My wife has some serious tax issues, she saw this company advertised on one of our big TV networks, so she contacted this company, and they said they could help her with her tax issues with the IRS, needless to say these people were straight up crooks. She paid $4000.00 dollars to retain their help, every time she contacted this company, they asked for more information and paper work they needed to submit to the IRS, we were then told that they had a case worker working with the IRS on our behalf, this was a lie, they didn't contact the IRS letting them know,we were trying to find a suitable solution to our problem. Which caused the IRS to garnish her bank account costing her about $2500.00 dollars more, and closing out her bank account of almost ten years, also caused her to be unable to pay any of her credit card company's which is around the $3000.00 dollar mark now, this scam has cost us close to 10.000,00 now, plus many nights of lost sleep. We received a letter from an attorney, saying that a class action suit had been filed against them, that was 2- years ago, since then we have heard nothing else about this problem, and what the State of California and the U.S Government are doing to get our money back, we are still $40,000.00 dollars in the hole with IRS and on a fixed income, we will probably die before we ever get the IRS paid off, if anyone out there know anything that is happening in this class action suit, please post it and update those of us who are in the dark on what going on. I also believe that the TV networks who are responsible for running these adds on their network should be included in this suit, they should be held accountable for only wanting the money these company's bring in for them, maybe this will make them check these company's out before helping these company's to scam and scam the American public. After all the networks are the source of much of our information in this country, but you know the old saying, money talks and BS walks. We have learned a valuable lesson about seeing advertising on our national networks, it's sad to say there are Americans who care so little about people and their problems that they would take advantage of those in dire need or on people who stand to lose everything, I hope these people who worked for Tax Relief Asap, get the maximum jail time they deserve !