Bryant D. Jennings, The gay who owns STARTECH Computer shit of Lake City, Florida had talked me into buying a used Dell Laptop with the partial money from a sale of an other computer he had sold me (and would not repair after it malfunctioned). I paid a total of $310. Some was cash, $50 was from the previus purchase & the rest was billed to my credit card. On the way home from his shop, the laptops' cursor began to wander uncontrolingly. I returned it within 2 weeks to be repaired. When I picked it up 2 weeks later, the battery compartment broke and I returned it again for repair. He called to say that he did not have the parts to fix this problem & I was to put some tape around it! When I finally got my laptop back, I had problems with the unit constantly shuting itself off and, eventualy it locked up all together!! Needless to say, I wanted a replacement, refund or to say the least...a sufficient repair job. Bryant D. Jennings refused to honor his own verbal 90 day warranty to me. He said 'I had made a bad decision purchasing those devices', (or something to that effect). He simply refused to give me my money back and has even kept the lap top in his possession!!! To top this off, I had bought some HDMI & AUDIO cables from him to interact my system to the TV (That never fit properly & were hense, never used) and he won't give me my money back for those either!!! I have FILED A REPORT with the BETTER BUSSINESS BUREAU of Northeast FL as well as the FL Dept of CONSUMER SERVICES. They both have inquiered but, did not take action. You have got to tell everyone you know that you have heard this! DO NOT trust this gay, eer guy! Bryant D. Jennings was dishonest to me. He took my money and then kept the equiptment he refused to repair!! He is a liar & a cheat. Go to his shop and see the big white cadalac he hides from everyone behind his shop. I have heard he cheated at least one of his employees and even a 90 year old Grandmother for $1000.SS of dollars!! Being gay is one thing but lying, cheating and stealing is an other. I personaly, will pray for this. (won't you?) NT ROMANS 12:20 |