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The Chronicle of the Horse - Forums The Chronicle of the Horse Forums The Chronicle of the Horse Forums - A disgusting melting pot of lies. malicious
26th of Oct, 2011 by User865389
THE CHRONICLE OF THE HORSE - FORUMS... Where do I begin? This website is so vile and disgusting that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. If you thought the horse industry was bad, take a look at this drama-package website! It's all the filth, gossip, lies, and dishonesty of the horse business, ALL IN ONE DISGUSTING MELTING POT OF MALICIOUS GOSSIP. The Chronicle Of The Horse Forums, while originally meant to help its users, by allowing different horse-folk to converse about trainers, haulers, training questions, tack shops, etc., Somehow, over the last few years, the website has veered from its original intent, and become a veritable melting pot of lies and back-stabbing. This is the clever part.. When you join the "C.O.T.H. Forums, you must agree to abide the the "rules," which are included below: Rule 1: "This is a public forum viewed by a wide spectrum of people, so please be mindful of what you say and who might be reading it—details of personal disputes are likely better handled privately. While posters are legally responsible for their statements, the moderators do their best to maintain an overall productive and enjoyable atmosphere in the forums, though policing each post is impossible. Outright inflammatory, vulgar, harassing, malicious or otherwise inappropriate statements and criminal charges unsubstantiated by a reputable news source or legal documentation will not be tolerated and will be dealt with at the discretion of the moderators." Unless you have documented proof of fraud committed by an individual, it is not appropriate to accuse them of such in our public forum. Especially in the outright inflammatory manner you used. THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!! THE MODERATORS DON'T FOLLOW THIER OWN RULES! I know 12 people who have had their entire careers DISTROYED by this website, because it allowed unproven lies to be posted about innocent people. Even after BEGGING the so-called "Moderators" to remove harmful and untruthful posts, the plees for help were ignored, and they are left to face the wolves alone. We will discuss this in greater detail as we go. “The Chronicle Forums,” allows ANYONE to post ANYTHING they want, about any person, farm, business, stable, etc., that they wish, with no need for any form of fact verification. False information can be posted with NO PROOF of accusations, then left to mercy of the Chronicle Forums “Moderator,” who decides whether or not the posting can stay “live”. The problem with this, is that the forums “Moderator” is often a worst gossip lover than some of the posters. The more “hits” a thread gets, the better for the website, so “The Moderator” is in no hurry to help you, no matter how devastating the matter may be. I have been researching this website and its victims for several years, and I am currently in the process of writing a book to expose the depravity of a website that allows innocent people to be harmed for no reason. Imagine this: your greatest competition/and/or arch-nemeses in life, able post ANY LIE that they wish about you on the Chronicle Of The Horse Forums, and it will NOT be removed, or verified. Even if everything said is a total lie, with no proven facts to back it up, the lies will be posted for everyone in the horse-world to see, with NO way of protecting yourself. Can you imagine giving your worst enemy in the world that type of power over you and your business? Neither can I, but it's happening FULL-THROTTLE each day on the Forums of the Chronicle of the horse website. BUT WAIT! We aren't done yet!! It gets even BETTER!! Now, imagine ALL the false information, lies, slander, etc., that was posted by your worst enemy, being broadcast as an OPEN CONVERSATIONAL TOPIC for EVERYONE on the internet to view, andcomment on. We all know the type of people who get no greater happiness in the world, than from commenting on things they know nothing about. Horse-folks love a good scandal, especially the ones who have no
life, and have nothing to do but sit on their computers and give their opinions. Most of these "comment makers," aren't true horse people at all. They are bitter little no-bodies, who can only be “heard” via internet forums. They are true-blue liars, and drama starters, whose very essence is threatened by any form of peace and truth. Now that the mood has been set, imagine the snow-ball effect of what will happened to one's reputation, when all of these perpetual liars start commenting on the false, and unproven facts, that have been posted about someone they do not even know. The results are disastrous! The “thread” quickly turns into a lying free-for-all, which leaves the innocent victim's reputation totally destroyed. The Bible says, that a good reputation is worth more than all the gold on earth. Now, imagine that your reputation is left to the mercy of your enemies, and total strangers, who get off on the destruction of innocent people's lives. In my research of the abuse that takes place on the Chronicle Of The Horse Forums, I posted pretend "thread" about
my dealings with a fictitious person of my own conjuring. I wanted to see, what would happen, if a thread was started about an imaginary person. If my guess was correct, the devastating“snow-ball effect” would happen, even to a make-believe person. Sure enough, after just a few moments of posting my pretend "thread" to the forums, people started commenting about their personal experiences with someone who did not even exist. In just a few days, there were literally pages of lies that had been written about someone who was not even real. I added fuel to the fire by pretending to be the victim of the posts, and then by trying to defend myself. This did nothing but "spur-on" the
depraved reputation destroyers in their aggressive destruction of an imaginary person. I could not believe my eyes! There were literally hundreds of comments posted from different people, claiming to have done business with a person who
was not even real. I think this study says quite a lot about the intent of users of this website. Even a non-existent
person can become a victim on the C.O.T.H.-Forums. In continuing with my investigation, I called The Chronicle of the Horse, at their headquarters in Middleboro, VA many times, pretending to be the victim of harmful threads. The answer was all the same. "We can do nothing for you. We suggest contacting the forums Moderator." If you ask for the phone number of the "Moderator," you will not get one. He/She is ONLY accessible by email, and they NEVER return your emails, even if you beg them to. The C.O.T.H Forums Moderator is a sick and twisted human, who gets great pleasure
out of having the “power” to help or destroy a person. After emailing the "Moderator" an additional 6 more times regarding my situation with no response, I decided to call the headquarters back. I told the young lady who had answered my call about my desperate situation, and what was happening to my business, and reputation on the COFH Forums. She smugly replied: “We stand behind our moderator's decision 100%, and there is nothing we can do. Sorry. " I stood there speechless, and not believing what I was hearing, but it was true. The Chronicle of the Horse Forums will allow any false information to be posted about ANY innocent person, and will do NOTHING to help stop the lies and slander, and promote truth. It truly is a sick website where insecure "nobodies" can ruin a hard working American's career at the click of a mouse. I'm not suggesting that everything "thread" posted is a lie, but a VERY large number are just
simply not true. I decided to contact some of the victims of the "thread reputation assaults," and see how they had been affected by the posts on the Chronicle Of The Horse- FORUMS. I contacted 12 victims of "chronicle attack," to see if they had been affected by the threads posted about them and their businesses. The victims were VERY easy to find, being that the attackers always give the victim's phone numbers, addresses, email address, and more , in order to try to give
their lies some sort of appearance of validation. Some of these victims included: Horse haulers, Trainers, Groomers, lesson
farms, Tack-Shop Owners, Stable Owners, etc. After speaking with them, they all essentially said the same thing; that an enemy had posted a lie about them on the Chronicle Forums, and then the lie started snow-balling. In one incident, a man who owned a lessonbarn, became a COTH victim when he unknowingly angered a fowl-tempered parent for scolding her child who was whipping her horse excessively. The angered mother immediately went home, goton the C.OT.H. Forums, and accused the trainer of molesting her daughter.Of course, this was false, because if it would have been true, he would have been arrested. Needless to say, his business and reputation were quickly ruined, and it wasn’t long before the farm that he had worked for over 15 years to build was for sale. All accusations were false, and an innocent trainer lost his
livelihood because of a LIE on the C.O.T.H.-Forums. Another professional hauler was accused of causing “brain damage,” to a horse, because the person who was having the horse shipped, did not want to pay the shipping bill. There are MANY more ridiculous stories that will be exposed when my book is published. Most people harmed by
the threads on the COTH-Forums, initially tried to seek legal action against the website, but found it difficult because the website hides behind the "Freedom of speech Act." How messed-up is that??!! So, the website is not liable for anything posted. Therefore, they do NOT search out the truth, or even care what is happening to innocent people. Most people,
who were attacked on the forums, eventually had to close their businesses due to bad publicity. This is exactly the outcome that the trouble makers wanted! How can it be, that there is a website, where the evil lairs thrive, and the innocent suffer? Well, believe it. It’s all true. The Chronicle Of The Horse - Forums is a breeding ground of lies, and goes unchecked. Innocent people are being ruined financially, emotionally, and respectfully and NO ONE is doing anything to stop it. Hopefully, the release of my book will do something to help expose this disgusting website, and all of its depravity. It is my goal in life to expose the evil people who are harming the innocent, and to shutdown a website that condones lying, unproven facts, and malicious gossip. Unfortunately, by the time my book is published, it will be too late for many people who have been harmed by this vicious website. Do yourself a favor, and if you read something nasty about someone on the Forums of The Chronicle Of The
Horse website, contact that person directly before making a decision not to do business with them. Chances are, they aren’t a bad person. Just someone who was too much competition for someone else. Lies are a terrible thing, and
those who harm the innocent people will one day get what they gave back 7X stronger. That's just how karma works. I'm sure this write-up will be met with MANY angry comments, but it is time that the TRUTH be known. Let's keep it honest everyone! Rather than trying to destroy your competition, just create a better product. I leave you with this last quote regarding gossip. "The tongue is a double-edged sword, be careful of how you waggle it, for one day, it may cut off your head. "
4886 days ago by Horseowner23
WOW! Very true. That website has been out of control for years. If you are in the horse business, and you make anyone made for any reason, you will end up on the Chronicle Forums. Now, knowing how many literally insane people there are in the horse business, it's very likely anyone can endup on this sit and become a victim of cyber bullying. I hope you get it shut down but be prepared for an attack from the crazies. You won't get away with this with no drama. Can you imagine what would happen to some of the Chronicle Forums users if they could no longer lie and gossip about others?! I think they might just melt with no sustaining life force! haha/
4885 days ago by User034557
i had a friend whose business was ruined by the COTH forums. just as you said, she called, and emailed the moderators, but no one would help. She had to close her farm because of lies, and couldn't sue anyone because too many people were lying. get this though, she tried to post a thread about the girl who posted about her, and the moderators removed it. just ripped it down. so the bad person, can lie and say whatever they want about my friend and her business, and the moderators won't help her, but when my friend tries to retaliate and post something about the person who is attacking her, then the moderators delete it. there are some unfair and one-sided things going on on that website. i just wish they would make it to where the forums were used for only good and not harm. no one should have to lose their livelihood because of a bad client (s). we have all had those, and there should not be a website where they can harm anyone. we need to protest that the chronicle forums only be used for good and not bad. that was the original intent anyway. it was not meant to be the facebook of the horse world. good job with the writeup but be ready for the backlash. it won't be long now. they are coming. haha
4885 days ago by User5431
You guys will never guess what was just said to me on the Chronicle Forums by "Moderator1". I was told, that private individuals are protected from harsh postings, but if you are a business owner, they allow negative experiences to be shared. This is a passage from that exact email: MODERATOR 1:

"We generally allow positive and negative feedback about businesses, trainers, companies, products, etc., but using the site to air an issue with a private individual--not someone affiliated with a business in the industry--is not appropriate, especially when addressed in the inflammatory manner you did, with accusations of criminal activity and personal insults. "

So basicly, any private individual can post a lie about any business, or trainer they want with no proof of accusations needed, but a horse business owner cannot post anything about bad clients. THIS IS SO UNFAIR. THE PROFESSIONALS ARE ARE THE MERCY OF THE PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS. Who is going to protect the horse business owners from the angry clients?!! THIS IS WRONG.

I also have an aquaintance who has been a victim of the postings of the Chronicle Forums. She found out who was posting the lies about her and her farm to the forums, and reacted by posting a thread about the person who posted about her. (A vicious cycle.) However, the moderator immediately removed my friends threads about the trouble maker, (which were TRUE) but would not remove the unproven lies about my friend because she owns a horse business. Something is very wrong here. The bad private individuals are harming the professionals with no reprecussions, and the professionals cannot fight back. This site is disgusting. I think the moderators are worse than the trouble makers. They seem to get joy from the drama, and to be very buddy-buddy with certain posters. This really needs to be exposed.
4865 days ago by AgainstStupidPeople
I hate to tell you User5431 but as a business owner you are always at the mercy of your customers. Why would you be so upset about one bad apple? If you run an ethical and honest business then you should have no worries. The truth always comes out in the end and if you ask me, someone who's business is "ruined" by COTH is probably a bad apple themselves who needed to be exposed.
4864 days ago by Studpny
Having subscribed to the COTH for over twenty years I have cancelled my subscription for this very reason!!!The Chronicle Forums are just plain OUT OF CONTROL. I use to get some very useful knowledge and education but over the last five years, just a lot of gossip. The COTH use to be a well respected equestrain magazine and now I hear people call it a gossip Rag!!! The Chronicle of the Horse... a gossip rag. Wow. That sure does say alot. This from some of the top professionals in the business. Yes, I am sure that there will be alot of everyday people will still subscribe to this publication, but I am absoluty positive this is not where the editors of past would have dared to take the COTH. The COTH was ment to be a publication about horses in sport, and horses in the countryside. The COTH needs to bring back the Curb bit and where it for a while.
4773 days ago by Jj27
If it was not for Freedom of speech or in thiscase freeom on BS this magaazine and this forum should really be shut down. If you will notice over and over again many are the same disgusting loosers just banging on any one they feel the need to jab for there own sick agenda. Disgusting! The Chronicle of the horse you should really shut this cesspool down! THE Cronicle used to be such a great istatution now it is just plain sad!
4749 days ago by JJL
I am in the process of serving COTH with a subpoena to order the disclosure of the persons who posted absolute lies about my business, which moderaitor 1 continues to allow to be posted. There is something very odd serounding the google placement regarding these posts. I have retained counsel and am doing preliminary legwork for a law suit, perhaps a class action against posters and COTH, which I'm being told cannot hide behind veil if they do this sort of thing just to get hits on their site. My attorney says, when COTH and the posters have to start spending money in court, they may change their ways. The posters aided by COTH are using a form of internet syberstalking and it is federally unlawfull!!! If the COTH have set up their source coding using business names to draw traffic to their site this is federal lanham violation, big time money damages and federal law suits... If you would like information or to join in, leave me an email in a post, so I can contact directly.
nemo me impune lacessit = No one attacks me with impunity
4719 days ago by Moonward
I've had the SAME PROBLEMS with the CHRONICLE OF THE HORSE FORUMS. I contacted an attorney, who is currently looking into seeking action against the forums, and the cyberbullies who use it maliciously. There should not be websites which condone the distruction of someone's business with no proof of accussations. I have been in this business for over 35 years, and I've never had any problems with clients until the last several years, ALWAYS with THIS WEBSITE as the main catalyst.. I sold a horse to a woman down the road from my barn, after she had the horse for 6months on lease, had her vetted before she purchased her. A year after buying, she decides she does not like the horse, and the next thing I know, I'm being attacked on the COTH forums for selling an "bad" horse. There were like 15 people who were giving their opinions about me, who had never met me. I contacted the moderator, and asked for help, and I was ignored. The "moderator" allows any filth he/she finds entertaining to remain a live thread. Even if it is not following the COTH forum guidelines. It is truely a form of Cyberbullying which is turning into a big problem, with legal consequences. You make one person mad, and BOOM you are all over the internet being lied about. It's disgusting that a website like the forums, which could be used for good, is being used for malicious gossip. I'm up for a class action suite! It's time this website be stopped. Too many innocent people are being hurt.

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