Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
sun seal spas southwest spas Mr Paul England is at it again, this time under a new name - Sunseal spas in Australia, Internet
22nd of Dec, 2011 by User464936
Mr Paul England and his company Southwest spas appears to have expanded his spa sales into Australia under the name of Sunseal spas. He is advertising greatly reduced spas for sale and wants a sizable deposit before the spa has even arrived in Australia from China. He then expects people to pay the full amount before the spa has even left the dock! Unfortunately I did not research this company prior to paying a deposit and I am now in a situation where I am trying to get my deposit back. I ordered a spa with his associate Avril Jackson who goes under the company name of Bahai spas, she gladly took my deposit and when she notified me that there was a delay with delivering the spa and wanting more money my parnter phoned Mr Paul England. Mr England abused my parnter for questioning his terms and said he did not want our business and would arrange for a full refund - that was four weeks ago and after countless emails and unreturned calls still no refund. On contacting his associate Avril Jackson we got the same response only abuse and still no refund. I am now in the process of having Consumer Affairs and the ACCC investigate an lodge a complaint against Mr England. I only hope this report helps deter more people from dealing with Mr England and his associates, unfortunately it is usually too late as in my case - I wish I had researched who I was dealing better. I will update this report regularly and let readers know my progress in getting my deposit back.
4735 days ago by Eliza
Paul England and Avril Jackson sold us our spa and have been fantastic in all areas of sales and set up. They have been so helpful and even gave us a free upgrade when the delivery was 1 day late (due to floods in NE NSW). I have spoken with Avril on many occasions now, and Avril is the P.A. for the company. She has been so helpful and when she was unable to answer technical questions, she referred us to people who could. Paul has also contacted us regarding follow up and to check everything is OK with our spa. Thank You for everything - we now have a fantastic spa at a huge reduction (almost $10k OFF the RRP).
4734 days ago by [email protected]
I was surprised to read the unsigned first report as i have no recollection of who this person could be and i deal with most customers and i certainly do not abuse any customer at any time. I answer the phone to customers 24/7 and do my best to problem solve and answer any amount of questions.
One should remember that there are two sides to every story also.

for the record paul has been operating under Southwest Spas and Sunseal Spas for as long as i have worked for him which is 8-10 years. Bahia spas is my email address at is not a company name but simply my email address and it simply comes about as many years ago i used to sell just one spa for the company which was named the Bahia Spa!
In regards to customers being required to pay 50% of the purchase price at time of ordering this is because we need to also pay 50% of the cost at time of ordering and then in full before the container leaves China as any impoter would know. However the customer is not required to pay the balance until the spa lands on Australian shores. The spa is priced to sell and customers get a quality spa with Australian parts and control systems for half of what most other suppliers are selling the same thing for . Two year warranties are supplied and after sales service is excellent. We anser phones 24/7 and often early in the morning and late at night.
We sell 350-400 spas a year and so if one customer was not happy with our service ( because they wanted to cancel) I think the majority would be more than happy with their purchase and service recieved.
At the end of the day no shop or sales person or business or supplier is going to be able to please everyone...but we as a company certainly try! Avril
4734 days ago by Southwest Spas
To User464936

Why dont you post your name and address so at least if you were genuine the company would know who you are.

Once you place an order and pay a deposit by law in australia you are committed to complete the purchase.

Like Avril said. Sunseal garden spas t/a Southwest spas have been selling spas in australia since 2003 and sold over 5000 spas arround the country. .

Any questions you are invited to call.
4734 days ago by Southwest Spas

See transcript of all emails of this rude client. Ordered a spa in late November for half price, she lives in Perth, we are Sydney and wants the spa yesterday when she knew the spa was in transit from china. The client never paid $2000 deposit. She wanted to pay when the spa arrived in Perth. We don't release goods until paid in full. The client wanted to cancel. She had not read the terms on our website. Every email was answered ( see times ) The client was under the impression that she could cancel the contract after she had paid the deposit and ordered.


From: "Stampfer, Kerry" <[email protected]>
To: avirl jackson <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, 5 December 2011 11:58 AM
Subject: RE: Spa order cancelled.
Hi Avril – when the $1000.00 is deposited in my account I will tell you why we cancelled.
Can you please email me when you have completed this transaction.
Thank you
From: avirl jackson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 1:44 PM
To: Stampfer, Kerry
Subject: Re: Spa order cancelled.
Hi Kerry
I was surprised to see that you had cancelled  your order for the Californian Spa Series 2.
Why was this? Because you were reluctant to pay any more of a deposit? I did apparently make a mistake by taking a lesser deposit but i knew the spas were on their way and would soon be here and did not think it would be an issue at the time. If you bought it on ebay then people paid in full at the time they ordered. Via our website or phone we were just taking $2000 deposits with the balances due and payable 7 days before the spas arrived here. In regards to ebay buyers pal pal protection was in place for them but paying by credit card you do get the same protection via your financial institution. The spa was half price and a truly good buy at that price. It is now back to its normal price which is still a good wholesale deal but nothing as good as it was.
My instructions are to refund your deposit which i will organise for you.
Avril Jackson
Southwest Spas
1300 658 771

02 8005 6081 OFFICE
From: "Stampfer, Kerry" <[email protected]>
To: Paul England <[email protected]>
Cc: avril jackson <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 3:23 PM
Subject: RE: Spa order cancelled.

Okay - thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul England [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 12:20 PM
To: Stampfer, Kerry
Cc: avril jackson
Subject: Re: Spa order cancelled.


we can refund on the card you paid
The deposit with.

Kind regards

Paul England

On 02/12/2011, at 2:13 PM, "Stampfer, Kerry"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Thanks Paul for being so prompt.
> The original deposit was paid via Visa credit card.
> Thank you
> Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul England [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 12:13 PM
> To: Stampfer, Kerry
> Cc: avril jackson
> Subject: Re: Spa order cancelled.
> Hi.
> How was the original deposit paid?
> Credit card or eft?
> Thank you.
> Kind regards
> Paul England
> 1800071444
> On 02/12/2011, at 1:56 PM, "Stampfer, Kerry"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> As per phone conversation with Paul England this morning when Paul
>> agreed to a full refund of deposit paid on the 25th of November.
> Please
>> deposit $1000.00 in the below bank account by COB Monday the 5th of
>> December.
>> Account details:
>> KA Stampfer
>> BSB 086-288
>> Number: 577242258
>> Kerry Stampfer and Marti Davy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stampfer, Kerry
>> Sent: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 12:41 PM
>> To: 'Paul England'
>> Cc: 'Avril Jackson'
>> Subject: RE: Spa order.
>> Paul - Avril accepted the order and agreed to a lesser deposit (see
>> attached email) contrary to the terms conditions on the website given
> my
>> apprehension to pay such a sizable deposit when the spa has not even
>> left China and a delivery date was not formalised.
>> Kerry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul England [mailto:[email protected]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 9:50 AM
>> To: Stampfer, Kerry
>> Cc: avril jackson
>> Subject: Re: Spa order.
>> Kerry.
>> Since yesterday we have been advised by the factory that there is a
> one
>> week delay in the Sydney container. It arrives one week later than
>> planned.
>> There is a container arriving in Melbourne also so we will try to get
>> the spa to you as quick as possible but we can't promise pre
>> at this stage.
>> The spa will leave us but it takes at least 7 days from sydney or
>> melbourne to get to Perth.
>> As per our terms on the website the minimum deposit we require to
>> the spa is $2500.00.
>> Kind regards
>> Paul England
>> 1800071444
>> On 29/11/2011, at 11:40 AM, "Stampfer, Kerry"
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Paul - Avril emailed me that the spas were arriving on the 6th and
>> 15th
>>> of December and it was highly likely that they would clear customs
> and
>>> be sent to WA prior to Xmas - is this not correct?
>>> Kerry
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Paul England [mailto:[email protected]]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 9:24 AM
>>> To: Stampfer, Kerry
>>> Cc: avril jackson
>>> Subject: Re: Spa order.
>>> Kerry.
>>> The spa arrives 18/12/2011 into sydney. We have allocated your spa
>> from
>>> this shipment.  They have to clear customs and then we on freight.
>>> The problem is you are in Perth
>>> And there is every chance you will not receive the spa until after
> the
>>> Christmas  holiday.
>>> All orders that are in Melbourne, Sydney and SE Queensland will get
>>> delivery pre Christmas.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Paul England
>>> 1800071444
>>> On 29/11/2011, at 11:00 AM, "Stampfer, Kerry"
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Paul for the email. We have already ordered a Californian
>>> series 2 with Avril and she is looking after us, however, re your
>>> comment below about pre Christmas delivery is it possible that you
>> have
>>> in stock and can arrange a Californian spa series 2 before Xmas?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Kerry
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Paul England [mailto:[email protected]]
>>>> Sent: Sunday, 27 November 2011 9:05 AM
>>>> To: Stampfer, Kerry
>>>> Subject: Re: Contact Form
>>>> Hi
>>>> Thank you for your interested in our range of spas,   as may know we
>>> currently have 2 spas on special offer and I thought I would follow
>> up.
>>>> Do you have any more questions ? 
>>>> Prices
>>>> Family spa series 1. $2990.00
>>>> Family spa series 2. $3990.00
>>>> Californian spa series 1 $3990.00
>>>> Californian spa series 2 $4890.00
>>>> As you many of gathered our spas are at least 50% lower in price
> than
>>> most other spa dealers, this is due to the fact we do not have
>>> showrooms, high overheads, commission sales people, and we don't try
>> to
>>> make high profit margins. 
>>>> The spas we sell are really NO different to any other spa
>>> manufactured. In fact the electronics of the spa of made by an
>>> Australian company "spanet" and have service technicians located all
>>> over Australia.
>>>> We still have some spas we can deliver pre Christmas, so if you are
>>> still keen please do not hesitate to contact me or call 1800071444.
>>>> Kind regards.
>>>> Paul
>>>> 1300 658771 or 0295227223
>>>> On 22/11/2011, at 3:32 PM, Custom 2 <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Name: kerry stampfer
>>>> E-mail: [email protected]
>>>> Telephone: 0434562359
>>>> Comment: how much would you charge for shipping to Rocks WA?
4660 days ago by Amahdavi
hi - did you get your deposit back? I paid him a deposit too and seems that his company no longer exists! I am in Uk. Do you have any contact number from Paul England please?
4634 days ago by Wardy
Hi Paul and Avril, I have left you over 15 voice to text messages as this is the only number i have as well as emailing you with no reply. I ordered and paid $900 for a replacemnt spa cover on the 18th march 2012. Avril you were going on holidays for 2 weeks and said you would order it.When I rang you three weeks later the cover had been lost between Melbourne and Sydney you were chasing it up and getting back to me .This is when I left these 10 second text messages and now all numbers are not in service. Could you please contact me as I don't like finding your info on these scam websites and you both seemed quite descent and I have had no problems with our spa in general. Where abouts is your shop as we are prepared to come to Sydney to pick up the cover, as the Taren Point shop has closed down 18 months ago. Thank you. K Ward [email protected]
4592 days ago by Unhappywelshman
Hi, I'm in the UK and my SPA has a major crack in the base - 'new' UK distributor wash their hands of it saying old company went into liquidation. Same company name, same town - maybe it's just a coincidence...

Main point is I tried to claim on Manufacturers Shell warranty - I have to pay to ship it to the states where they will inspect it and 'if' it's faulty I'll have to pay 50% for a new one plus the costs to ship back to the UK and import taxes.

This warranty I assume is the same for all their spas - so it you live outside california that it's a worthless warranty - buy from a company who gives a worthwhile warranty to save yourself all the trouble.
2671 days ago by Slingray
These guys are now operating in Australia under "Spas Direct".

I purchased a Jacuzzi from "Spas Direct" $6, 990.00 paid in full via credit card on 07/06/2017 and was told the Jacuzzi would be delivered once renovations had been completed. Several weeks past and when I attempted to arrange delivery I was ignored. I attempted to contact the company via phone, email and their web site. On 01/10/2017 I threatened to cancel the order when I was finally contacted by the company and told Delivery would be made. A further 4 weeks have past and again I'm being ignored when attempting to arrange delivery.

They are very active on Facebook under "Spas Direct Australia" and they use email address, mobile only phone numbers and do not return calls, emails or answer their web chat if they realise they can't take money off you or if they owe you a Spa.

I'm now dealing with Fair Trading, my financial institution (thank goodness I paid with a Mastercard) and spaking with a solicitor for a Tribunal appearance.

CONSUMER WARNING, try a reputable supplier.
2599 days ago by 66rose
How dare this company act in this manner.
We have had nothing but trouble from the time we handed over our money.
Really wish we had never heard of Spas Direct or Paul Warren England !!!
Spa took 13wks for us to collect.
Threatening with void warranty if we spoke out.
Abused by staff and contractors.
Lied to repeatedly.
Ozone Unit doesn’t work
Knobs are broken.
And our business has been attacked
What a disgusting company, in my opinion !!!

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