Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
30th of Jun, 2011 by User101098
I had the "pleasure" of interacting with Alycia Kaback and her company recently. My sister was one of the "few" that
was selected for the open casting call and then brought back because she was selected to be signed with the company. When we walked in, they claimed we would be part of the company if we bought the "package"---a $1200
ticket to a party to network. After mulling it over, we decided it wasn't the right move for our family and decided to respectfully return to the company and explain in person that we were not financially able to complete the process. WHAT A MISTAKE. Alycia Kaback when NUTS on me. She belittled me, questioned my educational background and character. Told me my marriage was "no guarantee." Told my sister her college education was no guarantee and she was wasting her time with elementary ed. because she would never get a mansion on a hill. CRAZY. She also claimed she read body language for a living and we gave off negative body language. Please check the better business bureau before you interact with this company. Also, if you try and research any information including reviews and complaints, you will find that she has purchased all "keywords" for google searches and all websites with reviews for her name so that they filter back to her personal webpages. It's difficult to find reviews, but if you do your research you won't find a single positive mention of her name, expect on her websites...written by her. Stay away from this woman. She is crazy and will leave you with a huge knot in your stomach and broke. She needs major psychological help.
4958 days ago by TheTruthExists
After being selected to be interviewed for a position at VIP Talent Connect, I was subjected to a group orientation of around 20 people. After sitting around as The Prestige played on the television, Alycia Kaback came out and gave us a rundown of her operation and it is clear that this company has no credibility in the entertainment industry. Each potential employee is asked to fill out a clipboard of information which inquires about such important information as "ADDRESS" and "NAME". It was clear that the company had no interest in respecting potentially new employees. I was first contacted via e-mail about coming in for this interview. The e-mail suggested that this would be a personal individual interview and that I was individually scheduled for 10 am. The 20 other applicants also received the same exact time. Anyway, as Alycia rambled on about her life and how she acheived such "GREAT SUCCESS", it became clear that something was off. You see, Ms. Kaback has no interest in helping others gain knowledge in the industry and is a selfish person. Her constant references of celebrities as well as the ridiculous amounts of photos of UNKNOWN "Celebs" plastered on the walls made it clear that she is an egotistical person. I can only now chime in with my experience in the industry. Being involved in countless Film/Television productions, it is a well-known fact that when some one is Name-dropping, they usually A) do not truly know said people or B) Find pleasure in impressing others with their bragging. Neither is a respected ethic in the entertainment industry. As to avoid being hypocritical, I will not mention the celebrities, models, and personalities that I have met and ACTUALLY formed professional relationships with. I can say that not a single one of them has heard of Alycia Kaback. Her orientation on employment hinges upon the desire of the 4 or 5 naive applicants to meet these celebrities. The applicants inside the room ranged from 20-year old students to 60-year old business men. Kaback passed out two sheets of information. The first listed the openings at VIP Talent Connect. Each position was described by Kaback as being one of the best jobs available. She then proceeded to hand out the next sheet. The room then silenced as she told each and every one of us that we had to start out as "Talent Scouts". This was the red-flag. She proclaimed that some would be promoted shortly after a few days of Scouting. This is where it became clear that she not only scams clients but potential employees as well. You see this system is genuisely designed to have top-tier workers do her dirty work with the false-hope thought of promotion. It is a scheme that does not humble employees but rather make them feel inferior to Ms. Kaback. She does not have the credibility or the power in the industry to belittle people who are overqualified for her company. I am not saying this out of bitterness but out of pity. I was probably in the median of qualifications within the room of applicants. But I would say 80-90% of the room were more qualified and had more experience in the industry than Alycia Kaback. She told us initially that the only reason she knows anything about the business is because of Craigslist. A few years back, she had put out a listing for $300 to any industry insider who could give her a crash course. She succeeded in finding someone that met her standards and met them at a bookstore. For 2 hours she was given a basic bare-bones conversation about Modeling, Acting, and other Talent Agencies. She made it apparent that the conversation is the ONLY experience she has. So how is it possible that she has her own company? Well her company is NOT a Talent Agency. It is what can be referred to as a "Networking Agency". For a large sum of money, VIP gives you access to 2 "Networking Events" which are held in Times Square NY. These events were advertised to us by Kaback as containing the opportunity to network with countless successful and well-known individuals. As she began to list off names of guests, she found no delight in us applicants realizing that NONE of them are in any position to help jumpstart someone elses' career. Most of these "celebrities" have done maybe one or two projects EVER. If there is one thing to understand is that these events are clearly not worth the money they ask aspiring actors and models to pay for them. Kaback overcharges these people and then instead of using that money to pay for ACTUAL Celebrities to come to her events, she makes her profit by paying "Nobodies" to appear and act like they actually accomplished huge success. This became ever so clear as in the final part of her orientation, she showed us a short video promoting these events. The video was laughably bad. She claims she has a Reality Show "in the works". God only knows what that sizzle reel looks like. This Event video was poorly filmed and showed a maximum of 2 to 3 people each scene. The events look particularly underwhelming and the "celebrities" showcased in the video only became celebrities to us when Kaback would yell over the video with comments such as "You know Jay-Z?! He's his driver!"..."You watch the Oscars? Well this guy made a film...and it got Oscar BUZZ!". The most intriguing was how she could not get over how happy she was that she knew a guy who played a SECURITY GUARD in Wall Street 2! Really? I truly pity the 5 people in the room who bought into this type of employment sales pitch. Once the video ended, Kaback insisted that she had to leave to get on a super-important phone call. From my research on this company, Kaback does this EVERY SINGLE TIME. She is a performer. No wonder The Prestige was being played in her office. She is a deceiver and a magician, a bad one at that. After Kaback hurriedly exited, we were then FINALLY interviewed individually by VIP Talent Connect employees. These were two young ladies who both began employment there 2-3 weeks prior to this interview. After waiting nearly two hours, my name was finally called for the interview. Instead of being brought into an office or a quieter place, I was led back into the waiting area where this all began. The young lady sat me down and informed me of how she had just started 2 weeks ago. She then began to sell the company as one of the biggest in the world. She insisted that she can not wait to meet Madonna because Ms. Kaback knows someone who knows someone who once pet her dog. It was sad. She didn't even look at my resume and then said "See you tomorrow at 11" for "Scouting Orientation". I had asked if Scouting is really worth it. She then pointed to a large mexican boy in a plaid shirt playing with a printer at the reception desk. "Mikey started out as a scout a few days ago."

I left the office with no intention of ever returning.

VIP Talent Connect is a company designed to appeal to aspiring models and actors. It is run by a woman with no real experience in this industry. She finds pride in how many people she has met. She is money hungry and vague. Worst of all, her delusions of grandeur have seeped into the minds of her employees. Her company will never be involved in finding the next big star because they aren't looking for one. They are looking for gullible people's debit cards. Do some more research. It's out there. She can try her best to cover it up but people don't deserve to be ripped off. The company over charges for events with NO real value. Yes, I understand that some people may want to pay $2500 to meet a guy who played a security guard in Wall Street 2, Alycia. Too bad no one will ever want to meet YOU.
4912 days ago by Ichiyukimai
Yeah I interviewed with them and my experience was ENTIRELY different. I was interviewing at the new office though and Alycia Kaback wasn't there for the hiring process. We instead had 2 employees interview us who were very relaxed and laid things out simply. The "bragging" didn't last long at all and it was less about who they knew, and more about where they had models placed and working. In fact who they know was hardly mentioned at all. They DO place models with legitimate jobs. From my understanding Alycia is just very excitable and busy. She likes to bubble on and on about things because she gets excited. She was at the grand opening of the new office and I met her and that's when she started telling me about the next summit and what her ideas were etc. During the entire presentation she hardly spoke a word. I've also gotten the idea that this company is very personal. She knew nearly every model there by name and they were even asking each other specifics about their lives and what was going on. Also before interviewing we did the address and name but they also wanted a phone number, had to fill out a tax form, did a personal questionnaire etc. It sounds like the above interview was rushed etc. But it is certainly not always that way. Our orientation was VERY detailed and they were able to answer any and every question we had. They were very up front with how successful scouts are and what the percentage of people who will sign out of those you talk to is. Also just because you have never heard of someone doesn't mean they aren't credible. Honestly, how many average people can tell you the name of the person who first signed Christina Aguilera or the agency affiliated with each model on Project Runway? Most of these people are behind the scenes people, the important people. It's also not about meeting the direct head of a major record label, etc. The summits are there to teach people, to provide real stories from people in the industry, to provide talent with the opportunity to network. Being a star does not happen overnight. You need to work for it. KMM just provides the tools/opportunities, it's up to you how you will or will not use them.

Personally I have had a great experience so far. The staff has been very friendly and personal, we've gotten free breakfast/lunch during training, the person training us has been VERY knowledgeable on anything we asked, they've been very supportive/insightful, etc. Me and the rest of the group I'm in have learned SO much already it's astounding.
4911 days ago by Yes
The Truth Does Exist and it does not start with slander or falsehoods. I have been to the NYC events in Times Square at Caroline's on Broadway. There was no "green screen" or "smoke & mirrors", instead, there were successful people in the industry. An industry that ranged from television, movies, music & others who just had the pleasure to attend the event.

The real pity comes in through those who find comfort with their ordinary lives even though they know they could be extraordinary & continue to tell themselves anything they need to hear just to be able to sleep comfortably at nighttime. Day in and day out. Posting garbage on websites to keep others away or "aware" of this "scam".

Why do you feel the need to spread such crap upon meeting a person, company, business one time. ONE TIME?! How could you be so sure? You felt it? You "just know"?

Someone once told me that people who say "I know" have never really "done" anything before. They just claim "to know", in turn shutting down their brain & opportunities completely.

I am sorry you feel the way that you do.

I am not a paid employee of VIP or KMM but I have been known to talk with Ms. Kaback. She is real. A real human being. A person. A woman. Who bleeds red the same way that you do. She has given her time, life, and sometimes well-being for her employees and to those around her. Spare your complaints. Let them travel no further than the walls of your neighborhood, leaving the rest of us able to pursue our visions, dreams, & goals without rebuke.

Enjoy your life's endeavors, keep an open mind, & remember it's all about "who you know". Don't burn your bridges down before you even see the water.

Peace, love & all of the above.
4888 days ago by Raufongu
Those two positive posts were almost certainly authored by Alycia or one of her temporarily paid henchmen. She is a menace who manipulates peoples insecurities, fears and hopes, and worst of all, puts a really darn good good gloss over her unoriginal pyramid scheme. She has a few half baked celebs who get a cut of the scheme so she can use them, and a very questionable charity that I cannot seem to find on the Better Business Bureau website, I would bet that is a scam as well. BBB gives her business poor reviews.
It is the wanna be super-models version of a Tupperware party. If you sign with her, chances are you'll get a couple crappy jobs and meet a wash up who can't and won't help you for nearly 2K, then you get dropped or ignored until you give up, that is your best case scenario. At worst you'll have your money stolen from you outright and never get anything out of it, not even a phone call, and be unable to sue on account of having signed a bunch of waivers and "contracts." That is the most commonly reported scenario. The worst part about the whole thing is, people go in for her scouting program thinking they can get their friends and family actually signed to something worthwhile when the reality of it is she just want's to scam their money too. I think Alycia has a vendetta against attractive people on account of her own insecurities which are made quite apparent in her constant and irrelevant name dropping. Names like Ryan Colby, a man with equally disastrous business ethics. Funny that she's been smart enough not to drop her boyfriends name, even though her website openly references the Wilhelmina Scouting Network scam he executed and the fled from. Micheal Fomkin. I imagine he's the master manipulator, although Colby is probably up there too. Contrary to her spectacular claim, the guy was definitely not Art Director for Vogue for 25 years.
Not many people have called this for what it is yet. It is a textbook example of a pyramid scheme. Ponzi would be proud of you Alycia. God, or any person with morals, certainly wouldn't. If you can, stop people from entering her offices, no one else should fall victim to this, no one is deserving of it. Check out her boyfriend Michael Fomkin. Not only is he a known and recorded perpetrator of this exact scheme in multiple other states (Investigated by Dateline NBC), he just plain old looks like a sleazeball deadbeat. Kinda like how Alycia behaves. Cute couple.
4888 days ago by Raufongu
Oh, and I forgot to mention, as far as her scouts, go she intentionally targets the ones she views as week, under qualified, or easily dominated. If you go in for the gig it will be obvious in that she will first weed out the ones who are going to immediately know what is going down, and search out the people who seemed receptive to her mind games. You said you could read body language Alycia, well I read your mind. The better your resume the less likely you are to be invited in for training the next day. She intentionally asks question's like "who here has paid to have a resume written?" to help judge vulnerability. I know more psych then you honey, and you wear your every thought on your face and more importantly in your words. If you are in for her cattle call "talent" BS pay extra careful attention to this kind of business. Alycia, Even if you do manage to stay out of jail, you are going to burn in hell for all eternity for the predatory things you do to people. You are a nothing as always, and will be forever doomed to never find real happiness or pleasure.
4888 days ago by Raufongu
But god loves those who repent, so shut down your scam and turn in the people who are 'really' responsible. I'm sure you could get away with saying that you were as much of a victim as your victims, in exchange for that Fomkin weasel. I wouldn't believe it for a second but a judge and jury just might.
4887 days ago by Raufongu
Here's some good dirt...

The following report is confidential and only disclosed in manners of
exploiting corporate information and senior management, comprised
affliates, and all others organizations deemed with high activity be
involved. Again, the information regarding to subject being released is
issued for reasons to exploit operations, intelligence, and illegal
activities inside corporate. Information given is to be viewed without
bias or form of prejudice considering the sensitive matieral given

Options Talent, former existant and spawn of
Transcontiental was previously shut down for reasons unknown, possibly
due to bankruptcy and then afterwards leading into silence.
After somewhat years proceeding later another clone to the continuing company, was and is VIP Talent Connect.

owned and partially operated by Alycia Kaback and her mother have
progressed with construction plans to evolve the company with different
name to New York. Alycia aka Aly has given birth to "FMA",
Findmyaudition, another company out to scam unsuspecting aspiring
models, musicians and other performance artists by selling them through
untrained, and unexperienced 'representatives' event packages ranging
anywhere from $500 - $15, 000 or more to "create that special intimate
environment for attendees and industry professionals to come meet and
network in one place."

The Company is financially programmed by
Aly and her ties to italian mafia groups sectored throughout New York,
New Jersey and Connecticut that help sponsor and compensate a majority
of the legit actors, small by known, into attending these "networking
events" so that they'll make it seem as if the company does what it says
when officially VIP/ FMA are an openhouse for scam agencies, companies,
and other profressionals that have little to no work to offer and to
take advantage of these hope seekers. The company does refer 'very
motivated and driven" aspiring individuals with that extra dollar at
hand to other scam companies across the US board.

Again the USA
is set up schematically like a SpiderWeb if you think about it,
companies run or branched off with different or same names all stay in
touch with each other and report to "The Source" with how their company
revenues, annuals, and rates of demographic success ratios. "The Source"
to be better explained as a very powerful, executive buisness head
already retired, having worked in the cores of american business, such
as WallStreet, major entertainment groups, and contracts with the law so
as to not get sued, yet they are criminals with the capability to
change their name, address, place of residence and everything about them
that makes them untraceable.

These companies, whether they
follow different patterns, methodologies, procedures or having seperate
CEOs or 'Executives" are all contacts that have studied and copycated
the best of the best strategies in marketing, advertising, and sales
techs available. VIP Talent Connect is the longest
and oldest running talent agency of any kind to take on different forms,
hire or train potential scam artists into owning their own businesses
and growing a new fabric look so that they'll look legit. Believe
however when I say that not all these owners perfect what they have
learned, and some still remain ignorant to this day not knowing how to
run their show.

VIP/ FMA is by all means the old Options Talent,
still secretly based in Orlando, Florida..a warehouse of refuge for Ms.
Aly to escape of anything should dare seriously happen to her. Her
"service", these event networking seminars, shows, expos, or whatever
are again a hunting ground for these scam bounty hunters to keep sucking
the new money from these people.

I as an insider and underground
operative I see now why ultimately there is no way for this industry to
scam on to never end. That we can use the rules of the law to make
ourselves seem real, that we can pay who ever realistically to shut
their mouths up and say to society how important and real we are, and
how America really loves to help make us more money the wrong than the
right, "adjusted" way. This is a sign off, and I leave this information
to the beholder to view, and make just decision, to what they should
believe or not these are the actions and dangerous activities happening
realstically in our future.
God pray there be some way to stop this nightmare and the next...

== Controversies ==
Ms. Kaback has been known to associate or be in a relationship with Micheal Fomkin of the Wilhelmina Network Scouting spiderweb/pyramid scam which was investigated by Dateline NBC, and subsequently shutdown amid heavy controversy and allegations of severe corruption and breach of contract. Another Associate, Ryan Colby of 411 Models has faced similar allegations. Ms. Kaback's business and system of recruitment bear's nearly the exact same business model as the other two although allegations against her so far have only amounted in complaints on various internet scam watch websites. Ms. Kaback maintains a buyer be-ware policy and never guarantees work to the people who sign with her, and insists that she only guarantees the opportunity to meet and network with people in the related business, to some of those who sign with her talent networking company.

The following report is confidential and only disclosed in manners of exploiting corporate information and senior management, comprised affliates, and all others organizations deemed with high activity be involved. Again, the information regarding to subject being released is issued for reasons to exploit operations, intelligence, and illegal activities inside corporate. Information given is to be viewed without bias or form of prejudice considering the sensitive material given below. Options Talent, former existant and spawn of transcontiental was previously shut down for reasons unknown, possibly due to bankruptcy and then afterwards leading into silence. After somewhat years proceeding later another clone to the continuing company, was and is VIP Talent Connect.

VIP, owned and partially operated by Alycia Kaback and her mother have progressed with construction plans to evolve the company with different name to New York. Alycia aka Aly has given birth to "FMA", Find My Audition, another company out to scam unsuspecting aspiring models, musicians and other performance artists by selling them through untrained, and unexperienced 'representatives' event packages ranging anywhere from $500 - $15, 000 or more to "create that special intimate environment for attendees and industry professionals to come meet and network in one place." The Company is financially programmed by Aly and her ties to italian mafia groups sectored throughout New York, New Jersey and Connecticut that help sponsor and compensate a majority of the legit actors, small but known, into attending these "networking events" so that they'll make it seem as if the company does what it says when officially VIP/ FMA are an openhouse for scam agencies, companies, and other professionals that have little to no work to offer and to take advantage of these hope seekers. The company does refer 'very motivated and driven" aspiring individuals with that extra dollar at hand to other scam companies across the US board.

Again the USA is set up schematically like a SpiderWeb if you think about it, companies run or branched off with different or same names all stay in touch with each other and report to "The Source" with how their company revenues, annuals, and rates of demographic success ratios. "The Source" to be better explained as a very powerful, executive buisness head already retired, having worked in the cores of American business, such as WallStreet, major entertainment groups, and contracts with the law so as to not get sued, yet they are criminals with the capability to change their name, address, place of residence and everything about them that makes them untraceable. These companies, whether they follow different patterns, methodologies, procedures or having seperate CEOs or 'Executives" are all contacts that have studied and copycated the best of the best strategies in marketing, advertising, and sales techs available. VIP Talent Connect is the longest and oldest running talent agency of any kind to take on different forms, hire or train potential scam artists into owning their own businesses and growing a new fabric look so that they'll look legit. Believe however when I say that not all these owners perfect what they have learned, and some still remain ignorant to this day not knowing how to run their show.

VIP/ FMA is by all means the old Options Talent, still secretly based in Orlando, Florida..a warehouse of refuge for Ms.Aly to escape of anything should dare seriously happen to her. Her"service", these event networking seminars, shows, expos, or whatever are again a hunting ground for these scam bounty hunters to keep sucking the new money from these people. I as an insider and underground operative, see now why ultimately there is no way for this industry to scam on to never end. That we can use the rules of the law to make ourselves seem real, that we can pay who ever realistically to shut their mouths up and say to society how important and real we are, and how America really loves to help make us more money the wrong than the right, "adjusted" way. This is a sign off, and I leave this information to the beholder to view, and make just decision, to what they should believe or not these are the actions and dangerous activities happening realstically in our future.

God pray there be some way to stop this nightmare and the next...
4887 days ago by Laverne2100
are you on crack?
4885 days ago by Raufongu
A mission.
4876 days ago by Raufongu
Well have you thrown in the towel yet? packed your bags? Headed for NYC...? You better watch your back, you aren't the only person in Philly with "connections."
4828 days ago by PhillyFan215
I agree with all the negative feedback about this company. It's a scam. I responded to a post on Craigslist looking for talent scouts. In reality, the company represents itself as a Talent Agency, but no legitimate talent agency will charge their clients or potential models in exchange for representation. This is an industry fact. Aspiring models, beware.

So, I interviewed at this company for the talent scout position. It was a group orientation, and we got the rundown and it quickly dawned on me that this was a scam. Here are the factual requirements about the position: As talent scouts, we were expected to sign a minimum of five (5) new clients per week. If we do the math for a second, we can guess that the company will hire maybe 10 scouts to recruit 5 clients per week totaling 50 clients per week. 50 per week? William Morris Endeavor doesn't even sign 50 new talents per week. No talent agency can sustain that many clients per week. There's just not enough work.

Also, the scouts were expected to undergo a 30-day unpaid training period, afterwards, it's my guess that the scouts will be let go. Hire these people with no intention of actually paying them, and you can get free labor for 30 days.

So, those are the bullet-points of my warning. I never post things and I never write begrudgingly about anything. I'm not even on Yelp. So, it takes a truly egregious and predatory "company" like this one to get me fired up. I'm just trying to look out after anyone who might be duped into applying to this company. It's a tough economy and we're all looking for jobs, but don't let these snake-oil salesmen fool you.
4749 days ago by Lincoln12
I don't understand how the slut's company is still in business. Alycia Kaback is an ugly, plastic surgery obsessed con artist that preys on the insecurities of aspiring musicians and models who dream of getting into the entertainment industry. It is only a matter of time before the Feds shut her pyramid scheme down and she rots in a federal prison with the rest of her money hungry cronies.
4710 days ago by DownwithKaback
I wish I had found this site when I was roped into an interview for a position with the company about a year ago! Man, what a rip off. This entire organization was founded to suck in college grads and out-of-work middle agers. I was hired, given the status of a "Scout" and promptly told to go to my nearest mall and try and recruit people. Not only was this mortifying--I am trying to recruit people for something that I don't know is legitimate--you NEVER GET PAID FOR YOUR TIME or GAS or MILEAGE. I, stupidly, went to a few more sessions downtown, and spoke personally with the infamous Kaback. Another waste of my time.

Bottom Line: IF you found an advertisement to "Make 48k a year" on Craigslist, DO NOT fall prey. As a "Talent Scout" you will just be walking around malls, embarrassing yourself. This new-fashioned pyramid scheme will fall under eventually. Fingers crossed!
4710 days ago by Ssmith
Went to the interview today and yup, definitely sounded too well to be true. I had to take off work to come to the interview and it was the biggest waste of my time. They tell you to be there at a certain time for a one on one interview and then they have everyone show up for a presentation at the same time. After they explain all the BS, they have a one on one with you, this is where they ask nothing about your personality… in fact, some big fat caucasion guy that looked like a janitor sat me down said he liked my cover letter and to see him at 10:30 am for training the next day and that was it. I came home and immediately researched the company. That landed me here with others that saw the red flag. I almost gave up my whole career and quit my job for this. Some young girl graduating fashion school flew in from North Dakota to Philly for the interview, man I feel bad for people that will get sucked into this.
4705 days ago by Tfull85
I smelled fake/scam once I started asking questions these so called people with "connections" couldn't answer. Their website even looks cheap, and I've been in the game long enough to know professional work when I see it. I've been duped b4 by another company Mainline Models and I probably was at the SAME interview Ssmith above was at as well. Its so scripted that everyone in the office is an actor.
4701 days ago by Cliff60
Still waiting to get paid for a job I did for this company. They tell you it can take up to three months, been five still nothing!
4267 days ago by NotHoodedWinked
I had a so called interview today and when I arrived to the appointed destination there were many others waiting as well!!! First and foremost, it was never presented in the posting as an open house and handled very poorly. I stayed out curiosity, but my gut was telling me to run and never look back.

I have been in the fashion industry and workforce for that matter for over 10 yrs and this was a big ball of BS. If I ever seen a ball of shit, this is what it would like! JS

After a friend suggested that I look this so called company up on the BBB and needless to say I can not even find this so called business or company. The site states that is not represented by them!
BOOM...that's enough for me.

I was interview by Alicia herself and it seemed like the worst interview ever!!!
How can you have people start right away without giving a notice to their current employer?
Is that the sort of candidate that you would want to work for your so called business?

Also I have a pretty impressive résumé and she didn't read my work status correctly or in detail for that matter. Then asked me to come back tomorrow! As I thought to myself...tomorrow it's the Fourth of July?!?!?!
A reputable and thriving business should not, would not be open, on national holidays...Not unless your a Walmart or Target and any other money hungry business. This seem like a start up business that was desperate money!

I know a scam when I see one and this was a pipe dream that some will feed into. Please be careful if you choose to work at this so called business. Karma catcher up to these kind of people eventually. Don't bother with them!!!

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