Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services - blackmailing psychics Singapore, Internet
28th of Oct, 2011 by User537230
I am one of the psychics who got reviewed on for a bad psychic reading. I ignored it and today I got an email from a person saying that the forum was closed and that if I wanted to get bad review removed then I would have to pay $500 USD. They told me that I must donate it to the paypal button on the forums. I am not going to pay this and I want everybody to know that this is just a big blackmail scheme to get other psychics to pay money to get forums deleted. I will not be intimidated. When I saw that the forums were closed they now direct to a new forum called that is open for registration. People looking for a real psychic should know that we are out there and that people do try to scam us too. Some of the forum accounts are obviously the same person posting (you can tell from the dates) and others are real people. But they are using you and your reviews to blackmail real psychics and making some bad reviews up. I did some investigating and found reviews of and this person Aslinda Jambari showed up in google searches with her husband named Zulkiffli Bin Salim who has the same name as someone on the wanted list by the FBI. So I do not know if this is some kind of organized crime thing but I am going to the police just in case. You can't threaten and blackmail legitimate tax paying businesses and get away with it.
4862 days ago by LLL
A psychic being blackmailed? What a shame, it sounds like you were exposed or banned from that forum and now you are trying to discredit them, way to go!
4861 days ago by Jaime
its a website selling ebooks about the illuminati and LOA and other conspiracy theories of course the forum is a scam

not to mention it has a whole section for supposedly real psychics

stay clear of any website that claims to have real psychics

"oh no those are fake but hey this one is real hey you should wire me money here"

obvious scam don't be stupid
4850 days ago by Maggie Fr.
I am a member of SPS Reviews forum and have been for over a year. Previously it was titled Spells Scams Reviews. I stand behind it 100 percent. It is just consumers sharing their experiences. There is no promoting, or bribery of any kind. If someone comes on advertising they are banned. We all agree NOT to do that when joining. That's different from sharing our truthful experiences, both good and bad. This poster is blantantly fabricating things.

Hope, the owner/founder works tirelessly to make and keep the forum a safe and ethical forum. She would never bribe or in anyway insist on any payment, or guide someone to a particular spellcaster or psychic. Now that we have changed servers a donation link is set up just for those who would like to contribute. It's strickly voluntary and just to offset server costs. Thanks to her and to the many contributors many have been saved money and research time.

No one is selling anything on the forum, no ebooks, no anything. No one is asking for money. "Aslinda Jambari" is not even close to her name. The owner's name is Hope and from The U.S. One should be able to tell the original poster is a scammer. These lies are ludicrous.
4848 days ago by Singingbreeze
I am a member of the SPS Reviews forum and where I usually will not call someone a bold face liar, the term is warranted regarding the complaint against this forum. This forum is made up of every day people who have been ripped of at some point by a psychic or spell caster. This forum EXPOSES those who would pray upon a person while in need. I have never been asked to give a donation, nor has ANY one contacted me offering services. What you will find on this forum ... HONEST REVIEWS. Yes .. everyday people telling of their experiences with one or the other. I have posted a negative review of a caster... HE WAS A FAKE AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE OTHERS RIPPED OFF. Is that wrong? Perhaps to those scammers out there.
4848 days ago by Latinoguy2013
it is a lie spsreviewforum is not a scam and they do not endorse any psychics nor they are one them selfs. They just give u reviews about psychics and scams. The person dat did this report is probably a scammer him self trying to make this website look bad so he can go back to doing what he does best being a scammer.
4806 days ago by Shirley1
There is a new psychic scam called the Spells Psychics Spirits Review Forum

This is a forum claiming to expose scammers but in fact promotes psychics, has FAKE members, deletes threads and will ban you if you post a claim contrary to one of their "approved psychics." Most of these are sellers of "spirit objects" and psychic readings on eBay.

The tagline of the website is "Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners." Very telling.
Let me start by saying if you are claiming that some psychics are "real" while others are "fake" then you are already part of the scam.

The basic problem with this ridiculous site is that it seems to make the absurd assumption that there are real psychics. That assumption tells you one thing, the site is a complete and utter fraud.

Of course they state that they try to find the frauds but, of course, what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This Hope (the admin of know there are no psychics at all and has found a pretty unique way to get attention to her/his scam artists.

People who are deluded by psychics will no doubt fall for this new trick, but people who have a lick of brains don't need a web site to seek out the frauds, they know for a fact that psychics are ALL 100% frauds so they don't need anyone to help them find the bad ones, they are all bad.

BEWARE: promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

Many people lost a lot of $$$ to and

Copyright infringement notice:

Go to the forum (registration to this forum is free) and if you find any unauthorized use of YOUR content on, whether in whole or in part, is an act of copyright infringement!

You can report this to the forum host BlueHost.Com if you find copies.
4806 days ago by LLL
I am Hope, owner and founder of the (former

This report is part of a defamation campaign started against me and my forum by a group of scammers exposed on the forums.

We have been bullied and harassed by this group for the last few months.

Anyone interested in reading about all the fake reports and lies about us, feel free to visit the forum, we have a topic with the links to all the reports I find.

The accusations go from ridiculous to risible, so far they claim the forum is run by a "group psychics", Hope blackmails physics, Hope spam email accounts, Hope steals personal information, , Hope deletes posts, Hope bans members, Hope extorts members, Hope charges for referrals, Hope is a member of an organized crime, Hope is a psychic in Singapore, a woman in India, Hope is from UK, Hope is associated to psychics and spellcasters, Hope owns spellcasters sites, Hope invents fake casters, Hope promotes sites, Hope is another scammer, Hope is vindictive ... and the list goes on and on, when all that Hope does is to make it possible for members to EXPOSE SCAMMERS LIKE YOU, making up lies and fake reports about Hope and the forum is not going to make us go away.

Last month they sent an email to the spallcasters and psychics discussed and exposed on the forum instigating them to file reports against us, this email says it all:

You have been featured on the websites and
These websites are run by a group of psychics. You may have been unfairly accused of being a psychic scammer. These forums are themselves, in fact, scams attempting to defame you and steal business from you.
If you would like the whole world to know that they are scams you do have recourse. You can post, for free, that they are scams on one or more of the following websites: ( I did not get the links, but I am sure they point to the reports mentioned above)
This is worth your time. It will only take a second to do so. And it will ensure that when people search for one of these websites that they hear your point of view. It will ensure that when people search for "spsreviewforum" for example that they do not take the negative reviews about you as seriously.
Google "spsreviewforum" and see what I mean.
Your Friend,
A Fellow Psychic

This email explains the reason behind this defamation campaign, they cannot shut us down, therefore they need to put us down.

To keep the record straight, Hope and the are NOT associated with any spellcaster or psychic, Hope does not endorse any practitioner and does not blackmail or bribes anyone.

Not believing on spells or psychics does not give anyone the right to attack us or call us scam, please respect our beliefs the same way we respect yours.

Most members are very happy to find the forum; we help and support each other, we bring awareness on scams and expose scammers, feel free to join the and see for yourself (scammers are not welcome)

Hope it helps

4776 days ago by JohnDiaz757



[email protected]


[email protected]


Yaya Maria is a proven fraud and charlatan, she is not an authentic "High" priestess of Palo Mayombe or Orisha traditions we have confirmed this with authentic priests of these faiths that have reviewed and said it is Taboo for women to be "High" Priestess's in these African Traditions,

she also fails to explain her lineages or authentic information on her fake website.

She was never really initiated as a priestess...

she ripped me off for $2, 000 and many of my friends for thousands of dollars thinking that she was authentic and referred by her business partner "Hope" from the which is a scam website who i actually think is her/him they are a scam team that scams people.

after having no results from Yaya Maria for several months and asking for my money back she disappeared and did not reply back ever again she lists herself Anonymous and no phone number listed which makes her seem even more illusive and scam oriented, i called Miami Dade Police and filed several criminal police reports and they are investigating this scam artist Yaya Maria right now they have her location from contacting her ISP and website registration along with her Ebay accounts and Paypal and are going to be investigating this further with all the people she ripped off, the Dade County Prosecutor is going to be serving Yaya Maria the court paperwork and warrants to appear before criminal court, since she ripped me off for over $2, 000 and my friends for thousands of dollars this crime has become very serious, so before you pay her one dime STOP! and look for someone else to help you if you spiritually, she is a proven liar, con artist scam artist.

everyone found out that she was a fraud, fake charlatan exploiting the religions of Palo Mayombe and Santeria with no legitimacy to these religions and in the religious community she is being pursued and will be handled spiritually. many priests have told me they will do something to bring her to justice for FREE, these kind of people are looked at very badly in the Santeria and Palo Mayombe Community because they give these good religions a bad name by these scam artists trying to rip people off, they are NOT all like this, most of these priests are excellent people and legitimate, often there are charlatans that are trying to rip off these uneducated people looking for legitimate help

Several people and myself went out on a quest to find out the truth about these religions and i found out from authentic priests who have reviewed her website and information and said ... she is FAKE! she is now known in ANY of the Santeria/Orisha or Palo Mayombe Communities, many of the message boards of Santeria we contacted said she was a fraud.

Orisha and Palo Mayombe Priests usually do not make websites to sell services you can usually tell these are SCAMS when you see this!

Thank goodness i found a Real Palo Mayombe Tata and Yaya to help me in both Orisha and Palo Mayombe Traditions they helped me fix everything, i found a Tata Nganga and Oba Oriete in Orisha Traditions in Miami Florida that are authentic and explained to me about these frauds online like Yaya Maria who is a fake!

in Santeria and Palo Mayombe it was explained to me what makes this person Yaya Maria unauthentic and a fake, so i asked Yaya Maria about her Lineage line, Name of her Munanso Congo, Imitation title and name and who gave her it, and Location along with her Initiation date, name and title and who her God parents are who initiated her, she failed to comply several times and is just waffling to stall until she can make something up that seems credible

she wouldn't provide it to me until several other people also started to questions her about this and then they all asked her these important qualifications and she proved to be FALSE!
she made up some garbage that was all lies and unverified

we contacted several authentic sources and legitimate priests that said she was false.

including the National African Religious Congress and Afro Caribbean studies groups in Puerto Rico who all confirmed that Yaya Maria is a fake and a charlatan, most times these priests do not make websites like this and try to sell services over the phone, in most of these cases they need to be done in person and in front of the alters IN PERSON they dont use websites like she is doing.


Im quoting a legitimate source of Palo Mayombe and authentic Priest who gave me his references to authenticate that this claim that this person Yaya Maria is a scam.

she calls herself a "Yaya Nganga", i did some searching online from credible sources and found out there is NO SUCH level of initiation in the religion of Palo Mayombe for Women and tradition of Palo Mayombe, women are not allowed to be high priestess's and cannot perform ceremonies alone in this religion of Palo mayombe because this is reserved ONLY for a male priest called a Tata Nganga

the word Yaya Nganga means Mother of the sacred alters it denotes a leadership position in the munanso and a high priest position usually the Chief or head high priest of the Munanso (tribal church), a women cannot build these alters, cannot perform the ceremonies alone and cannot initiate new members so how can she have this fake title she made up?

If a woman were to have such a title or position it would mean she would hold the responsibility of the tribe as a chief, leadership position or High Priest, she would not be able to perform ceremonies while she was having her menstruation period even if there was a dangerous or serious issue that needed to be done for the tribe and this would cause a conflict for the spiritual progression of the tribe even possible death or health issues for the tribe because they would need to wait until after she completed her bleeding period to perform necessary sacrificial ceremonial rites, this is the main reason why the duty of high priest has been given only to male priests and why women are not allowed to be Yaya Nganga's or High Priests.

A Priestess with this fake title of "Yaya Nganga" would need to own all the Nganga's (Sacred Alters) herself

(impossible because no Tata Nganga (male priest) would provide a female priest with ALL of the sacred alters alone because of the health and spiritual dangers involved in doing this)

A female Priest would have needed to received an initiation which is called "The Secrets of the Tata's"

... which is ONLY GIVEN TO TATA's (MALE PRIESTS) and validates them as a Tata Nganga and High priest of the religion of Palo Mayombe, women cannot receive this title!

this position is only reserved for the Male Priesthood where ONLY a Male Priest can become the high priest in Both Palo Mayombe and Santeria/Orisha Traditions where the male priests can perform Initiations, naming, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies.

There are many reasons why this is a taboo one of the main reasons is because women have a menstrual cycle and give birth to children, Palo Mayombe deals with energies of the Dead and sacrificial ceremonies, high energies and powerful forces along with mostly sacred ritual ceremonies, Women cannot offer any sacrificial rituals ever and do not have this rite in the religion all of these ceremonies require a Tata or Male Priest in the religion to perform them, simply because women bleed monthly and spirits cannot differentiate the difference of lifeforce energy in them and the spirits it can become unhealthy for a women and create massive problems and even death, it is considered unclean to the spirits for women to touch or perform rituals without a Male Priest present because of this, a women is not allowed alone to posses the Nganga's which are the sacred alters, because a Tata Nganga must perform all these rituals and lead all ceremonies so this Yaya Nganga is lying and a fake charlatan.

there have never been Yaya Nganga's in Palo Mayombe for thousands of years... EVER!.. this is an invention of this fraudster named Yaya Maria who is a complete fake!

it is a complete taboo for women to perform ceremonies alone without a Tata Nganga (Male Priest) in Palo Mayombe which means she is not a high priestess and not a Yaya Nganga, she is unable to provide legitimate ceremonies and cannot even provide information about her lineage line, rama, names and munanso names and locations.

Woman cannot become the high priest in the religion of Palo mayombe and calling herself a Yaya Nganga's is incorrect because there is no such initiation title for women.

this is only reserved for Male Priesthood initiations where ONLY the Male Priest can become a high priest in Both Palo Mayombe and Santeria Traditions where they can perform Initiations, naming, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies in the religion of Palo Mayombe

The reason why is because women have a menstrual cycle and give birth to children, Palo Mayombe deals with energies of the Dead and sacrificial ceremonies Women cannot offer sacrificial rituals ever and these ceremonies require a Tata or Male Priest in the religion to perform them, because women bleed monthly and spirits cannot differentiate the difference of lifeforce energy in them and the dead, it is considered unclean to the spirits for women to touch or perform rituals without a Male Priest present, a women is not allowed to posses the Nganga's which are the sacred alters alone because a Tata Nganga must perform all these rituals and lead ceremonies so she is lying, fake and a charlatan.

i found this out from a real Palo Mayombe Priest that i now work with and became very close with, who explained to me about what is authentic and what is not, he explained to me about the lineage lines, initiations and locations of Munanso Congo's to authenticate who is legitimate and who is not each munanso has a location and name confirmation in its title and from this a "family" or tribe associated with it along with the branch and tribe they are associated with, it also includes the names of the Initiating priests and validates who is authentic and who is not because there are only 7 lineage lines and they must match the locations and family names in order to prove legitimacy .

She has a completely anonymous website, no listed phone number, no address, and SCAMS people using this forum called where her accomplice and partner Hope and Yaya Maria scam people its even a possible theory that they are the same person!

if this person is authentic why the need for such anonymity? hiding ?

Why no information?

Because she is a fraud who scams people and is not authentic!

You decide yourself below is my friends account with both scam sites and who are both working with each other and hosted on the same hosting company

This was an Actual Account by my friend who also got ripped off by Yaya Maria for $1, 837 at :

I got SCAMMED by the "Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum" and

Yaya Maria is a fake and charlatan
they both work together and SCAM PEOPLE!

Hope the founder is illegally performing what is called Racketeering and defamation of character and will be pursued legally along with her business affiliated websites and partners.

98% of the posts on that forum are FAKE ID's made up from Other Psychic websites or herself and fellow administrators psychics she is affiliated with and getting paid from which we could characterize as illegal racketeering and also confirms this.

here is the proof!

Hope the founder of spsreviewforum is a scam artist in connection to psychic websites she is doing advertising for and promoting with her website with a false front negative marketing scam website forum ( that she is using the promote one business and discredit another falsely and illegally, she is blackmailing, defaming, and illegally performing civil and copy right infringement laws with her website against other websites and business's and illegally racketeering for there own groups business's is the main scam site that is associated with and she promotes, this website is an anonymous website that after careful investigation we found out is actually hope's the founder of business partner

Here is the story of facts about aka. Yaya Maria a fake Palo Mayombe priestess and Fake Orisha Priestess

has been unconfirmed and unauthenticated she does not have any of the legitimate information to confirm this on her website and will not post it because she is a fraud... completely non-confirmed that we have confirmed with

legitimate priests that have been contacted since this time and that never heard of this person EVER and said that her lineage line is made up and fake that she invented after we asked what her confirmed lineage was through email and she made up some fake invented information.

she claims to be a Yaya Nganga of Palo Mayombe but in fact there is NO SUCH initiation for women ONLY MEN are Tata Nganga's, women are not allowed this position in the religion of Palo Mayombe EVER!

she cannot perform what she says she can and is illegally scamming people to believe this when in fact she has NO legitimate initiation in the religion of Palo Mayombe or Orisha tradition, after careful investigation revealed this for fact.

she does not have legitimate lineage line or rama of Palo Mayombe and if she claims this why is it NOT listed on her website, why does she not have the name of her munanso congo and rama's listed on her website... the reason why is

because she is FAKE!

there is no phone number or contact information on her website... why? because she is fake!

This was confirmed with several authentic Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priests we have contacted along with the National African Religious Congress an organization that specializes in Orisha/Ifa and Palo Mayombe Priesthoods

and confirms authenticity, which said Yaya Maria ( is a non-authentic priestess and does not have ANY legitimate initiations and is non confirmed or false.

i have been contacted by several people that have been ripped off by and

I was personally ripped off for over $2, 000 and several others for thousands from Yaya Maria who was recommended to several people on spsreviewforum by Hope the founder of who is in affiliation with Yaya Maria ( and later finding out she is business partners with her this is illegal racketeering .

there is now a full legal class action lawsuit in process 14-9742-D Filed against and including ALL the people she recommended and were ripped off by her and the other Psychic websites she defamed while talks negatively illegally performing defamation of character on her on false illegal marketing site business which is performing illegal racketeering and defamation of character illegally just to promote her business affiliated websites

The short story:

Seeking for true and genuine online spellcaster I have found this forum for members to share comments and reviews. I THOUGHT they were the real deal because some members warned me who was "fake" and told me who was "good". Now I know that the forum has many FAKE members who promote few sites and especially one website: a with a fake person named Yaya Maria.

The admin of the forum "Hope" say that any other website is a SCAM which have anonymous registration (except one promoted website which may be his/her own site:

If you take a closer look you see that the domain name is registered just for one year (in case the fake promotion scam will not work longer): USING ANONYMOUS REGISTRATION

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You figure it out for yourself!

On the forum you will find fake recommendations from "Hope" and some other FAKE memebrs for

Re: ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by Hope on Nov 20, 2011

She prepared a good luck amulet for me to keep it in my purse with my money, I still have it with me, I have not won the jackpot, but my finances are getting organized and I stopped throwing money away on psychics and spellcasters, as my spending in that area was out of control, I guess it is working.

Re: ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by Hope on Oct 09, 2010

I just gave her my name dob, i did not give her details of my situation.

Her reading was very accurate and she told me things she had no way or knowing.

She reads with the spirits of Palo Myombe, she also talks about the spirits of Santeria, I think she works both.

Re: ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by mimi1211 on Nov 29, 2010

Hello everybody

I am new to the forum. I have been reading all the comments about yaya so i decide to give her a try. After having so many bad experiences with fake spellcaster online so i start my phone consultation with yaya thinking that she"ll try to sell me something or get me scare to do something right away. I was so surprise during my consultation she told

things that nobody else will know she also tell me to put my energy to get better before trying to get my husband back. She told me that he'll not change but it's my decision if i want him back. This woman tell me things only my family will know about me. It's the best consultation i ever had and trust me i had a lot...

Re: ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by TC on Jan 09, 2011


- great to read your comment lady7728, I've been up and down again lately, waiting to hear from yaya, I hope I haven't done anything to upset our situation - i've been contacting some of the casters that have been popping up in the forum, but really only out of curiosity, they all look like scammers but i get a kick out of contacting them now just to see what kind of crap they will come out with. Yes I totally agree with what you said, Yaya is definitely the one to help us - I hope I

haven't done anything to irritate the situation.

Take a look here, comments from "Hope" the forum admin because of the anonymous registration (on the forum you will find more comments about anonymous registration. Funny no? "Hope" is using anonymous registration as well

on his other site (

by Hope on Dec 05, 2011

This page, as many UK spellcaster pages are violating the terms of Nominet, the UK organization that regulates the uk

whois data, they are opting out their information, but here are the Nominet requirements:

From Nominet

Can anyone opt out?

Only domain name holders that are non-trading individuals can opt out of having their address details published on the


In other words, if you do not use or plan to use your domain name for business, trade (this includes the registration of domain names for monetization purposes, e.g. pay per click advertising etc) or professional transactions, you will be entitled to opt out of having your address displayed.

If you are a non-trading individual and your web site is being used as a holding page by your registrar, you will

qualify to opt out of having your address shown on the WHOIS.

Why going to the trouble of lying to hide who they are? What are they hiding? Has someone spoken with this spellcaster?

real location? real name? The only way to stop scams is to verify the person, it will bring so many down! The email address to report violations is : [email protected], every time I find one violation, I report it, everyone can do the same they have been very responsive.

Finally when I realize that there may be something wrong and I posted some negative comments in the forum the

administrator "Hope" deleted it, and immediately banned me!

When making up your own mind about this issue, it's important to know that this is a website with FAKE psychic reviews.

The reviews are as fake as the psychics they say are so good.

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