Scam. I was looking for a job on craigslist. Well, shady businesses/people love to take advantage of us young people on craigslist, dont they? So, It was hard to find a job in San Diego, and teaching english overseas seemed like a good idea. I had a degree from a good university, and the certificate would enable me to find a job overseas, right? The ad made the process seem so easy. Well guess what? After months of studying, and putting time and effort into this course, nothing. Teaching english overseas is saturated. The salaries were laughable. TESOL Training International had fabricated the salaries of different countries on their books. The indicated salaries were Much Higher than actual. This school took my money and will not give it back. They double charged me initially, as if I was stupid enough to Not see the double charge on my bank statement? OH, I didn't see that TESOL Training International, here is an extra 600 bucks! It is true that they 'connected' me with recruiters from overseas. But, anyone can do that. There was no Real connections they gave. The recruiters talked to me, on and off, I went through several loopholes. Getting passports authenticated, Degree authenticated, etc, etc. A national background check takes 2 months to clear! All this time and money to no avail. The "career services" section was one overworked girl in her 20's, handling thousands of files. They only had one worker in there to cut costs. Shame on you TESOL Training International! TESOL Training International has a "Job Guarantee" on their website. But guess what, the slithery owner will find multiple excuses not to honor it. OH, "we connected you with that recruiter and you spoke to them, we did our job. You cannot get your money back." This school should be inspected and brought to justice by the Better Business Bureau. There were many other innocent young people in the course with me, most likely taken advantage of as well. These predatory institutions keep hurting the youth of our country, all for the dollar. Students, beware!