usaa USAA Homeowners' Insurance Ripoff San Antonio, Texas |
23rd of Jun, 2011 by User978440 |
In April 2009 my home in Schoolcraft, MI suffered extensive hail damage. My roof and windows were destroyed to the extent that I could no longer live in the house. I had to move out and rented an apartment. I contacted my homeowners' insurance company USAA. They had what they called an independent estimate and offered me approximately $12000 plus $5000 if they approved of the job after it was done. I called three contracters at random out of the phonebook and each independently gave me estimates of over $32000. I informed USAA of this in writing and they were unimpressed and simply issed a check for $12000 to me to be cosigned by the mortgage holder Standard Federal Credit Union in Kalamaoo, MI. I mailed the untouched check back to USAA. I contacted the State of Michigan Insurance Commision in writing and they wrote that their hands weretied because USAA had gotten an "independent appraisal" and had issued a check. I was not able to pay rent and a mortgage as well, as I am retired and on a fixed income. As a result, I was not able to pay the mortgage and am being foreclosed. I asked the mortgage holder in writing to assist me in taking on USAA but they declined. The house now sits abandoned. I have been a USAA customer for over 36 years. Until recently I obtained all of my insurance products, mortgages, bandking, credit cards, auto loans, etc. from them. |
You are allowed to choose from an insurer provided list of companies to complete the repair OR provide one of your choice. Your homeowners policy has a provision that in the event you are not satisfied with the USAA rep. estimate you can hire an independant certified adjuster (one you pay) or even a professional repair specialist (free) who could provide you with an estimate. I would obtain several (free) quotes from reputable companies on the trusted USAA list as they typically use the same estimate programs to determine replacement cost. You can still choose to have any other repairer complete the work once the check arrives. Once you have these "other" estimates you would then communicate with your claims rep. regarding any discrepancies and if not satisfied request a supervisor look into for legitimate answers. USAA would then have scheduled a 2nd inquiry for an estimate. Problem solved. Unfortuntately you didn't hear what you wanted originally, and without proper follow thru (yes its your responsibility to help the insurer pay a legitimate claim on your home...again read your policy) with the right supervisor anyone? You lost your home because you didn't act in accordance with the terms of your policy. Instead you made the situation some elses problem by reaching out to other entities for help when in reality you are fully responsible for providing proof that the insurance companies orginal estimate was incorrect and offer them an attempt to better the situation. |
U have to get a lawyer when it comes down to it, paying the contractors would have to had to wait til they took u to court as well... but people don't understand only a lawyer taking them to court would have solved the problem and if u didn't miss the statue, u can still do it. |
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