W. Allan Jones is much like working for King Henry VIII must have been -- minus the guillotine, but you get what I'm saying. Nepotism -- If you are part of the Good 'Ole Boys' network, you may hire your entire family and your friends to work for W. Allan Jones at Check Into Cash. If an employee accidentally offends one of these family members (they're everywhere -- there's no way to keep track of them) they will find themselves fired. Hostile Work Environment -- Working at Check Into Cash under W. Allan Jones is like working in a rat's nest. There is all kinds of in-fighting, back-stabbing, "special deals" for favorite employees, gossiping, and plotting. The departments at Check Into Cash are all pitted against each other and won't work together for the good of Check Into Cash. They are so busy plotting against each other nothing ever gets done. You do not want to work here, have anyone in your family work here, or patronize Check Into Cash or any other business owned by W. Allan Jones.
5043 days ago by Doughball
Having personally worked at Check Into Cash for the vile W. Allan Jones, not only can I confirm the above is true, but I can assure you that the corporate climate there is even worse than described above!

First of all, W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash have paid puppet Senator Bob Corker firmly in their corner. What is so sad for Senator Corker is how little W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash paid him for his "loyalty." Senator Corker, the next time I accepted a "campaign contribution" from W. Allan Jones and Check Into cash, I'd Google his net worth. $31, 000 is chump change to W. Allan Jones. Reportedly worth $500 million, W. Allan Jones is essentially throwing a few coins at you in exchange for your soul.

But where would W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash be without the banks that finance their outrageous payday loans, Wachovia Bank and Bank of America? It is publicly known that while these two financial institutions decry payday lending, they are indeed responsible for funding it through the "back door."

Now to the corporate climate at Check Into Cash:

Working with W. Allan Jones is like working for a two-year-old child. There is no rhyme or reason to his thought process and he makes no sense. When W. Allan Jones barrels into Check Into Cash, a grim pall descends upon the entire building. This is because every single employee there is hoping against hope that W. Allan Jones will not ask them for anything.

If you get asked to perform a task for W. Allan Jones or Check Into Cash, prepare to be very afraid. No matter how stupid the task, if you do not read W. Allan Jones' mind he will literally tear into you. He once gave me a lecture (mainly about how intellectually superior he was to the rest of us slobs) that ended in the phrase, "God -- am I the only one that can think around here?"

Stay away from these idiots. Not worth it.
5038 days ago by Doughball
Oh, the stories I could tell about the corruption at Check Into Cash under the dubious leadership of W. Allan Jones. I swear I could write a book about this mess. You know, why hasn't anyone written a book? A book that just touches the surface of this payday lending mess is entitled Broke USA and can be found here:
It is not all about W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash but is quite an enlightening read.
There are quite a few interesting facts in this book about the self-proclaimed "Granddaddy of Payday Lending, " Check Into Cash founder and corpulent oaf W. Allan Jones.

Americans, when you consider this mess don't forget to thank eager paid BFF Senator Bob Corker, who lobbies for W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash at a price that would not be out of place at a K-Mart Blue Light Special, and banking giants Wachovia Bank and Bank of America, who quietly finance this disaster.
5036 days ago by Little Chocolate Man
Working for W. Allan Jones and Check Into cash has been the worst experience of my entire life! I am seriously thinking about starting litigation against W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash. Under the employ of W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash, I was called Little Chocolate Man by the senior management at Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones. I was also forced to hold the door open for patrons of Mr. Jones' restaurant, the Bald Headed Bistro. My uniform? A ladies' tuxedo jacket and tuxedo pants.

If it weren't for W. Allan Jones' paid BFF, Senator Bob Corker, W. Allan Jones would not be able to engage in such blatantly racist activities. It also helps that W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash is bankrolled by two major banks through the "back door, " so don't forget to thank Bank of America and Wachovia for funding W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash.

Utterly disgusting.
5035 days ago by Little Chocolate Man
W. Allan Jones. Here you are creating scandal again. Why can't you just be happy with your reported $500 million fortune and retire? Why so greedy, W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash? Must you rob every last cent from the working poor before you are entirely satiated?

And Senator Bob Corker: Shame on you, you easily-and-cheaply swayed eager lap dog. Have you no dignity? No respect? What in the world is wrong with you that you would mortgage the well-being of your supposed constituents all in exchange for paltry cash and, I am sure, many favors, from Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones.

Let's not forget Wachovia Bank and Bank of America. While these banking giants publicly decry payday lending, privately they lend W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash the money to loan to the working poor, who then pay it back to W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash, who then use the money to service their loans to Wachovia Bank and Bank of America. Can anyone here say "hillbilly money-laundering"?

What's so awful is that because of the above information, W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash skirt the law as if they are running a casino on an Indian Reservation. W. Allan Jones believes himself to be the "Benefactor of Cleveland, Tennessee." Ever been to Cleveland, Tennessee? Yuck.

W. Allan Jones, the cronies of W. Allan Jones, and Check Into Cash continue to run "business as usual" -- whether it involve corruption, scandal, harassment, hostile work environment or discrimination.

Thanks, Senator Bob Corker, for voting for W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and the dirty payday industry and making this all possible!
5034 days ago by Doughball
Oh, gross. W. Allan Jones still owns Check Into Cash? I thought he'd be out of business five years ago. I can't believe all of this corrupt, greedy, racism is still going on. Seriously? Who does this kind of stuff.

W. Allan Jones is indeed an immoral, greedy, disheveled, irrational, blowhard who needs a good punch in the face! Ugh. Just reading this stuff makes me mad all over again. Working at Check Into Cash and also for Jones Management under W. Allan Jones was one of the worst experiences I have ever had.

If you are thinking of having anything to do with this company or any of the, for the most part, poorly educated top executives, DO NOT DO IT. Check Into Cash, as a home-grown company, has been basically put together with string, gum, and paste. There is no rhyme or reason and there is always fighting and intimidation and hostility between the different departments.

There's really no corporate policy that I ever knew about, no steps explained to report harassment, intimidation, or abuse. The human resource department of W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash is a complete waste of space and a joke! Complain about one of the "pets" of W. Allan Jones (and there are so many who kiss his fat ass on a daily basis you will not be able to keep track) and you will find yourself either fired or they will berate and harass you so much you will just quit. Honestly, I would rather prostitute myself than ever work at Check Into Cash again.

As I was reading all of the above comments, I see that Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management are getting loans from Bank of America and Wachovia Bank to then, in turn, loan in the form of a payday loan to consumers. What? Is anyone but me having a hard time swallowing this? Awesome, Wachovia Bank, you take my credit card fees and funnel them to Jones Management, Check Into Cash, and Bank of America. I thought Wachovia Bank and Bank of America were against predatory lending, but apparently not.

Oh, and Senator Bob Corker. What a corrupt asshole he is! Read this:

and this:

Reportedly, W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash gave Senator Bob Corker $31, 000. Hmmm...that sounds a little low. I wonder how much W. Allan Jones' wife, Janie Jones donated to Senator Bob Corker? I wonder if W. Allan Jones' children donated to Senator Bob Corker? And I can just bet that some of W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash and Jones Management senior employees were "strongly recommended" to make donations to Senator Bob Corker in exchange for his lobbying help.

In addition to that, I wonder how many yacht trips, jet trips, free meals, and other gifts Senator Bob Corker got from W. Allan Jones, Jones Management and Check Into Cash to sell his soul to the payday industry.

Senator Bob Corker makes a show of having the best interests of his constituents at heart, but this has not been the case for as long as I remember. Senator Bob Corker, you are greedy, vile, and corrupt.
5029 days ago by Bob Corker For Hire
It is well-known in the small town of Cleveland, Tennessee, that W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management have connections. I mean, they have to, right? Most people just can't get away with the things W. Allan Jones is getting away with.

Who can be a known and quoted racist:

Hire a diminutive black man to open the door to his restaurant, The Bald Headed Bistro, in a ladies' tuxedo, along with the pre-requisite "yessuhs" and "yessums":

Mysteriously claim only to make minimum wage:

I mean, who does this??? W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash, that's who.

And I'll tell you how they get away with it: First, W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash makes generous campaign contributions to Senator Bob Corker, who eagerly accepts this money in order to be a payday lending and big bank paid cheerleader.

Second: W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash "strongly suggest" their employees make similar campaign contributions to Senator Bob Corker to benefit the payday lending industry.

Third: They aren't intelligent enough to give a shi$. W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management feel that they are untouchable and above the law. Also, they aren't always well-informed on what the law actually is, so they intentionally or unintentionally break the law from time to time. Who knows which is which?

Also, FYI: W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management borrow their funds from big bail-out banks Wachovia Bank and Bank of America. They then take these funds and loan them as sub-prime loans to their poor and minority clients. Does this sound like money laundering to anyone?

Stay away from these pigs.
5025 days ago by Bob Corker Gets Paid
Um. W. Allan Jones is a vile piece of crap. It really is a shame. He and Senator Bob Corker are very good friends, so Senator Corker is sure to protect W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management at the expense of his constituents. Speaking of "expense, " the services of Senator Bob Corker don't come cheap. He is so eager to accept campaign contributions from W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and big banking that I am embarrassed for him. I don't think he's embarrassed for himself, though. Senator Bob Corker is well known to be bought and paid for and totally lacks any credibility.
5024 days ago by Bob Corker Gets Paid
Talk about a place that needs to be audited. Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management are what you get AFTER you scrape the bottom of the barrel. The sludge, so to speak. W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash and Jones Management are so bizarrely run that if you come from a "normal" company (as I did) it will literally blow your mind. Rules apply to some but not all. Policies apply to some but not all. It takes awhile to figure out if you're the "some" or the "all." Apparently, since I am not from Cleveland and didn't kiss the manager's butt all day, I was the "some." Literally, I would get in trouble for things that other Check Into Cash workers had been consistently doing since day one.

Also, W. Allan Jones is horrible! He is very arrogant and walks with a strange combination -- you have to see it to believe it -- of a strut and a waddle and also kind of crab-like. It's hard to describe. W. Allan Jones loves to hang around his Bald Headed Bistro restaurant with a red plastic cup, probably full of liquor. He is very sloppy and rude -- no manners or refinement whatsoever. Just a rich hillbilly with a huge pot belly.

Stay away. Very gross.
5014 days ago by Anonymous
W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash and Jones Management is a disgusting pig! Please, if you vote, vote Check Into Cash and Jones Management paid lapdog, Senator Bob Corker, out! What they are doing to the average working American is disgusting!
5014 days ago by RACIST MUCH
F&ck you, W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and Jones Management! I gave you my whole fu*cking life for three years, working at your puny branch, and you repay me by letting me go? F#ck you -- you as$holes at W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash provided us with dangerous working conditions, and still we gave you what you asked for. But even that wasn't enough. Fuc* off, W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash. Your work conditions are degrading and dangerous!
5012 days ago by Sissy Wayside
W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash is the most disgusting place ever. Very inappropriate, very hostile, and very vicious. Senior management spends all day gossiping and plotting against each other and could care less about working conditions for the average employee. W. Allan Jones himself is disgusting -- a rotund, neck-less, sloppy, sweaty, racist and bigoted hillbilly who loves to strut around small-town Cleveland, Tennessee as if he owns the entire place.
5011 days ago by Fallen Angel
The best way I can think of to put a stop to W. Allan Jones admittedly terrible behavior is to ask Senator Bob Corker to stop supporting W. Allan Jones, Jones Management, and Check Into Cash in Congress and to stop voting for laws that are favorable to the payday industry in exchange for campaign contributions. If it weren't for W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash's association with Senator Corker and his continuing support, I think W. Allan Jones would be forced to behave in a more reasonable manner. Write Senator Corker here:

U.S. Senator Bob Corker
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510


And ask him to start representing his constituents and stop taking contributions from W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and their friends and family members. It is beneath his dignity to do so.
5005 days ago by L Peterson
W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash. There are no words. Well, yes there are. Here are the words that describe you: nauseating, corrupt, greedy, selfish, egocentric, manic, puffy, sloppy, buffoonish, cartoonish, odious, scandalous, self-centered, attention-seeking, stupid, clueless, uneducated, ostentatious, arrogant, foolish, nasty, lecherous, disheveled, confused, undignified, embarrassing, miserly, ridiculous, clownish, moron. Also, you are both a shithead and a complete dick. I would rather work mopping floors in a McDonald's than to ever see your fat face with its sloppy, food crusted, poorly-trimmed facial hair ever again.

Senator Bob Corker: What is wrong with you? Why do you support the trashy bottom feeding W. Allan Jones and his homegrown company, Check Into Cash? Why are you not sheepish about having associations with W. Allan Jones and Check Into Cash? How can you sell the well-being of your constituents in exchange for paltry cash and, I am sure, many favors, from Check Into Cash and W. Allan Jones.

W. Allan Jones saunters around Cleveland, Tennessee as if he owns the town. Jones believes himself to be the "Benefactor of Cleveland, Tennessee." Ever been to Cleveland, Tennessee? Yuck.

W. Allan Jones, the cronies of W. Allan Jones, and Check Into Cash continue to run "business as usual" -- whether it involve corruption, scandal, harassment, hostile work environment or discrimination.

Thanks, Senator Bob Corker, for voting for W. Allan Jones, Check Into Cash, and the dirty payday industry and making this all possible! I will remember you at the polls!
4984 days ago by Hahahahaha
Notice that the original poster has all but disappeared?????? I guess the court costs got to be too much for him. Good luck finding a new job!
4982 days ago by Suri
I think W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash is an idiot. I can't stand him! He is the very definition of a complete asshole.
4982 days ago by DancesWithWolves
I think it's sad that the poster cares more about bashing Allan Jones than providing food and meals for his children and wife. He has lost his job over this... what else will he lose in the name of anger and hostility?
4979 days ago by Doughball
What a classless buffoon W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash is. W. Allan Jones is the most egotistical, backwoods, clueless, sloppy, nasty, corrupt, pathetic, irrational, racist human being on the planet. What a piece of hillbilly white trash.
4974 days ago by John Sanders
W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, who in the hell do you think you are? The W. Allan Jones I know is a sloppy, ignorant, boorish, self-centered, arrogant, child-like, miserable, bloated moron who thinks he is better than everyone else. What a piece of shit you are, W. Allan Jones.

You love to brag about all of your generous donations, but we all know you won't donate anything unless your name is plastered all over it. You won't even plant a twig without a bronze plaque proclaiming your largesse. Speaking of "large, " (I know I said "largesse" but I don't care), have you considered getting your money back for your weight loss surgery. I mean, ummm, the jig is up, W. Allan Jones. I don't think it worked.

You are a petulant pig and I just LOATHE you. I hate seeing your face, I hate seeing your cars, and I hate seeing your fat ass.
4972 days ago by Laverne
Check Into Cash needs to be reorganized for sure. Better yet, why not just clean the place out completely and start all over, it would definitely be cheaper. Don't worry, you really won't be losing any talent. Check Into Cash, W. Allan Jones, and Jones Management are definitely the lowest of the low -- a major hornet's nest of cut-throat bottom feeders.

The "corporate" climate at W. Allan Jones' Check Into Cash would make an excellent movie -- anyone see "Horrible Bosses"? That movie was hilarious, but if they had talked to me first, it would be even funnier. Maybe they will make a "Horrible Bossses 2" featuring pompous, preening jackass W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash, Cleveland, Tennessee's "sparkling jewel".

W. Allan Jones is a ginormous dickhead! Please, do yourself a favor and check out the Bald Headed Bistro (the crumbling, out-of-date, bitter restaurant W. Allan Jones created) and see if W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash might grace you with his presence. You can't miss him -- he will be the one with a giant "scotch slurpee" in a red plastic cup bellowing orders and maybe even firing people for not showing him enough deference.

There is a space in front of the Bald Headed Bistro that is reserved for W. Allan Jones of Check Into Cash at all times in case he decides to get into one of his luxury cars -- you can't miss it, W. Allan Jones' reserved space is better than a handicap space -- sorry, you'll have to use a wheelchair ramp elsewhere. Just a rich hillbilly with no manners, no clue, no sense, and a huge pot belly.

Can you say yuck?

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