Victory Martial Arts Mr. Elder has some nerve! San Antonio Texas |
25th of Feb, 2008 by User511963 |
I took my 3 year old son to a birthday party at the Victory Martial Arts school in Leon Springs and immediately was struck by how bright and exciting everything looked. My son felt the same and after an hour and a half party we were invited to try a class as a family with a ValPAK coupon that let us train for $49 for four weeks. Mr. Elder told me that his youngest student started at 2/12 years old and that my son would be able to try a few classes to see if he was also ready to start training. I was happy with this offer and took my son home. We returned the following week to attend our first class together. My son had missed his nap and I forgot to give him his ADD/ADHD medication but that still did not make up for what happened. During one of the exercises my son was running around the mat and I guess was just a little worn out so he grabbed one of the little kicking targets and threw it at me. Mr. Elder then suggested we reschedule for a time when my son was "rested and focused". I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Here is this instructor (supposedly one of the best in the city from what I'd heard from many other parents) telling ME how my son should act! I told Mr. Elder that I thought it was his job to teach "discipline and respect" as the martial arts teacher... he replied that it was indeed his job but that he would glad to work with my son "at a time when he's ready to try it". THEN Mr. Elder had the NERVE to tell me that he wanted to schedule a private lesson to help "ease my son's anxiety". I proceeded to tell Mr. Elder that my son did NOT have anxiety and that if he couldn't participate in a group class like he wanted to then I wanted my $49 back on the spot. Mr. Elder replied that he could not give me a refund on the spot and that he would have to go through his headquarters. I can't believe that a school supposedly as successful as Victory (they have 4 schools in San Antonio) can't give me a $49 refund on the spot. My advice to any parent who wants martial arts for their child is to be very careful about going to Victory... The birthday party and the other classes I watched seemed great, everyone clapping and cheering... but what good is that if my son can't take class because of missing his medication? I think a good instructor should be able to control a student's behavior regardless of whether or not they have ADD / ADHD. I will never go back to Victory and told Mr. Elder that when he called later that night to ask me "how my son was doing". I recommend that everyone who has 3 to 4 year old children with ADD / ADHD stay away from this school. I am going to another school. Edgar
San Antonio, Texas U.S.A. |
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