Volt Workforce Solutions |
Volt Workforce Solutions : I'll let Volt explain their vacation policy... you'll love it!!: Ft. Collins, Colorado |
9th of Jun, 2011 by User263471 |
NOTE: After 14 months of employment, this is the vacation plan Volt is offering. I should also mention that Volt told me last week that I was ineligible for holiday pay. That is, until I called the HR manager at my contract company. Volt responded to me within 30 minutes with the approval, and even closed the conversation by stating, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am not kidding! The following are e-mails exchanged between myself and an "employee relations coordinator" at Volt in Fort Collins, CO. I don't think pathetic is descriptive enough for the junk Volt is trying to pull. LET'S SINK THIS SHIP! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Me (the complaint filer) Good morning, Thank you for the Memorial pay that was reflected in todays check. It is greatly appreciated! I see there is a $XX PAY ADVANCE posted on my paycheck statement record. This occurred approximately two or three months ago, and is a result of a $XX underpayment error by Volt that was owed to me for hours worked. My concern is that an ADVANCE is not truly reflective of my actual hours worked through Volt. I now realize how important the accuracy of this information is and would like to make sure that I am covered properly. Would please look into this and respond at your earliest convenience, along with my current, total accrued hours? Thank you very much for your help on this matter! P.S. Am I eligible for vacation pay with this position at any point? Regards, -XX ------------------------------------------- Unfortunately we do not offer vacation pay. I will look into your other questions and get back to you shortly. Volt Workforce Solutions (Name removed for privacy... maybe I'm being too nice...... :) ------------------------------------------- Your total hours through 6/5/11 are XX. Regarding the advance, this is the answer I got from corporate payroll: Unfortunately due to the way they are processed those hours are not reflected on the total hours worked. This is one of the issues with advances and unfortunately there is no way to fix it. Volt Workforce Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NOTE* .. After being told I was not eligible for vacation, and that I could not recover approximately 32 hours of Volts error due to the issues with advances (remember, this was money owednot advanced); I emailed my HR manager at the company to which I am contracted regarding the question of what tenure pay actually is. This was mentioned the week earlier by the HR manager in an email she courtesy copied me to Volt. Here is Volt's response to me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Volt Tenure Premium is what we offer instead of vacation pay. After you have worked 1960 hours in a 52 week period you will receive an automatic 2% payout of all ST hours worked starting the week following when the 1960 hours were accumulated. The 2% payout continues until there is a break in service greater than 13 weeks or at the beginning of a new ineligible assignment. Only standard time (ST) hours apply to the 1960 hour total (not holiday or overtime, etc.), so as of now you have earned XX hours towards your tenure premium. Volt Workforce Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Me Thank you for looking into this. To clarify: I receive 2% for the ST hours accumulated after I have completed the initial 1960 hours (2% of every ST hours worked weekly), or I am paid 2% of the total 1960 hours? Will this be reflected on each check? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2% of hours after the 1960 on each check based on the ST hours worked that week. Also, you have to hit the 1960 within 52 consecutive weeks. Volt Workforce Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So. Youre effectively saying that I am ineligible. Is this correct? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Volt I dont think so, am I? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My final response: 1960 hours in 52 weeks, excluding non-applicable overtime (40 hours week maximum) would require 37.69 hours worked every week, consecutively, for 52 weeks. So a day such as Memorial would automatically make me short by 5.69 hours for said week. The most I can recover at ST is 2.31 hours per week (assuming 40 hours worked); therefore it would take almost 3 weeks to make up for one missed day of work in a single week! With that said, XX company has scheduled 12 holidays of no work for 2011, let alone mandatory production shut-down days such as that I had to do for the month of May. I dont even want to do the math it would take to recover on that one! Unless I have misinterpreted or am unable to add and subtract properly, it would be effectively impossible to meet the requirements for the extra $12.80 or so per week that Volt is offering after the 1960 hour level (equivalent to about a .30 cent raise). It would seem for all the effort required to promote such bureaucracy, Volt would be better off to qualify its employees for something rational. Plus, its just better for business in general-- especially if you would like to keep mine. Sincerely, -XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I may have misunderstood it. Its a new thing and its very confusing. I have sent an e-mail to corporate to see if and when you will start receiving tenure premium and I will let you know what I find out! Volt Workforce Solutions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NOTE* .As you may have guessed, I havent heard anything back And here is the math to show how ridiculous the Tenure Premium truly is: 1960 hours divided by 52 weeks (@40 hours/ week max.) = 37.69 hrs/wk required for 52 consecutive weeks. Assuming I work a full 40 hour week, I will accumulate 2.31 hours additional per week. If I miss one day in a single week, whether it be Holiday or personal: 8 hours (lost time) 2.31 hours (accrued time) = 5.69 hours lost time for said week. To recover one lost day of 8 hours, it would require: 5.69 hours (lost time) divided by 2.31 hours (accrued time) = 2.46 weeks to make up for one lost day in a single week! NOW Assuming 40 hours are worked per week and the 1960 hours in 52 weeks are met (which I have proven to be virtually impossible), I would receive 2% of my hours worked thereafter. So, 2% of 40 hours (maximum assumable quantity per week) = .8 hours/ week. This is Volts promotion of the so-called Tenure Premium. .8 hours TENURE PREMIUM per week times ($16/ hour [my wages]) = $12.80 per week additional that Volt will offer me. This is the same as: $12.80 per week divided by 40 hours (maximum assumable quantity) = .32 cents / hour raise. .32 cents per hour in lieu of vacation after working for 52 consecutive weeks at a minimum of 37.69 hours per week = PATHETIC AND UNACCEPTABLE!!
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