VIAL FOTHERINGHAM LLP Jeremy O. Evans Simply put: a bad lawyer Boise, Idaho |
19th of Jan, 2011 by User273463 |
The JanuaryKanakaRapids Ranch news letter called "KanakaSpirit" (more accurate, should be called"KanakaBad Spirit") said that the HOAboard, in the worst US economic times in history, "submitted a total of $11,484.41 (7 accounts) to collections in 2009 & 2010. We have collected $10,947.24 (4 accounts) of that moneythruDecember 2010. At January 1, 2011 the HOA has a total of $6,216.73 (5 accounts) that is in collection", they wrote. My question is: Jeremy O. Evans is collecting all this accounts. My second question is, how he collects this money and how much he gets after the KRR homeowners pays the maintenancepast dues of $98.95/month. I know the KRRHOA board or PattiBeldenputs liens on the homes and calls Jeremy to harass the homeowners until, not only pay what they owe, but they pay hundreds of dollars more in fees and lawyer costs. This is not just about the money. PattiBeldenis a bully that enjoys making people's lives miserableby refusing tocommunicate, negotiate, to arrange payments, to find amicable solutions and peace among neighbors. She enjoyschaos, control and evil actions. She even asks homeowners for letters of apology after they speak up of her evil actions. The board let's her do what ever she does andEvans complies does what Belden demands of him and asking the homeowners to sign non-disclosure agreements to keep the homeowners cases and settlements "out off the neighborhood gossip and e-mail circuit". The question is: what Evans and Belden are doing to the fiveKRR homeowners, which are struggling to pay their mortgages and keep their homes? Why Belden and Evans are so afraid, they need to ask homeowners to stay out off the neighborhood gossip and e-mail circuit? What right do they have to collect hundred of dollars in fees and harass owners with collections, liens and lawsuits? The HOA board indicated Patti Belden is just a "secretary" it is not the board. My question is: where is the board then? Why are they letting this ill-will woman and her evil attorney run the place and assault 9 people in two years. Probable more in 2011 as the economy continues to declined. Evans said his client Patti Beldenhas a "bad blood" and he is correct, but as a professional lawyer should he know what is right and what is evil? Or should he give in to Belden pressure to harm the homeowners. Why is he working for Belden? What is right is that the KRRHOA board helps the homeowners. Helping means keeping the communication open, negotiate payments, find amicable solutions. Fire the lawyers, drop the liens and lawsuits. This is not the law, this is moral, human behaviour. The HOA board indicated Patti Belden is just a "secretary" it is not the board. My question is: where is the board then? Why are they letting this ill-will woman and her evil attorney run the place and assault 9 people in two years. More in 2011. The harassing actions from Evans and Belden not only costs thousands of dollars to allthe homeowners and to the HOA they also lower the spirit of this place, creates a bad environment, draws people into foreclosures, lowers the value of our homes, createsbad reputationin the market place and repels future buyers. Creates bad karma. It must to be sad to attendlaw school for long years and use this knowledge to intimidate and harass homeowners; instead of finding solutions and resolving issues. What is even more scary is that Vial Fotheringham is advising HOA's how to run their associations. Is this an effectiveway to do things? The answer is no. We are filing a scam Report for a goodreason, nobody is listening.
Get a grip! You realize these are the same neighbors that sits at the pool all day, breaking GLASS Budweiser bottles while their kids pee in the COMMUNITY pool. It's NOT your personal pool. I wish my HOA would do something for the a$$h&les that don't pay their dues and think it’s their "right" to be able to use the club house, the pool and enjoy what all of your neighbors pay for. Don't you get it? I wish I could sit by the pool all day, collect unemployment checks, live in a nice neighborhood and not have to pay to use the facilities. You are right it cost all the homeowners more when people don't pay their part. You should be irate at your neighbors for stealing from you. Are you kidding me!!! Next you'll want me to pay for your groceries and your heating bill. The lawn has to get cut, the pool and club house have to be maintained.. Don't you realize that these slackers cost EVERYONE more money |
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