starseeds.net is all about control & manipulation Internet |
29th of Oct, 2011 by User740901 |
I write this post in support of other posts bringing up this website www.starseeds.net I have had first hand experience of the control & manipulation of the web master & her band of deceivers. I joined starseeds.net to bring my messages of self empowerment to spread the word of working on yourself to clear & cleanse yourself of negativity & to break the mental control this planet has upon it. Though all the misinformation manipulation deceit & confusion also I touched on topics like Ascension & i put posts up on this & the control & manipulation here on Earth. Well let me tell you this was met with huge resistance from the owner of the site she goes by Angel of Light now but has had many names one of the latest being Lady Yshtar. All I ever promote is self guidance & encourage self empowerment. Her & her band of admin staff aka the deceivers came down hard on my views trying in a nice way of course so it's not so blatant to dis-credit me & pass it off as proper gander. But as their tactics weren't working & many people were seeing my pure intensions & supporting the message. I was exposing control manipulation & misinformation & encouraging people to break free & providing helpful methods to archive this. The web master of the site terminated me as I was bringing people to realize to follow themselves. Now let's look at this individual known as Angel of Light first off a true Angel from the angelic realms wouldn't out right promote they are any such a thing in a public arena. Spirit from the higher angelic dimensions work undercover with no need for gratification. Also she promotes Earthly destruction & her being one of the saviors not humans saving themselves. She claims she stopped comet Elenin from hitting Planet Earth. These are all beliefs coming from her Ego not divine knowledge at all. If you have been on this website & seen the posts it seems to be nothing but self indulging story's misinformation & things that are meant to steer us away from the real issues of making this world a better place. Please people don't be sucked into this website it's set up for her to have followers for her own Ego & to misinform & mislead you down the path that she lights for you. Also I have heard of certain subliminal messages on the sites web page. where I tend to agree as I feel much more clear headed & not as confused after being off the website. I will provide a photo of her & you tell me if this looks like a Angel sent here to help humanity. Look deep into her eyes the window to the soul. I hope I can save someone from joining this horrible website. Love Nick. |
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