This is a copy of the letter I just sent to NetZero.... Trust me I have documentation to back it all |
27th of Jul, 2010 by User632401 |
This is a copy of the letter I just sent to NetZero.... Trust me I have documentation to back it all up. Right now I am so angry I could spit. I'm aware that this will probably be swept under the rug and go no where but at least I'll feel better for getting it off my chest. On Jan 18th I called to cancel my DSL Net Zero account. (Cancellation #*********). As of today, Feb 8th my line is still not clear for my employer to provide me with the internet service I need to do my job. When I cancelled I was never told about the 10 days it could take...I was told that by someone else. OK...I can wait...so on the 10th business day Jan 30th I called to find out what was going on and was told that "sorry we'll expedite that for you" Seriously?? You're going to expedite it? Ok...I took a deep breath and agreed to wait until Wednesday because this was what I was promised right? No call on Wednesday. Thursday the line was tried again. Guess what...the line was still tied up. I call Net Zero again. I know now that comments were on my file about this problem. I'm told that this has been referred to "upper management" and was being handled...I said not good enough...I need my line cleared. I was then promised that it would be cleared within 24 hours. I call back again the next day. It's still not cleared and something about it being BellSouth's fault now. So I said to give me the number for Bell So and I would take it from there. Nope....They were waiting for an update and it would be there at 5:00pm EST. I replied...It's now 5:05pm EST what is the update? Oh we'll call you. I get a call from my IT people on Mon Feb 7th. Can you guess? My line is STILL not cleared. I call again...just asked for the supervisor this time. I then asked for the number of this mysterious "upper management" and got no where. I'd get a call after 5pm EST. I get a call at 6pm EST with no results. Tell my now what I need to do. I've been nice, I've been angry; I've almost been in tears. This is costing me money and could cost me my job if this is not cleared up. I have NEVER experienced something like this in my entire life. Such laziness and incompetence! I don't care who's being lazy and who's being incompetent...that's for this "upper management" to figure out.I just what my line cleared up.!!!!!!!!!! And of course I've had no answer by either phone (original correspondence) nor e-mail. Nothing...nada...zilch. Heaven help these people if they charge me. |
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