Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Vivint Vivint -- Consumer Beware - D Rating in Utah with the BBB Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania
23rd of Jun, 2011 by User343366
Pittsburgh & Washington County, PA - consumers beware ... I noticed a retired couple in my neighborhood with a Vivint sign in their yard. Then the neighbor called to tell me all about the door-to-door saleman that she bought this system from -- immediately I was suspcious. After doing some research online, I discovered many complaints by consumers and with the BBB in Utah (D rating from the Utah BBB -- where Vivint is headquartered). I recommended that my neighbor cancel their service ASAP. This older couple knows nothing about technology (as in how consumers write complaints online) ... nor did they know that giving out their bank account information put them at risk. Vivint wasted no time in taking out money - more on that later. They had the unit installed on a Saturday, they called on Monday to cancel the service (they had until Tuesday to cancel). Many phone calls were made to entice them to keep their service, but they were admant. I faxed their cancellation notice to the number Vivint provided on Monday. I would have to fax the cancellation 2 more times that week and still they 'claimed' they didn't receive it. On Thursday, I emailed the cancelation to an email address the support person provided. On Friday -- yes, you guessed it, they still claimed they had not received it. I was not surprised by their tactics. I encouraged my neighbors to contact the police to file a complaint and have the salesman's license revoked in our township for door to door sales. Especially since this same salesman referred to our cummunity as a 'ghetto area' when another neighbor declined his offer after he became quite aggressive with this tactics. The policeman took the complaint and stated he would keep on eye on the situation. Now, about the first payment. Their first payment was due nearly 2 months after the installation date ... as they were offered the first 2 months free. Once I explained to them that since they had given out their bank account information, they were now at risk -- they contacted the bank on Tuesday (installation was on Saturday) and sure enough Vivint had already made a deduction from their account. So much for the first 2 months free. More phone calls ensued. Vivint agreed to refund the money. My neighbors felt it necessary to cancel that bank account entirely. At the time of this writing (Friday) ... things still haven't been resolved with Vivint. It's been a fiasco dealing with them according to my neighbors ... though the customer sales reps have been patient and polite ... no one is really helping them. I told them if this continues, let's contact the local media ... before other citizens are ripped off by Vivint in our community.
5004 days ago by Turk
If you have heard of the hair loss product, Rogaine, you may be wondering how does Rogaine work? Rogaine is the name used for a preparation made from minoxidil. Minoxidil works on the blood vessels by opening them up thus increasing blood flow. This is reported to increase the chances of hair growth. The minoxidil encourages Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), which is known to promote the growth of new blood vessels. Although Rogaine was found to be a hair growth stimulator by accident, there have been numerous ongoing studies done to back it up.

How exactly does Rogaine work?

The answer to this is uncertain. Rogaine is considered one of the best products to promote hair growth on people who have been balding or losing hair for less than 10 years. It appears to be less effective after this period of time. This could be due to the skin's change and an inability to produce the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, which is the key to hair growth. Once Rogaine has shown a marked increase in hair growth, reports are positive that the hair growth has been sustained and hair loss prevented. This is encouraging news for those who are seeking a long term solution of hair loss.

However, there are some reasons not to use Rogaine, for example, if your scalp is sunburned or damaged in some ways. Rogaine can be an irritant to the scalp so avoid using it if your scalp is irritated already. As with any product, there can be side effects attached to the use of Rogaine. These can include heart palpitations amongst other things. Therefore, if you have a heart condition or take regular medication to control a heart condition, then you should consult your doctor of physician before considering taking Rogaine.

Does Rogaine work on long term baldness?

Here's a crucial note about Rogaine - it works during the time you are taking it and you will need to commit to using it all the time. Rogaine is an ongoing treatment and not an end cure for hair loss. Therefore, once you stop taking the preparation, the process of hair shedding will be re-activated and you will find yourself dealing with hair loss and baldness again.

In addition, Rogaine must be given time to work its magic. Initially, you may feel like a mistake has been made in purchasing it, as your hair will appear to continue to fall out at the same rate, or in some cases, it may appear it is being lost quicker. This is just a settling down phase and within a few short weeks; you will see a difference to your hair loss. You may not see long, shiny curls, but you should see some definite improvement and increase in hair growth.

Rogaine can be obtained in a liquid and foam version. Just as a word of caution, it promotes hair growth wherever it is applied, so try not to spill it or apply it to other areas that do not require hair growth. So, does Rogaine work? You can join the millions of users and be the judge of that!

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Check out his latest website to find out about Preventing Hair Loss along with the best natural Hair Loss Cures.
5004 days ago by Turk
Curious About Rogaine Working? Is It The Best Option?
by Gary Hatcher
If you have heard of the hair loss product, Rogaine, you may be wondering how does Rogaine work? Rogaine is the name used for a preparation made from minoxidil. Minoxidil works on the blood vessels by opening them up thus increasing blood flow. This is reported to increase the chances of hair growth. The minoxidil encourages Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), which is known to promote the growth of new blood vessels. Although Rogaine was found to be a hair growth stimulator by accident, there have been numerous ongoing studies done to back it up.
Hair Loss In Women - Using Traditional and Conventional Medicine To Stop And Re-Grow Hair
by Jimmy Chase
Hair loss in women is not uncommon among today's women. In fact, about 20 to 30 million women are suffering from hair loss due to various causes, with the main cause being female pattern baldness. To correct this problem, women turn to various cures to stop their hair loss and re-grow their hair.
Preventing Hair Loss Is An Achievable Feat!
by Gary Hatcher
Preventing hair loss can be relatively simple if you follow a few simple steps. Of course, every 'event' cannot be ruled out, but reducing stress and emotional factors that usually have an effect on hair loss, can radically stop the process.
Receding Hair Loss: The Bane Of The Self-Conscious Man
by Gary Hatcher
A full head of hair, styled long or short, curly or straight, arms men with confidence and if a check in the mirror suggests "receding hair loss", then the trudge to drudgery may have just begun. For the more self-conscious amongst men, who take pride in their full mane, hints of a receding hairline mean a sudden and regular interest in baseball caps and bandannas as a tool of concealment!
Hair Loss Shampoos: The Potential Elixir To Baldness
by Gary Hatcher
For individuals with a full head of hair, there is no necessity to explore using hair loss shampoos at all. This specialist product is directed towards individuals who are suffering from hair loss and who are seeking to stem the loss of this critical physical attribute.
Understanding Hair Loss Remedies
by Gary Hatcher
With the abundance of hair loss remedies available on the market today, there is one thing for sure - you won't be at a loss with no readily available solutions. There is a huge amount of research applied to the vast array of remedies with varying results. As people are all very different, you will find that some products will work for some and not for others.
Grow Hair Back - Really?
by Gary Hatcher
The moment you realize that you have a hair loss problem, the only thing that you want to do is to grow hair back as naturally as possible. The question is whether this is really possible or are you going to be stuck with the reality that the loss of hair will continue with no end in sight?
5004 days ago by Turk
Hair loss in women is not uncommon among today's women. In fact, about 20 to 30 million women are suffering from hair loss due to various causes, with the main cause being female pattern baldness. To correct this problem, women turn to various cures to stop their hair loss and re-grow their hair. Some turn to traditional medicines and some rely more on conventional medicines, and an increasing amount use a combination of both.

Today studies are finding that a combination of both traditional and conventional medicine are more effective than just using one by itself. In fact, a survey conducted recently found that 60% of households complement their conventional medicine with traditional medicine.

Traditional Versus Conventional Medicine

Traditional medicine is the medicine we used to take before we started focusing on manufactured medicine. This medicine includes such practices as:

Herbal supplements
For hair loss, most people turn to herbal supplements to stop this condition and re-grow their hair. One of the main supplements they turn to is Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto has been used for centuries by native Indians to help with urinary problems.

In Europe, it has been found to be an effective DHT Blocker. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the hormone that causes male and female pattern baldness by blocking nutrients to the hair strand and the follicle. Lack of nutrients to the follicle will cause the hair strand to fall out and the follicle to die. By blocking the formation of the hormone DHT, you can effectively stop your hair loss.

Now conventional medicine is manufactured and prescribed or recommended to you by doctors who practice medicine. It is also known by such names as orthodox or western medicine. Conventional medicines, such as Minoxidil, have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration for use in treating loss of hair.

The way Minoxidil works to stop hair loss is not well-known, but before being used to stop this condition, it was used to control blood pressure. It is believed that Minoxidil allows more blood to get to the scalp, thereby providing more nutrients.


The reason people use both conventional and traditional medicine to stop hair loss and re-grow it is that one, traditional medicine, stops the formation of DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss. The other, conventional medicine, will produce more blood flow to the scalp, allowing for more nutrients to be available to the hair follicle and the hair strand.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.
5004 days ago by Turk
"Preventing hair loss" can be relatively simple if you follow a few simple steps. Of course, every 'event' cannot be ruled out, but reducing stress and emotional factors that usually have an effect on losing your hair, can radically stop the process. Losing your hair can be due to a myriad of contributing factors and unless you eliminate every single one of these (which is quite impossible), there may be occasions when hair loss increases to your dismay. This is a natural cycle of life and only needs addressing if the problem becomes persistent, prolonged or noticeable. Clearly, there is a cause for concern if your hair falls out in clumps and you should always consult a doctor immediately.

Preventing hair loss caused by Androgenetic alopecia

The most common cause of hair loss is Androgenetic alopecia. This is not some foreign-sounding disease; it is a natural process of life. It is alternatively known as male (or female) pattern baldness. This means it is a genetic condition and although there are methods to address it and slow it down, there is little you can do to completely prevent losing your hair in this way. You will notice Androgenetic alopecia in men by the characteristic crown baldness and temple receding. Other types of alopecia can be caused by traumas, emotional upsets, chemotherapy treatments or skin conditions. The good news here is that the loss of hair caused by any of these can be reversed. In fact, the body may spontaneously re-grow the hair itself once the 'event' has passed. However, a little help from an external source will not go amiss.

Preventing hair loss by avoiding hairdryers

In modern times, we tend to pay more attention to hair than in the past. This includes frequent dying of hair and drying of the hair with hot hairdryers. Some of the products put onto hair can contribute to the loss due to the harsh chemicals that are not in balance with the hair. Simply changing to a more natural hair product can drastically change hair loss. Brushing hair whilst it is still wet can cause healthy hair to snap and break which can also increase hair loss. This is one simple remedy of preventing hair loss that anyone can change and it costs next to nothing.

Preventing hair loss by increasing nutrition

Increase your vitamin and mineral intake - this can bring about a huge change to losing your hair. There are heaps that can be said about nutritional values in relation to life, energy and hair loss. The hair is just an indication of what is happening inside the body and if your hair looks dull, lifeless and is brittle, then this could be due to a lack of nutritional content in your diet. I am not saying that a healthy diet can completely eradicate the loss of your hair, but it can certainly slow the process down and can increase your vitality as well. There has got to be a good reason for keeping your diet in check. In fact, it is backed up by research studies to suggest that low calorie liquid diets can reduce or inhibit hair growth. Therefore, be conscious of your diet if you wish to consider "preventing hair loss".

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Not only does he enjoy writing about various health topics, you can also check out his latest website on Does Rogaine Work along with learning about the best Hair Loss Cures.
5004 days ago by Turk
A full head of hair, styled long or short, curly or straight, arms men with confidence and if a check in the mirror suggests "receding hair loss", then the trudge to drudgery may have just begun. For the more self-conscious amongst men, who take pride in their full mane, hints of a receding hairline mean a sudden and regular interest in baseball caps and bandannas as a tool of concealment!

Receding hair loss patterns

While it is common that men who suffer receding hairlines are in their twenties and older, it has become apparent that such hair loss patterns are not limited to this group but instead affects a wider and younger spectrum of individuals. However, there is a difference between common baldness and a receding hairline. Commonly observed patterns of receding hairlines include frontal hair loss that is normally manifest in the upper forehead region and temple hair loss, the latter referring to the loss of hair on the flat space on either side of the head.

Known as male pattern baldness, these types of hair loss are genetically determined which basically means that you will not be able to prevent it as it is already in your genes. Believe it or not, the genes carry an enzyme in the hair follicle in these areas that triggers a metabolism of testosterone and this in turn, begins the process of hair loss in these regions.

Checking for receding hair loss

So it is time to stand in front of a mirror now. Examine whether there is loss of hair by checking whether it looks like your hairline is receding, either at the front or at the sides. If you are not sure, a comparison with an older photograph of yourself can be very telling. Check whether you hair appears thinner or weaker in these areas and if that is the case, then there is a chance that the slow crawl to some sort of personal hell has begun.

Another useful indicator is to check whether there are any signs that you have inherited the dreaded "losing your hair" gene. Check photos of your father and paternal and material grandfathers to see the signs because if there is, then there is a greater probability that you will join their ranks.

Be a man and face receding hair loss with courage

While the discovery that you have a receding hairline may cause sleepless nights, the reality is that the mane does not define the man, unless you let it be. There are many individuals who brave this phenomenon with equanimity in the belief that the people around them care more about who they are as individuals than they do about what they look like. Remember that you do have a choice about how to handle it, and at the end of the day, who you are comprises more than just hair!

So, don't give up yet! There are women who are of the view that the frontal loss of hair means you think a lot - wisdom manifests; and hair loss at the top means you are sexy: macho manifests! Hopefully this means that those baseball caps and bandanas can be chucked into a cupboard somewhere as you glory in your "receding hair loss". I'm joking - men know we can't really trust what women say so get out there and search for an effective cure to restore your hair!

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Check out his latest website on Preventing Hair Loss along with the latest discoveries in Hair Loss Cures.
5004 days ago by Turk
For individuals with a full head of hair, there is no necessity to explore using "hair loss shampoos" at all. This specialist product is directed towards individuals who are suffering from losing hair and who are seeking to stem the loss of this critical physical attribute. Hair loss treatment has become a multi-billion dollar industry with hair care experts touting everything from herbal remedies to ayurvedic treatments; combinations of selected multivitamins to hair weave in an effort to cure the loss of hair. But how effective are these shampoos really?

Hair loss shampoos: Fact or fiction?

The good news is that the use of such shampoos will have no side effect on you. However a miracle cannot be expected to occur either. Therefore when using hair loss shampoos, it is important to be realistic in your expectations. Clearly, in order to derive some benefit from the shampoo, it is necessary to be consistent in your use of the product and to ensure that you follow the instructions that are diligently provided on the bottle. It must also be remembered that different products will affect people differently and while a particular brand of hair loss shampoo may have received glowing references from someone you know; there is no guarantee that the product will be as effective for you.

What to look out for in shampoos

One of the key elements in a good "hair loss shampoo" is that it contains ingredients that improve blood circulation in the scalp. This will, in the longer term, reduce hair loss. Keeping your scalp clean is also important in order to avoid the scalp pores being blocked. Such blockages will impede hair growth and hence create the impression of hair loss. Individuals who suffer from scalp ailments such as dandruff or skin ailments such as dermatitis must be particularly vigilant in examining whether these ailments cause pores to be blocked on their scalp.

It is also useful to examine the ingredient list in these shampoos to determine whether they are nutrient rich. This must be contrasted with shampoos that contain chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate. While sodium lauryl sulfate is found in industrial grade cleaners and also in shampoos, those who dare to use this sometimes use this ingredient make-up to criticize the product. Such random criticism may be unfounded if we explore the percentage and the strength of this ingredient for hair care. Correctly used and accurately combined with other ingredients, there are those who suggest that this particular combination is what leaves hair crispy clean.

Hair loss shampoos: Hit or miss?

There is no right answer to this question as there are critics and fans on both sides of the spectrum. However, it may be useful to suggest that hair and scalp care is not only about what you put on your head but also about what goes into your body. It has for example been established that smoking can increase the risk of hair loss. So it may be possible that regardless of the hair loss shampoos that you have tried that don't appear to be really effective, the cure might also have to come from fixing other habits in your life.

Gary enjoys writing and studying about integrative medicine. Discover his latest website about Hair Loss Vitamins and other Hair Loss Cures.
5004 days ago by Turk
With the abundance of hair loss remedies available on the market today, there is one thing for sure - you won't be at a loss with no readily available solutions. There is a huge amount of research applied to the vast array of remedies with varying results. As people are all very different, you will find that some products will work for some and not for others. Pharmaceuticals continue to invest in and develop new cures for hair loss so there is always a new product on the market.

Many people are embarrassed at thinning hair or baldness, and go to great lengths to disguise the fact that they are losing hair. In fact, you may have noticed yourself that you are losing your hair and may be looking for a solution.

Consult your doctor about hair loss remedies

If you have noticed an increase in your loss of hair and cannot think of a good reason for this, then it is a good idea to pay the doctor a visit. There are a number of causes for losing your hair apart from hereditary factors and hormonal imbalances. These can include stress, medicinal applications, infections and diseases. Therefore, ruling out any underlying cause can put your mind at rest as the doctor can ensure that tests are carried out to isolate the possible cause. The rate of loss changes with day to day conditions within our lives and can be influenced by a multitude of different factors, so all that may really be needed is a change in diet and lifestyle coupled with a look at natural remedies.

Do you really need remedies?

This is a difficult question to answer, as many people can be very distressed about losing hair. Other people have relatively little or no interest in it either way. However, if you are amongst the many people that find it difficult to accept losing your hair, then you may want to consider trying one or two hair loss remedies. This can have the effect of reducing or stopping the loss of hair altogether. Some remedies also promote re-growth of hair too. Once a medical cause of hair loss has been ruled out then you can consider the many remedies available. There are lots of options to choose from so you do not need to be limited by product, although you may have a budget you need to stick to.

Do remedies really work?

Absolutely! There are many testaments to the new lease of life people have achieved after using hair loss remedies. It is amazing how reducing hair loss can increase the zest for life. You may find just the right treatment right away, or you may need to try a couple of different ones. This is just the same as when a doctor prescribes a medication that does not work, but a subsequent treatment does. There are new products being made available all the time, so if you have tried hair loss remedies in the past with little success, don't give up hope as there is always a new product to try!
5004 days ago by Turk
The moment you realize that you have a hair loss problem, the only thing that you want to do is to grow hair back as naturally as possible. The question is whether this is really possible or are you going to be stuck with the reality that the loss of hair will continue with no end in sight? While there are literally millions of products and services that promote the growth of hair or impede hair loss, the question is which of these magic elixirs will work for you.

Please God, let me grow hair back...

How many hair care product advertisements have we watched on the television that show beautiful women with silky long hair, jauntily walking down the street while traffic stops and the world comes grinding to a halt. If you suffer from hair loss, these advertisements can eat into your soul. Whether the hair loss that you suffer is from a receding hairline or from scalp issues does not fundamentally matter. What does matter is that it can and will affect your self-confidence.

What do I need to do to grow hair back?

So what you really need then is to find ways to stem the hair loss. The potential cures take a variety of forms from shampoos and treatments to expensive hair transplant surgery and harmful chemicals but before you burn a hole through your wallet or mortgage your home in pursuit of a cure, pause.

There is no necessity to explore surgical treatment as an option if there are more affordable ways to resolve this difficulty. Consultation with a professional in this field or a dermatologist may provide you with useful information that can assist you to make a decision. It may be possible to find a proper plan of treatment that, if effectively and consistently implemented, will allow your hair to grow back naturally.

Grow hair back naturally

There are just three things to bear in mind if you choose to try the natural option. The first is to take really good care of your body. There are occasions where hair loss arises due to mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Vitamins such as A, E and B-Complex contribute to healthy hair by balancing the scalp's sebum content, keeping hair follicles clear, repairing scalp damage and strengthening your hair. Iron and zinc deficiencies too can contribute to hair loss, so consider supplements in this area.

The second is to manage the circulation and blood flow to the scalp. Since gravity dominates, circulation to the scalp is not as great as to the rest of your body. Regular scalp massages as you wash your hair may encourage hair growth. Always use the tips of your fingers to massage your scalp in a circular motion and if you can, hang your head over a couch or the bed for about 5 minutes daily to increase blood flow to your scalp.

The favorite ancient remedy for everything should not be ignored - this third suggestion is to use olive oil to help heal any issues with your scalp. Rich in vitamin E, it is believed that this encourages new hair growth and may actually help you grow hair back naturally.
5004 days ago by Turk
"Stress and hair loss" usually go hand in hand together. In fact, stress has a huge part to play in losing your hair in so many of us. It is not until hair loss starts to occur that people question why. They may not pay any attention to the other factors that are present indicating stress. However, the good news about this type of hair loss is that it is often temporary. That is unless the factors causing the stress are permanent, in which case it is difficult to assess what will happen first - baldness or disease. I dare to say that because if stress is allowed to roam the body unrestricted, it can cause more problems than hair loss. Therefore, if you believe you have a stressful life then you should consider reducing it as soon as possible in order to regain your health and hair!

The signs of stress and hair loss

Stress does not just show up in hair loss, it can also be indicated in a number of other ways too. Different people exhibit the signs of stress in different ways and stress can also be very subjective. What makes one person feel stressed will simply be nothing more than an inconvenience to another. However, stress is very real and the effects on the mind and the body should not be ignored as it can be very damaging, and not just in terms of low energy and vitality, but it can also lead to depressive illness. Constant worrying can cause stress and give an individual palpitations, sweats, nervous excess energy, upset body functions, changes in eating patterns, increase in alcohol consumption and many more symptoms, including hair loss. If you remove the stress factor then you can remove the symptoms and diminish the loss of hair.

How to prevent stress and hair loss

Once you have understood the symptoms of stress, it is better to learn how to deal with the stress factors. To do this, you need to recognize what causes the stress in the first place. It may be a feeling of being overwhelmed or swamped by a job, family life or simply a feeling of having too much to do and not being able to fit it into the day. If this is your problem, then try to delegate to someone else wherever possible. You will find that just by taking this one action in delegating a simple task, it can make a huge difference overall.

If you feel bad about delegating (and some people do), then offer to do something in return. However, be warned I am not talking about taking on more workload! It may simply be something like asking someone to photocopy items whilst you make them (and yourself) a drink. This one act of 'kindness barter trade' will bring benefits to both the parties too. There are many other ideas you can consider and before long, you will be able to deal with stress differently.

Meditation can also help stress by reducing blood pressure and an individual will feel much calmer due to mediating. Simply 10 minutes of meditation will help you feel back in control and feel more productive. These are just a couple of the many ways to avoid stress and hair loss.
5004 days ago by Turk
Have you ever thought about taking herbs for hair loss that you might be dealing with? The truth is that there are a number of herbs that you can take in order to help get back the healthier scalp and great looking hair that you once had.

Improper nutrition, poor genetics, stress, illness, and many other problems can lead to an unhealthy scalp and damaged hair. When you are dealing with these types of issues, chances are you will find that your hair simply is not as healthy as it should be. Hair will often times become brittle and will most likely shed at a much higher rate than normal.

One thing that many do not understand is that daily shedding is completely natural, and it certainly is not uncommon to shed as much as 100 strands of hair per day. This is perfectly normal, and is even beneficial to the overall health of the scalp. If you find that you are constantly picking up little clumps of hair after you shower or take a bath, have no fear because there really is nothing to worry about.

Excessive shedding, however, may be a sign of an unhealthy scalp and/or unhealthy hair that needs replenishing and repair. There are a number of things you can do to promote good hair health. Some of the remedies that you can resort to in order to bring life back to your hair include maintaining a proper diet, using all natural remedies such as olive oil or apple cider vinegar, getting more exercise, or perhaps even taken certain medications that are approved by your doctor.

There are a number of different hair treatments that you can use to try and eliminate your thinning hair problem, but in many cases there are simply too many unknowns. One thing that many worry about when taking conventional hair loss treatments is what kind of side effects they can potentially produce.

In order to avoid dangerous side effects, many resort to all natural and healthy remedies for their hair loss problems. There are also herbs for hair loss that you can take in order to promote health within both the hair itself as well as the scalp. Most of the battle when dealing with hair loss or hair thinning takes place within the scalp because that is where the majority of the growth takes place.

There are a number of herbs that can be used to minimize the rate of hair loss that you are currently experiencing. Here are some of the more popular herbs for hair loss that can help.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a particular type of herb that has an enormous calming effect that can help soothe irritated skin, especially on the scalp. Not only does it soothe irritated skin, but it can also help bring back the natural balance that is needed in order for skin to be healthy. Aloe vera can be massaged into the scalp and hair to help bring back moisture to the scalp and condition the skin for healthy hair growth and support.

Ginkgo Bilbao

Blood circulation is important when it comes to hair growth because proper blood circulation allows for more unrestricted flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to the hair follicles. This is turn helps produce healthier and stronger hair. Ginkgo Bilbao helps improve blood circulation which in turn can lead to a healthier scalp and healthier hair as well.

There are many other herbs for hair loss that you can take including green tea, horsetail, algae extract, saw palmetto, and many more.
5004 days ago by Turk
Do you want to combat your hair loss problem, but don't want to spend a ton of money on expensive products with negligible claims of their likely success? Chances are those products might not even work anyway. If you would like to avoid wasting your money on unreliable solutions and treatments, then you might want to consider some all natural hair loss home remedies.

You may be asking yourself "Why is my hair thinning out?" The reality of it is that there are many different potential reasons why your hair is getting thinner and thinner every day. Some of the reasons why you might be experiencing this problem include poor dieting habits, genetics, poor grooming habits, and many more.

A healthy diet is one thing that you can focus on when trying to restore hair health. Believe it or not, healthy hair actually starts with the scalp and not necessarily the hair itself. In order for your hair to grow the scalp must be healthy. This includes having clean pores promoting healthy and plentiful cell growth. A healthy diet can help provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, zinc, and others that are needed to promote scalp health and help prevent hair loss. Home remedies like this are good because of the added benefit of overall health improvement.

Regular exercise can also help promote hair health because it helps improve overall blood circulation in the body. Good circulation can help keep your scalp healthy as well as provide vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen to hair follicles so that they can remain strong and stable.

There are a number of home remedies that you can rely on to keep your hair and scalp healthy and avoid, or at least delay the hair loss process. One thing that you can do to prevent excessive damage to your hair is avoid washing it too often. Excessive washing, especially when you use shampoos and conditioners that contain harmful chemicals, can damage your hair and lead to hair loss. Wash your hair once a day at the most with a mild shampoo in order to prevent damaging your hair.

Aside from proper grooming habits there are many different all natural substances that you can incorporate into your daily routine. One particular solution that you can use to give you a healthier scalp is apple cider vinegar. The natural acids and enzymes in apple cider vinegar help wash away dead tissues and other substances that may be blocking the pores in your scalp. A solution of apple cider vinegar and water used on a regular basis can help keep the scalp clean and healthy.

Natural oils can be used to promote scalp and hair health as well. Olive oil is one particular household item that you can use to achieve this goal. Apply a small amount of extra virgin olive oil to the scalp before each shampooing and massage it in for two to three minutes. The olive oil will help replenish damaged cells in the scalp which will in turn help promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Home remedies are a cost effective and healthy solution to replenishing thinning hair and preventing further scalp and hair damage. If you're simply not interested in spending money on hyped up ineffective products, then these natural hair loss remedies might just be the answer for you.
5004 days ago by Turk
Like many conditions women develop, little advertising of the condition is done. Take for instance female pattern baldness, this is the most common type of hair loss that women have and most people do not even know that women can develop this condition.

In men, it is called male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. We are all very much aware of what male pattern baldness looks like, hair receding from the forehead, hair loss at the crown, and eventually the two parts join together, resulting in a bald patch. But what about female pattern baldness

In females, androgenetic alopecia is caused by the same hormone, DHT (dihydrotestosterone), that causes male pattern baldness.

But what about women who have this condition, what are their symptoms and what does it look like.

Symptoms Of Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Symptoms of female pattern baldness can start anytime after puberty, but become more pronounced during and after menopause. This is because the levels of the female hormone, estrogen, fall, allowing for testosterone to create the hormone DHT. The DHT then attaches to the hair follicle robbing the follicle and hair strand of needed nutrients causing the hair strand to fall out and not re-grow again.

Because androgenetic alopecia is caused by a hormone imbalance, the same conditions a woman develops because of a hormone imbalance may also be prevalent. These conditions include:

Gain In Weight
Excess Body Hair
Other symptoms a woman should look for if she suspects she is susceptible to female pattern baldness, are similar to conditions that men have when they develop male pattern baldness:

Thin Hair Strands- Because of the loss of nutrients the hair strands will become fine or thin.
Increase Loss Of Hair- Here is where female pattern baldness deviates significantly from male pattern baldness. Instead of the bald patch that is developed in men, women will lose their hair uniformity all across their scalp. Rarely will a woman develop a bald patch on their scalp, but will just have a general thinning of their hair all over the scalp.
Stopping Female Pattern Baldness

If you suspect you have androgenetic alopecia, visit your dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis. She may prescribe some convential medicines such as Minoxidil, which is approved by the Federal Drug Administration for stopping hair loss. In addition, your dermatologist may also ask you to take an herbal supplement such as Saw Palmetto.

Using a combination of conventional medicine and herbal supplements will allow you to stop your hair loss and re-grow the hair you have already lost.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.

Article Source:
5004 days ago by Turk
Some cosmetic procedures are being offered cheap! One of these procedures is the extremely competitive hair transplant industry which is the number one cosmetic procedure chosen by men. If you make the mistake of choosing the wrong clinic, based on price alone it could end up costing you plenty! Hair loss affects about 60 million men and women. By age 50, 50% of all men will be experiencing some stage of hair loss. The hair loss industry is loaded with companies selling potions, lotions, shampoos, herbs, pills, laser lights, and many other unproven remedies to stop, slow, or even grow back one's hair.

There has been a very limited amount of success with any of the above. However, it seems every few months a new miracle cure is hitting the late night home shopping channel. The only real proven solution that can grow hair in a thinning or bald area is known as a hair transplant surgical procedure. This is the method of moving hair from the back area of the head. This area is referred to as the donor area or safe zone. Most hair loss in the 60 million men and women is genetic. It is for this reason the hair, when moved from the donor area will not fall out. It is genetically programmed not to. This is the primary reason why a hair transplant procedure works. However, the surgery dates back to the 1950's. From 1950 to about 1985, the surgery produced limited results. Since the small bundles of hair moved from the donor were grouped too large, the result coined the phrase, plugs. Usually this appearance occurred when the patient lost the existing hair a few years following the procedure it produces a "corn row" or "dolls head" look.

The industry has come a long way since then. The surgery has been refined into what is referred to as a follicular unit transplant. A strip of tissue is removed from that same donor safe zone. However, today, high magnification is used to dissect the tissue into follicular units. Follicular units can contain one, two, three, or four hairs. Sites are created in the thinning area. Sites are tiny holes the doctor makes using a very fine instrument. The doctor will use the proper angles and spacing in order for the new hair to grow natural and as close together as possible. This is an outpatient procedure and takes from four to six hours depending on different variables. Local anesthesia is used with minimal discomfort. If the procedure is done properly it is quite a rewarding experience. If done improperly, it can become a patient's worst nightmare. This is where in most cases you cannot afford to buy a cheap hair transplant.

Since the procedure is extremely labor intensive, as stated above it requires skilled staff. A skilled staff requires an above average wage per hour. The doctor surrounds himself with experienced staff. Would you rather pay less and get less experienced staff? Less experienced staff will not prepare the tissue as well. Some of the hair grafts will not survive. Less experienced staff will not place the tissue as well. Misplaced tissue will create an environment where the hair will not grow. You cannot afford to have the hair not grow.

So I guess it is safe to say we agree on the importance of a highly skilled tech team. Another way to lower your price is to agree to have your surgery along with three, four, or maybe even five other patients on the same day. That means more revenue for the practice. An example would be comparing one patient paying $12, 000 for a procedure and being the only patient of the day or five different patients having surgery at the same time and paying $6, 000 each. Which is better for the practice, $12, 000 or $30, 000? I think we know the answer to that. But let's get back to staff. If there are five patients and each patient will need at least three staff for proper service, that's fifteen staff members.

Let's say three surgeries start at 8AM and 2 start at 1PM. If that is the case, let's reduce the staff down to ten. How do you feel if you are the 1PM patient and your staff members are getting tired? Remember, this is a very labor intensive procedure. Cutting tissue under a microscope is not easy. How about the fact that there is more inexperienced staff working on you. You cannot afford a cheap hair transplant.

The reason you cannot afford to buy a cheap hair transplant is your result may be set up for failure. If that is the case and hair does not grow, you have wasted your money and will need to do it all over again, most likely pay more, and have less donor area to work with. That is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is what normally walks through the door of most hair specialists on a daily basis. This is where the patient is scarred in one or both areas of the procedure. Usually there is an excessively wide scar. And the recipient area where the hair was placed has a cobblestone look or is pitted. Now, the specialist is limited and need to perform corrective work.

That will result in at least another procedure if not two more. Now you know why you cannot afford to purchase a cheap hair transplant. The following are some helpful hints when it comes to pricing a hair transplant procedure. Make sure the doctor you choose is a specialist meaning all he does is hair surgery. DO NOT choose a plastic surgeon that does hair surgery a few times each week. DO NOT go to a large company which employs doctors on a percentage basis which they all do. Chose a practice where you will be the only patient or no more than one of two on any given day. Try to find a practice that prices in cost per hair, NOT cost per graft or follicular unit.

They can manipulate grafts and follicular units. No one can manipulate hairs. Make sure to ask questions regarding how many hairs it will take to fill in an area and get a good idea of the density in that area. Here is a clue. In an area which is completely skin bald, you will most likely need a second procedure for that area. However, this will be solely based on your own personal expectations.

Article Source:
5004 days ago by Turk
With the help of numerous hair re-growth and scalp rejuvenation products I have held my own for almost 20 years against the despicable foe of balding and thinning hair. What I have learned over the last two decades is that most hair loss remedies will provide some modest benefits and only a few will deliver noticeable quality lasting results.

Harsh words but it is simply the truth that no one wants to admit.

The hair re-growth business is a billion dollar industry that is supported by a steady stream of advertisements and testimonials filled with small print and disclaimers.

For example, 5% minoxidil infused hair re-growth products for men and 2% infused hair re-growth products for women claim to produce new hair growth about 80 percent of the time but what is left out is that this new growth is almost always fuzz like. In the manufacturers defense they do state this in the supplemental information.

While I personally didn't see results from compounds, and in fact experienced some scalp irritation, products containing minoxidil (originally a drug for high blood pressure) continue to be very popular and often are doctor recommended.

Part of the difficulty when talking about reversing balding is understanding the basics of the problem.

The most common type of hair loss is what is known as androgenic alopecia, or male or female pattern baldness. This condition is driven by an androgen hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which attacks the hair follicle, shrinking it to a point where it can no longer support new growth. With the average scalp containing somewhere around 100, 000 hair follicles you may not notice there is a problem until 10, 000 or more follicles are dead or dying.

This is where the challenges lies for all hair re-growth products. They must not only be able to protect the healthy follicles but rejuvenate those which are dead or dying. To do this DHT must be blocked, scalp circulation improved, and the hair follicle stimulated. Not only that you must do your part by not using harsh shampoos and avoid exposing the scalp to anything which might get in the way of restoring scalp and follicle health.

As a general rule large bald areas can only be restored to their past glory with the help of hair transplant surgery.

Another point of confusion is whether or not a receding hairline can be reversed. The answer is no.

While you may be able to dramatically slow this natural process there is no evidence to suggest it can be reversed. In fact, most hair loss products clearly state this either on the box or included in the informational pamphlet accompanying the product.

While slowing the dreaded receding hairline is an important part of any comprehensive hair restoration strategy perhaps where the most benefit can be extracted from hair loss products is on or around the crown of the head.

The crown, or in the vicinity of the crown, is an area where a great deal of benefit can be obtained, and should be expected, from hair re-growth products. If you fail to see results in this area in a couple of months it is time to try another product because more than likely the one you are using isn't right for you.
5004 days ago by Turk
The Mantis Magnifier is a favored tool by practitioners, specifically those working in the field of biomedicine. In this industry, scientists and researchers have claimed to have found the cure to male pattern baldness.

Hair transplant surgery is an advanced procedure that makes use of hair found on another part of the patient's head. Truly, this procedure has provided a solution for people with baldness and thinning hair concerns. Thanks to the wonders of technology, this kind of surgery has already become a realistic and easy process.

In modern hair transplant surgery, approximately 1, 500 grafts, each containing 1 to 4 hair follicles, are transferred to the area of the head to be treated. These grafts are typically taken from the back of a patient's head. The strip of hair removed from the head is typically 9 - 12mm in width and 75mm or greater in length. Once the strip has been removed, the scar is closed up and remains invisible until further detailed examination is conducted.

Once the grafts have been produced, they are kept in Petri dishes, ready for the actual hair transplant procedure by a surgeon. The front hairline is typically constructed with the use of single-hair micro-grafts so that the direction of hair growth is maintained. Larger parts of the head however are covered with mini-grafts which usually consist of four hairs.

Across the globe, the Mantis Transplanter is being used for tasks that require low magnification viewing such as those involved in dental manufacture, dissection and sample handling. It is also being used for tasks involving detailed inspection and quality checking such as in the quality control process of specific engineered products.

The ergonomics of this device was specifically designed to allow optimal posture and high optical performance. Unlike a regular binocular microscope, this instrument, which boasts of "eyepieceless technology", provides users with true stereo images between 2x and 10x magnification.The Mantis is especially efficient when working with highly detailed procedures needing high attention to detail good combination of ergonomic design. This innovative technology makes it possible to work while wearing corrective eyewear such as contact lenses or spectacles.The Mantis Microscope works effectively and is easy to use for extended periods.

This important feature will not only increase productivity of the user, but at the same time, enable operators of the Mantis Microscope to work for long periods with utmost comfort and effectiveness.
5004 days ago by Turk
Hair Growth Products Hair loss is a common condition that affects over two billion people all over the globe. With numerous products available in the market today, adequate research is important to help make the right decision on what's best for you. Choosing the right product may seem daunting at the start but it is extremely important to pay due diligence as there are products that may in fact cause hair loss instead of promoting growth. The best products are clinically tested and at the same time, have also gained positive consumer reviews.

Here is an overview of the various types of products currently on the market:

Shampoos: Shampoos are among the most popular products on the market today. Most People use shampoos on a regular and it is almost natural to swap the normal solutions to hair growth shampoos without changing routines. Such shampoos are often designed for specific hair types and usually contain a mixture of natural herbal extracts and herbal oils that aid in cleaning the scalp and hair to promote regular growth.

Conditioners: Conditioners are meant to alter the appearance and texture of the hair in individuals. These conditioning products usually also contain ingredients like thermal protectors, moisturizers, pH regulators, oils with surfactants and essential fatty acids that will keep aid in follicle repair. This unique mix of ingredients help protects the hair against damage from wind, sun and UV light.

Vitamins: Some research has shown that one of the common reasons for hair loss is the lack of essential vitamins. Some vitamin products are made up of organic compounds with biochemical functions that are needed for normal hair growth.

Sprays: There are various so called hair growth sprays that have the ability to promote regular growth. The sprays may contain alcohol, menthol, ginseng extract, angelica extract, copper and various herbs and minerals. These hair growth products are applied directly onto the scalp to accelerate blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles in affected area.

Lotions: Creams and lotions act as nutrient based systems that enhance the health of scalp tissue and promote hair growth. Ingredients may vary from one manufacturer to another but may contain glycerin, protein, aloe vera and other herbal extracts.

Oil: Just like many other products, there are oil products especially designed for Caucasians, African-Americans or both. Oil formula may contain castor oil, olive oil, Jojoba oil, phosphorus, vitamins and calcium which may aid in regular hair growth.

Article Source:
5004 days ago by Turk
If you were starting to lose your hair, or were already the proud owner of a large bald patch and it was caused mainly by a poor diet would you want to know about it or would you prefer to carry on regardless and let hair loss continue to ruin your looks?

Most people shy away from the truth, did you know that? They close their eyes to the problem and just hope that it will go away by itself! It never does though!

In most cases, when people are told that such a ridiculously simple thing as lack of vitamin nourishment was one of the main causes of their hair loss and by merely switching over to a healthier food intake and using certain vitamin supplements would go a heck of a long way to putting an end to their condition, they just totally close their ears and eyes to it!

But Why? It makes sense and it's so darned easy to change your diet.

The truth is that lack of nourishment carried by the blood stream to the hair follicle is a major reason why hair starts falling out - Alopecia! And if someone suffering with excessive hair fall was willing to make a drastic change to what he or she eats, then most likely they would notice a drastic improvement in their hair condition too! Quickly!

So there it is: Doctors and hair specialists have known for years that a poor diet plays a major role in hair loss and they positively go out of their way to bully people into improving their food consumption and eat fresh, healthy food rather than live off fatty and salty take-out and processed foods.

A bad diet won't do anyone any good, it has to go! Especially if you are starting to worry about hair loss!
4401 days ago by Hutch
I am writing a complaint against Vivint, Inc. out of Provo Utah.

Mr. Brown with Vivint Inc., came to my home and offered me a “free” Vivint home security system. I was concerned about paying the monthly service charge of roughly $70 a month for such a long term (42 months) being a single mom of four children. I expressed that concern and Mr. Brown verbally assured me that the contract I was signing would be easy to cancel at any time if I felt there was a financial hardship or if I moved. I continued to hesitate and Mr. Brown assured me. He gave me his personal cell number and continued to push the sale. I trusted him and agreed to the sale under those terms, but never had him write the agreement anywhere. That was my first mistake.

Once the technician came to install the system, the system was poorly installed. The person who installed it, Mr. Smart, was sloppy about his work which is evident in some of the installation. He smashed my heating and air conditioning vents in my attic. I did not learn this until I had issues with my air conditioning unit the following week. I called and had it serviced and sure enough Mr. Smart had smashed the ducts when he was in the attic which led to the system not working. I had to pay more money to have that repaired. I have had the system a total of six months and in that time; it has been offline for approximately 4 months. When I call I can not get an answer. I finally got through today as I am selling my home and need to discuss cancellation as well as the other issues. I was given the run around and told I would have to pay out around $3000 regardless. I was treated like a second class citizen and told basically no matter what I was told by whom, it would not be honored.

I have called Mr. Brown who sold me the system and no response. I have texted with no response. I filed a complaint on Vivint’s website as well. I am going to continue calling Mr. Brown, supervisors, media, better business bureau, and will report online anywhere I can until this matter is resolved. I feel violated and taken advantage of. Mr. Brown, as a door-to-door sales representative of Vivint, used false and misleading sales tactics including offering a "free" security system, and easy cancellation, in order to sale me a system. He was aggressive in his sales tactics and would not take no for an answer. He made promises that he knew wouldn’t be honored. I did not feel that Mr. Brown would leave without a signature.

When I spoke with someone at Vivint to try to resolve the issue (Mishala), they stated that is why they use pre call and post call, so that they are “covered”. The problem with this is they have the sales person stand right there while you answer the questions. It is quite intimidating and awkward. Mr. Brown promised me that cancellation wouldn’t be a problem, but told me I had to answer no to the question was I promised anything not written in order to get the deal.

BEWARE!! Vivint is not a good company to do business with.

To this point I have spoken with two individuals at Vivint and have had one other person call a third individual at Vivint. Currently no one is willing to make any consolations. I have filed a complaint on ripoff report. I have filed a complaint with BBB of Utah and I intend to continue to put this info out on the web, media outlets, and other sites. I plan to walk door to door this weekend to alert all my fellow Vivint users or potential Vivint users to beware of these business practices. If I sense a consensus with even a few of my neighbors, I will contact an atty and look into filing a class action lawsuit. This is ridiculous. Whatever you do, do not do business with Vivint. Thank you.
4401 days ago by Hutch
I am writing a complaint against Vivint, Inc. out of Provo Utah.

Mr. Brown with Vivint Inc., came to my home and offered me a “free” Vivint home security system. I was concerned about paying the monthly service charge of roughly $70 a month for such a long term (42 months) being a single mom of four children. I expressed that concern and Mr. Brown verbally assured me that the contract I was signing would be easy to cancel at any time if I felt there was a financial hardship or if I moved. I continued to hesitate and Mr. Brown assured me. He gave me his personal cell number and continued to push the sale. I trusted him and agreed to the sale under those terms, but never had him write the agreement anywhere. That was my first mistake.

Once the technician came to install the system, the system was poorly installed. The person who installed it, Mr. Smart, was sloppy about his work which is evident in some of the installation. He smashed my heating and air conditioning vents in my attic. I did not learn this until I had issues with my air conditioning unit the following week. I called and had it serviced and sure enough Mr. Smart had smashed the ducts when he was in the attic which led to the system not working. I had to pay more money to have that repaired. I have had the system a total of six months and in that time; it has been offline for approximately 4 months. When I call I can not get an answer. I finally got through today as I am selling my home and need to discuss cancellation as well as the other issues. I was given the run around and told I would have to pay out around $3000 regardless. I was treated like a second class citizen and told basically no matter what I was told by whom, it would not be honored.

I have called Mr. Brown who sold me the system and no response. I have texted with no response. I filed a complaint on Vivint’s website as well. I am going to continue calling Mr. Brown, supervisors, media, better business bureau, and will report online anywhere I can until this matter is resolved. I feel violated and taken advantage of. Mr. Brown, as a door-to-door sales representative of Vivint, used false and misleading sales tactics including offering a "free" security system, and easy cancellation, in order to sale me a system. He was aggressive in his sales tactics and would not take no for an answer. He made promises that he knew wouldn’t be honored. I did not feel that Mr. Brown would leave without a signature.

When I spoke with someone at Vivint to try to resolve the issue (Mishala), they stated that is why they use pre call and post call, so that they are “covered”. The problem with this is they have the sales person stand right there while you answer the questions. It is quite intimidating and awkward. Mr. Brown promised me that cancellation wouldn’t be a problem, but told me I had to answer no to the question was I promised anything not written in order to get the deal.

BEWARE!! Vivint is not a good company to do business with.

To this point I have spoken with two individuals at Vivint and have had one other person call a third individual at Vivint. Currently no one is willing to make any consolations. I have filed a complaint on ripoff report. I have filed a complaint with BBB of Utah and I intend to continue to put this info out on the web, media outlets, and other sites. I plan to walk door to door this weekend to alert all my fellow Vivint users or potential Vivint users to beware of these business practices. If I sense a consensus with even a few of my neighbors, I will contact an atty and look into filing a class action lawsuit. This is ridiculous. Whatever you do, do not do business with Vivint. Thank you.
4381 days ago by Jackob62
i hope you get a resolution to your problem!!! i have been trying for 3 years now to rid myself of this vivint company .

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