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Unfortunately, Diane aka "Dee" Gerrish of Goldendoodle World is one of my sisters. She has slandered
30th of Apr, 2010 by User157874
Unfortunately, Diane aka "Dee" Gerrish of Goldendoodle World is one of my sisters. She has slandered and stalked me online for the past several years non stop. Instead of posting her hundreds of blogs here on this site, I have taken snippets of her blogs to post. I am reporting my sister again because she refuses to stop posting slanderous blogs about me and she refuses to stop following me all over the Internet. Hopefully she might take my complaints seriously when people start paying attention to the horrible things this woman has been saying about me. Diane Gerrish is jealous because I have power of attorney for our elderly mother. I have five siblings and when my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, all of my siblings turned their backs on our mom. It has been three years now and still, none of my siblings have made one attempt to contact me or my mother. The only person who refuses to leave us alone is Diane Gerrish. She hasn't offered to be helpful. All she does is cause trouble and what she doesn't seem to realize is, when she harasses me by posting her slanderous blogs, it effects our mother as well. Below are snippets of some of Diane's blogs: “My life revolves around my dogs and I stay very focused on
my business. I had not had any contact with my estranged sister, Sandra
Johnson. Once I left home as a young adult, for good, I seldom spoke to her and
I definitely never sent her letters, cards or even so much as phoned her. We
were not that close as siblings and she just never really crossed m. My oldest
sister obtained a durable power of attorney through fraudulant means in April
2009. My mother was already going downhill regarding her memory and being
unable to fully comprehend what was going on with her home, personal property
and assets. My estranged sister knew this and took complete advantage of my
mother's mental instability to use to her advantage.” My Note: There is no way I obtained power of attorney in a "fraudulent" manner. “My mother resides in Florida and since my estranged sister
obtained a durable power of attorney, she moved my mother out of her own
residence where she's lived since the early 70's. The intention was to upgrade
the home and sell the home so that the estranged sisters could split the
profits and make my mother virtually homeless. My estranged sister told me
their plan was to rotate my mother between their homes and sell the house out
from under my mother. My estranged sister signed that she's an "attorney
in fact" when she is not an attorney at all. She obtained an invalid
durable power of attorney in April of 2009.” My Note: Never has there been any plans to sell my mother's home. For Diane to say that I would leave our mother "homeless" is an outrage. Also, I never made the statement being "attorney in fact". My POA was done through an attorney and filed at the court house. “My father was a functioning alcoholic. He worked every day
of his life until his hands became so arthritic, he could not close his hands
to perform the duties of a graphic artist. My father passed away in January of
1994. He was a very heavy smoker and admitted to being an alcoholic. When he
was younger, he was verbally and physically abusive toward my mother. When my
father passed away, I openly wept. As a young teenager and a child, I was never
close to my mother. I was more of a daddy's girl.” My Note: Our father was not a "graphic artist". He was a house painter. Pay special attention to where Diane states: "I was never close to my mother". “My mother's life has been shattered at the hands of four of my
estranged sisters. She is virtually now penniless and homeless ever since the
sisters intentionally removed my mother and her personal possessions out of her
home so they could sell it and reap the profits.” My Note: My mother is not "homeless" nor is she "penniless". Yes, I removed my 81 year old mother from her home because she is not capable of living alone any longer. “My mother's needs are being neglected at the hands of my
older sister. My mother is treated harshly and like a little child. My
estranged sister has deliberately returned mail that is sent to my mother. Not
a single letter or card is given to her. Instead, the sister returns the mail
unopened. My estranged sister refuses to allow me, my brother or the other
siblings to visit with, speak to or even see our mother. She is mistreating my
mother through emotional abuse.” My Note: There is no doubt that this particular paragraph posted by Dee Gerrish about me is slanderous and extremely accusatory. Dee Gerrish claims that I won't allow any of my siblings to see or talk to our mother. The truth is, none of my siblings have expressed any desire to do so. Diane Gerrish knows for a fact that none of our sisters and one brother have contacted me to ask if they can visit our mom. “My oldest sister has smashed her reputation to smithereens after
joining three other sisters in a shocking elder exploitation conspiracy.”
My Note: If my reputation is "smashed", it's because Diane Gerrish smashed it by posting her hate-filled, nasty, libelous, slanderous blogs about me. I have no idea what "elder exploitation conspiracy" Diane is referring to. If there was or is a "conspiracy" going on, I think the authorities would have done something about it by now. I have been taking care of my elderly mother for over three years. “My senior mother was diagnosed with dementia in 2006. As
soon as three of my mother's daughters found out, they began taking advantage
of my mother. In 2008, another sister chimed in. In 2009, the older sister
decided to take it all for herself. Looting my mother's home of its contents,
she turned into a serial con artist
right underneath my mother's nose.” My Note: I have to correct Diane Gerrish. Two of our siblings took advantage of our mom and neither one was me. Even though Diane didn't post my name in this paragraph, she is accusing me of "looting" our mother's home. This is another one of Diane's outrageous lies. Here she is also calling me a "serial con artist". “Why must someone have to die or show signs of physical
abuse before the state of Florida acts on their behalf? I do not understand
these laws. This estranged sister has gone all over the Internet proclaiming that I've "trashed,
bashed, threatened and harassed" her and "her sisters" and that
she is a good care taking for my mother and is treating my mother with
My Note: In this particular paragraph Diane states that I have accused her of 'trashing', 'bashing' and harassing me on the Internet. Diane seems to be shocked that I AM proclaiming these accusations. Every paragraph Diane has posted is slander. She IS harassing me. She IS trashing and bashing me. What part of this does she not understand? “I personally believe this estranged sister has a
persecution complex and is quite unstable as a human being. Definitely she is cruel, malicious and
downright hateful toward my mother who does not deserve to be treated the way
she is presently being treated by this estranged sister. This estranged sister
has gone all over the Internet
proclaiming that I've "trashed, bashed, threatened and harassed" her
and "her sisters" and that she is a good care taking for my mother
and is treating my mother with kindness.”
My Note: The "estranged sister" Diane refers to here is me. Notice the libelous and hateful things she posted in this paragraph about me. Diane Gerrish has never been in my house to witness how I am treating our mother. Diane has no right to post these horrible, nasty things about me but these blogs are posted by her twice a week. I find it interesting that Diane loves to accuse me of mistreating our mother but the department of children and families have never found any evidence of abuse in any way, shape or form over the years that my mother has lived with me. Diane hasn't made any efforts to move our mother in with her but she believes she has every right to slander me. “Sandra Johnson is emotionally and mentally abusing my
mother and deliberately blocking my mother's ability to have any contact with
her family and friends; the fact this estranged sister is deliberately
isolating my mother away from anyone this sister feels "threatened"
by, is cause, in my opinion, of removing my mother from this sister's home. I
feel that any judge who could hear my mother's situation and case would warrant
the removal of my mother from this sister's home. The Orlando DCF agency as well as the Kissimmee Florida DCF agency has enough evidence to warrant
removing my mother and putting her in protective custody of the state until
things can be legally sorted out for her.”
My Note: Again, more slander posted on about me by Diane Gerrish. “I contacted the Orlando DCF's
agency asking them why they have failed to remove my mother out of this
sister's home when she is deliberately and intentionally emotionally and
mentally abusing my mother. The fact my estranged sister returns federal mail
that is meant for my mother and NOT her, and refuses to allow my mother to
accept a single gift or telephone call, shows how callous, unkind and cruel
this human being is. That is not the behavior of a loving daughter. That is not
the behavior of a good care-taker.”
My Note: Again, Diane continues to slander me by posting false allegations. Also, I have never returned any mail sent to my house for my mother. Diane can't seem to get her accusations straight. “Since my mother was wrongfully removed from her home and forced to live
at my estranged sister's home in Orlando, Florida, my mother has been unable to
accept gifts or even federal mail! She sent me the following
message via the Internet telling me
that she will never allow my mother to receive one single card, letter, gift or
telephone call and for me to leave HER and my mother alone. How anyone can be
so heartless and cruel to their own mother and turn around and proclaim to the Internet audience that she is a good
care-taker and being a loving daughter to their mother, is beyond me.”
My Note: Our mother was not "wrongfully" removed from her home. None of my siblings stepped up to take care of our mother when she needed it so I did. My mother was not "forced" to live with me. Diane accuses me of being "heartless" and "cruel"? I feel that giving up my job of nine years, giving up almost all of my freedom by being my mother's care taker twenty four hours a day, seven days a week for over three years is hardly being "heartless" and "cruel". “It seems that the more I try to pretend that she doesn't
exist, the more she forces me to be aware that she DOES exist. I am left to
pretty much defend the over the top, outrageous comments and postings simply by
blogging about them.”
My Note: I find this short paragraph interesting. Diane claims she is pretending that I don't exist and yet, she continues to post hundreds of slanderous blogs about me non stop. “My estranged sister, Sandra Johnson had a literal meltdown
in 2006.”
My Note: This statement is nothing BUT slander. (Dee blogs a letter to our mother who doesn’t even know what
a computer IS) “Your daughter Sandra, wants you to believe that no one
except for her loves you and that no one except for her wants
be around you. That just could not be further from the truth.
Mom, you have many people who love you, who want to see you and who
want to visit you and who want to call you or send mail and packages to
you. “
My Note: First of all, Diane posted a blog 'letter' to our mother, a woman who thinks my computer is a television. I have no idea why Diane thought our mom was going to read this blog. Diane doesn't realize that no one has expressed any interest in seeing our mother. I would like to know who these people are who "love" our mom, visit her, call her, send mail and packages to her. Hmmm....over three years and none of my mother's family have bothered to do any of these things. “Your friends have children who still think about you and
who still wonder how you are doing. Believe it or not, mom,
people love you. There are people who want to spend time with you and who
remember you and who love you very much. You see,
mom, your daughter, Sandra, has a deep seated wish that she was an only
child and she wants you to believe that there is no one in your life except for
her. I believe mom, that your daughter needs to seek
professional mental help, but for some
reason, there are people around her who are enabling her to continue
to deny she herself does not need it.” My Note: Diane, who are these people that want to see our mother? The next line is laughable at best. Diane states that I wish I were an only child. I find it interesting that Diane feels she has the ability to read my mind. I also love where she slanders me about my 'need' to "seek professional mental help". More slander. Never ending. “You are being kept as a hostage. I believe mom, that your
civil rights are being violated by your daughter, Mrs Johnson. Your
daughter is desperate for your attention. She has an inner desperate
need to feel appreciated and needed. By keeping you
enslaved and away from everyone, it gives her power. Or so she
thinks. That is how a captor thinks. Treating you how she is
treating you is what a captor does to their hostage. They do
everything they can to cause their hostage to depend on them.
They are desperate for attention because they are sick in mind. I
believe Sandra to be very sick in mind and in soul." My Note: This paragraph is more outrageous than the last one. Diane accuses me of holding our mother "hostage" and "enslaved". Diane also slanders me by saying she believes I am "very sick in mind and in soul". “It is a sick form of
abuse. She is trying to show those who come to her house just how
"much she loves you" when they visit her home to see how
"clean you are. How well you are cared for. How well you are
fed. I bet when people are around, she goes out of her way to
present herself as this loving, caring, adoring daughter. But
behind closed doors, we do not know what is said to you. If I were
to judge what she says through her statements via email, I could only
imagine what she says to you behind her closed doors and when no
one is within ear shot. I contacted DF officials because
your daughter has been acting so bizarre for so long, her statements literally
caused me to fear for your life. Unfortunately the state of Florida
does not take your case serious enough to charge your daughter with elder
kidnapping even though that is exactly what she has done. “
My Note: These slanderous accusations just get worse and worse in every paragraph posted by Diane Gerrish. For Diane to post such horrible accusations about me, our mother's care taker, is nothing short of harassment and blatant slander. My Note: instead of commenting on all of these horrible blogs by my sister Diane, I am just going to post them. These are only a very small portion of the blogs Diane Gerrish has posted online about me. Diane has slandered me for over three years with these type of comments. I had all of her malicious blogs removed from MySpace, and several other sites but I cannot get them removed from without a court order. “Your daughter is
aware she is wrong, but she enjoys what she is doing. This abuse is
what drives her. It doesn't matter to her, that she is putting your
emotional health at risk. It doesn't matter to her, that she
is emotionally abusing you. Your daughter, Sandra, tells people on
the internet, that I make up lies about how she mistreats you.” “We can't be together mom, because your
daughter controls everything you do. She treats you as though
we are back in the days of slavery. She has you shackled as a virtual
“My mother had told my that she was missing money, personal
possessions and personal documents. At that time, I did not
realize Sandra Johnson was in the picture.” “Mrs Johnson has never spent any time with me to
know who I am; she never set foot any where that I lived as an adult to
know anything about whom I dated; where I went; what I did; what my
children did; how I raised them; to know a single thing about my relationships;
where I worked; what I did on my job and so on and so on.” “Either she has tons
of enemies or she was a lunatic. Over the years, my estranged sister
has made some very bold, wild statements. Of late, she
has been
sending some very
derogatory, vile, vulgar email claiming my blogs "Slander" her.
I find it interesting
because my blogs
do not "slander" her in the least bit. First of all, by
definition, slander is falsely
making verbal
statements about another person that harms or tarnishes their reputation or
My blogs are
written...not verbally spoken.” “What Mrs Johnson fails to realize is that I do not go
around looking for her. If Mrs Johnson so much as sneezes on the
internet, google does all the work for me. I don't have to
"go" anywhere. Google does it for me. I do
not, in the least, spend my time looking or hunting her down. “ “My blogs are
about what she and the other estranged sisters have been doing to my mother who
suffers from dementia. No one is making up anything. No one is
slandering her.
My blogs are
truthful.” “Mrs Johnson claims that she is a loving care taker and
provides a clean, safe environment for my mother. Abuse comes in many
forms. Abuse doesn't have to leave marks. She could be screaming at
my mother; she could berating my mother. She is definitely isolating my
mother and she is definitly preventing my mother from receiving gifts; letters;
cards and she not allowing my mother to have outside visits with
other family members. This is abuse. People live in a clean
home and appear on the surface to others of not being abused, when in
fact they not only wind up being abused...but they eventually wind up
dead from the hands of their abusers. “ “If Mrs Johnson stated she felt complaints were
being fabricated against her, she was more than likely told by a case
worker that her issue would be forwarded to a "legal" department for
"review". Trust me, not one single complaint I've
EVER called in to DCF or any other legal agency regarding my concerns for
my mother were ever "frivolous" or "fabricated" and my
concerns regarding what has been happening to my mother are absolutely
valid. I as well as any one in my position who has concerns for their
family member in my mother's position, has the legal right to contact a
legal agency to notify them if they feel their family member is in danger at
the hands of someone else or is being exploited or taken advantage of.” “ Mrs Johnson has deliberately kept my mother as a prisoner since she
obtained a durable power of attorney and has deliberately prevented my mother
from having any contact with ANYONE since April of 2009. Regarding my
mother's dentures, Mrs Johnson is obviously too ignorant to know she can
file a claim against the facility to hold them responsible
and make them pay for the dentures. I am not responsible for paying for
teeth that a nursing facility lost
while my mother was a resident. Mrs Johnson is my mother's POA.
That means SHE is legally responsible
to PAY for all of my mother's necessities. Mrs Johnson wants nothing but
money. She wants to do nothing but whine and complain. She can sit
there and pretend to whomever will believe her nonsense that she is taking good
of my mother....but she is being untruthful and she will never convince me no
matter how much she rants. Mrs Johnson stated she contacted the Orlando
sheriff's department claiming I am cyberstalking her. Good luck with
that. I've reported that woman to my own local police department; to
my local sheriff's department as well as to the sheriff's department for her
area and have gotten no where. Isn't it interesting that a woman
who started it all in August 2006 and kept it going ever since would have
the balls to claim I am cyber stalking her ?” “Would that be similar to her posting on
that my husband drove down to Orlando Florida and "stalked" her and
my mother when that was absolutely NOT true ? I
do not give a crap what Mrs Johnson does on the internet when it comes to her
personal life.” “ROR (ripoffreport) is a fraud and the owner is a scheister.”
My Note: Because I have filed reports on here about Diane, she has posted several complaints on other sites about Ripoff Report. She even stated that she's tried several times to have my complaints removed but this site refuses. If my sister Diane Gerrish didn't harass me, stalk me, cyber bully me and slander me on the Internet, I wouldn't have to file reports against her. If Diane would leave me alone, her reputation wouldn't be so tarnished and her business wouldn't be in the toilet. In the following blogs, Diane refers to herself in the third person. “Dee's mother is now being kept a virtual prisoner inside of
the bullying estranged sister's home in Orlando Florida. Cut off from the rest
of her family, this sister has ensured that their mother receives no gifts, no
mail, no telephone calls from Dee and her brother. The fact that these are the
sad last days of Dee's mother's life and she is being forced to live like an
emotionally abused child made to believe that her children do not love her or
want contact with her is the worst type of abuse one could ever bestow upon another's head. It is outrageous that this
estranged sister has been getting away with this nonsense since April of 2009.” “Another insider tells this alarming story: "Dee's
sister had no intention of paying their mother's property taxes. She dumped
Dee's mother in a nursing home on September 5, 2009 in St. Cloud Florida. Apparently she thought she could get away
with no one realizing their mother had been nicely tucked away from the rest of
the family but when the jig was up, plans were immediately underway of picking
up Dee's mother and bringing her to Dee's home until an attorney could be hired
to finally put an end to the absurd distress that was being caused to Dee's
mom. As soon as the bullying sister caught wind that Dee's husband was on his
way to pick up her mom, the bullying sister swooped into action and drove to
the nursing home to pull their mother out.” “Many of Dee's mother's family members and friends believe
she has been horribly duped by this estranged sister and somehow she has had
too much influence over Dee's mother's daily activities than she should. This
sister shields Dee's mother from outsiders and claims she is handling the
financial and personal affairs, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to
figure out how poorly she has handled these affairs.”
“My sister claims she is only looking out for my mother's
best interest, but it appears to me the only interest she is looking after, is
her own! Everything she's done so far, she has done for self gain. I have no
doubt in my mind that she is spending my mother's small measly income on her own lifestyle and
that my mother is living like a pauper.”
My Note: I must comment about this paragraph. The first sentence makes no sense because my mother doesn't have any friends and hardly any 'family' at all. The second sentence just blows my mind because Diane has no idea how I 'handle' my mother's affairs. Also, I don't know why Diane believes I "shield" our mother from "outsiders". I have no idea who these "outsiders" are that Diane refers to. Diane states that I am spending her mother's money on my own lifestyle while her mother lives like a "pauper". This is absolutely not true. What Diane didn't post is that our mother's income isn't very much. Because our mother still owns her own home, she has to pay the yearly taxes on it, the home owner's insurance payments every month, the utility bill and pay for anything else her house needs if anything. Our mother also has to pay her co payment for her medications and any other needs. Diane doesn't seem to realize nor care that if our mother was being cared for by a facility or someone else, they would be paid. “Sources say this estranged sister who has taken complete
control over Dee's mother's life can be brutally ruthless. Dee's sister is so
obsessed and fixated on complete control over their mother that she watches
their mother like a hawk and doesn't allow their mother out of her sight.” “So, imagine my surprise to get a phone call from my local
sheriff's department from a detective who told me my estranged sister filed a
"Harassment" claim, saying that I'm harassing her! I say, imagine it,
because the woman has obviously lost her mind. She doesn't like it that I blog
about her But I have every right, as far as I remember as an American, to blog
about whatever the hell I want to blog about.” “Like a cockroach crawling out of the woodwork, she suddenly
appeared and took control of everything my mother ever owned, including making
herself the sole beneficiary to my mother's funds, house, property and personal
“At any rate, I found it quite funny that this estranged
sister would fill out a harassment claim to my local sheriff's department. I
don't have her phone number, so I'm quite curious as to how she's been harassed
by me. This same individual tried to proclaim she was being harassed on various
websites and she hasn't produced one shred of evidence that she's the victim of
harassment. How do my blogs harass her?” “Because Sandra Johnson, my estranged sister, has failed to
remove untruthful postings on ROR and other scam sites across the internet,
I've posted audio conversations I had with her in May-June 2009. I have 7
ninety minute recordings of conversations with Sandra Johnson, this is just a
small portion. More to come.”
“Even if I sue HER, it doesn't put an end to the
nonsense. Why waste the money. I discuss it because to me, it
is the logical thing to do.” “I will tell you who the true douche bag is. It is my
sister Sandra Johnson. Sandra Johnson belongs in the Douchebag club and receive
the Douchebag of the year award. What I find really interesting is that the way
Sandra Johnson tells her side regarding events...she wants people to believe
that her mother simply wasn't able to take care of herself any more and that
she simply moved my mother into her home in Orlando Florida. My
mother wasn't able to take care of herself and had to be moved into Mrs
Johnson's home because of her inability to remember to take medication, feed
herself, drive or do simple tasks. What she has been doing to my mother is
elder abuse, plain and simple.” “For her to sit there and make claims she is a victim of
harassment and cyberbullying by me, on the internet, is the most
absurd claims I've ever heard. The woman is absolutely shameless!
She claims everything I blog harasses her even when it has absolutely NOTHING
at all to do with her! She has to ride my coat-tail in order to get attention
brought to herself!) she writes: quote: "My sister, Dee Gerrish, posts a new slanderous blog about me
almost daily on That is her favorite place to post now.
Actually, it is probably the last place she can blog because almost all of her
other blogs have been reported by me and removed by the website owner or
administrator. She used to post quite often on Twitter about me but she started
posting nasty comments on Facebook. Because I also use FB, I posted right back.
Sure, I know I should just ignore her and not comment on the things she posts
about me. Believe it or not, I did try but it didn’t stop her. There was just
more to read when I started looking for the blogs again. More to copy to my
computer. " Sandra Johnson loves to distort the truth.”
My Note: Just take a look at Diane's first sentence in this paragraph. She has the audacity to say it's absurd for me to claim that I am a victim of her harassment. Anyone with the ability to read the snippets of her blogs I just posted can clearly see that Diane Gerrish has done nothing but harass me! “Perhaps Mrs Johnson is jealous of my accomplishments.
Perhaps she is jealous she isn't as smart as I am. Perhaps
she simply hates who she is and what she has become. She tells her
connections on facebook that SHE has had to endure harassment from ME and that
I have posted "slanderous" topics and comments inside of
groups about HER.”
“She tells her facebook connections that I am posting
derogatory topics and comments about her. I have never blogged or written one
single article that mentions her name.”
My Note: I had to laugh out loud when I read the first sentence of this paragraph. My sister has "accomplishments"? I don't know what "accomplishments" she believes she has under her belt but I know for a fact she hasn't done much of anything. Diane Gerrish sells mixed breed puppies on the Internet and she considers herself a "hobby breeder" whatever that is. Other than that, Diane spends the rest of her time posting nasty, hateful, slanderous blogs about me. If she wants to consider blogging slander an "accomplishment" then so be it. Diane Gerrish's blogs are so inflammatory and libelous that it's unbelievable. I have requested that she cease posting her garbage about me but the more I ask her to stop, the more she blogs.
5008 days ago by Deegerrish
On May 16th, 2011, I obtained a restraining order against Sandra Faye Bircheat Holka West Johnson of Orlando/Kissimee Florida for aggravated harassment both on and off the internet. Because she did not appear in court, the restraining order was temporary but she was advised through an attorney to appear in court at the end of this month. I am seeking a more permanent restraining order against this individual because of the incessant harassment that has continued for five years both on and off the internet.

Sandra Faye Bircheat Holka West Johnson's content has been copied and pasted from multiple websites including her own blogger account at . Every posting is meant as a smear campaign toward my business and personal name. She has done this since 2006 as a means to cause harm to me as a private breeder and me and my family as individuals over the internet.

Her posted content is without merit and her allegations as well as claims are nonsense. My blogs are at where I offer links, images, content in their actuality. I do NOT offer snippets of content taken out of context as Sandra Johnson does. Mrs. Johnson has been on a smear campaign since 2006 for personal reasons which she will have to answer to by law. This content has been copied and pasted all over the internet under a multitude of user names by Mrs. Johnson and I am finding this same content every where. This is nothing new.
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