US Filing Services Grant Writing Business Planning Organizational Documents Foundation Grant Fraud , Internet |
23rd of Jan, 2011 by User886550 |
Legitimate small businesses owned by women, minorities, disables citizens are being preyed upon by unscrupulous fraudulent company calledUS Filing Services. I had been searching and was told that they got my company name and phone number from there. They worked with foundations that get tax breaks for providing grants to small businesses owned by women, minorities and disabled. My company owners are all of the above. My cousin used to work for a foundation andso I thought that was true.But US Filing Services said that they only take a fee for Grant writing after they found foundations that give grants in the area of my business. Just as the other stories...first they wanted money for Grant writing, Then for a business plan which they did and seemed legit but then they came back said the foundation wanted me to build a non-profit organization which was somewhat in line with what I was doing so it made sense...but they never did the work. The organizational documents, registering it with the Secretary of State...they filled out an incomplete 1023 application for 501c exemption but without all of the supporting documents the IRS needed. I paid the $850 application fees but because it was incomplete and the 90 days passed without filing those was dismissed. They wanted more money for supporting documents on how the two corporations would work together ...the non-profit and profit and after I paid that they wanted more money...I wouldn't until they sent the other supporting documents i paid for ...not returning calls and say that I can't get the grant until I pay this outstanding fees. I shouldn't have been taken in by their high pressure tactics. I take responsibility for my own stupidity in trusting a company like this. I did search this site but must have put the name in wrong because it came up 0 . Anyway I hope this helps someone else. Learn from my mistake.
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