Stevens Transport |
Stevens Transport Scam Artists Ripping Off Truckers Dallas, Texas |
22nd of Nov, 2010 by User496855 |
Thinking about working for Stevens Transport? Don't!!! I worked for these professional scam artists for 2 years and it's the worst mistake I have made in the trucking industry. They recruit new trainees for their truck driving school in Dallas,etc. and shaft you for about $6K while they have Uncle Sam paying for the schooling. Nice Scam, very profitable. After school, they pay you $350/Wk during training. After that they apply a tremendous amount of pressure to lease a truck from them. Even Bigger Scam, even more profitable!! Under their lease you end up with a truck payment of $600 to $800 a week, not a month, a week! After they screw you for insurance, maintenance,escrow, Qualcom,etc; you end up paying about $4000 a month for a crappy, beat-up, very poorly maintained 3 year old truck. You can buy the exact same model truck, decently maintained for $30K anywhere(T2000 KW) and pay under $1000 a month.
Also, They do not report your lease to the Credit Bureaus correctly. They only report to 1 bureau, not all 3( Legal but they lie to you about it) and they do not report how much your high lease balance was. They only report your high credit balance as 1 monthly payment. This will screw up your credit badly and they do it on purpose to prevent you from finding a job with a reputable trucking company or purchasing a truck on your own. Stevens claims its legal because they have a "walk away lease". After you walk away they shaft you for $3,000 in maintenance fees so they steal all your money in escrow. Also they put negative information on your DAC and will not remove derogatory entries. You end up making a ton of money for Stevens, but hardly any money for yourself. Please, do not go work for Stevens; there are a lot of reputable trucking companies out there that will hire you and not rip you off. |
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