Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Trafalgar Distance Learning
Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute - Alan Eastman Scam artist, degree mill, fake school Calgary and Red Deer, Alberta
5th of Jun, 2011 by User784536
Be warned: this website is a scam and not an accredited or recognized institute. The person who runs it is illegally calling himself Professor Alan Eastman, DCH, Ph.D. but his degrees are from sham, mail order degree mills and he is not a real psychologist, professor, or doctor of anything. The Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute has no authority to grant degrees in Canada or the United States.
4933 days ago by Alaneastman
I am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

Also you saying that my degrees are from sham mail order, is an absolute joke what would I do or know what to say, You may think that counselling clients are really stupid pepole, they woulk know in a matter of minutes or less that you had no training. Counselling is very much an art and a science. And so you're choosine to commit slander and liable to myself and my business. I won't sit down softly and have this continue. I am one of the top counsellors and hypnotherapist in the world. I will not sit back and allow this to happen to myself, or anyone. And since you are not one of my students, or office clients, and you would have no intention to take the degree program from TDLI. We are completely registered with the government for the type of business model we have set up, again, we are a not doing anything illegal or immoral. We are here to teach, people to become full time or 1/2 time practitioners. It's a great school, and we are good honest people; sometimes to a fault and you better get used to me really quickly because I am not going anywhwere, except to train in other citys in the world. Do you seriosly think I would let you to continue to harrass, assinate my great reputation, if you do then you do not know me very well, So in actuality you are the giant piece of scum, scamming your little webpages I will never stop to find out where you are and where you live. Oh, my law firm has its own staff of private detectives. I will never stop, slow down, until the very day they lead you back into jail, then from there to a Federal Prison,

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedem
4933 days ago by Alaneastman

I am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

Also you saying that my degrees are from sham mail order, is an absolute joke what would I do or know what to say, You may think that counselling clients are really stupid pepole, they woulk know in a matter of minutes or less that you had no training. Counselling is very much an art and a science. And so you're choosine to commit slander and liable to myself and my business. I won't sit down softly and have this continue. I am one of the top counsellors and hypnotherapist in the world. I will not sit back and allow this to happen to myself, or anyone. And since you are not one of my students, or office clients, and you would have no intention to take the degree program from TDLI. We are completely registered with the government for the type of business model we have set up, again, we are a not doing anything illegal or immoral. We are here to teach, people to become full time or 1/2 time practitioners. It's a great school, and we are good honest people; sometimes to a fault and you better get used to me really quickly because I am not going anywhwere, except to train in other citys in the world. Do you seriosly think I would let you to continue to harrass, assinate my great reputation, if you do then you do not know me very well, So in actuality you are the giant piece of scum, scamming your little webpages I will never stop to find out where you are and where you live. Oh, my law firm has its own staff of private detectives. I will never stop, slow down, until the very day they lead you back into jail, then from there to a Federal Prison,

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 c
4933 days ago by Alaneastman

I am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

Also you saying that my degrees are from sham mail order, is an absolute joke what would I do or know what to say, You may think that counselling clients are really stupid pepole, they woulk know in a matter of minutes or less that you had no training. Counselling is very much an art and a science. And so you're choosine to commit slander and liable to myself and my business. I won't sit down softly and have this continue. I am one of the top counsellors and hypnotherapist in the world. I will not sit back and allow this to happen to myself, or anyone. And since you are not one of my students, or office clients, and you would have no intention to take the degree program from TDLI. We are completely registered with the government for the type of business model we have set up, again, we are a not doing anything illegal or immoral. We are here to teach, people to become full time or 1/2 time practitioners. It's a great school, and we are good honest people; sometimes to a fault and you better get used to me really quickly because I am not going anywhwere, except to train in other citys in the world. Do you seriosly think I would let you to continue to harrass, assinate my great reputation, if you do then you do not know me very well, So in actuality you are the giant piece of scum, scamming your little webpages I will never stop to find out where you are and where you live. Oh, my law firm has its own staff of private detectives. I will never stop, slow down, until the very day they lead you back into jail, then from there to a Federal Prison,

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhDI am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 c
4932 days ago by Alaneastman

I am Alan Eastman DCH PhD, and I would like to tell you, anyone checking this site out for information. I, Alan Eastman DCH PhD; have been watching and taking actions to see the poster of this posting with liabus intent, to commit character assination upon me. Note this poster, let's call him "THE USER" I have been professionally employed by Alberta Mental Healt Board as a psychiatric evaluator for the Mental Healh Mobile Response Team, which at that time triaging patients through the Alberta Hospital Ponoka, central services would do a cursury triage interview with the destressed person, when in great need, they would call us on our cell phones, give out the information to myself, and usually a BN, or a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I did this job not for the money, however I did get paid and have all the records of employment and pay stubs. The Alberta Health Board does not exist in its old capacity, so we were then working for Regional Mental Health Servies, and lastly the David Thompson Health Region, which again changed into one big region that covers all of Alberta now. I worked at the Alberta Hospital, and then the mobile responce team, of which in Red Deer, I was interviewed my degrees, and transcripts were evaluated to ensure their validity, and that I had taken the proper courses that they needed to begin employment. I WORKED FOR THE HEALTH REGION FOR 10 YEARS AND I RECEIVED A SPECIAL COMENDATON FROM HEALTH SERVICES ALBERTA, I RECEIVED MY REWARD AND A VERY NICE DIPLOMA TO HANG IN OUR OFFICE. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE ELSE RECEIVING THIS AWARD EVER! The special diploma and award are framed and hanging in my offices waiting area.

I, Alan Eastman, have also been at the same location in Red Deer for 15 years now, our office in Calgary has been operating form the same location for about 7 or 8 years.

I have many degrees, and not only from the social sciences that being a BA in Psychology, a BA in Geography, My degrees are in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and general psychology for my Ph.D.

Now THE USER claims, that my degrees are shams, I am one of the most highly educated people I know and have attended many campuses in the USA and in Calgary. An Example, oh, I also have a bachelors degree in ministry, and am duly qualified to carry out all the ceremonies, and rituals of my church.

I would enjoy to see this very weak and cowardly man standing on trial for criminal charges, because every thing he writes is complete non-sence; just an example I graduated with 2 seperate degrees at the same time, It was hard work, but very worth the effort I put in studing, reading, being tested, etc... thousands of hours studying the brain and why people like THE USER act in the way they do, one reason is that the complaintant need not list there names, date of the lies he's been telling. NOW GO LOOK UP OR GOOGLE: Alan Eastman and/or The Excel Center. Look up the University of Calgary and tell me if this university looks like a diploma mill to you; you won't be able to because the University is a large and dynamic place to learn at: check it out: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.

I was a provisionally registered psychologist for 2 years had another psychologist supervise me, I left the program at the College of Alberta Psychologists for personal reasons, that will mean nothing to THE USER. CAP (has every degree I have and original transcripts sent directly to CAP from the college or university in question. If you can tell me through this post, about what you found about the UofC; which is one of Canada's top ranking universities, with stringent policies and very high grades are needed the university would have recieved a high school diploma and my good grades I recieved were sent dirctly to the UofC from the Red Deer College. Are you, USER, going to say that the Red Deer College is a diploma mill? if you say yes: PROVE IT TO ME.

I am a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which I recieved from the American Institue of Hypnotherapy, started by Dr. A.M. Krasner, who now is a great family friend, my mentor, He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, he works and helps me get the TDLI on the right track so to speak, and offer me some of his 60 years in the hypnotherpy field. Ask any one of the hypnotherapy professionals who run the hypnosis associations in the USA and Canada, they will know me, and know I am of good character, and honest sometimes to a fault.

If THE USER says my degrees are shams, start at the first one the Red Deer College, and let me know if it is a diploma mill. Then do the same for the University of Calgary, don't just post nonsence comments, Use the simple test I outlined in the account above this one. USER if you can prove that the Red Deer College and the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and City Univeristy of Seattle are sham diploma mills, that will be a notch on your cane, you can be really proud of yourself, please do this and send me the results just the first to institutions I mentioned, I would not want to put too much pressure on those neurons, because at your age, they are fading fast. I know who you are and what games you are playing, never under-estimate me. Truly I have more knowledge and degrees than Einstien, an more than any one person. All my degrees are fully earned, meaning I had courses to go to, courses to be tested in, and thesis work I had to present to the last 3 university, I took the courses, I did the work, I wrote the 450 page Thesis needed to graduates. My parents and myself personally took on a very high debt load to carry off. Just now in the last month or so I have finished paying the student loans back to the banks.

I know what diploma mills are and what they are not. If anyone can read.? that means you USER, do yourself a favor and read all the articles that are listed, one notible point that relates to my schooling and my institute is this: most of the nonsence about accreditaton comes form the USA academic system. Get this, this is important: ALL ACCREDITATION IS VOLUNTARY, there are 5 or 6 very large accrediting bodies, here's a little of what they require: 1 million dollars in a bank account, a substantial library, They also go and audit and check the grounds and buildings out, making sure they meet that agencies policies.
Please go to and start doing some research, before you write your stupid statements on this board you must think that the people who read your BS are very very stupid and unintellegent. Look at what you wrote, I speaks clearly that you have no knowledge what-so-ever about the works I am developing and carring out.

Who are you? You are not a student, you are not a client, and if you were the complainer who phoned me at 1215 am, I was one strange phone call, you even made up false linked in pages listing me as a psychologist who runs the Excel Center, and sends it as evidence to the complaints director. I show you just how stupid you are: my real profile on linked in has close to 170 links, which means I have used it alot and made many contacts with people in my field. I guess reading my last email reply that I sent to you was clear enough, you have just committed 4 crimes in this listing. And, how dare you lie to the general public about myself, my business, and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, we are a non-profit, and charitable private institute. We have followed up and completed all the paper work and signatues, and moneys sent. We did not open our doors until all the paperwork was completed, official, and in our hands.

As for accredation we are searching of a decent provider, because the courses we teach and the degrees confired are programs that do not fit neetly in a box, I am teaching a very rigeous degree progam that you will not find in other universities, we do not receive any funds from the government, or the likes of them. But what we stand firm on is the great depth of knowledge I have learned, both in my own studies, and as a Professor at Bryer State University, we owned the copywrite to all the programs I have developed, I left to protect my accedemic integrety, maybe you don't see very clearly through your foggey eyes. If I had not just completed 5 years of work on our institute, I would probably think it is a joke, but you see or not, that I have everything documented form the government, this is our insurance policy against the the jealous, and the inept wild accusations made with no thought to its ramifications, You have hurt my mother, by cc the email to her as well, and if anyone would know how much work I put in to earn my degrees, and take a position of Dean of Medaphysics and Clinical Hypnotherapy, more validation to my claims, because I have the contract and the very nice letter confiring me to the position of Dean of the department.

Nothing you say is accurate, not one sentance, not one word. Like I have said before you have put me in a position of havaing to defend myself againt the ramblings of an old man, who can not find his glasses, which have been on your head the whole time. I am not going to spar with you because that brings me down to your level of capabiltiy, that of a Troglodite.

Any further listings I am and will be working with both the Calgary City Police, and the RCMP, and if you're not from Calgary I am well within my rights to report your brand of cyber terrerism, taken against me as a private citizen. How noble you must feel hiding behind all the layers of this and other sites code. Step up, and stop posting things about me and my business, you've also implicated Cory the Psychologist who owns Insight Psychological but ever 2 weeks he drives to our office to do the psychologial part of the care a person may need; as I do not make diagnosis, and set up a treatment plan, and see the client on an on going basis, and writing reports, and dealing with the insurance companies. You have no right to say anything about me, because you were never a client, never one of our students, and don't even claim to be because I know you know nothing about me my business than you have seen on a webpage that needed to have some links brought up to date.

You without question may be the first complaintent, I call "The Weirdo" for calling me after midnight and sounding drunk, and not listening to a word I said. If this you we can requsition the complaint form through our legal offices and a judge. Now CAP got involved and sent me a letter, then came a third event or complaint made, I can retrieve most of your information just based on that email, see servers, isps, and computers are all programed with a back door incase something goes wrong with the softare, I know where these back doors are and I know how to enter through proxys into any server, webpage, and into your personal files. You will never know when, where, or why I would to this, the Police are now involved and should be working the case soon, so I shall wait to see what actions they take to get your name and contact information. If they don't, then I will.

Like I said you don't know me and are still scribing blatent lies on line, go get a hobby or a friend, I guess now tv has all gone digital your sad little tv won't work now, You should go buy one of those incolor fancy boxes to watch, as I presume you'll have time on your hands, you sad pathetic Troglodite using up all the oxygen that myself and other carring people will need. You said you probably should get all your proof together or just fess up and delete the entries, before the police come with a worrent, an order of protection, and a restraining order, my lawer will handle the civil actions that lawyers like I have will make you anserrable for making such a stir that one can barely work, and turning clients away because you are an EVIL DOOER.

You really really did mess with the wrong person, cause you are trying to hurt me because of my success, which has been overwhelming; that your rantings and ravings fall on deaf ears; belive this since you never had any dealings with me before this you must be a sad little man jealous of a very successful person such as myself. Now cut out this nonsense, start a hobby or reading some good books, you will need them when you are sitting in the police holding cell, see I knida know how things like this work themselves out, We hold all the cards in our hands, you can't just say things that is for the nimble minded, you have to offer up some real evidence, and since I have not and never will operate outside of the law, What we offer, and I am incredably brilliant, smart, started out in the army as a buck private, and ending my career with the Canadian Army as an officer. I also worked as a corrections officer level 2 do not missread this and figure out that I won't take action, you'll be wrong and we will crush you for what you are doing to our good business name, and the slander you commited in your postings. Never ever think you know what I will do or when it will happen. Liable is a Felony conviction.

If you want to know the real truth just phone me, we have great programs for counselling and hypnotherapy, our diploma courses, and 403 454 2887 403 347 9091. You are just wasting your time thinking you can harm me in any way as you are doing, Work on yourself, you need to go see a psychiatrist or doctor, as I believe you are one sick man with out a hobby to keep you busy.

My time, my schedule, my type of justice!

Alan Eastman DCH PhD
4929 days ago by Alaneastman
The 'User' has posted these rants and raves about myself, my set of colleges and universities I have attended saying they are all diploma mill degrees paid for, the certificate and the phony transcripts. That is a diploma mill. The User simply does not understand the academic process. Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute he makes assertions and claims that I am not a professor, he is wrong on everything he says, I took over the entire clinical hypnosis program and the metaphysical science, acting as dean, of that branch of education, at Bryer State University, I was a full professor, developing programs, tests, and papers. If you really want to know the story behind, you should go to YOU WILL FIND OUT THAT ACCREDITATION IS MOSTLY, a USA phenomena. This 'User' fellow is a complete fraud he takes all my information that I have freely displayed, We have taken 5 years out of myself and my staff to finally complete the TDLI paperwork and concept and it is been granted, NON PROFIT CHARITABLE Institute. Meaning myself, staff, and the TDLI get paid for our services and to cover the cost of the Institute daily business matters. This man offers no suggestion who he is infact is is not a Student of TDLI, never inquired about becoming a student. Don't you get it 'User' different countries have different sets of rules, imagine that.

He seems to know nothing about academics or their titles. Now, just because I used to be a full professor at the Breyer State Univerisity, Just because something went on in the past the Alberta Health Board was murged wih Regional Health Services.

I am very higly traind in the fields of counselling, and am I am one of the top hypnotherapists in the world right now, and working with the heads of each hypnosis registration board.

This school, TDLI is really well tailor made for those students who can't travel but would like to earn a degree or two.

WE ARE A PRIVATE INSTITUTION, AND THE DEGREES ARE RECOGNIZED BY THE top hypnotherapy boards, and societys in the USA and Canada. Phone them! Ask them if they recognised a DCH degree taught at TDLI all of them recognize our degrees. I am highly trained and very good at what I do. I even have the documents and an official seal stamped on it I am/was a professor there absolutly. I left for my own acedemic reasons, and at TDLI we are real, the degrees are real and accepted by any hypnosis training colleges, and that my TDLI program is designed really well, you'll find that I am well known as a great team member, and that I just maybe the best hypnotherapist in the Americas, europe, China, Hong Kong, and many others. you get a great education, the material is so interesting that you want more knowlege, then some more Hypnosis is an unregulated profession, that, does not mean the programs you take will be crap. The more knowledge you have the more people you will be able to work with, teaching, and knowledge building.

This 'USER' doesn't know that you can operate withing your profession, and it is legal to do so.

The outcome of this will be a drastic lawsuit criminally and this USER has very little kowledge, who is he to tell you what to do? Educate yourself, call, ask questions before you decide which university or training school that you want to go to.

Alan Eastman, Ph.D.

I think that jealosy has something to do by these people how are stealing my identity, and committing mass character assinations. It would be very interesting to find out what schools he graduated from. You talk as if everthing you say is fact, however it is just a bunch of made up words spewing out his mouth. He is a creep, and internet stalker, and hell bent on destroying hypnosis and myself, a real sicko this one is.
4924 days ago by Grant
In Alberta, where Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute operates, only institutions approved by the Provincial Government have the authority to confer degrees. The reader is encouraged to visit this Alberta Government website for more information Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO GRANT DEGREES, and so the fact that they are offering degrees on their website constitutes a scam.
4922 days ago by Alaneastman
Hey look it is Alan back and I see you have managed to keep writing non-sense and come up with a conclusion at the end of the posting, You see, that is your opinion, your opinions are not facts, they are blatant out right lies.

I am formulating a case with the police services, to see what your fascination is with me, this project has taken me 5 years of work, to bring this Institution online, we were crossing the i and t to make sure it is just as academically challenging, yet still allowing the student to enjoy the learning process.

Do you know anything about private institutions? or what business is any of this to you?? You talk shit about me and my business, and I have warned you that your slanderous posts and continual acts of liable will wind you up doing time. What you are doing is dragging yourself down a slippery slope, to also a civil law suit against you. You don't know me, never were a client of mine, were never taught by me, never went to school together. With every posting up put up or do not erase from the internet, you said my degrees are bogus, you are such a lies. And many, of the top universities in Canada and in the USA were started by one single person first.

I am asking you know to take your postings down what you are doing is typing up bogus information and identity theft, and character assassination, making up false linked in pages and sending them to CAP, that was really fake of you and I have 4 different ways that that linked in page you made up by stealing my name, is such a terrible crime identity theft.

I am asking you now to ceast and desist from making comments about me, or my businesses. If all is not removed from these scam reporter websites. You are looking at a lawsuit of ten million dollars per posting. There are also laws in the books in Alberta that you cannot through your actions impede a persons right to earn a living, or if you cause that business to lose income and impede me in any way, that is criminal. What you are doing is pointing the finger at me because you are a total head case. And, about the lawsuit do not think that I am not going to sue you 10 million dollars per posting, I have done it before in Calgary twice I have sued others, and I have won, I clearly state now that the harm you are causing, or trying to cause me and my Institution, will be given back to you, in a case that will clearly prove you are the fake one, and have stolen my identity.

Like I said I have done it before and will do it again, if you continue to make false linked in pages saying something that I am not. you will be quickly sued 10 million per each of your postings on the internet. I have already contacted the city police about you and will be taking that same information to the RCMP. You will not be able to hide behind your keyboard, you see if you make a formal complaint with lies, character impersonation, based on phony linked in accounts, well, in a formal complaint they take all your contact information, when the police investigate you, we will get all your information released, to the RCMP via a warrant. I don't even know why you are complaining to CAP I have and never will to anything illegal. I was a member of CAP for a while when I was starting out as a psychological assistant, then I joined to become a provisionally registered psychologist.

All of this is none of your business anyways you don't know me, have made grave misstatements about my clinic. Hey shit for brains, why would I hire a psychologist, or contract one if I was one. I am not a psychologist, that is clear and evident. You are just being an ass getting your thrills while stomping anothers dreams. There is clear presidence for the way we have set up our institute and what we offer. Please do tell, you are a criminal who hides behind a key board, you are sounding more sick in the head than ever. So, here was the deal, prove to me that Red Deer College, University of Calgary, and University of Lethbridge, are diploma mills, when you find out call me today and prove to me that those places are diploma mills. I bet you can't or/and do it, you know you are a lier and sick and disturbed, as they come.

My number is 403 454 2887 call this afternoon or evening and say what you need to say to me face to face, it is way to easy to sit back and hide behind your computer, stop this nonsense of yours. Go away and die someplace as you are a nobody, a real nobody, and it's sad, so sad that you have to make up things about me, just put your cards on the table, and either run up or shut up.

Alan Eastman
4922 days ago by Grant
Just for the sake of clarity, I want Mr. Eastman to know that I did not post the LinkedIn page that he is referring to. I have not engaged in any form of identity theft, nor have I done anything illegal. I agree with Mr. Eastman that identity theft is, without question, wrong. As for Mr. Eastman’s accusations of libel, he will have a tough time making a case in court. The statements that I have made about the validity of his so-called doctoral degrees, about the illegality of his using the titles Doctor and Dr. in the context of delivering health services, and about the fact that Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute is not authorized to grant degrees, are backed up by Provincial legislation. Given this, I sincerely encourage Mr. Eastman to bring this matter to the attention of the Authorities.

Also, I want to clarify for Mr. Eastman and potential readers that I never referred to the University of Calgary or Red Deer College as being degree mills; they are totally legitimate institutions. The objections I have are specifically about the invalid doctoral degrees that Mr. Eastman is using to refer to himself as Doctor Eastman. I don’t have it out for Mr. Eastman, but I am concerned by what I see as unethical practice that can mislead potential clients and students. These are my concerns and I am fully justified in publishing them as I have done here. The reason that I have persisted in posting these messages is that Mr. Eastman has not changed his websites to come into compliance with Provincial laws in Alberta; he is still referring to himself as Dr. Eastman on his counselling websites and Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute is still offering degrees.

From reading his postings, it is evident that Mr. Eastman is feeling unduly picked on. In the interest of giving the man some breathing room and time to come into compliance with the law of the land, I will commit to no longer posting these messages for six months and I will trust that Mr. Eastman will do the right thing.
4899 days ago by Alaneastman
Grant, that's great now I have and am collecting more information about you, I will find you, you know nothing about me, I am a human being, I have family and friends, and I am supported by almost every hypnosis board in the world, and I have reference letters from all of them. I am sorry, but you even took a copy of the cover of my book: entitled, Psychological First Aid. Why did you do this, you are not very bright, the College of Alberta psychologists only do two things, that is, protect the use of the word Psychologist, and have authority over Provisionally Registered Psychology. That is it that is their mandate, you reported me to them, all thought I am not even a member you persisted. Let me make this very clear: 1. I started out as a psychological assistant, the health professions act declassified that career while a legal career just like hypnosis it is very legal to teach hypnosis and operate ones own business as such. It is quite simply a true career, but one that is not licensed. As long as this holds true, anyone trained to be a hypnotist, or a counsellor is fully in the right, should they decide to open their own hypnosis or counselling office. If I am right you are from London England, is this not so. The other nerd is in Calgary. CAP is culpable as well, for giving out my personal information on file, to say anything about me to anyone in the general public, is also a felony conviction, under the Privacy Act, I know everything they have done or said, and who they released private information to. CAP stands to lose a a great deal of money, the first complainant, does also. YOU DON'T POST NEGATIVE REMARKS ABOUT ME MY BUSINESSES, MY STAFF, OUR PSYCHOLOGIST WHO IS CONTRACTED BY ME. Do you think the psychologist who's been with us for 14 years, would stay around if we were doing anything that contravenes the health act. I am the holder to two Ph.D. degrees, I would never say I was a psychologist, nor do I influence people to think I am a Medical Doctor, I have never done that, and never will, ever.

You have hurt many people from my staff, my parents, my supervisor, and our contracted psychologist, to name a few. I can take care of me, I am made of strong stuff, and I will fully defend and protect those people with a fervent never ending quest.

You don't know me, you were never a student, no you weren't ripped off, you did not attend therapy at our clinic.

I must say firstly that I am the next succession of my great great Uncle's fortune 500 companies, I'll let you guess upon which one yourself. I say this not to impress you, but to impress upon you I have unlimited funds that you could only dream of having. I've experienced people like you before, those people very jealous of my personal success, my business today, Upon hearing who I am, what I have, become very jealous, and mostly they sound like creatures such as your self. This also means no matter what happens in the criminal trial, we will bury you in the civil trial, and we will never stop, never never retreat from internet terrorists, and identity theft, making up false information and sending it to CAP. Get is together man, you can not, you will not get away from the cyber terrorism, and/or character destroyers, 2 more criminal act that I shall use to get you investigated and live in the misery of your tiny brain, because honestly, you made things up, you made false linked in pages and profiles and sent them to CAP, as I said before I am not a member of the college of alberta psychologists; I do not take direction from them, as I said, again, they have no mandate over me.

I am being harassed by your attempts to discredit me on every scam page on the internet, Who are you?
Well the fact is nobody knows you, and I will take no direction from you, since I don't know who you are, or what drove you into insanity. Why would I answer to you, you are Mr. Nobody. Quite honestly I have chosen to respond, to defend myself, some people may say this makes me seem guilty, and if I do nothing it looks bad too, like I would allow others to tell me how to run my businesses, no this is not going to happen, I will never stop hunting you down, and when I do that's where the hurting begins. I do not and will not take any direction from you, a Mr. Nobody, scared to name his name and show himself for what he truly is a bully and a thief.

I am making some changes to our programs, and this has nothing to do with you, it was thought up weeks, or months ago. We are going to set up the same exact program, but now we will issue degrees only where it is legal to do so, in the clients jurisdiction, and we are going to add a choice, where say in the work place, getting a job, helping others, use the eduction in their work, or for getting a promotion, We are going to offer PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMAS, instead of the degrees, of which the marks and transcripts will add still another dimension to our Institute. Alas, the institute is a non-profit, and a charitable Institution and is registered by the government of Alberta as such and as a Private Institution, as there are many in Alberta. But, in closing we are fully registered, and since we are fairly new, we are still searching of increased levels of credibility, none of the board make any money from this, we do not need to, we want to spread the education around, have an open Institute, that operates on the internet, we are not fixed by any province or state, TDLI is making some web changes, and as President Obama said, be careful, the internet is a real entity, that many may try to use in the wrong ways. I want to teach and build webpages, and teach others what I know.

Now F**K O**

Alan Eastman, DCH, PhD
4898 days ago by Alaneastman
Hey User78, ,

This a continued rebuttal: to you saying: that the TDLI is unaccredited. First and foremost YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS: ALL ACCREDITATION IS A VOLUNTARY. You weave your web of lies continually, and continually you are looking more like an idiot everyday, your claims are false, they are made up lies, they feed a need in your sick mind, you make all your words sound credible, makes others think you actually know some thing, you go through my websites stringing lies and falsehoods like a crack addict looking for your misplaced crack pipe. Your crazy mind belies you are just being a internet police or detective, You know nothing of who I am personally. I was asked to take over the development of TDLI by the board of governors, and elected to carry on the function of the TDLI. We have some great new plans for our growth and expansion of our institute.You lie when you talk about accreditation, no college, university, or learning institute need to be accredited. Accreditation was set up, as mostly an American idea, to speed the transfer of moving a students grades more quickly, because of a standardised way for American Colleges and Universities to transfer credits from one school to the other.

Accreditation is not a guarantee that the college or university is a good one. You can find accredited institutions with terrible records and terrible education delivery to a student. Some schools want to get accredited status, in the hopes that they will look better to prospective students. Again accredited does not mean quality. Nor, does accreditation mean high standards, many institution's standards are high during the initial process, and in scheduled visits, when renewing an accreditation. Many schools do not want to to be accredited, because they wish to continue it's course delivery without big brother breathing down their necks.

maybe you can't read well, if you want to find information about accreditation go to and start reading.

I am also going to file criminal charges of harassment. Cease and desist posting negative slander about myself, take down all the posts with your lies embedded in them. Cease and desist the criminal liable you are writing about my businesses, and the TDLI. I do not make veiled libalus comments or writings or posts, I will not give in to an internet terrorist and character destruction I don't know you, I answer to myself, my students, and my clients, I do not negotiate with the demands of a nameless and faceless thing hiding behind a anonymous user name. If you have something to say say it to my face, leave everyone else out of this. In the future the more you keep up the harassment the harder and faster I will push formal charge. Get this straight, I do not take orders from anybody, you know nothing of my business and you know very little about me.

Note to User, CAP, and Gregg, the more you make up and lie and post it on a scam site. The sooner you all will have your day in court, looking pale as the blood leaves your brain, and are left in shock with a ghostly white face and a 2000 yard stare. Remember I don't put all of my degrees, awards, commendations, on every site. And you can't piece everything together, because the information is randomly posted to the most relevant webpage of mine. There are other indicators of what site you have been on and what and where that information came from. But, I shall only reveal this information to a judge, to prove my point that you are bullying me, and harassing me. That goes to all three of you.

Remember I did not choose this fight you did.

If it is a war you want, a war you shall have.

Alan Eastman
4894 days ago by Alaneastman
Dear readers,

It is very easy to sit behind a keyboard, and a user name and spout slander, libel, character assignation, defamation, bigotry, and internet terrorism. I write here as a testament, I am Alan Eastman, DCH, Ph.D. and the record will show here that I have been made the target of an ambush illegal attack on my person, on my family, and, my co-workers, my supervisors, professional colleagues, my business assets, and our non-profit charitable institution to school others in the academics of hypnotherapy and counselling. These charges that User784536, spews about me and my character are false, the information he suggests he knows about myself and my background are very harming and truly false and unbelievable. I have always been proud of the fact that I have been an open book, in regards to myself and businesses. I certainly have nothing to hide about what this User784536 did to me, I must remind you that this person can make no claim against me because he has never been a client of mine as a counsellor or hypnotherapist; all my degrees are real, all my statements of work and school records I hold the real transcripts, official, un-opened and legal, I have all the records of my employment, with the Alberta Government, the Department of Justice, as I was employed as a peace officer in a detention and remand centre. This man along with CAP, that's the college of alberta psychologists, are culpable in reporting me using false evidence, CAP, is guilty of passing on false information to another complainant, there are no stories of wrong doing or any complaint against my personal services and our businesses in 15 years. Then out of no where I have User784536 calling me after midnight, sounding, drunk, depressed, or legally a paranoid schizophrenic. He has implicated many people of wrong doing and this just horribly wrong and demented. CAP is culpable in giving out my personal information of a conversation I had with the complaints director of CAP after he sent me a letter, demanding certain things of me, I guess these psychologists feel they are law enforcement and can say and do anything they want, including giving out my personal information, of which only the complaints director and I have knowledge of, how could someone in England, some 9000 kms away, know about a conversation the complaints director and I had, and I never told anyone about. I agreed to take off any links to CAP off my webpage. This is happening, as I am not even a member of CAP!!! I was a psychological assistant registered with CAP, until that profession was de-listed as a registered profession. Then I had all my credentials approved as the board of CAP had to approve all of my education in a board level meeting, after my degrees at the time were all deemed acceptable I then was approved as a Provisionally Chartered Psychologist, with a practising chartered psychologist. I left the program some time near the end of the second year of my internship, for personal reasons, and a health battle I was fighting. After a severe car accident left me with limited use of my limbs, at the time, I had doctors pain treatments, and I did much self healing through hypnosis and now have full range of motion, and no pain to speak of. I never stopped my learning though I entered and completed a number of degrees at that time. CAP has every reason to say that they have my documents on file, and what I place on my website about my time with them, all my degrees were approved and CAP has on file, as well do I of my time spent in my internship. I am not a psychologist, I have never claimed to be, don't want to be. We contract out a Psychologist at our office, if I was a Psychologist, why would I hire one? This makes no sense. We have been proud of our commitment to serving the mental health and improvement community, and still do, I am recognised by my peers, as highly honest, honest business dealings, and in 2005 I won a special honor: the International Educator of the YEAR, to which I have pictures and a trophy and a certificate stating as such. So as you see, I have had no dealings with these so called complaints they fed CAP false bios, from linked in, and other false bios, and even scanned the cover of my book and sent it in to CAP, CAP contacted me under false assumptions that these gentlemen (that's going to far I know but..) have invented, the mistake CAP made was providing information to strangers against the Privacy Act, to which there is a commissioner, and to which part of my case will be reported to. Anyone who knows me, any one, knows that I spent years perfecting my trade and becoming the best helper one can be. Nothing I have done in my professional life is illegal, nothing I am doing is illegal, not my scope as a counsellor, hypnotherapist, and pastoral counsellor is illegal today. My books are a testiment to my focus on helping others, most I have given away to people in need. I am happy that one of my other books was part-in parcel of the SWAG bags given out at the Emmy awards, the Grammy awards, the Golden Globe awards, and the Oscar awards. One of my books was featured on the cover of TV guide in North America showing, what the award shows give out to their guests and presenters, I have a picture of this, and I have pictures on the placing cards for the 'stars' of Hollywood stage and screen, received in their SWAG bags. My book was also featured on the home shopping network, and one of two bundles of books, one set for men, and one set for women, were sold on the home shopping network, and I have the video tape of the entire days programming video taped for proof of what I have said and claimed.

These people and CAP in my mind are acting out of jealous envy, that I have accomplished much of my greatness before the age of 35. That can truly be seen, success in others, often brings out an unconscious jealousy and deeds to 'bring the person down to their level' These tactics have worked on many others let me say, they have engaged a fire-storm in me to see new heights, develop more programs, help more people than I have before, and I will not let negativity and evil distractions of jealous people and associations may hold against me. This is my testimony. This is what I will deliver to a judge, come judgement day for these characters. I do not answer to them, only to myself, and to my real clientèle and students, to me there is nothing more to be said or done. These complainers do not know me, never were clients, or students of mine, and CAP should never caused irrevocable harm by sharing my conversations, with out and out criminal outcasts before checking with me first. I am not a member of CAP, and I do not answer to them, what CAP has done has caused sever harm, and unleashed a fury in me to keep doing all the legal actions I can to help people on even a broader scale, any charges put upon me are simply false, and I can walk and present to any judge or/and jury proof for every claim I make. I do not fear these people who have set out to ruin me, the only thing that will happen is that they will be brought to justice, and I see through with my journey of peace, honesty, hope, and help.

Alan Eastman
4892 days ago by Alaneastman
Dear general public and USER,

I know you have nothing better to do than make false reports upon myself, my businesses, my foundations, my non-profit institutions, my colleagues, and my family, not to mention others who who have the same name. Once again I can waste my time replying to a myriad of charges, based on your faulty belief system, and the false bios you have created using my name, let me make it clear to you, you must sooner, rather than later, take down your complaints about me, you have never been a client, not a student, not a customer, you are not a concerned citizen but a dangerous stalking psychopathic depressed fool who managed to reach me off hours on a disarmingly bizarre telephone call after midnight, strange as strange can be, you see CAP, also told me information about you, now you cannot hide, I know where you are, who you are, what you do, and where you do it, not only that you have placed your wife and family in danger of losing everything, All the proof of your lies and vicious attacks upon Alan Eastman, can and will be refuted at all levels. Since you are a coward you believe you are safe hiding behind your username, sending fake bios to CAP, let's be clear, your attempt's to shame me and to the work I do will come to haunt you. I am only placing a written account on here so you may know the dangers unleashed by you, and that will come to haunt you all the days of the rest of your short and pitiful life. Everything I do professionally is above board and lawful. Your continued attacks must stop and an apology must be made and the truth be told to CAP, of which I am not a member, but whom you've released this thunderstorm of lies and false bios, implicating other professionals. Let me make one point to your glaring unimaginative lies, you stated that I claimed to be a member of the Central Alberta Mental Health Mobile Response Team, to which you state that your pitiful research indicates does not operate in the same capacity, that is true, however, because they do not exist now, does not indicate that I was gainfully and unselfishly employed and on call 24 hours a day, when ever the clinics were not open. I was a founding member of the Red Deer Mental Health Response Team. Fact: JUST BECAUSE THE ABMHB DOES NOT EXIST IN ITS FORMER CAPACITY DOES NOT MEAN I DID NOT WORK FOR THEM OVER A PERIOD OF AROUND 7 YEARS AND BEFORE THAT I WAS GAINFULLY EMPLOYED AT THE ALBERTA HOSPITAL PONOKA STARTING IN 1993. THE FACT THAT MY LIFE HAS BEEN ONE OF SERVICE TO PEOPLE IS UNDENIABLE AND OF WRITTEN RECORD. YOUR LIES AND ATTACKS WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED NOR WILL THEY BE ALLOWED TO GATHER ANY STRENGTH, YOUR NOBODY STATUS, ONLY GOES TO SHOW WHAT A SIMPLE MINDED FAILURE AND COWARD CAN DO, NOTHING! YOUR LIES AND IDIOCY HAS HURT MANY PEOPLE AS I HAVE STATED BEFORE I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN, AS A FORMER PEACE OFFICER, WHAT YOU ARE SPOUTING TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS NOTHING SHORT OF CRIMINAL. I WILL NOT LET THIS STAND SO BE IT YOU HAVE BROUGHT YOUR LIES TO OTHERS AGAINST ME, YOU FOUND THE ONE PERSON WHO CAN REFUTE ALL YOUR LIES, AND WHO WILL NEVER STOP HUNTING YOU, UNTIL YOU RELINQUISH THE TRUTH, IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE A CASE AGAINST SOMEONE YOU HAVE NEVER MET, BRING IT TO TRIAL! ACCUSE ME IN PERSON! I VALUE TRUTH AND I VALUE STANDING UP FOR ONES BELIEFS SHOULD YOUR COWARDLY WAYS CONTINUE, IF YOU DO NOT STAND AND BE COUNTED, IF YOU FEEL YOUR LIES AND FORGED BIOS, REPORTS, AND WEBPAGES, AND REPORTS ARE HONESTLY PROTECTING THE PUBLIC OR OTHERS THEN YOU HAVE A DUTY TO BRING THIS TO THE COURTS. HOWEVER, YOU WILL NOT BECAUSE YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YOU ARE BRINGING COMPLAINTS UNDER FALSE MADE UP TESTIMONY OF YOUR OWN. YOU KNOW YOU MADE UP FALSE REPORTS, THE MISTAKE YOU MADE IS NOT KNOWING THE EXTENT TO WHICH I SAY IS DOCUMENTED, I WOULD NEVER REPORT A FALSITY ABOUT MYSELF, IN FACT I HAVE NO REASON TO, I AM WHAT I SAY I AM AND HAVE DONE, AND NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. THROUGH TELEPHONE REPORTS I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU ARE, AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. IF I AM NOT WHO I CLAIM TO BE, WHY WOULD THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF ALBERTA BRING THEIR INMATES TO US FOR COUNSELLING? WHY WOULD THE RCMP BRING DETAINED PEOPLE, AND ARRESTED PEOPLE TO US?


4890 days ago by Alaneastman
Dear friends,

I am Alan Eastman, the User784536, CAP, and our dear nut job Gregg from England have done their job dutifully well, and have laid low over the course of a few months. User784536 has said it looks like he has angered me, and will give me six months off, if I agree to lay off as well, and fix the changes I said I would with the complaints director from the CAP, college of alberta psychologists.

I have and only agreed to make changes such as removing older links to CAP who I was a member of for many years, first as a psychological assistant, then a provisionally registered psychologist, this means I had to send all my files and trancripts detailing my education and graduation from graduate school transcripts. I did all this and was accepted by the board of selection for CAP.

Nothing on any complaints or scam page is true, in reference to me, my education, my business, my past employment. The User784536 claims many things about me, not only business, and educational but personal. As we detail our legal strategies available to us, let me assure you lies about me on any scam pages are complete made up lies, and defamatory. This is not an attack on me but on the institutions I attended, my working colleges, and my contemporaries notably some of the most famous therapists and personalities alive today, it is for this I am taking the authors of these complaints to task, I ask that they remove and retract their vile comments, and make public, and personal apologies, both to me personally and in writing on the internet, their actions has hindered my duties, my person, and hurt the large corporation to which I am a namesake, and shareholder.

I will not let this stand, and I shall never be finished with those who seek to harm me and my highly respected name, and companies. I write here as written testimony of what has happened to me, so I intend to seek vengeance so the lies and false made up submitted bios to CAP, can be dis-proven, and I have the ability to do all of that, I do not fear these people (wastefulness of flesh), take down every negative posting about me and all my colleagues and assets. I will be seeking $10 million dollars for every false statement up, and every false statement on each scam page not deleted, adding this up leads to giant amounts of money, for each of the three parties, If I cannot get these reports eliminated, we shall forge ahead and ruin these people financially, if I must, I have done it before and will certainly not hesitate to do it again. Soon! Should these people run and hide, I will make it my personal mission to hunt them down, one by one, and let the gavel fall where it may.

Alan Eastman
4845 days ago by Concerned Advocate
Alan Eastman of Trafalgar distance Learning Institute (which is a Private Insititution in Alberta, Canada) is NOT A SCAM ARTIST AT ALL !!! To call his Institute a SCAM is Ridiculous... Alan holds a PhD in Philosophy which is considered to be a research doctorate, and therefore entitles him to use "doctor" or Dr." in his name in both Canada and the U.S. The DCH (Doctrate of Clinical Hypnotherapy) is unrecognized in both countries. Alan received this through the American Insistute of Hypnotherapy (U.S.). However, I understand that DCH being unrecognized will be changing in the future.
Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute is fairly new distance learning center, and offering Professional Diplomas that operate on the Internet world wide. To call his degrees a scam or diploma mill is outrageous.

It is obvious that copies information from other website(s), which means you are infringing on copyright of those other websites. Also, you have NOT done much research on Trafalgar or on Alan Eastman. Alan is well-respected in his chosen filed, and has put a tremendous amount of effort and work into his endeavours. Alan also runs the in Red Deer, Alberta, and this is exellent!

he fact that is trying to make defamatory, and discrediting remarks about Trafalgar Distance Learning Insitute and attacking Alan Eastman indicates that you are not very knowledgeable, or not very intelligent in your idiotic remarks. Have you actually done any research into this at all?
NOTE: By the way you are listed on as a scammer and an extortionist !!! Also you are listed as a false website !!! So, go ahead and keep running, you will be caught sooner or later (hopefully sooner than later).

So lets let everybody in the wold know who you really are, and what you is a .SCAMMER, SCAMMER, SCAMMER, EXTORTIONIST, , EXTORTIONIST, EXTORTIONIST and should be blown off the Internet World!

4839 days ago by EarlY
The superb composition and faultless spelling (ahem) in the comment above (by Concerned Advocate) makes it glaringly obvious that it was written by Alan Eastman, himself. In any case, it appears even Mr. Eastman can’t keep track of the deceitful claims he makes about his postgraduate degrees. On his websites, he claims to have a PhD in Psychology, albeit from a degree mill (Lacrosse University, Bay St. Louis, MS; go to, but in his posting above, he says it’s a PhD in Philosophy! Readers want to know, which one is it Mr. Eastman?! Yes, anyone can call themselves ‘Doctor’ or ‘Dr.’ in most situations but not when they are offering counselling or any other health service; this is ILLEGAL in Alberta, where Mr. Eastman lives. Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute IS STILL OFFERING DEGREES ILLEGALLY on its website, so it’s still accurate to call it a scam and to list it on scam sites.
4800 days ago by EricL
A long time ago, Alan Eastman said he would post a video of his credentials on YouTube, but as of January 13, 2012, he hasn’t done it. I would like to see this video and I think it should include answers from Alan Eastman to the following questions:

1. Why do you believe that your so-called doctoral degrees are valid given that both are from unaccredited, unrecognized, and in the case of Lacrosse University, discredited “schools”? Do you believe that you are acting

2. Given that your distance learning school, Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, does not have the authority to grant degrees, what do you have to say to potential students who would come away with a worthless degree that cost them thousands of dollars?

3. Are you aware of the conflict of interest that exists when you state that Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, of which you are President, is “recognized” and “approved” by the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc., of which you are also President and founding member? Do you believe that you are acting ethically by doing this?
4696 days ago by Alaneastman
User, Concerned Advocate Against Alan Eastman Ph.D., User784536Grant, EarlY, EricL,

I now know exactly who you are, the other people and agencies involved in your criminal harrassing behavior, you were not interested in the truth, because everything I wrote is the absolute truth, I would only say something about myself, what I have studied and where, my positions as a peace officer with the Department of Justice, my Professorship, my doctoral status, and the current positions and companies I am President of. I have proof for every thing I have said I have and done, everything is backed up, and is now in a police file also.

I know you are an obsessive criminal psychopath and that is dangerous, yes I have felt threatened by you, to place nasty lies about me, post my pictures on most every scam reporting page in the planet, identity theft which I can absolutely prove. Here is another thing I know you are a failed quasi metaphysical crank. And I know with the down turns in the economy you must be a very poor business person struggling to keep your tiny beliefs in the power of your mind running, because you are falling deeper and deeper in to the dark murky waters from which you drug yourself out of.

From this date and time you have 48 hours to comply with my request to remove every lie, negative posting, and picture of me, and comment about me from every website you spend your days posting on. The funniest thing is since you are not a student, a client, you are a non-entity to me, nobody asked you for money, the group I was developing, was all done in my spare time, in order to help people with anxiety and depression, get out of the house, as depressed people have a way of becoming more and more isolated as their condition of depression and/or anxiety worsens.

Let's make this very clear, you have harrassed me for almost a year now, you have made up lies and falsified your identity making LinkedIN pages saying I was a psychologist when clearly I am not, you are a pure out right criminal, and I will stand to fight this ability of yours to go and attack others, Since nothing I am doing is illegal, I answer to no one, I have spent the better part of 25 years serving my country as an ARMY soldier, and I was an exceptionally good soldier. I did not fight my way through hell fire and brimstone to emerge, after taking my education, to see some idiot (which is a psychological term describing a certain score on an IQ test) hurt my businesses, and family, and my beloved parents who work very hard helping me. I am an EASTMAN we have a proud tradition of serving our country for the right to stay democratic and free, as my father has done, and my grandfather has done, and is unfortuantley buried in France fighting for every last inch of european territory maybe, just maybe if someone would have stood up to Corporal Hitler, I may have met my grandfather, insead of having to go to his grave in France to recognise the supreem sacrifice he has made for his King and Country. I would never ever disrespect my family name in anyway, ever. Never have I met an idiot like you who just can't let a person be, you must know that hindering someone from makeing a living in their business or work is also a crime, and a serious one at that. I must have a list of about 20 charges and illegal things you have said and done against me.

Let me make this clear, I now know your full name, what city you are in, and where you live. And, I now know who the other people involved or at least complacent for not reporting your crimes. You and the CAP made a big mistake, as your... um well I won't say only to the judge how you and CAP are complacent in committing crimes against me.

I know your name, the city you live in, and where you live, and the computer from which you are making your transmissions or posts. Funny how the internet can weave a web, but if one is smart enough one can trace the steps back to the very origin of the crimes you imposed on me.

Tell your colleges to remove anything about me on any site affiliated with scams, calling me a scammer is a lie, and liing and making false reports based on false documentation you have made is seriously and highly illegal. Do this for me please, say this: 10 to 20 and 10 million for every post not removed, you have 48 hours better start erasing.

Just to remind you the end game is in process now. Your name, address, IP address, email, has all been discovered and now released to me. Thanks for treating me with so much disrespect you turd!

BTW, the beds in jail are severely uncomfortable most or alot of inmates choose to sleep on the floor for this very reason, enjoy!!!

4696 days ago by Grant2.0
I have 48 hours or else what? Is this another threat?

I notice MR. EASTMAN STILL HAS NOT ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS from the last posting. Here they are again:

1. Why do you believe that your so-called doctoral degrees are valid given that both are from unaccredited, unrecognized, and in the case of Lacrosse University, discredited “schools”? Do you believe that you are acting ethically by using the title ‘Doctor’ when your "doctoral" degrees are not valid?

2. Given that your distance learning school, Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO GRANT DEGREES, what do you have to say to potential students who would come away with a worthless degree that cost them thousands of dollars? Is this ethical practice?

3. Are you aware of the conflict of interest that exists when you state that Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute, of which you are President, is “recognized” and “approved” by the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc., of which you are also President and founding member? Do you believe that you are acting ethically by doing this?

And here’s a new one:

4. Do you or don’t you control the website,, on which the following text appears?

“Alan R. Eastman, BA, MA(c), DCH.
Mental Health Therapist and Counsellor.
Licensed Psychological Assistant in the Province of Alberta, Canada, registration # 0343 with the College of Alberta Psychologists”

As well as the following text, further down the webpage:

“- College of Alberta Psychologists - #0343
- Registered & Licensed Psychological Assistant”

Are you denying that you own and operate this website ( It’s been up and running for a very long time, but to my knowledge it hasn’t been revised to reflect that you are not registered or licensed in any way. Presenting your credentials in this way is MISLEADING and UNETHICAL. Regardless of whether you have been registered in the past, it is unethical to present yourself as being currently registered, which is how any potential client would interpret this website.

If you are truly an ethical practitioner, as you claim to be, it is your duty to present your credentials with respect to professional registration in a clear and unambiguous manner so that potential clients can make informed judgements about your status.

I shouldn't have to spell this out for you, but your situation is akin to a medical doctor who is no longer licensed to practice medicine maintaining a website on which he claims to be licensed. Or a lawyer who was disbarred or left the bar but still operates a business website on which he claims to be authorized to practice law. This is a serious breach of ethics for someone who is supposed to be trusted to help vulnerable people.
4671 days ago by Alaneastman
From Alan Eastman DCH Ph.D.,

you made a falsified profile on linked in, the report you wrote was simply responding to every question with 'Lets say? What is your profession, you wrote, psychologist to ever answer, way over board, I have to say identity theft is serious business, criminal harrasing me, locking out my passwords, by typing any number or letter for an 8 month period. So, criminal harassment. Designing a false LinkedIN web profile is identity theft. I have unequivocal evidence that will simply show every outrageous derogatory comment and postings. You are sending this is not identity theft by denying it, however you did do it! You are not a good person, T---here is another crime going on here, you stole my copyright and committed copy-write infringement. You did not ask to copy my pictures and use them in scam rip off page. You never asked me to copy that picture, end of story. And why I will be suing you for copy right infringement. It is a very serious crime huge fine, and/or 12 years in jail.

As for takig the reings at TDLI It was to be and seek out what one needs for a degee, And when I get the message to the Government now, Gee, your line of evil-doer work must be quite the laugh for you. I AM TELLING YOU THIS IN BIG TYPE SO YOU GET THE MESSAGES POINT, IT IS ALSO UNLAWFUL TO TAKE MEASURES TO LIBLE A COMPANY IN THE BECAUSE THAT INSTITUTE i AM RUNNING IT RIGHT NOW, AND YOUR INTERFERENCE IS ALSO CRIMINAL. Harassment. The people in law infotainment as well as my lawyer, if these people are hindering your ability to run your companies, and place them in harm, what I mean is you can not stop someone from doing their job just because you do not like it is a sad comment to you, but anything that would impede my ability to earn my living, Is Cyber-Bullying, you might want to really think of you want to continue this, cause you are way behind, I know you, and am now going to find our who put up up to the year long rants, and lies, and making fake LinkedIn throwing a hammer though a bike spoke can cause great injury to the rider. What you have done. If you have any problems regarding my Ph.D. in Psychology, I does not matter, it is not a diploma mill, I sure as hell had to do a great deal of work and a 450 page dissertation and taking many course, I have all the records and transcripts the course calendar.

Can you just top this bashing upon me, and my companies. Please just give it up, you set out to cause harm and damage. And you have done that to many people, in my realm. I ask with all humility just stop posting these things, on the interent, You have ruined a family, a man who wants nothing else than the betterment, in individuals who come to counselling, and TDLI and I are certainly here to stay. I am also bringing these documents what you put up on the net...into play because by Alison Randford office, and also to Stephen Harpers office, so I can get some help, and they will help me launch a full scale RCMP investigation.

Never again contact, talk to, relate to, send emails to my registrants. You sent an email to a student of mine, saying its all a scam well you know what??? I it is not a scam to offer great education build your hypnotic community, Make hypnosis professon that can stand upon its own feet, buy you cant to that with certificated. For hypnosis to be brought out on its on healing validity, we need science, and higher education, well ok, we need degrees in this filed, then on lobby's the government to look at the profession, and perhaps authorized it as a separate degree held by hypnotherapist. That is the day I would like to see, you want to know what else I would love to see, a giant shit hawk flying over you and and the shit hawk dropping it's giant load of shit on your e head. Please stop harrasing us, take the pics down and let me do my job you know people do have to work very hard in this economic state the world is in. I have never done anything ever to harms someone, this way. LOOK I AM GIVING YOU A WAY OUT, TAKE THE PICTURES OF ME OFF RIP OFF REPORT, TAKE YOU BLOODY RANTS OF THE INTERNET SEND ME A LETTER OF APOLOGY, THAT SET OF ACTIONS WOULD END THIS DO DAY OR TOMORROW. IF NOT I AM GOING TO GO TO GREATER LEVELS OF INTERVENTION, AND HAVE IT STOPPED LEGALLY, i DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, AGAIN TO ANYONE !! stop this now take your postings of the sites, remove my pictures let me know which sites you have removed, and a letter of an apology, not only for me, but also the many people who have also be hurt from reading your postings. They are hurt badly cause none of what you are saying or said, none of what you said is true,

Remove all postings, take down my pics, send me a apology letter, and I can set a new focus, and work and help people, Please help me

Do you ever think of the pain and the anguish that you have caused through your laws and reporting what I am doing is not a scam what I am doing is running a business so we can reach more and more people, and do great things. That is why I do this, I have no time, for someone need all my time and attention, I know somewhere you must have feelings, look you can not win this one, should you not do those things by the last day in My, all my notes, all my proof will be reported to the Calgary City police, oh by the way if you harm a corporation, they in law have the same attributes as a real person, sending emails etc... you are now committing domestic terrorism, and you just did it. There is your out, because I am on the scene I am not going anywhere.for a long time, so either stop looking at my websites, I do not care what you have to say, I do not care about you in anyway shape or form, but we will be filing claims. You have one month to dismantle your web of lies and deceit!

Oh, next pint, would you and your friends who are criminally harassing me 'GROW THE HELL UP'.
4654 days ago by Grant2.0
A victory on one front: The Trafalgar Distance Learning Institute website states that the site is “under construction” and “closed” (see in order to come into compliance with the relevant legislation. While it gives me some satisfaction to see TDLI’s website in such a state, I find it troubling that the website remains operational because prospective students can still access the site without landing on the homepage. This evasiveness is sadly typical of Eastman. Much more troubling is the LACK OF CULPABILITY that Alan Eastman shows for NOT COMPLYING WITH the Province of Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act and the Programs of Study Regulation. Nowhere in his statements on the TDLI homepage ( does Alan Eastman ADMIT FAULT FOR ILLEGALLY OFFERING INVALID DEGREES. Instead, Eastman seems to be blaming “unknown forces” and “outside influences” for his woes.

On another front, the website still features the following MISLEADING text:

“Alan R. Eastman, BA, MA(c), DCH.
Mental Health Therapist and Counsellor.
Licensed Psychological Assistant in the Province of Alberta, Canada, registration # 0343 with the College of Alberta Psychologists”

As well as the following text, further down the page:

“- College of Alberta Psychologists - #0343
- Registered & Licensed Psychological Assistant”

Does Alan Eastman deny owning and operating this website ( It’s been up and running for a very long time, but as of June 8, 2012, it has not been revised to reflect that ALAN EASTMAN IS NOT REGISTERED OR LICENSED IN ANY WAY. As I’ve said before, Eastman’s presenting his credentials in this way is MISLEADING AND UNETHICAL. Regardless of whether he has been registered in the past, it is unethical for him to present himself as being currently registered, which is how any potential client would interpret his website.

Oh, and may I suggest a no-brainer remedy for Mr. Eastman’s complaint about this false LinkedIn profile in his name that he complains about. One would think that a simple call or email to LinkedIn requesting that the erroneous profile be erased would suffice. D’uh!!

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