United Automobile Insurance |
United Automobile Insurance Company Superauto UAIC is a total fraud- Denies claims and justifies it with lies Norcross, Georgia |
26th of Dec, 2010 by User973640 |
I filed a claim with United automobile Insurance regarding an accident that took place with my daughter. My daughter who does not live with me and in college borrowed my vehicle to conduct some errands. She totalled my vehicle and was not on my policy as she did not live in my home at the time. The insurance company asked me for a letter (as she was 18) at the time of the accident stating that she lived with another lady which made it convenient for her to get back and forth to school. The lasy submitted an affidavit stating that my daughter lived there which she did and the insurance company 4 months later denies the claim stating that my daughter lived with me during the poilcy period. How could that be? In the eraly part of the policy period she did not live with me int he latter half she lived on campus. Though names of individuals who have picked her up from this location and drove her to school was submitted in addition to an affidavit they are telling me that she lived there when she did not. The adjuster threatened to deny the case before it was even sent to review and told me if I keep taking him through it he will deny it. Guess what he did. Prior to the denial I claled his Supervisor umpteen times, never heard back from Antonia yet. I asked the company what was the policy for disputing a denied claim based on the grounds that they denied it on falsified information. No one in the company knows the policy and guess what the adjuster or the supervisor hasnt called yet still/ My other car is on this insucrance and needless to say i will be switching. I paid for full coverage insurance and the information I gave was credible, if I am lying why am I not in court fro fraud. The company told me that my 18 year old daughter should have had a bill in her name because he did when he was 18, so now this is the basis for making an intelligent judgement call based on the fact that this disgruntled employee paid rent at 18. The unprofessionalism, threatening me and trying to imply I am lying when I am telling the truth in addition to not investigating the claim as you contacted no one that was provided to you to validate. so who did you investigate and what grounds to you hold to a decision especially when you should realize with the proof that it is false/ PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY HERE> These guys need to be regulated and the adjuster who goes around threatening people needs to be fired, I dont expect a warm and fuzzy guy bit withthe money I am paying I expect an intelligent being(minus the threats) who should be able to use his judgement on facts and not "investigate a claim when you contacted no one. Your company is a fraud and the fact that the employees so not know the policy for resubmitting a claim is even more fraudulent. You should be ashamed of yourself in how you reflect to the public and the nastiness that was said out this man's mouth tells me we are not far from the thried world not to mention second class customer service. RUN AND RUN FAST
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