US Bank |
US BANK Aiding & Abetting Identity Thieves & too much obvious corruption Internet |
27th of Jun, 2011 by User335350 |
I have never seen a more (probably;deliberately) slip-shod of banking "institution"---it's starting to remind me of a Bank in Oregon City, Oregon -(once) that was so horrible that it's Board of Directors took off to South America with all it's monetary assets & then (astonishingly)the Federal Insurance Corporation of America (FDIC) came along & wanted everyone who was a depositor at THIS bank to deposit more money into the defunct-bank to replace what the Banker Criminals took! And if the FDIC couldn't get it out of the Depositors...they started threatening-them! "Welcome to the United States of Communism...may we take all of your money please?...As this Bank has to rip you off because the Bank's "bank of scam artists" ripped you off as a depositor;so we; the United States Government; have to rip you off, again!"..I am of-course talking about: Willammette Savings & Loan incident in the 80' comes US BANCORP or "US BANK" (as it's usually known-by)--yeah, it's a mess! I can verify that they had "supposedly" shut-down a savings account (it was a "money-market" savings account I was told;that paid no interest--also;probably highly-illegal) that was "linked" with a checking-account and you had to keep "tossing-money-back & forth" to keep from being monthly-fee'd from the savings to the checking & vice versa (I guess they were hopeing you'd miss the deadline to switch-it back & forth & "bingo"--you'd get a fee!)well,also:they were doing business with a identity thief & scam artist that had made me a victim---and now I found out from City Hall (locally) that she wasn't business licensed (although she has web site income that requires business licensing (and now, City Hall tells me....)that she can't be licensed at all & she is running web sites in the city illegally & contrary to code enforcement law---and US BANK had allowed (and they knew about this Gal's illegal-use of my identity--previously) her to open up another savings account--useing my name (again) and my stolen identity to do more business which was against City Ordinances & Federal Law! Yes!!...US Bank's security is a scum-bag doubt about it!! |
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